I am currently writing some VBA code to loop through and copy data from Excel file in sub folders into a master sheet of data. There are some 1200 Excel files (these are pre-2007 files), each containing a maximum of 600 lines of data. So far the code works until it gets to around 65000 rows (the old Excel limit). I am using and writing the code in a Macro-Enabled Excel 2007 file.
I am using a Range.Offset call, which is where the error is occurring, to copy in a name basically. What happened right before this was a Range.Copy operation from the old Excel file to a Range.PastSpecial in the new one. This worked fine, and actually went a few hundred rows past the pre-Excel 2007 limit. But when the single cell operation Range.Offset().Value is called next, it crashes with a Application or User-Defined error. The code works some 100+ times through the loop with no problem, and the file that it was working on is no different then the other files.
Is there a limit to how many selections you can include in a named range?
I have a worksheet that is split into several sections using merged cells accross rows. I would like to name most of the cells in a column so i can loop through them, but i can not include the merged cells that cross over it.
If my range is in Column C, it looks something like C2:C5, C7:10, C12:C20 (where C6 and C11 are part of a merged cell). When i name the range, it shortens the selected area.
Is there a limit? Is there another option to naming this very long range?
I am trying to define/name a range in vba. The range will always start in the same place, but as more information is appended to the data set it comes from, the more (or less) rows it can populate. I want to limit the length of the range because I am using it in a data validation drop down list and i do not want to see all of the blanks at the bottom of the list.
Checking the "Ignoe blanck cells" box in data validation did not make the spaces disappear, probably because there is data in an adjscent column that goes much further down the worksheet.
All of a sudden, deleting an entire row has become a calculation too complicated for Excel to calculate. It seems the RANGE of even a single row exceeds 33,000 cells - and therefore I get a warning that this could take a long time. Ignoring this warning does no good - Excel then tells me it couldn't do it. "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data and or close other applications."
In another seemingly related problem, I used a macro to automatically extend my formulas down 15,000 rows. I had hoped that I'd never have to drag down formulas again. But instead, this action created a much larger range of cells Excel now seems to consider "active." That means I can no longer use my scroll wheel, for example, to navigate my 300-row spreadsheet, because the scroll wheel seems to move the cursor up and down as a percentage of the total document length - a length now 15,000 rows long - and whatever percentage of that length each click of the scroll wheel was supposed to cover is now too miniscule to notice.
How do I make this spreadsheet "small" again?
And am I right in believing I should just convert the thing to a table?
I've been using these things called ranges, but I'm not even really sure what they are or how to use them effectively. I want to be able to make the following macro only applicable to the range, of anything below F5,G5 and I5.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("$F:$I")) Is Nothing Then Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" If Target = vbNullString Then Target = "a" ElseIf Target = "a" Then Target = "r" Else Target = vbNullString End If End If End Sub
I am currently using the simple code block below to jump to a cell on another sheet based on a user-inputted value to a cell on the current sheet. Although jump is too strong a word at the moment...walk slowly might be more appropriate.
The problem is that the sheet that contains the target cell hosts a very sizable used range and the FIND function can sometimes take almost a minute before finding and focussing on the required cell.
While I do not believe that a search range below that of sheet level for the FIND() function is possible, the cell that I am looking to jump to resides in a one-column, sorted, dynamic named range (=Bookings!JobID) on the target sheet, so I am sure that it must be possible to find and go the target cell in a much quicker timeframe than that being delivered at the moment. Just can't find something suitable at the moment.
How do I disable a range of cells when a numerical limit is reached?
Here is the scenario:
I have two worksheets, one called “Items” which contains a list of Items and their weight. The other sheet is called “Container” and displays a Type of container in cell B2, the weight capacity of that container (the numerical limit) in cell C2, and a range from B5 to B14 that needs to be filled out by an end user. The items in B2:B14 are chosen using Validation, form the Items sheet. The weight is brought in via a vLookup, and the total weight is calculated as items are added.
My problem is that I have yet to find a way to “disable” any extra cells in B5:B14 once the weight limit is reached, and clear the last cell data was selected for, all without destroying the Validation for the cells in range B5:B14.
I have tried many different things in the Worksheet Change Event, but none have yielded the desired result.
I have a UDF for a lookup_occurrence formula (thanks to Dave), and I was wondering if it was possible to tweak the range it looks at with if statements.
I have a formula like this =Lookup_Occurence(B13, INDIRECT($N$5), 1,1,5) where N5 says exit card 1.
I need it to only look at a certain rows within exit card 1 depending on the value entered in I5.
If value I5 says Period_1 it will only look in rows 12:46.
If value I5 says Period_2 it will only look in rows 48:82 etc.
I believe I need to modify the xl look part of the code with if statements.
Below is the code. I am wondering if I can replace the xlLook line with nested if statements. If I5="Period_1 then rows 12:46" etc.
Function Lookup_Occurence(To_find, Table_array As Range, _ Look_in_col As Long, Offset_col, Occurrence As Long, _ Optional Case_sensitive As Boolean, Optional Part_cell_match As Boolean)
Dim lLoop As Long Dim rFound As Range Dim xlLook As XlLookAt Dim lOcCheck As Long
I am having trouble with one line of this code that I can't figure out how to write correctly. I have set the range, but I need to offset by 10 rows up. My code fails at set rng.
I am trying to create a macro that goes down Column A of my sheet and looks for a string, "Number". When it finds it, it resize (0, 14) and cuts. Then it pastes the array at an offset of (-1, 10) This is what I got so far:
How do I activate four cells to the right of A5 using the offset function. I will need this to operate indivitually for each row so I cant use Range("B5:E5").Select. All I want to do is to merge the four cells to the right of column A
I'm running simulations. Let's say I want to run the "for" loop 100 times. In the 1st iteration I want to copy Range(A1:A10) and paste the value to A31:A40 (this destination range is fixed for each iteration). In the 2nd iteration I want to copy Range(B1:B10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. In the 3rd iteration I want to copy Range(C1:C10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. And so on for 100 iteration. So each time my copied range moves one column to the right.
How do I achieve this in VBA code? Let's say I have defined/named Range("A1") and want to keep offsetting to the right but copying 10 cells in the range as I go along.
for a "dynamic" range name...i like the concept, but my data validation in a cell that references this "dynamic" range name (with the offset function) doesn't recognize all the values in the range
(when i just range name it, the data validation sees all the names, but not all when i use the offset...)
I know how to create a dynamic named range so that no blanks appear in my data validation list but have only ever done this for a list in a column, i.e...
I am designing a form that tracks call times. I have a control "cmdStart" that when clicked will enter the "Start" time in cell A4 and each time clicked will skip a column and enter the next time in cell C4. The same for a control "cmdEnd" that will enter the "End" time in cell B4 when clicked. Then the next end time clicked will go in cell D4. However, when the Start time enters the time in AE4 I need the next start time to start in A6 and do the same in this row until AE6 and then drop down again. The same with the "End" time when it reaches AF6. I think I could write the If and Else for each individual cell, but there must be a more efficient way to do this.
I am using the following macro to format a sheet - I recently added a auto-fill part to it which essentially moves a number from one column to another and autofills it in all the cells until it encounters another number of the same kind in the column it moved the previous number from.
When I try to run this macro it does everything upto the auto-fill part and then gives me error 1004 [the set cell = cell.offset(1,0) ] is highlighted in yellow.
I have a data set that alters each week which means at the moment I have to update the ranges manually each time. I would like to use a dynamic range and think I need to use the Offset and CountIf functions. Both the start and end of the ranges are dynamic. The range is based on grouping the numbers in Column E (LocNo)
What I would like to do or think the way to achieve this is by:
First looking at Column E
Count how many cells are equal to criteria. (CountIf)
offset 5 columns left from the first cell that meets the criteria (Offset -5)
offset X rows down based on how many cells meet the criteria (Offset X)
I've include a spreadsheet spread sheet which 'should' help illustrate the problem showing the ranges I would like and how the data changes each week.
I have data coming into my sheet from an Access file into columns b:l which automatically get covered by a named range which changes according to the size of the data coming in.
What I'd like to create is a named range which includes this original range as well as columns a and m:p. Is this possible using Offset at all?
On top of this my data from Access comes into row 2 and I'd like the named range to cover row 1 too.
If I copy/paste, or drag the fill handle to expand the target range I end up with the same formula and same value in all 100 target cells. I know I can edit each cell to modify the offset -1,-1, then -1,-2 then -1,-3 etc but that's mind-numbingly tedious and likely to introduce error.
There must be a way to have a cell reference another, then copy the formula to adjacent cells and and have the result show the content of cells adjacent to the original source.
I've been trying INDIRECT and INDEX with ROW and COLUMN - but I can't work it out.
I have a problem with an offset match function. What I want to do is look at the value in cell C3 and then match it to a location in a named range and then return the value 8 rows above. The problem is the named range contains non contiguous cells i.e. D10:AE10, D22:AE22, D34:AE34. So if the value appeared in the area D10:AE10 it would return the value in the matching column row 2. How to do this I have tried lots of combinations but they just come out #N/A.