VBA Code To Copy Data And Reformat It Between Two Workbooks
Jun 16, 2014
I'm trying to write code in Airport1.xlsm to allow me to create a macro to automatically copy data from Airport-Data.xlsm and reformat it to what is needed in Airport1.xlsm.
Basically I need the code to take each airport in column A of Airport-Data and where there is a non-zero value in rows column C to G I need it to clear the appropriate column in Airport1.xlsm and add a 1 to the appropriate box.
I got stuck thinking about the nested For Next Cell in range procedure and how to execute it with a search for the correct row in Airport1.xlsm.
Am trying to copy some code from the ThisWorkbook object into about 100 other Workbooks. I know how to Import and Export Modules, but when I export code from ThisWorkbook in saves it as a CLS file. Upon export a new class module is created. I simply want to create code that will automatically copy the code from one VBA project ThisWorkbook object to another VBA project ThisWorkbook.
I have the code to open all the files etc just need to figure out how to import the code from ThisWorkbook.
I want the code to run when we open excel workbook "TEST" and it should open up all the workbooks one by one in the folder J:ABC and copy cells C2 and C4 values in the A and B columns of TEST workbook.
e.g There are 5 workbooks in the folder J:ABC so when the TEST workbook is opened then the code should run and open 1st workbook and copy values in cells C2 and C4 to it and close the workbook.
The code should run as below:
1st workbook:
C2 value will go in Test workbook B1 C4 value will go in Test workbook A1
Close 1st workbook
2nd workbook:
C2 value will go in Test workbook B2 C4 value will go in Test workbook A2
close 2nd workbook.
3rd workbook:
C2 value will go in Test workbook B3 C4 value will go in Test workbook A3
close 3rd workbook.
and so on It will be going to next rows in A and B columns.
I have an extract file that is in excel and lists contract numbers with a payment amount to the right. Each contract has multiple payments by period and thus there are multiple rows for each contract representing the multiple periods. The number of periods for each contract varies. The extract file contains multiple contracts. What I would like to do is have the contract number listed in one row and copy, paste, transpose the payments to the right of the contract number. The resulting file or sheet will have only one row per contract. The issue is that the code will have to recognize when the file number changes. I know I can do this manually but with 10 files and over 450 contracts this is a bit time consuming. Attached is a sample file with two tabs titled "Extract File" and "Desired Format". Extract File - is a sample of the main file that contains the data. Desired Format - is a sample of what I would like the final result to be. It can be in another sheet or another file.
I've seen a lot of code on how to pull data from workbooks in the same folder. However, I'm trying to pull the data in workbooks in various folders.
For examply, I have one folder, called "Master Files". In this folder is 12 folders, one for every month of the year. Within these folders, is one for each week, with the last day of the week being the name for the folder. In other words, it's like \Master FilesApril4-6-07data.xls
Now, I know how to get the data I need if all files are within the same folder. But how would I write a macro to run through all of those files when they're in separate folders?
I'm trying to copy data from several workbooks into another - in Excel 2003. The following code works perfectly except when there is only the header row in the target workbook. Then I get the following error message, "Run time error 1004. Application defined or Object defined error". How can I get it to find A2 the first time - without coding A2 in?
I want to copy a perticular coloum in one xls sheet ie a.xls(sheet3) coloum to another xls ie b.xls in sheet2(coloum) of that xlsHow can i do this using a macro is their any other better way of doing this
I got 2 workbook called book1 and book2. Book1 is design to be form in the spreadsheet for the user to fill up the particular data. Book2 is the password protected workbook. I created a button in book1 such that when the user click the button, it will automatically transfer the data in book1 (worksheet1) to book2 (worksheet1) without opening up the book2 during transfer data. It simply add a record in the book2 (worksheet1). Can I write such a code to do this?
I have been given the following code to transfer data from multiple workbooks within folders and subfolders to retreive the same line of data from each of the workbooks and place them in a master workbook.
the folders are set up as follows,
there is a main folder, (a yearly folder) within this are 12 monthly folders (named January to December) within these are four weekly folders (named week 1 -week 4) contained within these weekly folders are the workbooks that i wish to copy data from.
for example a1 - k1
the code i am using transfers the file names but comes up with #REF! instead of transfering the data
I copy data from word document to Excel and it will look like this:
Name Address1 Address2 phone fax e-mail website
I have like 500 sets of this above data. When I copy & past to Excel, it is all populated into Column A. But I wish to put Name in Column A Address1 in Column B Address2 in Column C etc.
Im currently working with some data output from citrix and am finding that the system generated reports are not very user friendly. The format of the reports is as below (example only contains five products. The real report contains 500+ product IDs).
System Report Format.xls
Can anyone suggest a macro that copies and pastes data from the system generated report to a diff worksheet with a format such as attached:
New Format.xls
The challenge is that each of the product codes in the system generated report have two rows of data (recommended orders & open orders). Will it be possible to have the macro to SUM up the values in the same period of time in the new worksheet under the new format?
In Cell A1 I have a company name which I wish to keep in cell B1 I have company address data I wish to keep and in cell B2 I have more address data which I wish to move to cell C1. Once this cells data has been moved I need to delete the two empty rows and then perform the same process on the next chunk of company data which is in the same format as the above and so until the end of the entries - sometimes potentially there could be hundreds of entries. I have attached an example of my problem - in the 'Original' worksheet is data in the form that I recieve and need to re-format. In the 'Fixed' worksheet is data in the format which I would like to have a macro to change it.
I have a worksheet that has similar data but some maybe different lengths. What im trying to do is to be able to have them all in line so where the diagram no. is on the worksheet they are all lined up. On the excel sheet attached I want TURN NO in column J to line up with turn no in Column A each time.
I have a master book which i need to paste data, the issue is when the data is returned to me the original name of the workbook is sometimes changed to suit the individual, I recorded this macro but in essence i need one that can be universally used, below is the code i used;
Objective: Copy filtered contents between two workbooks.
Reason: I spend HOURS copying and pasting data between workbooks. We get files on average twice a week that contain multiple tabs of data that must be broken down and sent out to the end-users. Example: Monday filename=neverconstant.xlsx, 11 tabs of unique data, 110 users that need the data but business dictates user1 can only see user1 data so I must filter user1 in tabs 1-11, copy raw data, put into a new workbook while naming tabs same as neverconstant.xlsx.
Thursday filename=stillnotconstant.xlsx, 8 tabs of unique data, 110 users that need the data but business dictates user1 can only see user1 data so I must filter user1 in tabs 1-8, copy raw data, put into a new workbook while naming tabs same as stillnotconstant.xlsx.
My biggest hangup is the filename is never constant. I am trying to make something that would add a workbook, add and name necessary tabs, copy and paste data into respective tabs and prompt me to "save as" with the new workbook. I am still VERY new to vba so please dont laugh to hard when you see what I have so far.
I need to create a macro that will insert copied cells(cell range) from the clipboard into a cell on a different workbook and "shift cells down". The cell range in the clipboard will always be different and the position of the cell I select to insert the data into will also vary.
I need to extract and format a large data base of county real estate tax parcels for a report. See attached. How can I combine these or is it possible.
I have 447 worksheets in my workbook, I need to consolidate them into one sheet and transpose the data so that it goes into across rather than down. I really only need data in rows 19 to 40 but the data in 29, 30, 31 A to I needs to be in one cell.
I'm trying to take spreadsheet data in columns and reformat into rows. See attachment. Basically i want to duplicate columns A thru E by row specific and then take columns F thru K in pairs to match up with the duplicated rows corresponding to the specific rows. So every row currently will become 3 rows (A thru E) with Columns F and G (old F & G row 1, H & I row 2, J & K row 3)
I would like to state how fantastic a resource this forum has been to me as a beginner. So keep up the good work! The issue I have is that my spreadsheet contains one column which shares two types of data: Component Type and Tag Number. What I would like the script to do is:
1. create a new column 2. move the Tag Number data from its current column into the newly created column 3. ensure that the data is still on the same row as it was previously
One thing to bear in mind is that the tag numbers consists of various formats (spaces/no spaces), but always begin and end with brackets - "(XTU U-532-934)". I have included and example of the current state of the data and what I would like to look like after.
I have a sheet that has multiple records of the same recurring format (see attached .xls) from which I must extract data from the same groups of cells in each record (highlighted in yellow for example purposes) and export to a columnar format in another sheet. The only variable with the format is where we get into the amount of people on the plane and thus the line may shift down one or two spaces. I would like to just pull the data for the same person's name from each record as well. What is the easiest way to go about doing this?
I would like to extract and compile the information contained in these cells: a5,c5,a6,c6,c7,a14,g14,e16,g16,e18,i18,a20,g20,h22,j22,h24,l24 all the sheets.
New sheet would contain the information of each sheet eg. Column A2= file name
And Row B2 to R2 or whatever will be the corresponding cells mentioned above for each cell. The code I have only brings back the file name but only a5 from the range but not the rest.
VB: Sub MergeAllWorkbooks() Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet Dim FolderPath As String Dim NRow As Long Dim FileName As String Dim WorkBk As Workbook Dim SourceRange As Range
I'm trying to set up an excel that will allow me to gather data from multiple workbooks and get it into one master worksheet. All of the worksheets are formatted the same way (See below)
Employee Last Name Employee First Name Employee Position Employee Series Number Departing City Departing State Attended Pilot Training?
We don't have the data yet so the idea is to paste this information into their perspective worksheets and then have them automatically populate into the master tab.
I'm trying to copy data from multiple spreadsheets into one summary spreadsheet. Each spreadsheet that I'm looking to copy data from is stored within a folder, named as a date, within a sharepoint site.
Each report is named as 'Report to PMT from Vauxhall', 'Report to PMT from Ford', 'Report to PMT from Fait' etc etc. and the format of each report is exactly the same.
From the attachments you will see that I'm trying to copy the following from the Report to PMT from Vauxhall to Summary Report:
Report to PMT from Vauxhall Cell D11 to Cell D19 of the Summary Report Report to PMT from Vauxhall Cell E11 to Cell D19 of the Summary Report Report to PMT from Vauxhall Cell F11 to Cell D19 of the Summary Report Report to PMT from Ford Cell D11 to Cell D20 of the Summary Report Report to PMT from Ford Cell E11 to Cell D20 of the Summary Report Report to PMT from Ford Cell F11 to Cell D20 of the Summary Report etc. etc.
I have got a file with a lot of different workbooks
What i want to do, is open each one of them, copy a range of cells, for example E4:E15, then open the "master" workbook, look in row 4 which cell is empty and then paste the data there
i know how to copy-paste from one workbook to another, i am just not sure how to do it for more than one workbook.
I'm just starting out on my journey into VBA and this forum has been a valuable resource for picking up hints and tricks
I've decided to cut some corners and ask for help for the final piece of my current jigsaw - effectively this comes in two bits.
Part one:
I want to copy a sheet from two open workbooks and paste them into my active wookbook. Both source workbooks only have one sheet. I want a dialogue box to select the desired workbook, select and copy all data and then paste to a specified sheet (replacing the current data) in the destination workbook. I then want to select the other source workbook from the dialogue box and copy all data to a separate sheet in the destination workbook. I would like the dialogue box to have two options - Ok to select, copy and paste data, Cancel to end the macro.
Part two:
I want to copy a sheet from my source workbook and paste it as a separate sheet in a new workbook (a one page workbook would be ideal). I then want to save the new workbook in a specified location as "Data - Date" in the format 2009 02 12.
I have two workbooks: one is a daily workbook that will be used to keep track of work accomplished, the other is a weekly report that is generated by head office.
What I need to do each week when the head office report is generated is to match up the Project ID's (they are the constant in each workbook) from the daily workbook with the weekly one. If there are Project ID's that are new, the corresponding information would then be copied over to the daily workbook.
I am working on the copy command but I'm just not sure how to go about setting up the search to match Project ID's.
Simply trying to copy data from one worksheet to another. The source sheet is an excel file exported from an Access table. I recorded the macro using the recorder in Excel because I am no programmer, but when I try to run the code, I get this error:
"Code execution has been interrupted" ...and the Range I tried to select in the source file is highlighted by the Editor.
Is the source file protected somehow?
My ______________________________________________________________________________
I'm using Excel 2003, version 11 and am trying to reformat data from one sheet to another. What I would like to do is copy the rows for each team from the Input sheet (Input tab) and and use them to build rows on the Output sheet (Output tab) for each possible combination of players.
In my attached example, a three person team has three combinations and a five player team has ten combinations and so on. I know this is probably a loop within a loop but I can't seem to get the right combination. Not all teams are full yet so the number of players on a team will vary. I need macro code to make the input sheet look the output sheet.