Retain Formula Reference When Deleting Rows

Apr 24, 2008

I have on a sheet, on say cell "J10" a formula "=A1"

Now suppose I to delete row 1, Then J9, which was formally J10, will now say "=#REF!" instead of "=A1"

Is there a way to maintain J9 (which was J10) to say "=A1" without giving a reference error?

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Retain Formulas When Deleting

Dec 17, 2006

how do you store formulas so that they stay in the cells when all info is deleted? so i can use the same spreadsheet every week but all i have to do is select all and delete. if i do it now i lose al my formuals.

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Conditional Formatting: Reference Changes Adding/Deleting Rows/Columns Or Cells

Sep 26, 2006

I'm using Conditional Formatting for an entire column to check the value of each cell and compare it to the value of a cell in the same row but a different column. (Cell Value equals =$D2) It works great until I insert or delete a cell in the formatted column. The reference does not change as one would expect. I've played around with formulae such as =$D2<>$P2 but the reference only changes for the P2, not the D2. I've also tried using =CELL("contents", ADDRESS(Row(),4)) but this causes excel to complain.

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Clear Rows Vs. Deleting Rows To Avoid #REF! Formula Error - Macro

Jun 9, 2009

I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).

Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.

Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to

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Delete Blank Rows (formula Not Deleting All Rows)

Sep 30, 2008

I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow

With Sheet1
For t = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then
End If
Next t
End With

End Sub

Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.

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Prevent Formula References Changing When Deleting Rows

Apr 21, 2008

What I have is basically a form on the main sheet. Here other users can add and/or delete information in a form. I refer to the information in another sheet with formulas.

Now everything was great when using protections/ validations, to the where they fill in the information, but the problem occur when they are allowed to delete and remove rows.

This is something that I want to allow them, even though I do realise that this is something that many advice against it.

To begin with I found the post about changing relative references to absolute references (ConvertFormula). Still the formulas changes when rows are added or deleted and I would have to redo all formulas and run the macro again. I then found posts advicing on the use of the INDIRECT forumla. This formula was exactly what I needed as the formulas would not alter when rows were added/deleted. Now the problem is a combination of the use of INDIRECT and the the ConvertFormula. Now if I write a formula, for example:


Then when I try to expand the formula over to the rest of the cells, then the references stay pointing at A1, when I want them to continue pointing at A2, A3, etc...

Now what I am looking for is some way to tell all my formulas, after expanding the original formula, that they should all have the INDIRECT function. If it was possible it would be great if you could implement it in the same way as with the absolute reference, for example:

For i = 1 To MyRange.Areas.Count
MyRange.Areas(i) = Application.ConvertFormula(MyRange.Areas(i).Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlIndirect)
Next i

Now the above code sample does not work of course, as there should be xlAbsolute instead of xlIndirect, but I hope you understand my intention. Do anyone have the answer to my problem? Is there an easy way to implement the INDIRECT function into a big amount of formulas?

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Retain Formatting When Inserting Rows Via VBA?

May 21, 2014

I'm using the following code to insert rows in a table of data:

For i = LR To 2 Step -1
If Range("D" & i).Value Range("D" & i - 1).Value Then Range("A" & i).EntireRow.Insert
Next i

It works as expected, but as my data table is formatted, the last row inserted does not contain the same formatting as the table.

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Increment Formula Reference By X Rows

Aug 31, 2006

If I type the formula below into cell A1 and then drag it to cell A2 it correctly changes $A6 to $A7

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A7*(BS9/20)

I would like it to change $A6 to $A14 and then to $A22 as below. In other words adding 8 to the reference each time I drag it down.

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A14*(BS9/20)
CELL A3 =Planner!$A22*(BS10/20)
CELL A4 ==Planner!$A30*(BS11/20)

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Formula To Reference Rows Across Columns

Aug 6, 2007

I have two workbooks open, Workbook 1 (W1) & Workbook 2 (W2)

W1 has the following data entered in about one of our clients:

A1= Client Company Name
A2= Client Name
A3= Client Address
A4= Client Phone Number

What I would like to do is the following:

In W2, when I enter (in any cell, but let's say C3 for example) that C3 = A1 (from W1), that I can automatically have the following cells D3, E3, & F3 filled in with the same information appearing in cells A2, A3, & A4 from W1 as well.

I believe this must be possible-- I just don't know the right formula & steps to take, to make this happen.

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Function/Formula To Reference Changing Rows

Aug 13, 2008

I have a table of consolidated data that consists of the date at which certain payments occur and their amounts that other sheets need to reference to perform calculations. I am currently using the formula below to put the data under the correct date column. =INDEX(ImportedData!$B$10:$DB$10,MATCH(B3,ImportedData!$B$4:$DB$4,FALSE)). The problem that I have is that the INDEX range, currently B10:DB10, will need to change depending on the number of files that are consolidated ie with more files the row will increase.

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Retain Formula In Cell

Feb 4, 2009

Is it possible to retain the formula in particular cells within an excel spreadsheet whilst clearing the rest of the sheet, and if so how?

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Retain Data From A Formula

Oct 30, 2009

I need a solution so that each day I can get a value from a single cell but it appears in a new column each day.

eg, A1 contains a numerical value (based on a formula)
Each day there is a new column, say, Monday = B1, Tuesday = C1 etc.
On Monday B1 takes the value of A1 and 'freezes' the value in B1
On Tuesday C1 takes the value of A1 and 'freezes' the value in C1, but the value in B1 remains as it was when it was originally frozen.

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Fill Formula Reference By Rows When Copying Across Columns

Dec 20, 2007

I am trying to fill in reference cells horizontally but fix the column and increasing the row number as it fills. For examples I want to start my refence as "=A1" in cell B1. I want to copy this reference horizontally to column Z1 but want the refences to be A1, A2,...,A26. Excel only seems to increase columns when filling horizontally and rows when filling vertically. Transpose works but it's an array which would slow the spreadsheet down.

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Retain Formula Result History

Mar 5, 2008

I was wondering is there a way to use vlookup and then when the particular piece of data is found (using vlookup) to paste it as a value instead of the formula? I have a file that tracks the market value of certain portfolios and i have a source file that i update every month. I dont want the numbers to be overwritten each month, i want to keep a history of the market values each month. Do i need to program something in VBA or can i work something up in the formula bar?

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VBA To Insert Formula And Then Fill Down Number Of Rows In Reference Column

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying to insert formulas to my cells in different columns and then fill down the formulas as many rows as in the reference column. So far I have put my formulas in a macro but I seem to get problems with " and ' symbols. My macro looks like this:

Sheets("Sold Articles Database").Select
Range("U3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(LEFT(K3,2),'Input Variables'!$A$48:$B$52,2,FALSE)"
Range("V3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$C$10000,3,FALSE)"
Range("W3").Formula = " =VLOOKUP(K3,'Product datas'!$A$2:$D$10000,4,FALSE)"

[Code] ........

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Adjust Formula Range Reference As Columns/Rows Added

Apr 4, 2008

I'm using a template that has formulas using a $ sign to attempt to stop the ranges they refer to changing. The problem is, when I use the template (which involes Access importing some data and adding columns to the sheet the formula refers to in the process) the rows referred to in the formula change in line with the number of rows of data that have been imported. Only the row numbers change not the column headings. So for example:

=( SUMPRODUCT(((Workings!$H$3:$H$1000=Explanation!B9)+(Workings!$E$3:$E$1000="Buy")*(Workings!$J$3:$J$1000))))-998


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Concatenate Formula To Retain Cell Formats

Jun 11, 2008

I have the below concatenate formula and it works for what I need..well, almost. I know I don't have the format cells option when using concatenate, but I need the answers to the formula to come out as a percentage or to two decimal places. I have searched and honestly don't understand how to do this in my formula....

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Paste Formula Across Rows But Change Relative Cell Reference To Column From Row

May 26, 2009

I'm working on setting up a chart. The formula I'm using for cell B21 is this: =ROUND(F3,0) & " " & IF(E3<F3 ...

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Retain Formula Links When Inserting Template Worksheet

Feb 13, 2008

I have a template file which has a reference to a cell on a sheet in another workbook.

I need to copy this template to 250 workbooks. However, everytime I copy this template sheet into a workbook, it updates the reference to the template name!
Is there an absolute reference I can use for the sheetname?

Example: Workbook Template - Sheet1 - Cell A1 = Value
Workbook Template - Sheet2 - Cell A1 = Sheet1!$A$1

So for so good, but when I copy Sheet2 to a new workbook, I need to have the exact same reference; ie. Sheet1$A$1 and NOT = ['C:Workbook template']Sheet1!$a$1

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Formula To Move Data On Same Row And Deleting Empty Rows Between Data

Jul 17, 2014

formula to make data on same line.On converting data2 is above data 1. I insert a column on left . Need to use mouse right click shortcut delete manually shift cells left and then delete shift cells upto have both data on same line but should be in different cells and same sequence per attached ALSO TO REMOVE "/ -DASH HYPENS.

What I need is formula to move the data2 on same alignment and to delete the two empty rows between both data.

See annexed file for expected results.I have preference to have a formula much more.

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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Circular Reference: Cell References In The Formula Refer To The Formula's Result, Creating A Circular Reference

Aug 14, 2006

I have the following formula in cell L51 of all sheets calculating the volume depending on the monthly index that is chosen from the drop down menu in a particular sheet. =If(MIndex=0, SUM(D33:L50),If(MIndex=1,SUM(D34:L50),If(MIndex=2,SUM(D35:L50), 0))). I am getting the following message and I do not understand what it is about.

Microsoft Office Excel cannot calculate a formula. Cell references in the formula refer to the formula's result, creating a circular reference. Try one of the following

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Code For Deleting Rows Verses Hiding Rows

May 25, 2013

The first code hides everything just fine based on the date in A1. When I change it to the second code to delete instead of hide it is leaving a bunch of rows that the 1st code hides. Both codes have the same search criteria.

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Next cell

For Each cell In Range("B8:B5000") If cell.Value Range("A1").Value Then cell.EntireRow.Delete
Next cell

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Deleting Rows Macro :: Rows That Don't Contain Word ...

Jan 9, 2008

I got a code to delete all rows in the sheet which contain the word "DETAILS" but I now want to delete all the rows that do not contain the word "DETAILS"

My code if needed is:

Sub Find_details()
Dim rng As Range
Dim what As String
what = "DETAILS"
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(what)
If rng Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub

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Stop Formula Column Reference Changing On Insert But Not Row Reference

Mar 6, 2008

A 'Days Attended' cell (N8) and a 'Days Absent' cell (O8). N8 needs to count the number of "Present" values there are on another worksheet. The other worksheet has dates across the top and names down the side.

When i use
=COUNTIF("Attendance!C9:Z9", "Present"),
and the next date comes along the formula changes to
=COUNTIF("Attendance!D9:AA9", "Present")

ie. the reference moves a column across - the new date's absent or present is not counted. Using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Attendance!C9:Z9"), "Present"). is no good because when i add a new name i need the row reference to move down as a row is inserted. ie. both person's formulas count the same row. So, my question: I need the columns to stay the same - C:Z (leyway for future dates) and the rows to change as i insert or delete people from the system.

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Cell Reference :: Formula To Reference New Cells

Feb 15, 2010

I have lets say 12 months of data. I have formulas that reference the latest 6 months. When I insert a new column to input a new month, how can I make the formulas include the new months without manually updating them.


12 months of data exist in cells B3:M3 going from B3(oldest) to M3(newest). Formulas reference latest 6 months of data in cells H3:M3. When a new month hits, I insert a column after column M.I would like the formulas to now reference cells I3:N3 which is now the newest 6 months.

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Deleting Rows/content Of Rows

Dec 11, 2009

Say I have a method that iterates through a bunch of Sheets. I check the name of every sheet, if it starts with "Data", I need to make everything between A4 and AZ500 empty (either by clearing cells or deleting rows doesn't matter how, as long as the result is an empty sheet below A4).

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VBA And Deleting Rows

Sep 21, 2009

I have an excel spreadsheet that contains about 1000 rows and about 25 columns. The file contains employee information, name, id, cost center, department, title, FTE...etc. Column E contains the cost center which is a 7 digit number (i.e. 8001234). Within the 1000 rows of data there somewhere to 70 cost centers. I would like to delete all rows where a cost center does not match a list of 13 cost centers. I'm thinking I need some kind of array where I type in the 13 cost centers in the code, but I'm unsure of the syntax within VBA.

Also, the second step of the code I'm looking for is to delete all columns except for Column B, E, J and L. Those, by the way are Name, Cost Center, Job Title and FTE.

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Deleting Rows That Contain Particular Value

Oct 26, 2011

I want to delete all rows in the column of the ActiveCell when the ActiveCell.value < 0.01. Could you tell me why the code below doesn't work? It deletes the right rows but keeps looping without stopping

Sub DeleteZeros()
Dim Col As Long
Dim StopRow As Long
Col = ActiveCell.Column
StopRow = Cells(Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row


[Code] .........

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Deleting Rows

Apr 25, 2007

I have a macro that deletes rows. For some reason, the macro bombs out when the selection seems to be too big. Why is that?

deleterow_min = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 6)
deleterow_max = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(1, 7)

Rows(deleterow_min & ":" & deleterow_max).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp

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