Reformat Table Layout Containing Repeated Data

Sep 7, 2006

Rows 1 to 12 of the attached .jpg file shows the format that I receive from a University. However, in order to check enrolments, etc., I would prefer it to be in the format as shown on rows 15 to 19, that is, one complete student record per row.

As you can see, not all students are studying the same number of subjects and the subject mix is also different.

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Reformat Table Layout To Repeat Rows Based On Cell Values

Jun 11, 2008

I can export inventory data from my Point of Sale system that looks like this:

I need to manipulate it to look like this:

To do so I think I need a macro(?) to:

Copy and insert as many rows as the quantity in Column C. In case of >1 the row is deleted.

This would allow me to print labels for every item in my inventory.

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Reformat Data Layout

May 21, 2007

I have a worksheet that has similar data but some maybe different lengths. What im trying to do is to be able to have them all in line so where the diagram no. is on the worksheet they are all lined up. On the excel sheet attached I want TURN NO in column J to line up with turn no in Column A each time.

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Macro: Reformat Layout Of Data

Nov 16, 2006

I would like to state how fantastic a resource this forum has been to me as a beginner. So keep up the good work! The issue I have is that my spreadsheet contains one column which shares two types of data: Component Type and Tag Number. What I would like the script to do is:

1. create a new column
2. move the Tag Number data from its current column into the newly created column
3. ensure that the data is still on the same row as it was previously

One thing to bear in mind is that the tag numbers consists of various formats (spaces/no spaces), but always begin and end with brackets - "(XTU U-532-934)". I have included and example of the current state of the data and what I would like to look like after.

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Reformat Text Layout To A Different Format

Feb 1, 2008

I got some vb code from these forums to use with excel. But, I'm not sure how to run the code in excel. Here is the link to the topic:

Move Text Layout To Different Format

Basically, I too need to move text to other cells within excel. The code listed is exactly what I need, but I can't figure out how to run it in excel. I'm not an excel expert or vb expert obviously.

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Reformat Address Book Layout

Mar 10, 2008

I have created a simple address book in Excel 2007, but it is not reader-friendly: My header row in Sheet1 consists of cells labeled “Category”, “Company Name”, “Street Address”, “City, State, Zip”, “Contact Person”, “Office Number”, “Cell Number” so the data for each company is listed in a single row. I would like to see if there’s a way that I can setup the workbook such that the data from Sheet1 automatically reformats into a directory-like format in Sheet2. Ie:

Company Name1 Contact Person1
Street Address1 Office Number1
City, State, Zip1 Cell Number1

Company Name2 Contact Person2
Street Address2 Office Number2
City, State, Zip2 Cell Number2


Also, I would like to figure out a way to filter by the Category column, so that Sheet2 contains all items on Sheet 1 that are labeled Category A, Sheet3 contains all items on Sheet 1 that are labeled Category B, etc.

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Reformat Data For Pivot Table Source

May 31, 2007

My fixed asset software will not allow me to show multiple individual months of acquisitions. I can export each month. This will create a separate spreadsheet for each month, but the problem is that each spreadsheet may contain the same asset, but additions to that asset.

Spreadsheet 1
....Description............................Dept...................January acquisition

Spreadsheet 2
.....Description..........................Dept...................February acquisition

What I want is this

Spreadsheet 3
.....Description.........................Dept..................January Acq..........February Acq

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Changing Data Layout In Table

Jun 26, 2007

I would like to change the data layout from the "Original Table" to the "Final Table" as in attached file. Belinda_June-25-07.xls. How do I use VBA to do the change? In my original table, I may have several hundred rows and more than 36 columns for the time periods.

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Organizing Data Table In A Bar Chart Layout 5

Jan 31, 2014

I have a bar chart that monitors month over month activity. I use Layout 5, which allows for the numbers data to neatly be organized in a table below the bar chart. However, i recently started using the data on a secondary axis to accurately reflect trend lines. It works great, but now the data table below displays redundant information. see attachment.


I just want that data in the data table to be displayed once, completely leaving of the axis legend.

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Data Table Layout Change For Mail Merge

Jun 17, 2013

I have responses from a questionnaire in the format below, and need to mail merge to a word doc.



If I'm right I need it in the following format for a mail merge.



I need to get this fixed by 5 pm tonight, otherwise a foresee a night of copy and paste ahead. I thought pivot tables might work, but alas no, it only tells me the number of the comments i have.

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Convert Layout Of Excel Table To Make It Suitable For Pivot Table

Mar 27, 2012

I have a very large excel data file, which I want to analyse using pivot tables. The problem is that while most of the columns are headed with the variable name (e.g. country) and have the list of variables displayed under that heading for each observation (e.g. Italy), the years are spread across the columns - i.e. the heading for column X is not "Year", but is 2003, with the next column being 2004, etc.

Is there a quick way I can re-arrange the data so that the layout is consistent and so that I can use it for pivot tables? I have way too many observations to do this by hand.

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Changing A Table Layout

Nov 27, 2008

My question is explained inside the workbook. Changing a Table layout

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Convert Layout Of Table

Jul 13, 2007

In the attached file you'll find an original table and the requested Table in its new layout. I thought to use TRANSPOSE in an Array- Function but it didn't work as expected. However, I managed to present the DATA (light green range) with the help of SumProduct. My Question goes like this: Is there a way to present the Upper and Left Headers (in red font) with Formulas ?! (I typed them by hand).

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Column To Table Row Layout

Dec 7, 2007

I've got a huge spreadsheet that's been imported from a web survey and it has thousands of variables in a single column (A) in excel. each of these variables are on a new cell row and begin with a value of 'V1=' up to 'V100=' or a few fixed values like :USERID:= (see below).

It has unique markers showing the start and end of each survey,so it's something like:

V70=Mike J Evans

Now each of these V numbers is an answer to a question on the survey, so I need them to all line up in a column, otherwise it makes no sense

So what I need is a way to scan down the column and convert each survey (from ***START SURVEY DATA*** to ***END SURVEY DATA***) so it's arranged in a row (with each value in a new cell in a column.

Does anyone have a clue how to do this?! (I've uploaded an example as an attachment that'll show a couple of surveys imported and a second tab that shows how I need them in rows - only without sorting the v values properly.)

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Pivot Table Or Macro For Stock Layout

Jul 22, 2007

I have an excel file, attached. I have a system that output all the stock in the format of sheet "price listing".

At the moment I manually create the layout for the text in "sheet 1" and use a macro to update prices etc. There are about 400 lines in the full listing and having to update the layout constantly for new products, deleted products is very time consuming. I send this list to customers every few months for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well.

I am looking for a macro or a pivot chart or something that I would be able to run on the "price listing" sheet and would put it in some usable format. Different customers can have different prices so that it needs to be quick and flexible. I send this list to customers every month for them to see the range and the prices, so it has to look well. Is there any way to create an index also from an excel workbook?

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Excel 2007 :: Pivot Table Layout

Apr 12, 2012

In my data, I have:

1. Age (up to 20, 21-30, 31-40)
2. Gender (male, female)
3. Location (London, Paris, Berlin)

I want to see Age and Gender as column labels and Location as row labels. However, I don't want Gender as a sub-set of Age - I want Age Labels followed immediately by Gender labels ie:

Upto20 / 21-30 / 31-40 / Male / Female

I don't want: 21-30 Male / 21-30 Female / 21-30 Total / etc etc..

Is there a way to specify this in a pivot table?

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Default To Classic Pivot Table Layout In 2007

May 9, 2008

I have upgraded to Excel 2007 and the PivotTable formats are different. I prefer the old 'drag and drop' formatting, and would like to default to that.

I can switch to the classic format by going to Pivot Table Tools ---> Options ---> Display --> Classic Pivot Table Layout, but I have to do this for each table I create. I'd like this to be the defaut choice.

I've searched the board and someone posted that if you add the Pivot Table/Chart icon to your task bar, that will open the old layout --- it opens the wizard, but the table that is created is still in the new format which does not enable drag and drop.

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Re-Format/Layout Rate Table On Based Another Sheet

Feb 29, 2008

I have a database in this format:

IDProgram NameNIDCvg BeginPlan CodeRate

The number of rows in the database changes from month to month. I'm trying to write a macro that will pull rates off of a rate table on another sheet in this format:

CCAREA RT1$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
CCAREA RT2$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
INDEMA RT1$225.81 $436.89 $415.78 $595.20 $320.80
INDEMA RT2$146.36 $277.76 $264.62 $376.31 $205.49
PACIFA RT1$193.07 $434.40 $415.08 $598.49 $337.85
SH RT2$74.08 $148.16
DELTA RT1$25.85 $51.70 $82.74
DELTAP RT1$39.26 $78.52 $126.76
RLIFE RT1$1.25

I'm trying to create this in a way that the user won't have to manually fill in the formulas each month when the size of the database changes. I can also reformat the rate table if need be, but not the database. I've attached a sample file so you can see what I'm talking about. I'm fairly new to VBA.

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Returned, Which Numbers (if Any) Are Repeated And How Often Each Repeated Number Occured

Jan 4, 2010

In colmn A:A i need returned, which numbers (if any) are repeated and how often each repeated number occured.
Admitedly... I'm lost on this one.

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Pivot Table Layout - Generate List Of Unique Names And Their Associated Phone Numbers

Mar 18, 2013

I've read a lot of tutorials on how to use pivot tables, but found them either too basic, or too advanced, and never finding any example of what I am looking to do.

I have a database, column A holds names, and column B their phone numbers. I'd like to generate a list of unique names and their associated telephone numbers. I figure I can use a pivot table to do this.

But I do not quite understand how to format the pivot table to put the name in one column and the phone number in the next. I will use this pivot table as a vlookup range. I assume I can do this.

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Move And Reformat Data

May 25, 2009

I copy data from word document to Excel and it will look like this:


I have like 500 sets of this above data.
When I copy & past to Excel, it is all populated into Column A.
But I wish to put Name in Column A
Address1 in Column B
Address2 in Column C

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Reformat Downloaded Data

Sep 30, 2006

when i download the data to excel it is downloaded in some format i cannot use.

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Reformat Citrix Data

Jan 8, 2007

Im currently working with some data output from citrix and am finding that the system generated reports are not very user friendly. The format of the reports is as below (example only contains five products. The real report contains 500+ product IDs).

System Report Format.xls

Can anyone suggest a macro that copies and pastes data from the system generated report to a diff worksheet with a format such as attached:

New Format.xls

The challenge is that each of the product codes in the system generated report have two rows of data (recommended orders & open orders). Will it be possible to have the macro to SUM up the values in the same period of time in the new worksheet under the new format?

Additional Info:

1) Number of product codes changes monthly

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Macro To Reformat Data

Feb 20, 2007

In Cell A1 I have a company name which I wish to keep in cell B1 I have company address data I wish to keep and in cell B2 I have more address data which I wish to move to cell C1. Once this cells data has been moved I need to delete the two empty rows and then perform the same process on the next chunk of company data which is in the same format as the above and so until the end of the entries - sometimes potentially there could be hundreds of entries. I have attached an example of my problem - in the 'Original' worksheet is data in the form that I recieve and need to re-format. In the 'Fixed' worksheet is data in the format which I would like to have a macro to change it.

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Reformat Tax Parcel Data For Report

Dec 13, 2013

I need to extract and format a large data base of county real estate tax parcels for a report. See attached. How can I combine these or is it possible.

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Merge Worksheet And Reformat Data?

Apr 25, 2014

I have 447 worksheets in my workbook, I need to consolidate them into one sheet and transpose the data so that it goes into across rather than down. I really only need data in rows 19 to 40 but the data in 29, 30, 31 A to I needs to be in one cell.

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Reformat Column Data To Rows

Apr 18, 2006

I'm trying to take spreadsheet data in columns and reformat into rows. See attachment. Basically i want to duplicate columns A thru E by row specific and then take columns F thru K in pairs to match up with the duplicated rows corresponding to the specific rows. So every row currently will become 3 rows (A thru E) with Columns F and G (old F & G row 1, H & I row 2, J & K row 3)

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Reformat Badly Laid Out Data

Dec 1, 2007

I have a sheet that has multiple records of the same recurring format (see attached .xls) from which I must extract data from the same groups of cells in each record (highlighted in yellow for example purposes) and export to a columnar format in another sheet. The only variable with the format is where we get into the amount of people on the plane and thus the line may shift down one or two spaces. I would like to just pull the data for the same person's name from each record as well. What is the easiest way to go about doing this?

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VBA Code To Copy Data And Reformat It Between Two Workbooks

Jun 16, 2014

I'm trying to write code in Airport1.xlsm to allow me to create a macro to automatically copy data from Airport-Data.xlsm and reformat it to what is needed in Airport1.xlsm.

Basically I need the code to take each airport in column A of Airport-Data and where there is a non-zero value in rows column C to G I need it to clear the appropriate column in Airport1.xlsm and add a 1 to the appropriate box.

I got stuck thinking about the nested For Next Cell in range procedure and how to execute it with a search for the correct row in Airport1.xlsm.

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Looping Macro To Reformat Data From One Sheet To Another

Mar 17, 2009

I'm using Excel 2003, version 11 and am trying to reformat data from one sheet to another. What I would like to do is copy the rows for each team from the Input sheet (Input tab) and and use them to build rows on the Output sheet (Output tab) for each possible combination of players.

In my attached example, a three person team has three combinations and a five player team has ten combinations and so on. I know this is probably a loop within a loop but I can't seem to get the right combination. Not all teams are full yet so the number of players on a team will vary. I need macro code to make the input sheet look the output sheet.

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