Regular Expression: Check If A String Has A Sequence Of 6 Decimal Digits
Apr 13, 2007
I am using the following to check if a string has a sequence of 6 decimal digits in it. But am getting an error. If(str Like *######*). I have to check if str has values like 123456USA ; ABC725439 ; jh658478hd. I thought # represents a single digit and * represents any no of characters
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Mar 15, 2014
I want to apply regular expression for password
a) The first letter cannot be number
b) the password should have a combo of numbers letters and one special character
c) The password should begin with a big case letter
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Jul 31, 2009
I'm trying to figure out the whole Regular Expression I figured Hotpepper's EXDATA UDF would be a good place to try and rewrite with Regular Expression...I got it to work...but not sure why as it seems opposite of what I would have expected...
eg pattern [^/d] i thought would give me everything except numerics...but it appears to be giving me numerics....
here's the code and sheet...can someone help explain what's going on? .......
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Apr 19, 2008
I'm working on a project where I need to prevent the user from entering non-digit string inputs. I've tried the using IsNumeric(MyString). but that doesn't prevent , + - signs to be entered. I also had to conditionally enable the input of a string with leading zeros like "01" so what I've ended up with is a rather messy looking' sub that handles this (don't know if forum rules allows me to show it here?). The problem is that I'm not a 100% sure that my sub fit to handle all eventualities so therefore my question is whether there is an easier, fool proof way to check my strings?
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May 23, 2007
I have some code where I need to check if the first five char are numbers and not letters.
I have in a column for example
12345-someone is here
23456-someone else is here
someone is here too
I need to get all of the ones that have 5 digits and not pull in the other into a new list.
I have tried Left(CPHierAll. Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) which will get me the fist 5 char. and then i need to check to make sure that they are all numbers and not char.
if Left(CPHierAll.Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) = "#####" then
But this does not bring anything in.
I also tried if CPHierAll.Cells(CPHierAllRow, 1),5) = "#####" then
I have 3 column that i am checking for different thinks the first two work just find and seperate out on the check but the last one with the numbers is being a pain.
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Sep 27, 2006
I need to extract DIGITS from following: C23, C24, C515-C519. It may be done with regular expressions. Does anybody have experience with VBA code for RegEx?
Input: C23, C24, C515, C519.
Output: 23,24, 515, 519
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Aug 8, 2008
I am trying to create a unique sample code by putting together the values of other cells that a user will input. It's all working well apart from the last part, where I am trying to include a decimal number. I want the decimal number to appear without the central "." and in a four digit format. e.g. 2.5 would appear as 0250, 14.25 would appear as 1425. This is the formlua I am using currently:
However, where the value of H4 is 2.5, I am getting a result of 0303 (I've put this part in bold). I have attached a small spreadsheet to aid understanding.
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Nov 2, 2007
I've some code that I use to scan HTML to find images. The basic part string I use is:
WildSought = "**"
The problem is that there are several ways to close an image tag. The above closes using /> but you could also use "> for example. Is there a way in my regular expression to say "this OR that". Maybe it would look something like:
WildSought = "*
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Feb 18, 2014
I have a cell in which I would like to have a user enter an email address. If it does not follow a valid format I would like it to display an error message, "Invalid E-mail Address", clear contents and re-select the cell otherwise move to the next cell. By Valid email I want it to check for only one "@", and at least one "." but I also want it so that a user can't just bypass it with typing "@.". I would like it to reject special characters and spaces and only allow "-" and "_" maybe a general format of <name>@<place>.<domain>
The cell in question is K45 and the following cell would be K47 if a valid email is entered
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Nov 10, 2008
If I enter 2.5 into a cell, and then change the format so that there are no digits after the decimal, the number changes to a 3.
2.4 correctly rounds to 2, but shouldn't 2.5 round to 2???
I thought that even numbers were supposed to round down, and odd numbers round up when there is a 5 right after the decimal.
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Jan 11, 2013
Is it possible to set conditional formating so the cell is filled with color only if a value in the cell has more then 2 decimal digits?
It doesn't matter if I set the cell formating to show only 2 decimal digits, it still contains a value with more digits and that causes an error. I need to make it visible for viewers.
The value itself is being pasted by users so they don't even know it has more then 2 decimal digits as they paste the value with formating as well.
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Mar 5, 2014
How do I limit the number of digits to the right of the decimal in a calculation?
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Sep 19, 2005
I need to convert regular time to decimal time. example regular time in A1
is 1:38 I need that number to be converted to decimal time = to 13:63. add
12 to the hour and divide 38 into 60 to get the minutes. Our time clock
prints on a 12 hour basis and I enter to excel in decimal time.
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Feb 20, 2008
I would like a function that checks an input number to see if it contains unique digits. If the digits are unique the output is 1 else the output is -1. Thus, supposing we call the function UNIQ(), we find UNIQ(15423) = 1 but UNIQ(154532) = -1. The input is always a positive integer.
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Feb 22, 2010
I need to calculate the sum of digits in a numeric string. The function should keep on adding the digits of each result, till the final sum is a single digit. Please refer to the following example and result expected:-
Supposed the number entered in Cell A1 is 456789
Result 1 = 4+5+6+7+8+9 = 39
Result 2 = 3+9 = 12
Final Result required = 1+2 = 3
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Apr 28, 2014
I have a long string that has a list of digits in the middle that I want to extract. The string is variable length and the number of digits I want to extract is 5-7. I also have slashes in between the numbers I want to extract. I need a UDF that allows me to extract the 5-7 digit number from the string and restrict around the slashes (i.e. if two sets of digits in the string match the condition for extraction, extract the one around the slashes.) For example my original data is like
1. aaa/12345/aaa/123
2. aaaaa/123456/aaaaaa/3423
3. 323/aa/1234567/aa
and I want for results
1. 12345
2. 123456
3. 1234567
Is there a UDF that allows me to do this?
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Aug 20, 2009
a1 -> 2.333.33 "i want this to return as 2,333.33"
a2 -> 33.33 "i want this to retun 33.33"
a3 -> 45.555.55 "i want this to return 45,555.55"
i already asked this question and someone gave me this code -> substitute(a1,".","",1) which return to 2333.33 but the problem is for the a2 if i use the code it will return as "3333" which read as "3,333".
Is there any way that we can determine if the values have two decimal point before it will run the command?
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Aug 16, 2012
I'm writing a macro that will automatically change the display in a column of cells.
The input in the cell would be a decimal value, (e.g. 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2). As of now, I think the only input options are whole numbers and 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 fractions.
After inputting the decimal value, the cell should update to display the value as the following string format :
Input: 1.25
Displays: 1-1/4"
The purpose being to enable fast data entry while displaying in the desired format.
Here is where I know to begin for the automatic update:
Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
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Feb 12, 2014
I am trying to search through column "I" for numbers that are decimals, when the first decimal is found, use the row number that the first decimal appears in the string that populates the bookmarks stored in a word template I have created. The code I have so far checks for the decimal and then populates the bookmarks, however it requires me to input the ranges manually, meaning I can set them as the first row in my tabel. But if the decimal appears in the second row and not the first I'm bookmarking the wrong data. Here is the code I have so far;
[Code] ........
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Oct 31, 2008
i need to format my numbers in the following format
the first three digits will be separated and then subsequently 2 digits
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Apr 30, 2014
I have the following working great, but would like to see it refine a little, as the data vlookup is 6 digits, but i only needs the last 4 digits is enough for me to work, my question is how do i go about adding that to the following function i have implemented and working fine.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)
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Nov 11, 2010
I'd like to write a formula that check if a string (contained in another cell - say A1) includes at least one occurrence of one of a set of 5 sub strings. If the substring is included then it should return which one.
For istance, say that the cell A1 = " The colour is BLACK" then I'd like a formula in cell B1 that check if any of the following strings is included in A1 (RED, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, ORANGE) and that tells me which one.
How to do this with a one cell formula ?
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Nov 18, 2008
how I check the last 4 letters of a String to make sure they say '.xls', '.csv', etc, etc, for varification purposes.
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Apr 21, 2009
My question is about checking to see if a cell contains a particular word.
I know that the following checks to see if a cell's value IS a particular word:
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Sep 25, 2009
Is there way in Excel VBA to check if a string contains a number, and then return TRUE or FALSE. Numbers can been anywhere in the string. See example below.
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Jul 9, 2013
I want to check if cells C1, D1 and E1 contain the same name. For example if the cells all contain the 'Joe Bloggs' (or whatever the name variable happens to be) then cell F1 should say "Yes", else "No".
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Sep 2, 2013
I have a test to see if a text string is in an array that mostly works, but sometimes fails and I don't understand why.
The routine calls a Function IsInArray which returns a True/False value depending on whether the search term is in the array.
Sub TestFilterArray()
MyArray = Array("a", "b", "c")
If IsInArray("a", MyArray) = False Then
In this case the first item in my array is "a - b" (note that this is a text string ), but for some reason because my test value is "a" the routine things it must be in the array.
Thus I am thinking that the ampersand and dash symbols are somehow confusing my routine.
How can I change my routine so that it correctly identifies which text strings are in my array?
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Jul 6, 2008
I'd like to check if a user supplied string is single cell reference. My problem is that the below code comes back as vallid if I enter a range like B2:B4.
Sub test2()
Dim UserAdd As String
UserAdd = InputBox("Enter your address")
'check if valid:
If ValidAddress(UserAdd) Then
MsgBox ("it's valid!")
MsgBox ("it ain't valid!")
End If
End Sub
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Sep 25, 2009
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell. Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
DuToitskloof Pinotage/Merlot/Ruby Cabernet
1999 Tradition Juracon 375ml
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in:
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
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Sep 25, 2009
I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell.
Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?
to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.
examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
2003 Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.
I have had some luck with the left side, as in:
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).
I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!
Does anyone have an idea on how to help with this?
Ideally I would love to cut the vintage year, whether 2 or 4 digit, whether on right or left of cell and paste it in another cell, so to avoid manually doing it.
However, this is surely too complicated to do, so iwould settle with just deleting the vintage year and manually typing the vintage in another cell.
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