Replacing Matched Cell Values

Jun 8, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with around 1000 rows on data. in each row of data there is a number e.g. 2673 (all in their own cells) so in column A you would have a list of just numbers in another workbook, the number thats in each row corresponds to another value e.g. 2673 = CE103. So this workbook has 2 columns. In column "A" you have the numbers(2673) and in column "B" you have what that number matches with (CE103) i need a way of replacing all the numbers with what they equal
Workbook 1
2673 XXX XXX
5107 XXX XXX

Workbook 2
2673 CE107
513 CDR57
5107 QV906
604 MNT57

There is an example of what i have (hope its understandable) and what i need is, the data from workbook 2 put in to workbook 1. So instead of having 2673 in workbook1, i would have CE107. And the same for the others e.g 513 would be CDR57.

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Replacing Text With Cell Values?

Nov 8, 2012

I have a data starting from column D. And the list goes like below:

D1: TO
E1: CC
G1: Body
H1: Text1
I1: Text2
J1: Text3

I would like to obtain the final body in column K after replacing the text with column H, I, J.

Below is how my data looks and How i would like to obtain the final body.
Final Body

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Compare Column A In Two Worksheet If Matched Then Copy To Matched Sheet?

Aug 4, 2014

I need to compare column A of Original.test worksheet to column A of Supplier.test worksheet. If there is a match then copy entire row of the corresponding match from Original.test to Matched worksheet. If no match then copy that row into OnlyInOriginal worksheet.

I have included the workbook and what the output should be. Hope it makes sense. ozgrid.xlsx

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Replacing XML Values With Cell Values?

May 2, 2012

So I have sheet with various values.

I have a rather big XML type column where I want to replace values (in green) with thier corresponding cell values. Im pretty sure this can be done but have tried with no success!

item>TEST POST StuffCan Be ListedLike ThisOkay StuffCan Be ListedLike This
Bad StuffCan Be ListedLike This]]> 102011-07-07 19:41:16 2011-07-07 19:41:16openopengrand-canyonpublish 00post0
_edit_lastkeya:6:{s:4:"zoom";s:2:"14";s:8:"latitude";s:8:"36.34313";s:9:"longitude";s:10:"-112.51339";s:11:"address_one";s:12:"Grand Canyon";s:11:"address_two";s:12:"Williams, AZ";s:6:"bg_img";s:0:"";}]]>_thumbnail_id

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Copying Values From Matched Rows

Jun 22, 2009

I'm working on a project requiring the matching of data from multiple worksheets and got some useful advice from someone on here a few months ago to get it up and running.

At the moment I'm using SUMPRODUCT with an IF argument to check rows on one sheet for matches on 5 others and return a "Yes" or "No" value, which is working fine. The next bit of analysis however requires copying the value from another column on rows that match, and pasting it into the first sheet.

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Compare Two List And Sort Matched Values

Mar 20, 2013

I have 2 Data Lists, want to make compare and sort as matched values.

So, I need to find a solution with a formula or maybe Macro.(Formula is preferred)

At the attached file you will find the detail : CompareList&Order.xlsx‎

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Color Matched Values Excel Formula

Sep 14, 2009

This may be out of the realm, but is there a way I can have a cell(s) with text in it change to another color?

To be a little clearer. Cell H3 (but i have a small formula in cell h3) has 9 and cell A4 has the same value (9) (or number or value etc..)

i would to color red for H3 if it find matches in range A4:F4
like this:

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Finding Fully Matched Duplicate Values In Two Lists

Nov 18, 2013

I have two lists and wish to compare them to identify duplicate values. I have used Duplicate Values in Conditional formatting but cannot find a way of ensuring an exact match. For example one list has the value 4150 and the other list has other values like 5641509 and 341508, both of which contain the string 4150 but are clearly not the same value. However, the conditional formatting is picking these up as duplicate values.

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Replacing Cell Values With Values From Another Cell?

Apr 21, 2014

I have done this before, but it has been a while since Ihave had to use VBA code. What I want to do is find and replace every occurrenceof a test string within a formula with a text string in the first column ofthat row. In the example (I have omitted the formula and left just the word toreplace). I used to have a simple VBAMacro, but not sure what I did with it!

Bob David David David --Every Davidreplace with BOB
Tom David David David --Every Davidreplace with TOM
Fred David David David --Every Davidreplace with FRED
Matt David David David --Every Davidreplace with Matt

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Replacing Values Between Xls Files?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a file with some statistics on how agents at work performed. This file gets sent to all of them, but before we send it we change the names for a number, so that they don't know how the other agents are doing (avoiding comparisons). People had been doing this manually, but it's getting really complex as the number of agents is increasing. I know that this can be automatized, but I have no idea on how to do it. A simple formula with an IF statement wouldn't be sufficient. Here's an example of the data. The file that is to be modified to be sent to all the agents looks like this:

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Finding And Replacing Multiple Values?

Jun 14, 2014

I'm currently doing a project which requires me to find and replace a large number of values.

ie. Column A Row 1 = 80099, Column A Row 2 = 554441, Column A Row 3 = Z5478, CAR4 = B89877 etc...

I need to replace these numbers with meaningful values and I have a reference table to tell me what these codes mean ie. 80099 = apple juice, 554441 = orange puree, Z5478 = pumpkin soup, B89877 = banana smoothie. The reference table is in a separate excel spreadsheet and is tabulated in two columns ie. Column A = "the code", Column B = "the value".

There are like 1000+ codes I need to find and replace which I know is going to kill me if I did it manually. How do I find and replace all the values?

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Formula For Finding / Replacing Values?

Jan 14, 2013

I have two pairs of columns, A B and E F.

Column A contains one numeric value in each row. Column B lists one person's name in each row.

Column E contains a distinct list of the names found in column B (no repeats), with one name in each row. Each row of column F contains one alpha ID that belongs to the adjacent name in column E.

I need to replace each name in column B with its respective alpha ID from column F, effectively pairing each numeric value in column A with an alpha ID from column F.

Have I stated my goal clearly enough? I could Find/Replace a few hundred times, but I thought there might be a better way using an Excel formula. I'm a beginner-intermediate user, and I clearly don't know enough about Excel to even ask about specific functions for this task.

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Select Name That Is Not Matched With Another Cell?

Nov 6, 2013



Not sure what is the best way to explain this- basically I need Name 1, 2, 3 to select the names from [B2 to F2], excluding the name that matches with B4 (because that is a variable).

For example, Name 1, 2 and 3 should be John, Mila or Paul (in any order).

And when B4 is changed to John, Name 1, 2 and 3 should be Amy, Mila and Paul.

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Comparing Two Rows Replacing Values In Columns

May 29, 2014

I am facing a problem in evaluating a problem. I am referencing from the screenshot of excel file. I want to replace the values of Column-C for which column-A matches with column -G. And, the remaining will remain same.


I am also attaching the excel file.

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Replacing List Of Values In Just One Column With Certain Text?

May 18, 2014

I am creating a template for formatting data that I download from a wholesaler to upload to a platform. The large database of around 1300 records that comes with category and subcategory names, among all the rest of the data, that I download There are more column titles and information than I need, so my template will have blank headings that I will know to simply delete after I paste. Maybe there is a Macro for that too.

The category and subcategory names to appear in certain columns. I want those names to appear in multiple columns within the same records. How to create a formula/macro to copy all of the data in one column to a different column with a different heading and keep those headings different and save them within my template. I have a list of the 240 with CategoryID, ParentID, Category and Subcategory all corresponding. These always come and go in CSV format, so I cannot create additional sheets to save within my template without a hassle.

In two ID number value columns, I would like all of the text names replaced with corresponding numbers for upload to the platform that requires them. I have been trying to figure out the best way to create a macro to save within my template for daily use, but so far I have not been able to figure it out. I have been watching videos on vlookup, index & match, find & replace...I have not seen what I need just yet


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Populate A Cell From Data Matched From 3 Other Worksheets

Mar 16, 2009

I was able to use the IF function to match all of the sells in each work sheet but have been unable to figure out how to pull the SYSTEM# from each MASTER into the inventory sheet matching the CCSD row D.

I was able to figure out how to add the IF function to the individual worksheets but I have no idea what function would pull the SYSTEM# from the matching MASTER worksheet.

I'm attaching working document I have so far I was able to use the count function to add up quantities and the conditional format to set up the formats.

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Cut Entire Row To New Sheet If Cell Data Is Matched

Feb 2, 2010

Macro that cut entire row to new sheet if cell data is matched.

For example,

Column A Column E
001 AAA
002 BBB
003 CCC
004 AAA
005 CCC
006 DDD

From sheet 1, A & C matched criteria, cut entire row and paste in new sheet with same header.

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Excel 2013 :: Replacing Values In Existing Functions With Newly Defined Names

Jan 6, 2014

I'm trying to simplify a spreadsheet i've been given by defining names for certain values. I'm using Excel 2013. Is there any way to have all of the newly defined names I've created for cells automatically be inserted into all of the formulas that exist in the spreadsheet?


Old formula in one sheet of a workbook looks up a cell in another sheet with the value of ='sheet1!A1

I've given the value of cell A1 in Sheet1 a name of dgwd.

How do I get every formula in the workbook that references 'sheet1!A1 to change the value within that formula to dgwd?

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Return Value Of Cell BELOW Matched Cell?

Apr 16, 2014

I'm trying to return to the value of the matched cell.

On the book "holding period returns," I'm trying to find the maximum value (O3), in the corresponding array (B3:N55) which would return I3, and then input the cell right below it (I4).

I tried an Hlookup but keep getting the wrong returned cell.

Attachment 60053

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Replacing #N/A Values With Zero Values

Feb 16, 2006

I have a cell that is looking up values in another sheet using HLOOKUP.... when it doesn't find a value it returns a #N/A value.... I have tried using an IF statement with an imbedded ISNA or ISERROR or ERROR.TYPE function to have it return a zero in the event of #N/A and the actual value if it is able to find what it is looking up.... I need to convert the #N/As to zeros so I can use the sum function by merely highlighting a range with my mouse...

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Replacing Old Values With New Values?

Nov 7, 2013

I have a large data set of alphanumeric values (e.g. WUGTI56G36B879568). I need to remove the last six digits from each value and replace them with "XXXXXX". I've already learned that I can insert a column next to my data set and use this formula =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-6)&"XXXXXX" to remove the last six digits and replace them with my preferred text. However, now that I've done that is there any way to paste the new values from Column B into Column A without having the formula get all screwy? I don't necessarily want to hide Row A, but instead get rid of it and make Column B into Column A.

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Replacing A Value With A Cell Name

Jun 12, 2009

I want to be able to replace the bolded and underlined areas of this javascript i have pasted in a cell with the value located in another cell. This means that those numbers would be replaced by a similar thing located in another cell. how can this be done? The way I would think you would do this by defining that say =b8 (an example of where the data could be coming from is ann excel formula, but not sure how to do this ...

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Replacing Exact Value On The Same Cell?

Jun 4, 2014

Have a column of cells (521 rows), on the column each cell contains a group of number

27, 539, 484, 485, 506, 594, 523, 502, 505, 525, 541, 526, 527, 529, 542, 533
28, 540, 493, 494, 506, 594, 523, 502, 509, 525, 541, 526, 527, 529, 542, 530
28, 540, 493, 494, 506, 594, 523, 502, 509, 525, 541, 526, 527, 529, 542, 533

Let's say I would like replace 27 to 163 but when I find and replay the "527" also changed to 5163. How can i filtered out 527 and just change the 27. I tried Match Entire Cell Content, it doesn't work.

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Adding Value To Cell Instead Of Replacing?

Jun 6, 2014

I created a custom ribbon with tickmark button. The problem is that at sometimes, i will need 2 tickmarks in the same cell.

Actually in using the simple line :
ActiveCell.Value = "a"

And when i click on a second tickmark, it replace my "a" by ei. "b" to make it "ab" instead ?

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Replacing/Moving Within A Cell

Sep 8, 2008

XL=2003 SP3

I need to move data within a cell. Is there a formula that can accomplish this? Here is an example of what I'm trying to do..

Column A
/ TN14YP244f
/ TN15YP245j
/ TN16YP246h

What it would need to do is take the last character in each cell and move it to replace the P in that cell. It should also capitalize the letter. ie: / TN14YP244f would become / TN14YF244

The letters at the end of the cell are always different, however the letter they replace is always the same (P).

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Replacing A Blank With Info From Cell Above

Apr 17, 2009

I have a long spreadsheet that is formatted and organized with six digit codes on the left, and then several lines of information on the right, in order to sort and compare to another report, I was trying to replace the blanks in the digits on the left....

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Replacing One Cell With Another And Controlling Its Attributes

Jan 24, 2010

1) What function can I use to replace a specific cell in spreadsheet 2 with what I type in a specific cell in spreadsheet 1 (e.g. type red in spreadsheet 1 in A1 and it will replace a blank cell A1 in spreadsheet 2 with red)? I have around a hundred spreadsheets which I need to name by typing a name in cell A1. Rather than doing this, I already have the names of the spreadsheets in a column.

2) Is there anyway to control the attributes of cells in another spreadsheet? E.g. change to bold, red and specific size font in cell A1 in spreadsheet 2 using cell A1 in spreadsheet 1.

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Replacing A Date Cell With Expired

Aug 6, 2014

I have a row of different dates in a speadsheet all in the same column e.g A1 to A10 What I am trying to achieve is that when it reaches todays date it will automatically change that cell to read Expired.

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VBA - Replacing A Cell Ref With A Named Range

Jul 14, 2009

I have code that was working with cell references. I replaced one of the cell references with a Defined Name that I applied to the cell that was previously referenced in the code. The code does not work with the Defined Name now. In the code below, the Name "FeeType" was previously where the cell reference was. I have attempted to fix the reference by changing the use of " 's ....

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Replacing The Cell Right Click Menu

Dec 30, 2009

Right click menus are a well known topic but I am struggling to find information on what I want to do with them. I have seen it done so I know its possible. What I want to do is completely replace the right click menu with my own custom one on a worksheet.

I do NOT want to add things to the existing right click menu I want to effectivly disable the existing one and put on my very own one in its place. I have looked at the code for adding a menu to a textbox etc which seems sound but I can't trigger it with an event. I don't have any code to show Im afraid as I am just playing with other people at the moment trying to get it to work.

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