Random Numbers Generated Without Repeating

Sep 7, 2006

In my worksheet in column CC in C1:C20 I want Excel to ganerate 20 random numbers between 1 and 80 without repeating the same numbers.

At present I have the following formula entered and it works, but after I click F9 some repeated numbers are generated.


How can I change the formula or replace it?

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Fix Random Numbers Generated With RAND

Oct 9, 2007

Is there a way to control the number generation. I would like to be able to run different scenarios with the same set of random numbers, then regenerate the random numbers and do it again. Right now every time I do anything in the spreadsheet, I get a new set of numbers.

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Display Random Numbers As Generated On UserForm

Jan 28, 2008

I have developed some VBA code which produces a 'lucky number' using the RND function. The final number is produced by concatenating three individually generated random numbers between zero and 9. When the code is written in a Module, I can display each number as it is generated, by 'pausing' the macro with a For Next loop.

I have now developed a similar application using a MultiPage Userform, but the individual numbers are not displayed when I use exactly the same code. The only way I have found to display each number as it is generated is to use


However the shortest wait time seems to be 1 second, which is too long. I would like to be able to make the MultiPage version look like the Module version.

I attach a workbook which shows both of the above.

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Random Number Generated By % Criteria

Jul 2, 2008

how to use the random number generator to generate unique numbers (1-55) based on the odd percentages in the attached chart.

for example in the chart, chances 1 through 10 are more likely to be generate first rather then the last chance number 55 based on the draft pick odds....

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Random Pattern Is Repeating

Apr 12, 2007

I made a code that automatically checks the date and then compares it to the date of the last save. If it is a new date then the colors of the tabs will randomize. It can also be done manually via a button. The problem is that I have now realized that the colors are always have the same pattern. Every day the first color is an orange color, no matter how many times I randomized yesterday...and so on. Is there a way to make the randomness not have a repeating pattern?

Sub MMVII_4_9_b()
Dim NewDate
If Sheets("Scrappaper"). Range("F2") = Date Then
NewDate = 0
NewDate = 1
End If
'Determines whether it is a new day or not
Sheets("Scrappaper").Range("F2") = Date
'Updates the date
If NewDate = 0 Then
'Does nothing if the date is the same

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Random Number Generation Without Repeating Across Same Row Or Column?

Nov 24, 2011

Been trying to think of a way to get random numbers 1 to 36 generated without repeating in the same column, however also getting it to perform the same opertaion in 9 more columns (B:J) without the same number appearing in the same row.


1 2 5 4
2 5 3 1
3 4 1 5
4 1 2 3
5 3 4 2

Unsure if this is possible, have created a basic script for random number generation but have no clue how to expand across columns.

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Unique Random Non-repeating Names From List

Feb 19, 2007

I have a formula-generated defined list of names. I need to select them in random order without duplication and without choosing any blanks in the list.

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Generate Random Numbers In Random Cells

Sep 18, 2009

I am working on a Random Cycle Count Generator that provides random SKU#s based on 3 separate columns of SKU listings. The user clicks a button to generate the SKU#s to cycle count for that day. What I would like to see is a date stamp in the columns next(B,D,F) to the referenced SKU listing(A,C,E) based on which SKU#s are generated. This will let me see the last date that the SKU was generated. I would also like it to automatically save after generating.

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Rotating List Without Repeating Numbers?

Dec 15, 2013

I need to make a list that has 90 people and each day I need it to pick 4 random people. I need it to keep rotating people daily for the entirety of the monthfrom the first day of the month without utilizing the same people over again. I not excel savy at all so I need it dummy proof

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Sum Up Numbers Connected To Repeating Names?

Nov 3, 2008

I have an excel assignment that has about 4000 orders for wood. I am suposed to find the company that ordered the most wood and of what kind. I am really at a loss for how to do this and have combed over my book quite afew times trying to figure it out. However it has little if any excel info and nor does the ** that came with it outside of how to install data analysis tools. I figure I need to find a way to get excel to combine the numbers together for orders from the same company but after trying for afew hours I have gotten no where.

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AutoFill Column With Repeating Numbers

Dec 26, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that lists numbers in a column. They increase 1 number at a time, however the same number is listed 24 times before increasing to the next. Scaled down to 3 times it would look like this: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, each one of those individual numbers would have their own cell. When I highlight the column and drag down, it starts doing decimals..how do I get it to recognize it? sample.xlsx

I want to drag it down to continue the pattern. Right now, I type a couple of numbers and drag to finish the section.

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Make Serial Numbers From Repeating Names?

Apr 16, 2014

I have repeating 7 names in A column.(Like a name group)

Each group names repeating after a blank(empty) row.

I want to write to B column for each repeating names from 1 to 7 as number value.

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Avoid Repeating Numbers In A Small Range

May 4, 2007

I have three cells in a column. A1, A2 and A3. There are only 4 possible numbers that these can have in them, 0,1,2,and 3. Here is the catch. None of them can repeat, although they can be in any order. And the column may only have data in the first cell or the first two or all three. Is there a simple macro that will alert me to when a number is repeated? It needs to be a macro rather than a apreadsheet function.

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Alert For Repeating Numbers In Separate Columns

Jun 13, 2008

I am trying to do something that is probably impossible, but I figured if anyone could come up with a solution, it would be you folks here at Mr. Excel, so here goes.

I'm trying to set up two columns in Excel 2000; for simplicity sake, let’s just call them Column A and Column B. Each row in Column A will contain a code (a combination of letters and numbers) that represents one of 65 different workstations, and they could repeat multiple times. Each row in Column B will contain a number that represents a specific tool, and there are potentially hundreds of different tool numbers.

What I am trying to accomplish is to have something alert me when any tool number in column B appears alongside more than one workstation code in column A. It would really be nice if something like conditional formatting could be used to change the text to red or something when this happened. I know I can use filtering to accomplish this, but with hundreds of different tool codes, filtering just takes too long.

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Fill In Missing Sequential & Repeating Numbers

Dec 10, 2008

I am busy with a very large dataset +-20 000 records showing the movement data
and I am having problem with inserting missing data: I have columns titled day hour and position, but multiple records for each as data was initally recorded by second. Data looks like this

Day Hour Position
1 2 Z5
1 2 Z5
1 3 Z5
1 3 Z4
1 16 Z1
12 2 Z3
13 0 Z3

What I need to end up with is a sequential dataset running from day 1 to 388 with hours 1-24 of each day. Positions need to be filled in for all data recorded (see above). The big problem is that movements between positions need to be recorded and accounted for i.e if more than >80 of time was spent at the position Z3 then that is the position for the hour.

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Parse Through A Column Of Numbers And Find A Repeating Pattern

Mar 13, 2009

I need a function or VB code to parse through a column of numbers and find a repeating pattern. The column has some initial numbers that do not fit the pattern and I need those returned along with the repeating pattern.

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Generating Random Numbers Or Set Of Numbers Which Add Up To Certain Number?

Oct 24, 2013

I need to generate 8 (random) numbers which should range between 0 to 80 and the sum of those generated 8 numbers should be 80.? How can I achieve this.

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Find Repeating Words In One Individual Cell Then Pull The Numbers Right After It?

Mar 19, 2014

I have a set of data in once cell and its strung out. I'm trying to pull the numbers that follow certain words from that data. That's easy enough with the find and mid function for the first one. But after that I have a repeating word (see below) and different numbers that follow it. So I want to pull the second number string after that word, the third and so on.

I've attached an excel file that explains this better.

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Formula That Creates Unique Number For Repeating List Numbers?

Jun 26, 2013

I need a formula that will add .1, .2, .3, etc. to a repeating list number. See the example below.
Project Work Id



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Index And Match With Repeating Values Without Repeating First Found Name

Apr 20, 2006

sorting data I use in a workbook for athletics. I've really chopped down my workbook for upload, In the worksheet "Leaderboard" I can call up stats for different lifts, and it finds (in this case) the top 5 lifts and the names for the kids that have those corresponding lifts.

My problem is that when two or more kids have the same lift, it will only call up the name of the first instance of that lift. You can see this in the "Leaderboard" worksheet, and the name "Adams, Andrew" appears for both lifts of 75. I would appreciate any help on how to correct this, as I've searched the Internet for weeks now looking for a solution. I've tried experimenting with different things as well, all to no avail.

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Unique Random Numbers Between Numbers

Dec 14, 2006

I have a list numbered 0 to 300. What I am looking for is a formula to randomly select 150 unique sets of two numbers and list them in separate columns for a competition draw and should appear as per the example below


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Unique Random Numbers Between 2 Numbers

Mar 17, 2008

I am looking for a way to create a random order of numbers in a given range. For example, A1:a100 to be populated with a random number between 1 and 100, but not to duplicate, using every possible number within that range. I use the RANDBETWEEN function to generate the numbers, but I cannot prvent them from duplicating.

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Random Numbers (1 To 40)

Sep 9, 2005

What do I need to do please to have a number in a row 1 to 40 as an example below

1,23,9,25,33,40 each row needs to be 1 to 40 but number no more than once
six rows deep yes the other rows can have the same numbers as above or below


=RAND() copied H1:H60

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VBA For Random Numbers?

Apr 6, 2014

How can I use a macro on a button in SHEET 1 to generate random numbers on SHEET 2 as follows?

Cell A1: (1-10)
Cell A2: (1-6)
Cell A3: (1-100)
Cell A4: (1-12)

I've got it working with formulas, but every time I press "DELETE" the random numbers jump to new values.

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Random Numbers ...

Aug 13, 2008

I have had some difficulty searching this on the web, but how would I generate a random number between 1 and n?

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Random Number Between Two Numbers VBA

Jan 3, 2014

I have build a system that needs a lot of random numbers generated to work.

I have used what I thought would work to generate me these numbers like this example:

Lastrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RPlay").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
RPlayerNum = Int((Lastrow - 2 + 1) * Rnd + 2)

This would generate a random number into RPlayerNum variable, based on the list in sheet RPlay, missing off row 1 as the header.

However we have noticed a massive flaw in this code.... It works as long as the excel file is open, each time run it gives a different random number. However if you close the excel file and open it, then run it, it ALWAYS gives the same number first run, every time.

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Generate Random Numbers?

Aug 19, 2014

I am creating an excel spread sheet for a project I am doing, I need to create a daily chart for 6 months of water usage that results in averaging set targets.

I have made a chart with the average uses per day but would like to have daily numbers that average out to what i have but in a random sequence e.g. i have that a shower uses 320 litres per day for 2 people is there a way i can make a chart that says: 300 (a1) 340(a2) 260(a3) 360(a4) etc i need to do this for 180 days with random numbers generated to average the same overall. I dont know even how to generate random numbers.

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Random Numbers Without Macro?

Feb 3, 2014

Any way to make say cells A1 thru A10 produce random numbers from 0 to 9.

I would like to do it without a macro if possible. I also need a button to generate those random numbers. I know this button may make it impossible to not use a macro. If it has to be done with a macro then so be it.

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Summing Random Numbers?

Feb 23, 2014

I have a process that generates the value X in cell A1 randomly. So I can change the value of X in A1 by clicking on F9. I want to sum a sequence of X values. I can do this by manually copying each X to a row of cells and then summing the row values. But that is tedious. Can the summation be done automatically without being regarded as being circuler?

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Generate Random Numbers Between 0-9

Feb 1, 2009

I am trying to generate random numbers between 0 - 9 in ten cells that do not repeat an always include every value 0 - 9 (0, 1, 2, 3, 4,...9). The object is to have the numbers randomize each time. So cells A1:A10 could look like this:


Or, they could look like this:


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