I need to make a list that has 90 people and each day I need it to pick 4 random people. I need it to keep rotating people daily for the entirety of the monthfrom the first day of the month without utilizing the same people over again. I not excel savy at all so I need it dummy proof
I have an excel assignment that has about 4000 orders for wood. I am suposed to find the company that ordered the most wood and of what kind. I am really at a loss for how to do this and have combed over my book quite afew times trying to figure it out. However it has little if any excel info and nor does the ** that came with it outside of how to install data analysis tools. I figure I need to find a way to get excel to combine the numbers together for orders from the same company but after trying for afew hours I have gotten no where.
I have a spreadsheet that lists numbers in a column. They increase 1 number at a time, however the same number is listed 24 times before increasing to the next. Scaled down to 3 times it would look like this: 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, each one of those individual numbers would have their own cell. When I highlight the column and drag down, it starts doing decimals..how do I get it to recognize it? sample.xlsx
I want to drag it down to continue the pattern. Right now, I type a couple of numbers and drag to finish the section.
I have three cells in a column. A1, A2 and A3. There are only 4 possible numbers that these can have in them, 0,1,2,and 3. Here is the catch. None of them can repeat, although they can be in any order. And the column may only have data in the first cell or the first two or all three. Is there a simple macro that will alert me to when a number is repeated? It needs to be a macro rather than a apreadsheet function.
I am trying to do something that is probably impossible, but I figured if anyone could come up with a solution, it would be you folks here at Mr. Excel, so here goes.
I'm trying to set up two columns in Excel 2000; for simplicity sake, let’s just call them Column A and Column B. Each row in Column A will contain a code (a combination of letters and numbers) that represents one of 65 different workstations, and they could repeat multiple times. Each row in Column B will contain a number that represents a specific tool, and there are potentially hundreds of different tool numbers.
What I am trying to accomplish is to have something alert me when any tool number in column B appears alongside more than one workstation code in column A. It would really be nice if something like conditional formatting could be used to change the text to red or something when this happened. I know I can use filtering to accomplish this, but with hundreds of different tool codes, filtering just takes too long.
I am busy with a very large dataset +-20 000 records showing the movement data and I am having problem with inserting missing data: I have columns titled day hour and position, but multiple records for each as data was initally recorded by second. Data looks like this
What I need to end up with is a sequential dataset running from day 1 to 388 with hours 1-24 of each day. Positions need to be filled in for all data recorded (see above). The big problem is that movements between positions need to be recorded and accounted for i.e if more than >80 of time was spent at the position Z3 then that is the position for the hour.
I need a function or VB code to parse through a column of numbers and find a repeating pattern. The column has some initial numbers that do not fit the pattern and I need those returned along with the repeating pattern.
I have a list of colours from A1 to A10. This list may change, get longer or get shorter. In B1 I would like this list to repeat over and over again. but changes. I have attached the list in question, and what I would like it to do.
So to clarify - add a colour to Column A, it will add to the repeated list in Column B.
Got a huge dataset with a list of non-repeating names. For example, among the dataset is about 1,500 names that dont repeat itself in a column. How can I isolate just that list of non-repeating names from that huge dataset?
I have a set of data in once cell and its strung out. I'm trying to pull the numbers that follow certain words from that data. That's easy enough with the find and mid function for the first one. But after that I have a repeating word (see below) and different numbers that follow it. So I want to pull the second number string after that word, the third and so on.
I've attached an excel file that explains this better.
I have a formula-generated defined list of names. I need to select them in random order without duplication and without choosing any blanks in the list.
sorting data I use in a workbook for athletics. I've really chopped down my workbook for upload, In the worksheet "Leaderboard" I can call up stats for different lifts, and it finds (in this case) the top 5 lifts and the names for the kids that have those corresponding lifts.
My problem is that when two or more kids have the same lift, it will only call up the name of the first instance of that lift. You can see this in the "Leaderboard" worksheet, and the name "Adams, Andrew" appears for both lifts of 75. I would appreciate any help on how to correct this, as I've searched the Internet for weeks now looking for a solution. I've tried experimenting with different things as well, all to no avail.
I have a workbook where Sheet 1 Col A is a list of dates. Sheet 2 Col A is a relatively short list of constantly changing names. I need to put this list of names in a repeating fashion in Sheet 1 Col B. Ideally I would like for Sheet 1 to regenerate Col B each time the roster list is changed.
After much searching today I've been unable to find a way to do this. All my searches resulted in some generic looking site looking to sell me some scheduling software.
I have a team of 7 people and I need one person to work a late shift each day of the business week. M-F
I would like a way to have the schedule automatically advance to the next person.
I am using to rotate through different values of 2 variables. The macro was created by a friend of mine 2 years ago so I need to modify it. The macro is quite usable so I hope someone will benefit from it. The problem with it is doesn’t rotate through a range of integers but only from zero to some number. In other words it allows to specify only the right hand of the range through which it will rotate (for example, from 0 to 100 or from 0 to 20 for A). The second issue with it is that it adds a difference number (“dif”, e.g. 3) to the start of the second variable’s range and starts only from there (from 3 to 100 for B). The third issue is that it doesn’t allow to rotate through a third variable (“C”) as you will see in my example. I am working on a task which requires precise definition of the ranges through which the macro will rotate and also the ability to rotate through a third variable. Need to modify it so that all the three imperfections are removed from it? Or maybe there are ready made macros freely available which allow to do just that?
I am using Excel 2011 on a mac. I have a selection of data that lists a repeating code (say group 1, group 2, group 3 etc)and a value (-1,-2.3,3,6 etc) and need to find a quick way group together all the codes and next to that a value that counts how many values who share the same code hold a value greater than -1? I can do this myself in a pivot chat with count totals but my issue is how I can show the number of codes greater than -1.
Attached is an example of the data I want to sort.
I have a list that I need to move to another column without spaces. I have it moving without spaces but it is only one item over and over again. I am using Excel 2010 and that may be my issue. I have attached the exact worksheet and formula.
I did use the solution in a thread by Andy to make a picture or shape rotate. It works perfectly as a standalone. With this I mean all the information on the same sheet as per example in the file 901259.
I'am using it to rotate a dial. The problem is instead of using the value from the sheet itself I link the scrollbar to a cell on a different sheet in the same workbook. There some calculations are done and the value which makes the dial rotate is linked to that sheet. The dial however is on another sheet.
The calculations are almost displayed realtime but the dial is lagging. How would I go about to "solve" this lagging.
I'm using Excel 2007 and I have a reasonable level of experience with VBA coding in normal / object modules, but I have no experience with class modules or events ... so I do not have a good command on what goes into a normal module vice a class module if I want to use mouse events to rotate a chart.
I am looking to rotate a chart ... Since I am not allowed to post a file, I will give the 3D array here:
1.0000 2.0000 3.0000 4.0000
I have placed into a normal module the following code (based on what I was able to pick up from MSDN):
Code: Dim myClassModule As New EventClassModule Sub InitializeChart() Set myClassModule.myChartClass = Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart End Sub
And I have placed the following code into a class module named EventClassModule (also based on what I was able to pick up from MSDN):
Code: Public WithEvents myChartClass As Chart
I want to rotate the chart by using click and drag, and, if possible, I'd also like to be able to zoom in and out via some method (say a mouse wheel event).
In the following link, a guy has done a beautiful job of enabling scatter plot rotation using scroll bars, but I'd like to be able to use mouse events instead:
Say column A has either numbers or text in each cell, I need a macro to only get each number in each cell that is not a duplicate of a number in any previous cell and list each number found down column B.
I'm trying to create a staff rota which will populate a rota randomly when prompted - I have been trying to find some way of connecting the random lists and the staff names, though this has proved difficult (to say the least!). How best to proceed? I'm also fully aware of the possibility that my present design will also double book people (place then on reception and telephone duty simultaneously).
[URL] .... If you take a look at the picture, what I'm trying to do is add the list of Prices up so that I can differentiate the amount received in $ and in £.
I need to add up all the numbers that don't have a $ in front into the 1 cell, and all the ones with the $ in front into another cell.
So the data I put in Is Cells A to D the reast are calculated for me. so for example E2 is looking down column D to see if the number matches the number in A2, If any of them do it will put the name in the corresponding cell in E2 (Or you ca use a different cell if you prefer) so in this case D3=A2 so B3 is the answer also in the cell next to it I need whatever number is the cell next to the answer so in this case C3
1- I have a list full with numbers in a column. And I want to count how many digits are there in every cells. If digit of the number is less than 7, macro will complete it to 7 digits by adding 0 (zero) at the beginning of the number.
Example: A1 = 85468... A1 value is 5 < 7 in this case our number will be 0085468 (total 7 digits)
PS: sometime, when numbers start with 0 (zero), excel delete all 0 value at the beginning of the numbers. Macro should prevent this error.
2- I have another list with 2 columns which arranged in order. I mean: A1=xx1, B1=xx2, A2=xx3, B2=xx4, A3=xx5, B3=xx6... etc. One is at A column, next number in B column.
My request is I want to make this list 1 column as arranged. A1=xx1, A2= xx2, A3=xx3, A4=xx4... etc.
3- Macro will add a new line to the end of the above list with this format: Z00001xxxx
Z00001 is static xxxx is number of the full cells of A column plus 1. It will be 4 digits. If count is less than 4, it will complete it to 4 digits. Example: if there are 15 cells in the list, last line will Z00010016 (15 + 1)