Restricted Value Sequences In Rows

Jul 18, 2006

I need to create a warning when specific values sequences are input from a
drop down menu. My example:

I have 31 columns (days in month) and have 25 rows (peoples names) from the
drop down box I have the following values-These are shift designations
(V1,V2,V3,V4, SV1,SV2,SV3,SV4, A1,A2,A3,A4,N,R1,R2,R3,DB,C).

If the selections in cell between B1:AF25 are either SV 1-4 or A 1-4 I want
a warning to appear IF a value of V 1-4, R 1-3, DB or C are attempted to be
put in the immediately following cell.

Example: Cell B3 has A-4 and in cel C3 they attempt to put N, then it
should give a warning "This is not a recommended shift sequence".

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Code Matches Two Rows With Six Cells In Different Sequences

Oct 22, 2013

Worksheet cells A1 – A25 have sequential numbers 1 – 24

the following elegant code generates every permutation of six numbers from the list into Cols C – H

Option Explicit
Sub Combinations()
Dim rRng As Range, p


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Restricted Entries

Nov 30, 2009

I want to put a formula in a sheet.

Suppose In issue column there are few nos but until those nos will not be posted in Return column, those will not be posted again in another day's issue column, similarly until those will not be returned, those nos will not be posted in issue column. But for the first two days it will not work ad those are first time entries.

But this will be continued working on the next sheet for the net month.

28/11/09 29/11/09 30/11/09 Issue Nos. Return Nos. Issue Nos. Return Nos. Issue Nos. Return Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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Nov 15, 2006

This formula will only do 7 permutations, I need it to do 8. Is there some way to do that? Thanks in advance.

=IF(AND(A10,B10),B10,(IF(AND(A10,B11),B11,(IF(AND(A10,B12),B12,(IF(AND(A10,B13),B13,(IF(AND(A10,B14),B14,(IF(AND(A10,B15 ),B15,(IF(AND(A10,B16),B16)))))))))))))

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Calendar With Restricted Dates To Select

Mar 18, 2009

Is there a way to have a calendar pop up when a particular cell is selected and only have Sunday dates as optional selections? Needs to be able to scroll by month.

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Macros Restricted To Specific Cells

Apr 2, 2007

I've got a couple of macros that are allowed to be executed ONLY when specific ranges/cells are selected. Is there a way to make a msg box pop up saying: "Wrong Area Selected" etc. if the User selects a prohibited range or cell and there tries to run the macros?

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Largest And Smallest Sequences

Jan 12, 2009

I am using excel 2007 and I need help with the following if anyone would be kind enough. I have a dynamic array that consists of stream of 1's and 0's. I want to be able to find the largest sequence of 1's and the smallest sequence of 1's. So at a point in time the array mite be 111110001101111000 and I want to be able to dertermine the longest contiguous sequence of 1's. But as I say the array is dynamic and so I need to do that after each input.

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Compare Dna Sequences In Cells

Sep 7, 2009

I am doing research and I have a list of over 100 small dna sequences that I would like to see if there are any similarities between them. I have put them in individual cells but I dont know how or what function to use.

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Compare The Binary Sequences

Nov 18, 2008

I have 70 sequences of binary coded variables each, which I would like to compare in terms of overlaps for the number "1", e.g.,

a1 1 0 0 0 0 1
a2 0 1 1 1 0 0
a3 0 1 1 0 1 0
a70 0 1 0 0 0 0

How can I do a pairwise comparison in Excel for the number "1" (ie how often does the number "1" occur at the same place for two sequences?).

I thought about a correlation matrix (that compares sequences a1-> a2, a1-> a3, a1->a4, ...., a1-> a70; a2->a3, a2-> a4, ...., a2-> a70; .....; a69-> a70), but am looking for an easy way to compute this in Excel.

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Formula For Counting Sequences

Apr 1, 2007

I want to write a formula that counts sequences.

Details of Data:

Imagine you roll a 4-sided dice! The four sides of the dice are 1,2,3 and 0.

Sequence needs to be 5 in a row of either 1 and 2, 1 and 3 or 2 and 3. The 0 is to be recorded, but 'skipped over' in the sequence.

When a sequence of 5 occurs, there needs to be a count to record how many more times the missing number takes until it arrives. For example, if the sequence of 5 is 1 and 2, and the count will be to see how long it takes the number 3 to arrive.

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Excel File To Be Restricted To Open In OpenOffice

Dec 10, 2013

I have excel file having macros and many formating , I have protected with password but in my office there is only 3 pcs having MS office installed out of 18 pc, all other pc have installed open office. formula and macro is not supporting in open office and also Macro which i have procted in excel easy viewing in open office without asking password (which i don't want )

I want to restrict the file to open in pc where open office installed.

In short excel file should not open other that pc where MS office is not installed.

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Lookup Value Based On Specified Number Sequences?

May 8, 2014

I need to come up with a formula that will lookup a value in a table based upon a specified number sequence in another table and then add that value to another number/price that corresponds with that specified number sequence.

In the attached worksheet you will see that there are two groups of tables (A & B). I want to take the prices in group A in columns B:E and then add the values at the top of the page in columns G:J based upon specific numbers to the right of the decimal place in column A under "Rate".

So in the example at the bottom you will see that the first rate in column A is 5.125. Since the rate ends in .125 then it should be using the value of 2.57 from J2. So it should take the price in B27 (108.328) and add 2.57 to give you 110.898 in M27.

My problem is that the rate sequence wont always be the same and neither will the values in columns G:J. The only constants are that the rates will end in 1/8ths and the values will be based upon which 1/8ths they end in. For instance; In the example the rate range goes from 5.125 down to 3.75 but sometimes it may be 5.625 down to 4.25.

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Finding Sequences And Highlighting Them In Different Ways

Mar 18, 2009

how to go about finding sequences and highlighting them.

here's an example list:


now i need to find 3 things in this list.

1) how many 'batches' of sequences there are in this list. The numbers 7600 to 7604 are a consecutive sequence of five numbers followed by another sequence from 7608 to 7611. that makes two sequences. i need a formula for one cell that would specify how many sequences there are in a given list (in this case they're two sequences in this list).

2) is there any formula that can allow me to see each sequence highlighted in a different color (or any way to differentiate the sequences so i can copy paste them easily?). Pretty sure i'd have to use conditional formating on the entire list to do so but am clueless as to the implementation.

3) a formula for a single cell that can state the largest sequence in the list. in the list above the largest seuqnce is 5 numbers so that would be the value i'm looking for.

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Macro To Automate Copy/paste Sequences

Nov 5, 2008

I have a spreadsheet tool that I use to calculate values on a set of variables, based on values on an initial set of other variables, for a large number of cases.

The calculations require a number of sequential steps to be repeated to get the calculated values for each case, and I am hoping there is a straightforward way to use a VB macro to automate this process.

Essentially, these steps are required to calculate values for a single case:
1. A data input sheet holds the values on the initial/input variables for each case. The first step involves copying the string of values for the case on the input variables into a sheet where the calculations are done.

2. As soon as the input string of values are pasted into the calculation sheet, the calculation formulas generate values for the case on the new, output variables.

3. The output variable string is then copied from the calculation sheet into a “results output” sheet. This copy/paste procedure needs to offset from the first row on the output sheet, so that the row number where the values on the output variables are stored correspond to the case ID. For example, case ID 10 is stored 10 rows down from the first row (i.e., on row 11). Case ID 100 is stored 100 rows down from the first row (i.e., on row 101).

As there are a very large number of cases, I need to have a “control panel” in place, where I can indicate the range of case IDs that will be processed. This takes the form of two cells – one indicates “From ID” and the other “To ID” (for example, “From ID” 1 “To ID” 100). The macro then uses this information to loop through the calculation steps outlined above for these case IDs.

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Creates Duplicate File When Logged In As A User With Restricted Permissions On Our Network

Apr 24, 2009

I am having an issue with Excel creating a duplicate file when logged in as a user with restricted permissions on our network. If I modify a file while logged in as another user, excel will save the file but will also create a duplicate file with an eight character random name and no file extension. For example if user "Dave" opens a file called test.xls and saves it, in that same folder on the server a file named 296E9E20 will be created. Users are using Windows XP SP3 boxes and the server is running Win 2003. I am not sure why this only happens with Excel.

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Validation List Based On Named Range Not Restricted To List

Dec 15, 2007

I am attempting to use a named range as my Validation data source but have two questions:

1) It seems when you use a named range as a source the user can enter in any data they want in that cell. I really only want the user restricted to the list I give them. If I enter the list manually in the source box then it works but I really want to use a named range

2) My range is fixed to 10 cells and the user can enter in as many variables as they want (up to ten). When a user clicks on one of the cells that the validation is set to read the range the user has to always scroll to get to the top. When selecting the cell Ecel always defaults to the bottom choice in the list. I want to minimize the VBA because Mac users will be using this and VBA seems to be touchy with macs.

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Counting Sequences If "p" Is Present

May 28, 2009

I have the following two formula's:

=IFERROR(IF(X12="",X13&" "&MATCH(FALSE,INDEX(X13=X13:X1000,0),0)-1,X12&" "&MATCH(FALSE,INDEX(X12=X12:X1000,0),0)-1),"")

The first shows the current sequence of events (WON or LOST) and the second the best sequence achieved.

They work fine but I would like to modify them to only use the data, if "P" is in column D of that row.

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Restricted Scroll Areas Won't Scroll

Nov 26, 2007

I am using the toolbox/ properties method to restrict the scroll area in the sheets of my workbook. However, for some sheets when i keep the right hand arrow pressed, the screen will not scroll to the last column. (i.e. the screen display will not move with the selected cell box)

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Paste Rows Without Overwriting Other Rows (automatically Shift Other Rows Down)

Jan 3, 2010

The number of rows you are pasting and then you can select that same number of existing rows and use "insert". This is what I'm trying to achieve:

(before paste)

(after pasting unknown number of rows)

Is there really no built-in way to do this?

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Identify Duplicate Rows And Copy / Paste First Cell To All Cells Of Equal Rows

Apr 14, 2014

I am new to macro and just trying to learn. I have a spreadsheet with 20000 rows and 8 columns. I am trying to identify equal rows based on the values of columns C, D, E and F. then I need to separate equal bunches with a blank row. Then I need to copy the ID number from the first cell of column B of each bunch and paste it for the rest of the rows in that bunch. I have written the following code but this does not put the ID of the first cell in a bunch for the rest of the rows in that bunch.

[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Excel 2010 :: Extend Rows Based On The Number Of Rows In Another Sheet

Jun 16, 2014

calculate the number of full rows in one data base located on one sheet X to determine how many rows the macro needs to extend on sheet B (sheet B is made only of formulas for data interpretation in sheet A.

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Clear Rows Vs. Deleting Rows To Avoid #REF! Formula Error - Macro

Jun 9, 2009

I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).

Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.

Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to

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Maro, Insert Rows Where Rows Determined By Number Of Carriage Returns

Feb 17, 2010

The best way to explain my problem is to look at the table below:

How it looks now: ApplePrice 1
Price 2
Price 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1
Store 2FruitVery DeliciousHow I want it to look:ApplePrice 1FruitDeliciousApplePrice 2FruitDeliciousApplePrice 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1FruitVery DeliciousPearStore 2FruitVery Delicious

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Excel 2013 :: Averaging Rows Of Data Within Larger Blocks Of Datasets - Skipping Rows

Jul 16, 2014

I am trying to average different rows and columns within a larger block data set in a series. This data is from a 96-well absorbance microplate reader experiment. I only mention this to describe the raw data output I am dealing with.

Each set of data is in a 12 x 8 block with the next block below it with one blank row between. So I have a block of data contained between A1->L1->L8. The next block is contained between A10->L10->L17. This continues for a total of 28 blocks.

I want to take averages from rows or columns from each block and autofill them into a single column. So for example I'll need =Average(A1-C1) with =Average(A10-C10) below it and so on and so forth. My problem is that if I try to autofill from this already started column the third row will take the average of A2-C2 instead of A19-C19.

Is there a formula/script for me to skip the correct number of rows to the next data block?

I have attached my spreadsheet to this thread. I am using Excel 2013


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Error In Filtering Table - Additional Rows Shown / Rows Hidden When Filter Removed

Mar 4, 2014

I have an excel file with a table in it. It contains 2051 records (attached). This is just a sample, the original file has around 30,000 rows.

When I start using filters, I run into problems:

Step 1: Filter by Unit, condition (e.g.) Unit_23
Excel shows in the status bar the following message: 437 of 2050 records found.

Step 2: If I scroll to the bottom of the table, the row numbers are colored in blue (normal for a filtered list) however the last row is not colored and it actually should not be shown since its unit is not what I filtered for (its unit is Unit_25)

Step 3: Clear the filter of Unit

Step 4: Sometimes (depending on what I filter for), one or more of the bottom rows are hidden!!!

Attachment 301726

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Macro To Copy Rows Based On Moving Date And Paste Rows Into Identical Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)

e.g. 28/1/2014

I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.

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Macro To Split Rows Into Groups Of 5 And Insert 3 Blank Rows In Between

Feb 9, 2013

I would like to have my macro code search column A (supplier numbers) and split the rows into groups of rows of 5 or less and then insert 3 blank rows between each group of rows. The split needs to start on a new supplier number and cannot split a supplier number into two different groups. Here is a sample:

Invoice Date
GL Date
Invoice Amt


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2 Rows Of Data For Individuals In A Population - Attempting To Average The Rows?

Apr 30, 2014

I am an undergraduate biology major working on a geometric morphometrics project. It is focusing on wing asymmetry, so I have data for the left and the right wings for a sample population of 30 individuals. The data from the software is exported as a spreadsheet with two rows of data for each individual, since each wing was calculated separately, and my mentor has asked me to average the data for subsequent analyses in another program.

I'd like to do this easily with an Excel formula, but when I try to do the averages I'm having a little trouble getting the formula to carry on correctly. I need it to average, say, E2:E3 then the next cell average E4:E5, but instead the only thing I can get it to do is average E2:E3 then the next cell do E3:E4. Which obviously doesn't work for me, since E3:E4 is data from two different individuals.

Is there a way I can do this for my data? One of my spreadsheets is a 60x32 matrix of landmark coordinates, so I'd really rather not try to do all the cells individually.

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Pulling Rows From Other Sheet - Skipping Over Rows If Column Is Blank

Jan 17, 2014

I am working in the attached spreadsheet. For anyone who does not wish to open the link, let's say these sheets are titled 'Sheet1' and 'Sheet2'.

Sheet2 looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat


Now, how may I pull this data into a summary sheet (Sheet1) that skips over any instances where column A ("Year") is blank so it looks like this:

Year Cat Name
2013 4 Sal
2013 4 Pat
2013 3 Pat
2013 2 Pat
2013 5 Bob


Note: All columns are the EXACT same across each sheet(including Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3), if that extra piece of information works.

PS It is fine if, in order for a formula to work, I need to copy and paste the formula for the length of rows per each Sheet to consolidate.


So, in my industry, any summary-level data (shown on Sheet1) must have a linked reference to a particular sheet (Sheet2, Sheet3, etc.) so the user knows where the raw data came from. This is to ensure increased accuracy of data and minimize human error (like, if for example, I accidentally didn't copy and paste all the rows correctly).

I have uploaded the actual sheet to show what the data actually look like. I am trying to pull in 2013 data into my "Summary Page" and would like to have all the data linked to the '2013' sheet but skip any blank rows.

Here is my failed formula:


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