Remove Part Text From Cell Based On Condition

Dec 3, 2006

What I would like to do is remove part of an email address from a cell.

Ex. if the was a cell that contained "" I would like to make that cell only contain ""

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Remove First Part Of String Of Text And Keep The Second Part?

Feb 12, 2014

Is there any way to remove the first part of a string of text in a cell and save the second part?

The first part of the text string is a team code that has a variable number of numbers, capital letters and sometimes spaces. The second part of the text string is a variable number of words in a team name that all start with a capital letter and have lower case letters. Every line has a different team code and team name.

The original spreadsheet also has a column with just team code. Is there a way of using this column to "subtract" the team code from the text string to just leave the team name?

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Remove Part Of Text From Cells

Aug 19, 2006

I have a simple sentence in cells C3, D3 and E3. The sentence in C3 is:
Find Airfare to Chicago, Airline Tickets to Chicago, and More | XXXXXXXXX®

D3 contains: XXXXXXXXX highlights outstanding airfares to Chicago from quality airlines and agencies. E3 contains my list of keywords: Chicago Flights, Cheap Flights to Chicago, Cheap Chicago airline tickets, chicago flight, chicago airfare, chicago airline ticket, chicago airline tickets

The XXXXXXXXX in the C&D cells is the client name which I had to blank out in order to post here. I wasn't sure if you guys would need to know exactly how many characters there are in each cell. In column B3 is the name of the city, in this case the city is Chicago. I have 8000 destinations so I need a formula that will take the city (or any information) in the B column and replace that in the C, D and E columns in the appropriate place. I've attached a small, representative file to demonstrate.

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Add Text Based On Part Of Another Cell Text

Oct 16, 2006

I have been working on this worksheet part of which is attached herewith. I would like excel to automatically enter Updated/Inserted in column B against Individuals' names as per the instructions given in column A. For example: As per instruction in A9, B13:B16 should show Updated. I have tried to use the nested if function, but it does not work as I want it to. Also as I am not used to macros or VBA codes, could this problem be solved with formulas?

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Copy Only Part Of Cells Contents Based On Condition?

Jul 6, 2014

I will have 2 columns. In column B, will be a list of invoice numbers. Now each one starts with the "job number" (Ex. 51APGC01) then a dash and unique number per invoice. (Ex. 51APGC01-01)

In column A, will be a list of Purchase Order numbers sent by the customer so we can bill. Now, sometimes we get one PO for multiple invoices, (Ex. 03, 05, 06, 07.....)

What I am looking to do, is when I get these PO's, I enter them in and then I print a report for our billing Dept. The way the output line (cell) will read, is Job Number, then each unique number: (51APGC01-03, 05, 06, 07)

There are multiple jobs and each one has it's own report, so the job number will be dynamic and defined else where in the workbook. I can define that. It's just getting the numbers after the "-" and putting them in only.

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Cell Formatting - Red Text If Cell Matches Certain Condition Based On Another Cell

Sep 24, 2013

I have one column that contains a monetary amount (column AQ) , and another that contains text reading either "inflows" or "outflows" (column AC)

When AC says "inflows", AQ should be positive, and when AC says "Outflows", AQ should be negative.

I need the text in column AQ (the monetary amount) to become red when the the opposite is true.

i.e. When AQ is negative and AC says "Inflows", AQ should become red. And when AQ is positive and AC says "Outflows", AQ should become red.

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SUMIFS With One Condition Being Word As Part Of Cell?

Jun 23, 2014

I am trying to use SUMIFS function in Excel 2010 to add the amount of money spent on a certain category by year. I have the year part of the calculation worked out, but can not seem to get Excel to find a word in a cell as part of the last condition. So far I have:


The A column contains dates, the D column includes the values to be totaled. The G column may include "utility bill for Maine" or "upkeep for Maine" or other text. I want excel to use having the word Maine in column G to be included in the total and those without the word to be omitted.

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Remove Numbers From Text And Add New Line To Separate Two Strings Based On Delimiter In A Cell

Feb 16, 2014


london#123;new york#34;
new york;




removing the # and numbers from text and add new line after ; symbol. So it would save me a lot of time in preparing status.

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Sum Based On Part Text Criteria

Sep 27, 2007

I tried to modify a sumproduct formula given previously by Kris which is to sum base on strings, to solve another problem but with no luck. My attempt without success is in BLUE column whereas the correct answers should be that in the RED column. Basically my problem is that if a condition is true, I want to concatenate the values of 4 cells with a space in between them.

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Hide Row Based On Part Text Match

Feb 5, 2008

what the formula is if I want to hide all rows that begin with: "FORCE-MATCH CANDIDATE" in a specif column. The text after that string varies based on user input.

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Text Trimming - Display Part Of Cells Text Value Inside Another Cell

Jun 15, 2014

I want to know how to display part of a cells text value, inside another cell.

Suppose in cell A1 i have "20-Jun-14"

How would I get cell B2 to display just "Jun"?

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Delete Row If Cell Contains Certain Text As Part Of Text String?

May 15, 2014

I have a column of data with letters in each cell, no numerical, only alpha. Now, some of those cells contain the letters "adj sub" as part of the text string in each cell. "Adj sub" is always at the beginning of the text string. As an example, a cell will look like this - "adj sub mhm". I want to delete rows whose cell description does not contain "adj sub" as part of the text in the cell.

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Multiple Lookup: List Of Part Numbers Based On The Product Part Code

Feb 12, 2009

I'm creating a worksheet that gives a list of part numbers based on the product part code. In most cases I can use the following.

=LOOKUP(O6,{0,1,2,3,4},{"NONE (M25)","SMP-55-001","SMP-55-004","SMP-55-008","SMP-55-014"})

so this gives a part number depending on what number is placed in O6. What I need to do know is look at 2 different cells and for each combination of numbers give a different part number. so if A1 is 2 and B1 is 3 give a certain result.

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Change Color Of Part Of Row If Condition Met

Dec 6, 2012

I'm working on a macro to change the color of the row between column W to AN if in column K the value is "FCA" (without quotes).

So far I have this, but it doesn't work:

Sub Test()
For Each cell In Range("K1", Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp))
If InStr(1, cell, "FCA") Then
Range("W" & cell.Row & ":AN" & cell.Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Next cell
End Sub

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Vlookup On Part Of The Text In A Cell.

Jun 18, 2009

I am trying to do a vlookup and am having soem issues. I have data like this in the cell i am using as the reference: "60030 - COLUMBUS, OH". The first column of the range I am searching would have "60030" in it. What i need to know is how do I get the vlookup to just reference the first 5 digits in the reference cell? As you can see by the formula below, I set the logical value to true hoping that it would find the closest value, but it did not work. =VLOOKUP(A7,sdoalign,3,TRUE)

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Extracting Part Of Text From One Cell To Another

Aug 20, 2006

I have a column of cells with similar to the following text.

First Marine Avenue 18 1303 11 1

There will always be a final 4 groups of text numbers, each with a space
between, but each having different number of numbers (this particular
sequence has 2,4,2,1 - but others may be different, but always 4 groups)

The true text ( a series of Road names are potentiaaly all different, having
a sequence of words that may be up to 5 words long before the numbers start)

I need to extract the 4 groups of numbers into seperate cells, leaving the
Road name text in a singe cell. I would then have a table of 5 columns, the
first the Road text, and the next 4 columns being the group of numbers, which
I would then format as numbers.

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To Bold A Part Of The Cell Text

Apr 8, 2007

I am creating a sheet with the cell information coming from different cells. I want to bold and/or underline a part of the cell to add clarity.

For e.g.
Cell A1 = "Trans X" (Name of the transaction);
Cell B1 = "System Y" (System where the transaction exists)
Cell C1 = "Type Z" (Type of transaction)

I want to create a cell which has
Newsheet.Cell (x,y) =
"Name: Trans X
System: System Y
Type: Type Z"

I created the String by reading and concatenating the values, but I am not sure how to add the formatting to a part of the string.

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Trim Part Text To New Cell

Jul 17, 2007

I want to put text after firsr 15 chars to new row.

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Pull Part Text From Cell

Aug 8, 2007

Consider the following:

Cell A1 has this text in it:

WT*495*001559369~G3**D1234567**XX**20070626*1740****DHLC*20070807~B4G*RX*1~C32*UDD**UAD~ITQ*05*3****20030711*12~N1*FF*LALALA*25*00802109480~N3*12A46 KRESSASLE

Is it possible to somehow filter, search, find, etc, and basically clean cell A1 so that in the end it has just G3**D1234567?

I made a search macro, but the problem is there is so much text that it takes 2 seconds per cell to do a find. There are 6 columns with 65000 rows. I assume if I clean up each cell and do a "xlWhole" instead of "xlPart" in the find code, it will be much faster.

A1 = WT*495*001559369~G3**D1234567**XX**20070626*1740****DHLC*20070807~B4G*RX*1~C32*UDD**UAD~ITQ*05*3****20030711*12~N1*FF*LALALA*25*00802109480~N3*12A46 KRESSASLE


A1 = G3**D1234567


Note that all rows do have a "~G3**" before the actual number I am doing a search for.

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Hyperlink Part Of Cell Text

Jan 31, 2008

in order to hyperlink a single peice of text in a cell and not the whole cell I have created a shape with no fill or line but added text. I then hyperlinked it to a location in the workbook. When I set the Move and size with cell property I am not geting the expected result. If I resize a row well above that cell, the object isn't following the cell it wa placed in. I would be happy with alternative mechanisms for putting independantly linked text.

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Remove Part Of String

Oct 29, 2009

I have a list of data that populates B2:B2900
This data is often prefixed by a 'reference code' that I wish to be removed.
Now rater than perform this manually aprox 3000 times is there a formula or some VB code that will complete this for me....


The list of data is shown like:

SC7547-05 - Payne, Freda
SC8706-08 - Rungren, Todd
SC8714-05 - Travis, Randy
SC7517-03 - Beach Boys, The
Love Song
Now You're Gone
SC7512-01 - Horton, Johnny
SC8721-15 - Journey

So I wish for the SC7547-05 - to be removed from the first example to just leave Payne, Freda and continue this throughout the list
However if the data is found not to include this code (as in the 5th/6th examples above) leave it alone

So if the code of formula is run for the above the outcome would be....

Payne, Freda
Rungren, Todd
Travis, Randy
Beach Boys, The
Love Song
Now You're Gone
Horton, Johnny

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Finding Part Of Text Then Copy Value Of Other Cell

Mar 26, 2014

Here's the situation (an example):

I have sheet1 that contains the following information

Column A Column B
company1 - book value 0,5
company1 - earnings 0.2
company1 - R&D 1111
company1 - total assets 200000
company2 - book value 2
company2 - earnings 333
company2 - total assets 12

So column B contains only numbers and note that for company 2 I do not have any numbers on R&D.

I have in sheet2 only once the company name. I would like now that if column a contains the text "book value" to have the value of column B pasted in sheet 2 column B. Same for earnings to be pasted in column C. R&D in column D and if R&D is not present for that company then the value should say something like unknown.

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Cell Text As Part Of External Reference

Apr 2, 2007

I am building a summary spreadsheet which will bring in a number of values from other spreadsheets located in folders on a network. Each set of external references will return the same cells, but the location and filenames are different. In order to make it quick and easy to modify the file names and locations without having to change the cell references in my summary sheet i want to type the full reference in a cell as text then use this in another cell as part of the external reference...

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Convert Array Into Text And Remove Duplicate Entries From Text In Cell?

Jun 12, 2014

I have the following two columns, and would like to obtain for each individual Company, the corresponding Country values excluding duplicates as text in a single cell.

Company 2Country B
Company 2Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 3Country C
Company 5Country A
Company 5Country C
Company 5Country C

For example:
- For Company 2, a cell containing "Country B, Country C"
- For Company 3, a cell containing "Country C"
- For Company 5, a cell containing "Country A, Country C"

I've approached generating an array using an IF statement, as in =IF(INDEX(A1:A8="Company 5",,),INDEX(B1:B8,,)," "), which returns the following array: ={" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";" ";"Country A";"Country C";"Country C";" ";" ";" ";" "}.

The question is: how do I get that array to produce, as text in a cell: "Country A, Country C". Note that the duplicate Country C has been removed.

There are a few "StringConcat" User-defined functions that I've found elsewhere on the internet, but they don't seem to be able to handle to conditionally generated IF Index array, which I would think is key to parsing between Countries corresponding to each Company in the list.

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Highlight Part Of Cell Based On Input

Oct 5, 2006

I want to track winning football teams by highlighting the victor. So lets say I have a cell that contains

Raiders @ Niners

and another cell containing "home" or "away" indicating the winner.

Based on the home/away cell, I want to either highlight Niners/Raiders.

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Find Part Of Text Within Cell And Replace From Another Cell

Nov 24, 2008

I need to find the "x" in range C2:C44 and replace it with a value (variable) specified in cell I2

The catch is that I then need to be ablt to change that character when I2 changes.

Coloum C


I2 - Variable = B
*T’x’STATUS will become *T’B’STATUS

I2 - Variable = A
*T’x’STATUS will become *T’A’STATUS

But " *OFF " should not change.

I can change *T’x’STATUS to *T’B’STATUS but then I can change *T’B’STATUS to *T’A’STATUS

Please see attached example file as it shows it better than I can explain it.

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Executing Part Of Macro Only On Cells Meeting A Condition

Jul 11, 2009

I'm working on a spreadsheet designed to track total overtime hours worked in a year; on the spreadsheeet is a column to keep track of each day's total OT, the week's total OT, as well as a column to track the year's total. There is a formula in the week total, but the year total is calculated via a macro (day of the week total, added to the existing year total, result updated, so, each day has it's own button and macro). We have a shift that works a different week than the shift that needs to track overtime, but still must be included in the list.

Therefore, I created a column to place the shift designator so there can be recognizable diffrerentiation. With quite a bit of help from this board, and others, I've created (or been kindly given) the following macro (this is just a part of it) to total the day's overtime and existing year overtime and input the result into the cell. I now need to have this executed only when the condition I specify (say, in cell D1) is met (that would be the shift, for example the text M1 or SST). Please note, the week totals are only for user reference - they do not come into play for calculations of year totals. The below macro actually takes the totals from a day of the week and adds it to the existing year total, placing the result in the year total column.

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Excel 2010 :: Replacing Part Of The Text In A Cell

Jun 1, 2014

I'm running Excel 2010.

In a field containing this: Bergamot, Orange*(11,16) I want to put a space before the asterisk. There are hundreds of these in the spreadsheet with other text before and after the text to be replaced. I made sure the field is defined as a text field.

I searched on "*(" and said replaced with " *(" and ended up with " *(11,16)" - the Bergamot, Orange was removed from the field.

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Extract And Copy Part Of Text String From One Cell To Another?

Aug 22, 2014

I have to sort list of thousands name (3000 names) and remove duplicates. My problem is majority of the names have their title (i.e) Prof. Dr. Ir. Sir. etc typed in, so I need to copy the title in different cell and have their name only. Here's what I expect:

Current List ----> Column A -->Column B
Drs. H. A. Andrew Boston, MRE. ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Boston, MRE
Drs. H. Andrew Smith ----> Drs. H. --> Andrew Smith
H. Abd. Mohammed Junus ----> H. --> Abd. Mohammed Junus
Prof. DR. Jane Doe, MD ----> Prof. D --> Jane Doe, MD
Prof. DR. Ir. H. Randy Wong, MBA --->Prof. DR. Ir. H. -> Randy Wong, MBA
Dra. H. A. Karen Patel ----> Dra. H. --> Karen Patel
Drs. H. A. M. Kangkong ----> Drs. H. A. --> M. Kangkong
Prof. Drs. H. A. Kareem Saleh, Ph.D -> Prof. Drs. H. A. ->Kareem Saleh, Ph.D
Dra. Hj. Nina Schorder ----> Dra. Hj. --> Nina Schorder
Ir. Abdul Jabbar ----> Ir. --> Abdul Jabbar

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Join Text & Wrap: Add A Figure To The First Part Of The Cell

Jan 11, 2007

This is not related to macro - it's an excel question regarding wrapped-around text within a cell (i.e.: text brought onto next line by <Alt>+<Enter>)...

SayI have the following in a cell :

and say I want to add a figure (in this example 1A) to the first part of the cell and then another to the second line of wrapped text and so on. How can I split the cell (or lookup the first 'wrapped' line) so that I can then perform changes (using formulas with '&' to combine etc or whatever) so that in the end cell have the following:

Car 1A<Alt>+<Enter>
Truck 2C<Alt>+<Enter>
Van 1B

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