Compare Column A In Two Worksheet If Matched Then Copy To Matched Sheet?
Aug 4, 2014
I need to compare column A of Original.test worksheet to column A of Supplier.test worksheet. If there is a match then copy entire row of the corresponding match from Original.test to Matched worksheet. If no match then copy that row into OnlyInOriginal worksheet.
I have included the workbook and what the output should be. Hope it makes sense. ozgrid.xlsx
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Jun 12, 2009
i need a macro that will allow an entire row from one sheet be copied into a new sheet.
so basically here is what needs to be done:
1. from my active sheet, look in Column 'D', select all rows in in column D if it has the word "Confirmed" in it
2. create a new sheet and paste all those selected rows to this sheet
3. delete this transfered data from sheet 1
4. in the new sheet, i need to add in titles as follows in columns A - O:
Event Status
Project Type
Project Status
Start Date
End Date,.....................
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Oct 28, 2009
I have a report that has thousands of lines... debits & credits. Most of them offset one another, 0 balance. However, there are still many w/ missing credits that need to be identied. Instead of going thru 10,000+ lines to pull out lines w/o credits - Is there a way that I can cross check the amount between lines (1&2, 2&3, 3&4 etc etc) and if their total is 0 then I want to move them to another sheet (Matched)?
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Mar 20, 2013
I have 2 Data Lists, want to make compare and sort as matched values.
So, I need to find a solution with a formula or maybe Macro.(Formula is preferred)
At the attached file you will find the detail : CompareList&Order.xlsx‎
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Aug 27, 2009
xxx xxxx xxx 123 123
xxx xxxx xxx 123A 123B
xxx xxxx xxx 123B 123C
Is it possible to leave column A, B, C, D untouched and match against column E from column D?
If E matches D then leave in the same row and if E does not match D then move to column F? The identical numbers may be included in the columns, but different rows.
I have a set of transactions from one system which is column D and I have another set of transactions from another system which may or may not have the same transaction from column D. They are all sorted from + to -. I just need to match up cells from column E to column D.
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May 26, 2014
In the attached sheet I want TR no. in sheet names TLPL using 2 criteria of truck no. and date.
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Jan 31, 2014
I am trying to match headers of different files and copy data.If the one of the header is not matched then a new column with the non matching header should be created and the column has to be copied
Ex: file1.xlsx has AA BB CC as header
file2.xlsx has AA BB DD EE as header
file3.xlsx should contain AA BB CC DD EE i.e data from file1.xlsx and file2.xlsx
I have more than 300 files how can I copy all the files to one excel file by matching headers ?
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Aug 30, 2009
I have a table with names in column 1 and the date as row 1. The corresponding cells contain the data I want to link to in another sheet and display them by the data/date
Name 01-Sep02-Sep03-Sep
bob A1 A1 "blank"
joe A2 "blank" A2
steve A3 A3 A3
I want it to display in another sheet with column 1 data and row 1 as date if the data has a match versus that date;
The data is in list boxes.
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Feb 2, 2010
Macro that cut entire row to new sheet if cell data is matched.
For example,
Column A Column E
001 AAA
002 BBB
003 CCC
004 AAA
005 CCC
006 DDD
From sheet 1, A & C matched criteria, cut entire row and paste in new sheet with same header.
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Jun 8, 2008
In a sheet from A:E, the headings on the first row are:
ID, Name, Gender, and Age.
I enter the data in sheet “DB” and I want to retrieve the data in sheet “Report”. I want to lookup the data range for each ID listed in Column A and retrieve all data from the matching row in a report form/look.
I have tried to use the vLookup formula, but when defining the range of the column (A2:A), it would return “0”. When defining only the range that contains data, it displays the correct information....
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Jul 26, 2014
I've an excel table containing the list of expenditures of employee. I've to sort the table and use different colors for different employee rows.
How can I do this task using formula? Is this possible?
Please see the attached excel sheet for the sample table and desired output.
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Apr 5, 2013
I have a problem which requires a vba routine that is currently outside of my level of expertise...
Here is an example of the data:
REF 177 1092098207 BCC
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Jul 14, 2009
I need another big macro to search a different workbook "database" for a match. An example of what the "drawing number" will look like that the macro will search for is;
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Aug 6, 2013
I need method, using a button, that looks at a cell--say EO2, for example--, looks back on a master worksheet at a specified row and range for a match, then looks at the information from a specified range below the matching cell (The information in this column will either be blank or have an "X" in the cell), and then those rows that do not have an "X" will be hidden in the corresponding rows in the working worksheet. Therefore, if at any time the value in "EO2" ever changes, then it will automatically find a new match and repopulate and hide information as before. About 130 columns will have its own button so that a "query" can be made that depends on the information in a particular cell in that column.
The master worksheet now has matrix of 287 rows and 58 columns. Each row is for an operating procedure and each column shows a job code. An "X" in a coordinate cell for a column/row shows whether that job code is responsible for knowing that operating procedure. So, on the working sheet, an employee's primary job code is given underneath his or her name. When the button is pushed, all the operating procedures not required for a given person will be hidden and only the required ones will remain visible--grouped, if you will. Qualification dates will be easier to see now that the information is consolidated. Whenever someone transfers to a new position, a new code will be inputed on the working sheet. When the button is pushed, a new grouping will result. Any operating instructions that overlap will still have qualification dates, so that information will not need to be transcribed.
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Nov 6, 2013
Not sure what is the best way to explain this- basically I need Name 1, 2, 3 to select the names from [B2 to F2], excluding the name that matches with B4 (because that is a variable).
For example, Name 1, 2 and 3 should be John, Mila or Paul (in any order).
And when B4 is changed to John, Name 1, 2 and 3 should be Amy, Mila and Paul.
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Aug 14, 2008
I am having trouble using vlookup and offset to arrive at a solution. I have a row a 5 formula based items. For example:
C 1 2 3 4
1 C 2 3 4
1 2 C 3 4
1 2 3 C 4
1 2 3 4 C
I have been using the match function to find the location of C, but I want to output the items in the same row as C, in the order they appear if C was removed.
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May 19, 2014
I have 2 columns worth of data (ie: B and C). I want to see if there are matches AND if there are matches, I want another column's data to be shown (ie: A).
Columns B and C are peoples names and column A are employee numbers. Sat around bouncing ideas off coworkers and we could not figure anything out.
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Jun 10, 2014
I have fixed data:
Michael = Resident
Joan = Intern
Patricia = Consultant
James = Nurse
what I want is every time the name (eg Michael) appears in column A, the title (resident) auto fills in column B. Do I need to put a data source for this?
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with around 1000 rows on data. in each row of data there is a number e.g. 2673 (all in their own cells) so in column A you would have a list of just numbers in another workbook, the number thats in each row corresponds to another value e.g. 2673 = CE103. So this workbook has 2 columns. In column "A" you have the numbers(2673) and in column "B" you have what that number matches with (CE103) i need a way of replacing all the numbers with what they equal
Workbook 1
2673 XXX XXX
5107 XXX XXX
Workbook 2
2673 CE107
513 CDR57
5107 QV906
604 MNT57
There is an example of what i have (hope its understandable) and what i need is, the data from workbook 2 put in to workbook 1. So instead of having 2673 in workbook1, i would have CE107. And the same for the others e.g 513 would be CDR57.
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Jun 22, 2009
I'm working on a project requiring the matching of data from multiple worksheets and got some useful advice from someone on here a few months ago to get it up and running.
At the moment I'm using SUMPRODUCT with an IF argument to check rows on one sheet for matches on 5 others and return a "Yes" or "No" value, which is working fine. The next bit of analysis however requires copying the value from another column on rows that match, and pasting it into the first sheet.
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Apr 27, 2009
I am an avid greyhound racing fanatic and I would like excel to sound an alarm when a race is due. I have entered all the race times down one column A1-A146 in this format 08:33, 08:37 etc
Is there a way to get excel to use the system clock and check these times and sound an alarm 1 minute before the the time I have entered, i.e. 08:32, 08:37 as in the above examples?
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Mar 16, 2009
I was able to use the IF function to match all of the sells in each work sheet but have been unable to figure out how to pull the SYSTEM# from each MASTER into the inventory sheet matching the CCSD row D.
I was able to figure out how to add the IF function to the individual worksheets but I have no idea what function would pull the SYSTEM# from the matching MASTER worksheet.
I'm attaching working document I have so far I was able to use the count function to add up quantities and the conditional format to set up the formats.
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Jun 17, 2009
I've tried searching for an answer all over with out success. Here's my dilemma. I've got two columns (A and B) with over 1000 entries in each column with computer names. Most of the names are the same however some differ in the way that they might be in column A and not in column B and vice versa. What I would like to achieve is to compare those two columns and display the result in column C and D but keep the names of the in the retrospective column.
What I mean by that is that if a name was found in A but not in B I would like to have it displayed in column D and vice versa. If a name is found in B but not in A, to have it displayed in column C. If there is an easier of doing this, please by all means (i.e. highlight the name in A if missing in B and vice versa).
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Mar 7, 2014
Macro is not working .So the macro I am using is supposed to look back at all the months tab, match the Name from previous tabs and if they match change background color of the active sheet's cell to red.
Right now the macro is only able to lookup the name in the previous tab (i.e. For December it will only lookup November tab and not October-January).
e.g. (Candidate name is Jack King and he is in (october's tab, Column A Cell 2 )
I want this candidate name to turn red once I type his name in November/December tab.
I have pasted the code I am using below:
[Code] ......
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Sep 14, 2009
This may be out of the realm, but is there a way I can have a cell(s) with text in it change to another color?
To be a little clearer. Cell H3 (but i have a small formula in cell h3) has 9 and cell A4 has the same value (9) (or number or value etc..)
i would to color red for H3 if it find matches in range A4:F4
like this:
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Sep 9, 2009
I have 3 times series data in excel (returns on stock, market return and risk free return), each has their own date corresponding to its return, so 6 columns all up.
Imagine it like this:
Date | Stock Return -- Date | Market Return -- Date | Risk Free Return
The problem is that the 3rd data set (risk free return), its date column mismatch the dates column of the first two (returns on stock and market). So the obviously solution is to basically get the third time series data to only show the same dates as the first two.
I want to use the first two data sets date's as like a benchmark for the third data set to only show those dates.
I have tried filter/advanced filter in Excel 2007 and spent ages on google/youtube but no luck; it wont let me try to match specific cells to filter out dates from a specific series of cells.
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Nov 18, 2013
I have two lists and wish to compare them to identify duplicate values. I have used Duplicate Values in Conditional formatting but cannot find a way of ensuring an exact match. For example one list has the value 4150 and the other list has other values like 5641509 and 341508, both of which contain the string 4150 but are clearly not the same value. However, the conditional formatting is picking these up as duplicate values.
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Dec 20, 2013
So the problem is that I have two workbooks: one has a set of identifying values which are a subset of one of the sets of values in the second and I need to match them up. In addition I need to take the values two columns to the right of the matched values in the second workbook and put them in the first.
Here is what my formula looks like now.
Whenever I try to run it an error message comes up and highlights the match function name.
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Feb 28, 2012
I have the following formula which doesn't work:
proposedenter is just a named range. I can see this is wrong but how do I base the count criteria on the left 7 characters of an item that is matched in the range?
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May 7, 2014
I have hundreds of records of customer info and I am trying to categorize the job titles so that I can conduct some analysis with a pivot table. My problem is that there is about 20 different ways and variations of "manager" so Instead of autofiltering for "mrg." "Manager" "marketing manager" ect. and then replacing the text manually and using the enter and fill process (to create some standardization to compare "manager" to "director" to "c-level" to "consultant", etc.) and repeating this process over and over again...
I would like to create a VBA that would search the column "job title" for multiple text strings at once and if the text string was true in the cell then the cell would be replaced by a new text string "Manager". I was thinking a series of if functions within one vba but I am not sure if this is possible.
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