Remove Numbers From Text And Add New Line To Separate Two Strings Based On Delimiter In A Cell

Feb 16, 2014


london#123;new york#34;
new york;




removing the # and numbers from text and add new line after ; symbol. So it would save me a lot of time in preparing status.

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Separate A Line Of Alternating Text/Numbers Into Columns

Jul 20, 2009

I have thousands of lines of data that are of the following form:

Jackson, TN 9623 BCBS TN 98 UnitedHlthCare 2
Jacksonville, FL 3577 Aetna 47 BCBS FL 37
Knoxville, TN 3796 Cariten 44 John Deere 41
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL 2165 UnitedHlthCare 31 Aetna 29

I need to separate these lines into columns such that, for example, the first line would be in 6 columns: (Jackson, TN) (9623) (BCBS TN) (98) (UnitedHlthCare) (2)

The delimiter does not work because some of there is no one character that always separates the text and the numbers. I've tried going through in word and typing something like '%' where I want to separate, but with thousands of lines of data that is extremely tedious.

Is there any formula I can use that would be capable of solving this?

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Separate Text String With No Delimiter

Jun 20, 2008

I have a script to import all the data in a text file into an excel sheet. However, the data that is imported are in the first column of every row.

for e.g.

there is no comma nor / to separate the string of alphanumerics is there any vba script that i can incorporate to separate the first 3 digit in the first column then 5 digit in the second column then 7 digit in the 3rd columns and etc.

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Text To Coulmns When The Delimiter Is Vbnew Line

Apr 8, 2009

I have an excel column that contains the vbnew line box between two pieces of data. If I want to do text to coulmns how do I choose the vbnewline as the delimiter?

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Text-to-Columns Delimiter Based On Cell Contents

Jan 12, 2012

I frequently review DAT files. These DAT files use a variety of characters as delimiters. I'm trying to devise a macro that will perform a text-to-column operation, using the content of a specified cell as the delimiter.

Here's my code, which uses - (ASCII 0254) as a delimiter:

With Sheet1
Range("A1", ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select


Instead of having the delimiter hard-coded, I'd like my macro to use whatever character I enter into Sheet3.Range("i5") as a delimiter. That way, I can easily change my delimiter character as necessary.

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Text To Columns Having Numbers Being The Delimiter?

Jul 9, 2014

I need to organize some unorganized texts in my columns.Here is what I have in the column:


Here is what I need it to look like:

Column C = "89002"

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Extract Numbers And Text From Listbox Separated By Delimiter

Feb 14, 2008

I have a listbox populated with a number followed by description. How do I write code to extract the number and description to different cells. Listbox example: "1234ES - Project Description". Now I want "1234ES" in one cell and "Project Description" in cell left of number.

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Excel 2007 :: SUM Numbers Within Cell Based On Unique Strings In Another Cell?

Jan 11, 2012

how would you do the following in excel 2007:

"SUM numbers within a cell based on unique strings in another cell".

For example, how would i use formula to SUM the following numbers (and only the numbers for david and sam only once), 700+454+50+40+2+129+16

700 david

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Separate Text Strings With Variable Lengths

Jan 29, 2014

I need to separate the text in "A" to "B" & "C", however, the length of "A" varies. Here's an example.


[Code] ....

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Separate And Identify Text From Numbers In One Cell

Jun 5, 2009

I am working with reference numbers which follow the following format:

first section:


Second Section


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Remove Text And Sum 2 Numbers In Same Cell

Jun 10, 2013

I have a report that is auto generated in Excel format but I need to summarize the hours worked. The output in each cell in column "I" can be any of the following combinations.

IE: 1h, 15m or 1h 30m

I have tried the following formula with some success.

"=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("m",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "m", ""),IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("h",I32)), SUBSTITUTE(I32, "h","")*60, ""))

However, it wont work for the "1h 30m" combination.

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Format Row Cell Color Based On Number Of Text Strings In A Column

Jul 29, 2013

I have been trying to format the rows on this sheet to color scale red based on the number of repeat text strings in Column E. Referring to the attached example sheet, '321/312.2/321.3' appears the most times and the goal is to color code the rows it appears in the deepest shade of red, then the next highest occurring string would shade the rows it appears in a lighter shade, etc, in descending order. Our team currently does this across multiple sheets manually everyday and it would be a real time saver if we could get excel to do this automatically.

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How To Separate Text From Numbers Into Two Separate Cells

Feb 13, 2014

I'm trying to separate text from numbers into two separate cells...

Essentially, I would like the users to copy and paste data into Column A, as seen below. Then, hopefully by formula separate the text characters into Column B and the numbers into Column C.

Input: Output 1: Output 2:

Col A Col B Col C
Wells 123 Wells 123
Wells 1234 Wells 1234
Wells Fargo 123 Wells Fargo 123
Wells Fargo 1234 Wells Fargo 1234
Wells Fargo Inc 123 Wells Fargo Inc 123
Wells Fargo Inc 1234 Wells Fargo Inc 1234

Ideally, I would like to do this with a formula...

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Separate Text Wrapped Cells By Line

Feb 8, 2012

I have a database of address which have been inputted into text wrapped cells like this:

Line 4

Can I turn these lines into columns?

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Remove String Of Numbers From Excel Cell Leaving Only Text?

Dec 4, 2013

I need to remove only numbers from excel cell - I have tried using the "constant" function but did not work. I have thousands of cells with a consistent 4 digit number like this:

1000 the rest is text

How can I remove only numbers but leave all text in the cell and then if I can trim the cell so there are not any spaces at the beginning afte removing the numbers.

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Find Numbers In Text Strings

Nov 21, 2006

I have several cells in a column that look something like this:

Cell A1: abc 1234 def ghi
Cell A2: xxxx aa b 245 qqqqq
Cell A3: abcdefg hij kl mnopqr s

Is there an excel formula or combination of formulas I can use to identify:
(1) whether any given text string (such as those above) include numbers, and
(2) what the first number (which could contain 1-4 digits) contained in the text string is?

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SUMPRODUCT Exclude Numbers And Text Strings?

Apr 19, 2014

I'm trying to sum up the total of a list excluding a list like this:

Column B

In my worksheet 1, it contains e.g.
Column AC

Column W contains the numbers I want to add up:

My current formula is:

It has managed to exclude the numbers (e.g. 70228, 70229, etc) but not the text strings (e.g. 012*) when summing it up

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Delete All Numbers Like: #####-## From Text Strings In Cells

Jun 23, 2008

I need to remove multiple instances of pages numbers from a 2000 character text string I have dumped into a cell. The spacing is not equal between the page numbers but they always take the form |#####-##| i.e. bar delimited 5 digit-2 digit. I tried SUBSTITUTE but it will not accept wildcards. I was thinking of looping through a SEARCH. The numbers are ordered ie |00001-01| to |00001-25| then |00002-01| etc, stopping at 25. This might lend to looping but I couldn't wrap my head around the VBA to accomplish that. A sample of the text

"|00006-01| (Defendants' Exhibit Nos. 1,2 marked for |00006-02| Identification.) |00006-03| BY MR. JOHNSON: |00006-04| Q. Doctor, I am handing you Exhibits 1 and 2. |00006-05| Exhibit 2, is that the one that you brought with you, |00006-06| the deposition notice of today? |00006-07| A. I believe so, yes." Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;I should have said this before but this is for use on Excel 2003 WinXP.

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Extract Specific Numbers From Text Strings

Jun 26, 2008

Need to write a Macro to only extract numbers from text, characters and numbers fields. I would like the numbers to be extracted in column B, C & D. I am only interested in numbers that begins with 200's, 800's and 4500's. see the attached file.

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Text To Columns - Separating Numbers From Character-strings

Feb 10, 2014

I have a field that contains rows of data, each made up of a Number followed by Text. The length of the numbers differ - sometimes 4 digits, sometimes 5 or 6. Similarly, the text differs by word-count. An example is

2546 Nags Head
75698 Dog & Duck
634 Crown

I want a way of dividing the numbers from the text (numbers in one column and text in another).

Standard 'Text to Columns' won't work: I can't use 'Fixed Width' due to the number-length varying, and I can't use 'Delimited' and [space] as it will then split all the text up word-for-word (concatenating them back will take ages as my list is 480 rows long).

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SUMIF - Text Strings With Numbers / Exact Matches / Asterisks

Jun 19, 2013

Doing some job costing on our lowes invoice and am using SUMIF and asterisks to account for all the different names that get used for properties by the cashiers. An example of that range column is:

19112 PONCA


9420 67 ST
1503 SW 13TH


19112 PONCA
19112 PONKA

I have formatted this whole column as text and get strange results from sumif when there are exact matches. For example the "10818" string is uniform through the spreadsheet and returns a result of 0.00 if entered as "*10818*" for criteria but returns the correct amount if I use "10818" or 10818 with no quotes.

It seems to be related to the text strings that contain just "numbers" as I'm having no trouble picking up exact matches when there are alpha characters.

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Remove Part Text From Cell Based On Condition

Dec 3, 2006

What I would like to do is remove part of an email address from a cell.

Ex. if the was a cell that contained "" I would like to make that cell only contain ""

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Remove Unknown Characters & Display As Multi-Line Wrap Text

Mar 27, 2008

I have a exel file which has been exported from Access to exel. There are many cells which shows the data as in Cell A1 with the Linefeed character in between data in a cell. Is there any way (may be using a macro) where I can remove the character and get it to display as B1 in the same cell(A1). The file is attached herewith.

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Text To Columns VBA Code To Change Delimiter If The Cell Value Is In Array

Nov 26, 2008

I'm currently trying to compare all of my companies data sources for staff, ie helpdesk, telephony, ldap etc. and I have made quite a bit of progress, mostly thanks to this forum, however one issue I am running into, is the fact that when I use the text to columns funtion (in a macro) it's splitting up names which are double barrelled into 3 columns. The names are in the format of...

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Split Single Text Cell Into Multiple Rows Using Comma Delimiter?

Jul 3, 2014

I want to split the contents of a single cell(ALT Enter as delimiter) into multiple cells and retain the values in column B.


A1: apple

A2: yellow

B2: building

B3: O


sheet 2:

A1: apple B1: yellow
A2: banana B2: yellow
A3: car B3: yellow
A4: house B4: yellow
A5: building B5: O
A6: x B6: O
A7 B7: O

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Split Single Text Cell Into Multiple Rows, Using A Comma Delimiter

Dec 1, 2008

I have a string of text in one cell on Sheet 1 (ie., A1, Sheet 1), here is a excerpt:

A-dec International Inc., A. Bellotti, A. DEPPELER S.A., etc ...

What I need to do is split the cell into separate rows, using the comma as a delimiter. I will be reading the cell from another sheet and need a formula that will provide me with

A1: A-dec International Inc.
A2: A. Bellotti

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Separate Text And Numbers

Jan 20, 2014

I want to separate the texts and numbers in a column A1.Please find the attachment.


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Separate Text And Numbers

Aug 22, 2007

creating a formula to separate the text from the numbers into 2 separate columns.

Examples are:
A1= Angel Romero 260.00
A2= Wieben Chiropractic Clinic 74.00
A3= R Ricardo Ramirez Dds 340.00

The 'Text to Column' function does not work because there is no fixed width and no deliminater. To add in a deliminater, like a "", is an option but there are thousands of cells to do this to.

As you can see, using LEFT, RIGHT and MID functions become tricky since the deliminater would be a "space" but there are often several "spaces" in the string of characters.

Is there a way to SEARCH or FIND the first number and let that be the deliminater?

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Separate Text From Numbers

Feb 9, 2010

I have cell with lot of texts, punctuations and numbers all mixed together,
example :

private-4089 AND road ESCORT,trailer-4111 & test vehicle

I need to remove all texts and keep the numbers only: 4089, 4111

then I hope I can do text to column to put each number in a cell

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Separate Numbers From Text ...

Oct 9, 2008

I have text in column F that have numbers at the begining of the text. Unfortunately not all the number are of the same lenght. what is the way I can separate them from the text.



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