Pull Some Numbers From Text

Dec 22, 2006

My Cells contain loads of text like this: ["16733:0:0"] = “Product ID”:1:1:0", now what i need is just the 16733 to be extracted into its own cell, and the Product ID to be extracted into the cell next to it... all other Text can be deleted. The problem is, pretty much the whole of the text changes in each line :-

["12345:0:0"] = “Product ID1”:1:1:0",
["49573:0:0"] = “Product ID23”:4:8:0",
["2649:0:0"] = “Product ID485”:18:23:0",
["9264:0:0"] = “Product ID0473”:2842:2341:0",
["54321:0:0"] = “Product ID85647”:99:199:0",

In the Numbered part of it (the bit I actually need), it would be either 4 or 5 digits long. Im guessing what I need to do is remove parts bit by bit, but for a novice user - Its proving a bit difficult!

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Pull Numbers From Alphanumeric Text

Aug 30, 2007

The title of this thread is the best way I can describe what I wish to accomplish. You see, I have a column of information requests in an Excel spreadsheet, each of which his tagged with an alphanumeric request number, and I wish to sort and/or perform and min/max function on the request identification. However, each ID has a IDR in front of it - for instance, IDR000452 - and the letters make the system read the contents as text. Does anyone know of a formula I can use to create a new cell which contains only the numerical contents of the above example?

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Pull Sets Of Numbers From Text Cell

Jun 24, 2009

how would I go about pulling the three sets of numbers out of the following example:

Detected 2 resets. Imported 16 out of 22 bookmarks.

These sets of numbers could be single, double, or triple digits. I need to find the percentage from the second and third set of numbers in the long run.

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Pull Out The Top Five Most Common Numbers In A Block Of Numbers

Apr 7, 2009

I have a large block of numbers in a spreadsheet and I am wondering how I can look at the whole block and pull out the top five most common numbers. So perhaps the number 4 is repeated the most times, it would be number 1, number 18 might be repeated the second most number of times so it would be in the number 2 slot etc etc.

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Extracting Numbers :: Pull Numbers From Another Column

Oct 24, 2007

I'm trying to pull some numbers from another column. I want to pull the numbers that have an X separating them like 7X125, 48X192, and 27X90.


FA, VF-2000-3-7X125-18-A, AFS
FA, VF-2350-48X192-6-RGB, FC
FA, VF-2020-27X90-18-A,RFI, FEX, ACP, 2IT

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Referencing To Find Pull Numbers

Oct 7, 2009

I want to input numbers into a master sheet by having it referenced to a name. For example; I will be inputting a report on monthly sales, which contains a company name, and then a value. However, this report doesn't always necessarily contain all the companies listed on the master. I want to simply put this report on a page, and have the referencing pull the numebrs to the approriate company on the master page.

In the attachment - I want the numbers from Sheet 2 to be entered into their appropriate match in the Master sheet (sheet 1) - without copy and pasting (becuase in reality, I have 200+ company names and numers I'm dealing with).

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Identify And Pull ONLY Numbers Out Of Cells

Jul 31, 2009

I am working on a spreadsheet in Excel '07 that will pull data from online and reformat it in a way that another program can digest. The last thing I need is for excel to recognize if there is a 6 digit number in a specific column.

This is tricky for two reasons:
1. Numbers come in three different formats, ### ###, ######, and ###.###
2. Sometimes there is also text within the cell, however I need to pull out just the 6 digits, and place them in another cell with format ### ###

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Pull Varying Length Text From Cell Text

Jul 2, 2007

I need to find text within middle of a string.
Character before required text is say AAA
Character after required text is say BBB
Text required can vary in length.
Extract text and place in another column.

All text in a single column, required text not in every line. but
does repeat.

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Formula To Pull Out Numbers And Order Them From Cell?

Oct 3, 2013

In the above pic I need a formula that goes down column B, looks at column A, picks out all the different numbers from column A, orders them lowest to highest and separates them with a comma. The words in column A of course are ignored.

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Vlookup In Reverse To Pull Numbers Off An Array

Jun 20, 2008

I'm using the vlookup function to pull numbers off an array. Is there a way that I can get the vlookup function to pick the smallest number greater than or equal to my Look_up value. If not is there a function that can do that?

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Find Repeating Words In One Individual Cell Then Pull The Numbers Right After It?

Mar 19, 2014

I have a set of data in once cell and its strung out. I'm trying to pull the numbers that follow certain words from that data. That's easy enough with the find and mid function for the first one. But after that I have a repeating word (see below) and different numbers that follow it. So I want to pull the second number string after that word, the third and so on.

I've attached an excel file that explains this better.

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Pull Out Number From Text

Apr 3, 2012

I have two formula i use to pull out the number from text in a cell (J2), the problem i am having is that it will only pull out numbers up to 99,999 and i now have numbers over a million in some case that i need to report on.

I have two way I have been doing this see below, how can i change them so they will pull the number over a million?

I am sure it easy but i have tried all sort and i can not get it to work...




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Pull From Another Sheet And Sumproduct And TEXT

Oct 16, 2007

I have sheet 1 which has titles set up in column A. These titles are pulled from Sheet 2 (same column). I also have a date listed at the top of sheet 1 (in the same row as dates in sheet 2, but sheet 2 contains multiple columns for each quarter). I would like to set something up where if the date in sheet 1 matches the date in sheet 2 it pulls the corresponding values from the named rows in sheet 1. I tried using sumproduct but its not working b/c it wont take TEXT. Plus I want it to search across all of the columns, not just one.

Below is sheet 1 and I would like to be able to pull 1Q08 values from sheet 2 (which contains the values for every quarter). This is my formula (the first part is the date, the second is row titles, the third is the value (although its only pulling from one column, it s/b pulling from all) :


Is there someway to fix this, it would be a huge time saver.
Direct Costs
Gross Profit
Indirect Costs
Stock Based Compensation
Restructure Charge ....................

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Pull A Value (text) From Another Spreadsheet Corresponding With A Number

Nov 11, 2008

I am trying to pull a value (text) from another spreadsheet corresponding with a number. I can't use vlookup because none of them are in a left column. HEre's an example:

there are 2 columns with names and percentages. I am trying to pull a name that corresponds to a certain percentage.

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How To Pull Certain Number From Text String

Jul 16, 2012

I'm trying to pull a specific 10 digit number from a text string. The ID # is always 10 digits however sometimes there are dates in the data that need to be excluded as well as other numbers such as "I-9". The 10 digit number will always start with 1 or 8. Is there a macro or Formula to extract this data? Please find the example dataset below.

Edit: I should specify I want the "100118416" number from the first cell example or the "800011320" number from the 10th example.

NDM Abxx, Kexxxxx 100118416 2-29-12.pdf

VPG I9 Aberxxxxx, Dexxx 100113048 1-1-12.pdf

I-9 Abxxx, Rexx 100119966 4-5-12.pdf

NDM I9 Achxxxn, Paxx 100119008 3-15-2012.pdf

VPG I-9 Acxxxxx, Toxx 100112782 01-01-12.pdf


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Pull Out Text Between 2 Characters In A String

Apr 3, 2009

I'm trying to pull text out of a middle of a long string of data located within one cell. The string is not always the same size and the text I need to pull out is not always in the same spot

For example - in this string

source=google&adgroup=Jimmy Bop (Broad) >>/yes/klingon/GetStarted.aspx >>/finace/success.aspx?

I want to pull out the text "Jimmy Bop (Broad)
It will always be between "adgroup=" and ">>/" (although sometimes the character ">>/" will appear multiple times within the string.

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Pull Part Text From Cell

Aug 8, 2007

Consider the following:

Cell A1 has this text in it:

WT*495*001559369~G3**D1234567**XX**20070626*1740****DHLC*20070807~B4G*RX*1~C32*UDD**UAD~ITQ*05*3****20030711*12~N1*FF*LALALA*25*00802109480~N3*12A46 KRESSASLE

Is it possible to somehow filter, search, find, etc, and basically clean cell A1 so that in the end it has just G3**D1234567?

I made a search macro, but the problem is there is so much text that it takes 2 seconds per cell to do a find. There are 6 columns with 65000 rows. I assume if I clean up each cell and do a "xlWhole" instead of "xlPart" in the find code, it will be much faster.

A1 = WT*495*001559369~G3**D1234567**XX**20070626*1740****DHLC*20070807~B4G*RX*1~C32*UDD**UAD~ITQ*05*3****20030711*12~N1*FF*LALALA*25*00802109480~N3*12A46 KRESSASLE


A1 = G3**D1234567


Note that all rows do have a "~G3**" before the actual number I am doing a search for.

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Pull Left Number From Text

Feb 13, 2008

In a1 i have 100.888 and a2 122.222 and a3 122.555UK,(and so on) in column b i want just want the number and not the uk, i have tried =left(a1,7) which works until a3 then it give me characters 122.555 and not the number/value 122.55. I need it as a value to use the vlookup, how do i do it?

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Pull URL From HTML In Text File

Apr 18, 2008

I have some code that loops through a bunch of text files, finding any that contain an href, and printing that entire line (if found) into excel. These text files are source code for a website. What I need to do, is within this line being pasted, is grab only a few things from within some tags such as the info between <title>This is the title</title> the tags and print it into a colum, I do not want the entire line, just certain things that are in the line. I have supplied the code that I currently have. I have it so that 'WholeLine' contains the entire line. Can I manipulate that with something like Cells (myR, 3).Value = WholeFile(?).

Sub CheckTextFilesForHREFs()
MsgBox "Press OK to begin report"
Dim WholeLine As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim workfile As String
Dim myR As Long

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Pull Out Text Between 2 Symbols In A String Within A Cell

Feb 2, 2009

I have a column of cells that contain a long string of characters....I need to pull out text from this string and put it in subsequent columns. The symbol I am concerned with is >> For example.

If this string is in the first cell in column A:

I would want a formula to return abcd in column b, defgh in column C, and ijkl in column d. >>this is a test>>make it work. in this example I would want "this is a test" returned in column B, and "make it work" ruturned in column C

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Add Same Text In Every Nth Row (Column A) And Pull Other Cell Data Into Same Row B

Jul 10, 2014

Is it possible to make every 17th row column A state the same thing without manually inputting it and then would is it possible to get every 17th row column B to pull certain data from other cells in B and put it together?

Example Column A has First Name, Last Name, and Phone. Column B will have the manual inputs.

Then I add another blank row after Phone for Password. The password will be the last name and last two digits of the phone. Is it possible to do this automatically if the other three fields are filled or does it also have to be manually input?

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Pull Number From Middle Of Text String

Mar 24, 2009

I would like one formula to remove "5206" from this string. I tried a combination of right/left formulas together, but I could not get it to work.


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Pull Text After @ Sign In Email Addresses

Jan 17, 2008

I have a worksheet with a column that contains about 30k email addresses in the following format:


I would like to make a macro to do the following: I would like to pull the company name out (the text after the @ symbol) and put it into the next column, but it needs to remain with the email. I would like to do this with all of the emails on the sheet.

before: john@doe.com

after: john@doe.com doe
jane@company.com company

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Pull Email Address From Text In Cell

Feb 4, 2008

I have about 5000 email addresses located in about 5000 different text areas, some of the text areas also contain 2 email addresses. How could I pull/extract the email addresses out only into its own list? Example;

The lines around the text block represent a field such as A1. Note all the text is contained in box A1.
{ Name: Joe }
{Address: 123 Blow St } A1
{Email: Joe123@sam.net }
{Name: Jan }
{Address: 124 Cat St } A2
{Email: J123@nbadd.net }
I need to just get the email addresses pulled out.

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Pull Number By Position From AlphaNumeric Text

Apr 10, 2008

I am having an issue with formatting a cell to 'general'. I have a macro that runs using a formula (i.e. =MID(A12, 18,5)) to extract certain characters from an external data source. I then use only the values of that formula. There then is another macro that compares that value to another value in another worksheet. The issue I am having is when the macro runs, the code is read as ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value...but instead of returning the value in 'general' format, it returns it with what appears to be text (i.e. "75.50" instead of 75.5). This acts as a mismatch since the quotes appear.

I have attempted several things to correct, but even if I try to format-->general it maintains the quotes. The only way it changes is if I click within the cell...then it turns to general (i.e."75.00" becomes 75.5). I am not sure what is the issue.

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Automatically Pull Value From Assigned Cell Into Text Box In Graph

Jul 23, 2014

I am creating a series of charts that all include a text box containing "(N=[value])", with different values in each instance, but with each N value listed as a total frequency in each table. I am creating hundreds of these, so if there is a way to automatically pull the correct N value from a cell into the text box, it would make this faster. I have written simple functions in excel tables but have no experience with VBA/macros.

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Pull Specific Word From String Of Text In Cell?

May 16, 2004

I need to pull a specific word from a string of text in a cell and have that word shown in an adjacant cell. For example A1 will contain the text "Smith Sun Alliance Pension Fund" I need B2 to show "Pension". I cannot use any filtering or text to columns as the word Pension can be anywhere within the text in A1 and I have thousands of entries. So I need a function.

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Pull Data From Specified Place In Text File To Cell

Dec 25, 2009

i need away that will give me the way to pull data from specified place
in txt file to A1 cell in excel sheet3

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Pull Down Menu Text Selection Linked To Other Cells

Jul 17, 2006

When selecting from a list of text items in a pull down menu in a cell how can you link that change to other cells to effect a change in them. An example would be if the pull down menu was in cell A1 and as a result of the text selected to be shown in A1 resulted in a need for the text in C3 to be changed as well as the formula in cell D3 to be change which will result in a numeric answer in cell D3. Not all of the choices in cell A1 will require that the text and formula be change in cell C3 and D3.

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Macro To Pull Text File- Format And Save

Jun 29, 2007

What I am looking to do is create a Dos.bat file to be run in the middle of the night that opens Excel. From there I will need Excel to open a .txt file from a specific folder, format the file, then re-save as an .xls file.

Each of the .txt files in the specific folder is named like the following:

and a new file is being generated to the folder each night (with the new date in the filename).

Is there a way I can use the macro to loop through only the new files being placed in the folder, since the old files will already have their .xls counterpart saved ???

If this is not a clear enough description, please let me know and I will attempt to explain better.

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