Remove Items Within Each Group

Aug 1, 2014

I need to keep the items that appeared first and remove all other duplicates within each group (please see the attached).

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Group The Similar Items On The X Axis?

Dec 10, 2008

I cannot figure out how to keep my formatting in this post, so sorry for this being smooshed************

I have data that looks like this:
Alphaeus District Editing BMI 100
Alphaeus District Editing CurlUp 100
Alphaeus District Editing ModdedPullUp 100
Alphaeus District Editing OneMileRun 100
Alphaeus District Editing OneMileWalk 100
Alphaeus District Editing SitAndReach 100..................................

When I try and chart it I get the whole DISTRICT label going upwards and theTESTS going sideways... causing a jumbled mess....

Is there anyway I can group these Items first so I would get something like this in my chart:

New District
test 1 bar
test 2 bar
test 3 bar
Alph District
test 1 bar
test 2 bar.......etc

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Group Items And Divide By Coloured Row

Aug 6, 2007

I need to group items by date and time and for each group to be separated by a coloured row. So for example september 3rd at 2am may contain rows of info, after that would be a coloured row.

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Find Closest Match To Group Of Items?

Oct 4, 2011

I have a database where I have groups defined. For example, Parent 0001 is called Bag1. It contains an apple, orange, grape, and a pear. Parent 0002 is called Bag2, containing an apple, orange, and a peach. So on and so on...

Below is an illustration of what I explained above:

Description 0001
Bag1 0001
apple 0001
orange 0001


I need a way to input items that are in the groups and find the groups have all of the items or the group with the best match. I need to know if the match is 100% or if it is only a partial match.

The bag might have 2 items or it could have 20 items and they can be in any order.

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Remove Duplicates In Each Subtotal Group?

Apr 8, 2014

Is it possible to remove duplicates from each separate subtotal group, I have the same value through the spread sheet, but only want it to appear once in each subtotal group.

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Excel Macro To Remove Duplicates Within Group?

Jul 2, 2014

Write a multidimensional array.

I was able to write a OBject dictionary in a loop that removes dupes. During this build I did not take into account that I needed to restart the loop whenever the cell in column L is not the same as the next cell down.

Here is an example of my input Data:

Column L Column P
Row 1 9 10,500
Row 2 9 10,500


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Add Or Remove Items With A Checkbox Into A Listbox

Dec 14, 2009

I have 10 checkboxes,

When the checkbox is checked, add the cell next to it to t a listbox in another sheet. (in the sample, the result ,must appear in sheet "relatorio", inside the yellow cells)

When the checkbox is unchecked , remove that item from the listbox.

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Remove Empty Array Items In VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Remove Empty Array Items In Excel VBA

Nov 9, 2009

I'm stuck with an array problem in excel. I have an array MyArr() in excel.

Its length is from 1 to i where i takes dynamic value from varibable.

Now the problem is MyArr(1 to i) has some empty values.

Like say: if i = 5 then
MyArr(1) = "a"
MyArr(2) = ""
MyArr(3) = "b"
MyArr(4) = ""
MyArr(5) = "c"

How can I get rid of those empty elements so that MyArr() becomes only three elements long and then display them in a range of three cells.

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Remove Duplicates And Populate Items Based On Dropdown?

Feb 10, 2014

I have an excel sheet with data where I have column A index number, B company name, c empty, d data , e with item.

[Code] ......

What I trying to do is I made a dropdown for company list and i select comp1 then i want to populate items list with out duplicates .

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Multi Select Listbox, Remove Selected Items.

Oct 25, 2009

i have a multi select listbox that i want to be able to remove the selected items in one hit.

i have not been able to convert code for removing single selected items and could not find a working example.

this is probley the closest though cos its removing items it plays havoc with the listcount

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Remove Matching Items From A Workbook Based On A Master List

Jun 16, 2009

I have Workbook A populated with skus from a report and I want to remove all rows in this workbook that do not have a matching sku in Workbook B. Each workbook contains only one sheet and the skus are in column 1 of both workbooks.

Also, I am looking for a good resource/tutorial for working with workbooks, worksheets and ranges within. I don't anticipate this being the last time I will be confronted with this and would like to learn more.

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VBA - Advanced Filter / Find Row Items To Remove Based On Multiple Criteria

Jun 28, 2014

I'm working with many rows of data (500,000+) and many columns. To simplify my question, I'm going to provide a simple example using made up numbers and only the columns I'm concerned with.

BillT Doc.ItemQty

I am trying to remove the docs that have two Bill types that cancel each other out, where the qtys match and highlight the rows where the qtys don't match. The macro needs to have the positive and negative bill types programatically entered, where for example F1 and F2 are positive and S1 and RE are negative. Keep in mind the data may not necessarily be in order as it is above.

So for example with data above, the rows for doc 777 would be removed completely because the item numbers are the same, the qty is the same, and the bill types oppose each other. Doc 123 and Item 10 lines should be highlighted since their bill types are opposed bu their qtys don't match.

I hope this makes sense. I tired to achieve this using multiple loops and arrays, but ran out of memory when working with the entire set of data. I'm assuming their must be a better way to do this, I'm hoping some of the intelligent individuals here will be able to point in the right direction.

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Remove Items From DV List Once Used / Display Elsewhere / Reset List When Filling Across

Sep 13, 2013

It's a quarterly schedule for utility meter readers, divided up into days across the top, and routes/areas down the side.
There's a space with each route for the employee ID to go, depending on who's doing it.

Down the bottom of the sheet, there's a few empty lines for all the available employees who haven't been allocated to a route.

On the second sheet labelled EMP LIST, is all the employee IDs. It's also got the areas they work- it's for something I want to implement later.

I can put all the employees into a single column list, then use basic DV to give a dropdown menu by each route, to assign an employee to it. This is pretty straight forward. I've also been playing with this in combination with a countif, so that employees already assigned do not appear in the list.

This is about as far as I've managed to get with it.

I need to get the employees who aren't assigned to anything to appear in a list below the routes. I'm fairly sure this is just another countif, but I'm not 100% on the exact formulas.

I also need the list in the dropdown menu to reset for each day of the quarter, i.e. if I assign an employee to a route on the 30th day of the quarter, their ID will disappear from the list for any other route for that day, but will still be there for the other days of the quarter.

So far the only way I've managed to do this is by duplicating the employee list for every day of the quarter, which is going to get very cluttered, and also makes staffing changes difficult. I'm hoping there's an easier way to do this using one data set.

I've added an example of the sheet. It's one week and it's only got about 1/3 of the routes we would actually have on any given day.


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VBA To Search Group Of Cells And Input Message If Value Is Missing From Group?

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to write VBA code that groups cells between blank rows and inserts a message if a string of text (a name) is missing from the entire group. I want the code to search cells in column A and group the cells between blank cells. Use the name I input in an input box as the search criteria and insert a message in the Column C next to the last blank cell in the group and then move on to the next group and highlight the cell in red with bold text. I am including a spreadsheet with an example of what the sheet should look like before and after the code is run.

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Pivot Table Group :: Group By Integers And Not By Months, Years Etc?

Nov 12, 2009

I have date fields as column labels in a pivot table. When I try to group them I'm only given the option to group by integers and not by months, years etc.

I've had a look at the format settings of the column and they are formatted as date fields.

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Insert Group Header Based On Consistent Value Within The Group?

Feb 10, 2014

I have several groups of data in the same sheet. Each group has two blank rows above the first row of data. Each group has column "B" in common (e.g., "Phone" in the example attached). I'd like to add a title/label of "Phone" to the first column in the row immediately preceding the first row of data for that group.

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Use The Group Box To Group A Number Of Option Buttons Together?

Jan 17, 2013

how to use the group box to group a number of option buttons together.

Question is, lets say, i have a total of 4 group box. if i want it to work in such a way where by once 2 option buttons are being selected (1 option selected from each group box), the rest of the option buttons in the 4 group box will be greyed out. is that possible?

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Convert A Group Of Numbers To A Group Of Letters

Aug 9, 2006

My store uses a retail price "code" wherein a price like 99 in expressed as a
code like "PP"--exchanging the number digits 1-0 as letters.

Is there a function to do this automatically?

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Apply Row Count Of Sub Group In Each Row Of Sub Group

May 28, 2014

In Col X of the attachment, I have manually entered the count of the rows within each sub group, as determined by the counter in Col W. How can I do this automatically? I need this because when I filter the spread sheet by Rank, I need to know how many selections, of the filter Rank query, were in a sub group of ? number.

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Conditional Formatting IF Function To Identify Past Due Items In Red And Items Completed

Aug 13, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that lists a set of actions and the days they need to be completed.

The due dates are listed in column c and in column h I have a the user choosing "completed" from a drop down data validation.

I have a dashboard on a separate worksheet, showing if the item is complete and the due date.

Ideally I would like to display the dates on the dashboard in red if they are past due, and the box in column h was not marked complete.

I have been going through my books and trying to solve this, but I run into a different issues.

Even if for now If I can get the main worksheet to display the color conditional formatting that would work

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Count Items In Column That Match Multiple Data Items?

Mar 27, 2014

I need to count the total number of times 4 different values appear in a column. This formula works for one value:


Where H1 contains the word Assigned. I need to also find and add to count for matches in I1,J1 and K1 which contain New, Pending and Work in Progress respectively.

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Select Multiple Items In List And Then Print Those Items?

Dec 26, 2013

I am wanting to create a list where I can select multiple items within that list and then print only those selected items. I have created something similar thru data validation, but I can't get it to print.

In addition, I would like to be able to subdivide the list into multiple categories, then select items from these multiple categories and print them.

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Sort And Group Names Then Sum Associated Numerical Values For Each Group - Sort Total

Apr 18, 2014

I have this massive spreadsheet, with the maximum rows excel will fit on one sheet. In the interest of simplicity, this is what the raw data looks like:

Last First Amount

Jones Jim $1000
Jung Joe $700
White Jon $100
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
Jung Joe $800
White Jon $200

What I want to do is automatically get excel to group all the same names together. Then I want it to sum all the values for each name, then order by largest total value for each person, then order that by name alphabetically. In other words, the above would look like this after the sort:

Last First Amount
Jung Joe $800
Jung Joe $700
Jones Jim $1000
Jones Jim $200
Jones Jan $300
White Jon $200
White Jon $100

Or, if necessary, there could be sum total rows under each name...although I don't have spare rows, so IDK. I could delete some rows if I had to, but would rather not.

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Change Color Of Group Of Cells Based On Data In Another Group Of Cells

Jan 12, 2014

Conditional formatting. I want to change the color of a group of cells based on data in another group of cells. Example:

If cells G8 and G9 (which are merged) are between 80% and 94%, then I9,I10,I11 (which are merged) will turn Yellow. Also, under the same scenario, IF G8 and G9 is greater than 94%, then cells I9, I10, I11 will turn Red.

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Excluding Selections: Added To The 20 Items And Not To The 3 Items

May 23, 2006

If i select 3 items from a list 20 items to be show on the cube this is fine and works however if i then add another item to the list i now have 21 items and for some reason it also adds itself to my 3 selected items to become 4 items. Is there anyway I can get it to be added to the 20 items and not to the 3 items..

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Creating A Unique List Of Items In Column A That Have A Corresponding Non-zero Value In Column B, I.e. Excluding All Items Where Sumif ColumnB Would Sum To 0

Jul 17, 2009

I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}

however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.

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Remove Non-alpha Characters From Alphanumerics With Option To Remove Numbers

Aug 8, 2009

I have found a very useful UDF for removing non-alpha characters from strings. (See below, Credit for posting to Stanley D Grom - Ozgrid post ´Removing Non-alpha Characters From Text´).

Option Explicit

Private Function RemoveCharacters(InString As String) As String
Dim intLoopCounter As Integer
Dim intStringLength As Integer
Dim intASCIIVal As Integer
intStringLength = Len(InString)
InString = LCase(InString)
For intLoopCounter = 1 To intStringLength
intASCIIVal = Asc(Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1))
If intASCIIVal >= 97 And intASCIIVal <= 122 Then
RemoveCharacters = RemoveCharacters + Mid(InString, intLoopCounter, 1)
End If
Next intLoopCounter
End Function

Two requests:

1. Could the UDF be modified such that any part of a string contained within brackets is also removed (e.g. "NLGA High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlgahighstreeten")?

2. Can an argument be added to the format of the UDF, such that numbers (0 to 9) are either included or excluded (e.g. RemoveCharacters(A1,1) where the argument ´1´ would include any numbers (0 to 9), so "NLGA2003 High Street (West-Enfield), EN6" becomes "nlga2003highstreeten6")? ´blank´or ´0´would exclude these numbers, i.e. would return "nlgahighstreeten"

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Top X From Each Group

Jan 5, 2008

I have multiple names in each of 10 groups. Each name will have a number beside it. I wish to have a separate worksheet that will contain only the name with the highest number beside it, from each group.

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Group Every Nth Row

Mar 11, 2008

I have an Excel sheet with one column (column A) and I have 503 000 data rows. In the first 503 rows I will need to insert the data group1. The next 503 rows, I will need to insert the data group2. The data always increment by 1 every 503 rows.

I could do it manually for few groups, but I need to create 1000 groups (503 000 rows). So you can imagine the load of work if I would do that manually.

Does anyone can explain me how to create a macro or anything that could automate this?

Im using Excel 2007 that support more than 1 million rows vs the old Excel versions which is a max of 64 000 rows

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