Offset Range Naming

Jun 15, 2006

= OFFSET(CustomerInfo!$A$9,0,0, COUNTA(CustomerInfo!A:A),1)

for a "dynamic" range name...i like the concept, but my data validation in a cell that references this "dynamic" range name (with the offset function) doesn't recognize all the values in the range

(when i just range name it, the data validation sees all the names, but not all when i use the offset...)

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Naming Range By Finding Text And Then Using Offset?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a large file where I want to name about 30 ranges. Initially I had done this using the range addresses and it worked well, but I continue to modify the spreadsheet and add and delete rows, so I need to go back into the code and change the ranges manually. I know there has to be a better way.

What I wanted to try doing was finding some specific text. That text (in all the ranges) is actually one column to the left and 33 rows below where I want to start the named range. Additionally the named range will be a 10 x 33 range. For example, if the data starts in B1, the data to be named will be in B1:K33 and the search title will actually be in A34. Hopefully that's clear...

My original code looked like this:

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="[MyRangeName]", RefersTo:=ActiveSheet.Range("B2:K33")

I was attempting to us the Find function with this code, but I can't seem to figure out how to tell it to look for the text (that would be in A34) and then name the range that would be offset by (-33,1) and then name the entire range.

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Naming A Range In VBA

Jun 6, 2007

I want to use the range in this code that works fine in one work book from sheet to sheet...

But i need it to run across 2 workbooks that are both open at the same time... The data its bringing back will be in a seperate workbook.

Sub zzzz()

c = 3 'Paste Range Return Test
x = Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row 'data source
For a = 1 To x
If Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(a, 3) = Worksheets("sheet2").Range("a1") Then
For b = 1 To 20
Cells(c, b) = Worksheets("sheet1").Cells(a, b)
Next b
c = c + 1
End If
Next a
'Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub

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Naming A Range With Vba

Jan 31, 2007

A userform listbox places names in a column in Sheet2, starting with cell E1 and subsequent transfers from the listbox (which is multiselect) going to F1, G1 etc. There will be between 6 and 15 names in each case.

A seperate textbox is used to assign a number to each multiselection, this number is added to "Div" and placed in row 22 of the column to which the multiselection is transfered.

The text in this cell is used for other things later but I also want to use it to Name the range to which it refers. This name is then immediately used to populate another listbox in the userform, and will be used repeatedly later on in the project.

Here is the relavant snip of code that I have been trying to get to work but I get 'object required' for the ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add.......... line. I did manage to get rid of that once (can't recall how!!) but then the ListBox2,RowSource gave an error.

Set DvNm = Sheet2.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(21, 0)
Set Rngc = Sheet2.Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft)
Set Rngp = Sheet2.Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)

DvNm.Value = "Div" & TextBox1.Value

Range(Rngc, Rngc.Offset(15, 0)).Copy
Rngp.PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues)
Application.CutCopyMode = False

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=DvMn.Value, RefersToR1C1:="Range(Rngc, Rngc.Offset(15, 0))"

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Naming Pasted Range

Mar 26, 2008

After pasting a Range and while the Range is still selected, I would like to Name it. May I have some assistance with the proper statement?

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Naming A Dynamic Range By VBA

May 16, 2006

I am making a simple database worksheet for the junior. The first thing we need to re-define the new "size" of the database to do some future calculations. I write some code in workbook open to initiate the name area:

maxrow = 0
maxrow = Range("a7"). CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Range(Cells(8, "N"), Cells(maxrow, "N")).Name = "tbl_left"

when the junior re-open the workbook after closed, the size of the database
does not growth to a new area even junior add rows of data before close. It seems the currentregion does not work, I've tested it in VBE by press " F8".......

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Naming A Selected Range

Mar 15, 2007

I am trying to name a selected range in VBA in order to use it in a vlookup table. Code I have so far is as follows:

ActiveSheet.Name = TextN
Range("c9"). CurrentRegion.Select
Call formatting
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name = "formTextN", RefersToR1C1 = Worksheets(TextN) & "!" & "r9c2:r45c13"

The formatting works, but the selection does not get named.

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Dynamic Range Table Naming

Oct 12, 2013

I am having a hard time creating my ultimate gradebook. Right now, I am able to hide a SPECIFIC table on a SPECIFIC worksheet using the following code on a macro button:

VB : Sub HideRow()Range("Table2[#All]").EntireRow.Hidden = True End Sub

The problem is that this sheet will be a template and as a new user inserts a new sheet, I would like to copy and paste this template to each new sheet. Since the Table values change with each new sheet, code wont work on the new tables. How I can name each new sheets table "Class Data", and the macro button to hide will work on each respective sheet?

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Naming A Range Begining With A Number?

Jan 22, 2009

Is there a way to name a range beginning with a number? It doesn't accept it. Is there a way around this? range name examples: 2DBSUS 3DBSUS

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Naming A Range Of Variable Length

Feb 5, 2007

I have a range of data starting in C18, C17 is a label (DivsUsed) the number of rows can range from 1 to a few hundred.

I used the code below to name C18 onwards as a named range with the name DivsUsed and then to use this as a RowSource for a ListBox.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

Dim rangeToName As Range
'Sheet2.Range("C18", Range("C65536").End(xlUp)).Name = "DivsUsed" Tried this too
Set rangeToName = Sheet2.Range("C17", Range("C65536").End(xlUp))
rangeToName.CreateNames Top:=True
ListBox2.RowSource = "DivsUsed"
TextBox2.Value = Sheet2.Range("F2").Value 'This works ok
End Sub

Both tries, and anything else I have tried, give the error " Method 'Range' of object _Worksheet failed".

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Conditional Average, Naming A Range

Feb 5, 2007

i'm very new to excel formulas & statistics in general. i only need to calculate averages but am having trouble naming the range in my formulas

in the example below, i want to use the first column to determine the range of data for the mean calculation.... so, I am seeking the average of just the numbers which correspond w/ A only. Similarly, I will then want an average for numbers corresponding to B, and then to C, etc etc...

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Naming Range With Integer Or String Variable?

Mar 13, 2012

I am trying to name a Range in VBA with the following Case statement.

Select Case counter
Case "2": Set Wk(numWeeks) = Range("P1:Q136")
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Wk" & numWeeks, RefersTo:=Wk(numWeeks)

I have many more cases and have defined Wk(5) as a Range. What I am really after it is possible to to name the range using something similar to the code above that uses a predefined variable in the naming process.

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Named Range In Naming Another Range

Aug 6, 2006

How to you reference a named range in naming another range? What is the syntax?

I have a dynamic range, and I want a second dynamic range to start in relation to the last cell of the first range.

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Naming Dynamic Range Of Cells Based On Heading

Apr 15, 2014

I need to name a dynamic range of cells. The only constant is the column - H, and the heading "MRC".

MRC column in a table represents an array formula. Unknown is the row where it is going to show up and the number of rows that this array formula will take. I need to name this range (active cells based on the array formula) but do not know what row does it start with and how many rows will it take.

It is not the last table in column H either but there are 2 empty rows before the next table.

Trying something like that...

Set aCell = Range("H:H").Find(What:="MRC", LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not aCell Is Nothing Then

aCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

That's how I select the first cell in the range. Not sure how to select the whole range and name it ..
ActiveCell.End(1xDown) ?

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Naming Ranges But If Any Cells, Row Or Columns Are Inserted The Range Will Automatically Adjust To Suit1?

Jul 25, 2006

Range("B25").Name = "EndMull"

Its fine but if i insert a new row or column then it mucks the whole thing up. Is there away of naming them but if any cells, row or columns are inserted the range will automatically adjust to suit1

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Set Range And Offset

May 16, 2009

I am having trouble with one line of this code that I can't figure out how to write correctly. I have set the range, but I need to offset by 10 rows up. My code fails at set rng.

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Offset Range Value VBA

Sep 29, 2009

I have an offset range ("TheCell") that does not seem be working how I would expect.

I don't know if its because the sheet I am working on was originaly German but I would be surprised if that was the case.

I Use sheet change to set the peramiters of the range and to test the value

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rowcell
Dim colcell
Dim typeit
colcell = ActiveCell.Column
rowcell = ActiveCell.Row
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="iname", RefersToR1C1:="=" & "Tabelle2!R1C" & colcell
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Jname", RefersToR1C1:="=" & "Tabelle2!R" & rowcell & "C2"
typeit = Range("TheCell").Value
MsgBox typeit
End Sub

but for some reason I am getting a runtime error 1004 worksheet failed.

I have used this technique before and its been fine so what mistake have I made :o)

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Range Offset

Aug 24, 2006

I want to apply some logic to a range. However I want to offset the bottom of the range by 1 row.

Example: I have a range (B8:I19) already defined in my vba code. But I want to shade range (B8:I20).

MyRange = Range("B8:B19")
MyRange.Offset(1, 0).Interior.ColorIndex=3

This code also offsets the top of the range (row 9), which I don't want.

How can I only offest the bottom of the range?

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Copying An Offset Range

Aug 29, 2008

I would like to work with a range of cells.

I have a headerCel (A2)and a footerCel (A20).

If I use the line

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Range.Offset Limit

Dec 8, 2008

I am currently writing some VBA code to loop through and copy data from Excel file in sub folders into a master sheet of data. There are some 1200 Excel files (these are pre-2007 files), each containing a maximum of 600 lines of data. So far the code works until it gets to around 65000 rows (the old Excel limit). I am using and writing the code in a Macro-Enabled Excel 2007 file.

I am using a Range.Offset call, which is where the error is occurring, to copy in a name basically. What happened right before this was a Range.Copy operation from the old Excel file to a Range.PastSpecial in the new one. This worked fine, and actually went a few hundred rows past the pre-Excel 2007 limit. But when the single cell operation Range.Offset().Value is called next, it crashes with a Application or User-Defined error. The code works some 100+ times through the loop with no problem, and the file that it was working on is no different then the other files.

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Go Down Range, Then Cut, Offset, Paste

Jan 28, 2009

I am trying to create a macro that goes down Column A of my sheet and looks for a string, "Number". When it finds it, it resize (0, 14) and cuts. Then it pastes the array at an offset of (-1, 10) This is what I got so far:

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Copy A Range, Then Specified By An Offset

Mar 10, 2009

I'm trying to copy a range, specified by an offset, then PasteSpecial that range to yet another location specified by an offset.

This is the code I have so far, which does not attempt to find the range to copy via an offset.

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Activate Range By Offset

Oct 11, 2011

How do I activate four cells to the right of A5 using the offset function. I will need this to operate indivitually for each row so I cant use Range("B5:E5").Select. All I want to do is to merge the four cells to the right of column A

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Offset Range Of Cells?

Feb 7, 2013

How do I offset a range of cells?

I'm running simulations. Let's say I want to run the "for" loop 100 times. In the 1st iteration I want to copy Range(A1:A10) and paste the value to A31:A40 (this destination range is fixed for each iteration). In the 2nd iteration I want to copy Range(B1:B10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. In the 3rd iteration I want to copy Range(C1:C10) and paste to (or assign value to) A31:A40. And so on for 100 iteration. So each time my copied range moves one column to the right.

How do I achieve this in VBA code? Let's say I have defined/named Range("A1") and want to keep offsetting to the right but copying 10 cells in the range as I go along.

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Offset X Rows Of Last Row In Range

Jan 3, 2008

given a range named xyz which refers to d1:e3


where the 3rd row is blank. I want to examine the row after the range with


I find that this code refers to the last row of the range which is blank. How can I be sure that I will be 1 row (offset=1) below the range?

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Offset Dynamic Named Range

Jul 23, 2014

I know how to create a dynamic named range so that no blanks appear in my data validation list but have only ever done this for a list in a column, i.e...


A1:A6 would be named Fruit, then name manager, edit: =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,COUNT($A1:$A6),1)

The Data Validation list then shows Apple, Orange, Pear, Bannana. And if I add Peach into A5 later, that then appears in the list.

What I need though is to edit this as if the named range 'Fruit' covers cells A1:F1.


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Offset For Specific Cell Range(s)

Dec 18, 2008

I am designing a form that tracks call times. I have a control "cmdStart" that when clicked will enter the "Start" time in cell A4 and each time clicked will skip a column and enter the next time in cell C4. The same for a control "cmdEnd" that will enter the "End" time in cell B4 when clicked. Then the next end time clicked will go in cell D4. However, when the Start time enters the time in AE4 I need the next start time to start in A6 and do the same in this row until AE6 and then drop down again. The same with the "End" time when it reaches AF6. I think I could write the If and Else for each individual cell, but there must be a more efficient way to do this.

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Range Offset Error 1004

Feb 2, 2009

I am using the following macro to format a sheet - I recently added a auto-fill part to it which essentially moves a number from one column to another and autofills it in all the cells until it encounters another number of the same kind in the column it moved the previous number from.

When I try to run this macro it does everything upto the auto-fill part and then gives me error 1004 [the set cell = cell.offset(1,0) ] is highlighted in yellow.

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Dynamic Range Using Offset And CountIF

Dec 3, 2008

I have a data set that alters each week which means at the moment I have to update the ranges manually each time. I would like to use a dynamic range and think I need to use the Offset and CountIf functions. Both the start and end of the ranges are dynamic. The range is based on grouping the numbers in Column E (LocNo)

What I would like to do or think the way to achieve this is by:

First looking at Column E

Count how many cells are equal to criteria. (CountIf)

offset 5 columns left from the first cell that meets the criteria (Offset -5)

offset X rows down based on how many cells meet the criteria (Offset X)

I've include a spreadsheet spread sheet which 'should' help illustrate the problem showing the ranges I would like and how the data changes each week.

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Expanding Named Range Using Offset

Nov 12, 2011

I have data coming into my sheet from an Access file into columns b:l which automatically get covered by a named range which changes according to the size of the data coming in.

What I'd like to create is a named range which includes this original range as well as columns a and m:p. Is this possible using Offset at all?

On top of this my data from Access comes into row 2 and I'd like the named range to cover row 1 too.

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