Return Data Based On Lookup Criteria

Aug 31, 2006

I have an array in excel, 4 columns: Month, Day, Stock, Price. I dont know the most efficient way to handle arrays. I know i can loop through an entire array to find a specific value, but if i have a large array, this doesnt seem efficient.

For example, I would like to find the price in an Array (or Range), when i know the value of two columns. If this were in a database, I would write sql like this: " select Price from TABLE where month = 1 and Day = 3". The result would be 40.21. How can i do this with an array? I have attached a sample spreadsheet with the example mentioned above..

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Reverse VLookup (Index Match) To Return Multiple Values Based On Single Lookup Criteria

Jul 11, 2012

I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.

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Lookup With Multiple Criteria: Return The Amount Paid And Full Cost Based On The Person's Name And The Date

Apr 21, 2006

I would like a lookup that takes multiple criteria and that is not an array formula! Unfortunately I decided to use array formulae and my spreadsheet went to over 45mb!! Not good. I've searched the forum for an answer to my questions but couldn't find any! I've attached a spreadsheet as an example. The examples I am using have {Sum(IF)} formulae in it (array) and I would like to change those to others that will not increase the file size so much and will not take too long to calculate.

Basically, I would like a lookup that will return me the Amount Paid and Full Cost based on the person's name and the date. the data and the results table are both on separate sheets. It would be nice to bring that file's size back down to less than 4mb!!

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Return All Data Based On Lookup

Dec 8, 2009

How to return all possible values based on a single lookup ( or another condition / macro )

I have a table in B5:E100
In A1 I have a value

I need to look in B5:B100 for the value in A1 then place the contents of B:E for those cells in G5:J5 downwards

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Lookup Data Based On Month Criteria?

Apr 5, 2014

show/display data based on month criteria, with selected month in cell H2 (as start date) and I2 (as end date) my expected result start from cell H7, i called "blue area"..

see my attached workbook..

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How Do I Use Lookup To Find Data Based On 3 Criteria

Aug 22, 2008

I have a bit of a challenge. You'll have to take a look at the attached files to understand what I am trying to do. I am asking for your advice. I am creating multiple spreadsheets (QPPcompany.xls) that will refer back to a master data(QPPdata.xls) file.

I am trying to figure out how to best set up the data file so that I can do lookups on the data from the referencing files. Here's the challenge. I need to be able to find in the data page the company name in Column A and then how many L's (or C's or P's) they had in a specified month. So for instance I need to be able to find the number 3 in cell E6 and place it in B15 of the referencing file. The required criteria for lookup are Company Name, Month and then L, C or P.

So my question is, is this possible with how my data file is currently set up? I think it may be a problem to have the month/year in row 4 refer to 3 different colums for each month (L, C and P). I don't mind making changes to the data file to make these lookups possible and I think it may be necessary.

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Lookup Data In Another Workbook Based On Criteria

Sep 8, 2006

I have a work book with several work sheets, what I'm trying to do or find a a method of coping data from one sheet to another provided the data in any given cell matches a specific criteria. Example below:

Work sheet 1 is the primary sheet in the work book on this sheet I have a cell with a text value (Bob). Ok on the next work sheet 2 I need to search for a cell that contains (Bob). When or if it is found I need information from other cells in that row (where Bob was found) copied to work sheet 1 in a specified row and colum. If it is not found a negative value can be placed in the specified cells.

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Return Data Based On Criteria?

Dec 19, 2012

generating a formula that takes into account a range of values (an entire row) and from this row, I would like the formula to select, for example anything greater than 80%. After the formula selects anything greater than 8, I would like for it to select cells that are above or below the cells that have values greater than 8.

3 85934942

For example, in the above datas, I would like a formula to select anything greater than 8 in row three and select cells above it. In this example it would be j, k, and t.


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Return Data To Another Sheet Based On Criteria

Jul 28, 2006

Sheet 1
Column A = Dates
Row 1 = Filenames

I enter a Y in the intersecting cells of the Filenames & Dates to show which files were downloaded.

I need is a formula that will rearrange this layout onto Sheet 2 so that each ‘Y’ (downloaded) filename is inserted in a cell corresponding to the Date.

(see attached sample)

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VBA Lookup Function: Paste Data Into A Cell In Another Worksheet, Based On Criteria Specified In Sheet1

Jan 8, 2009

I'm looking to create a macro that will take data from an input sheet, and paste it into a cell in another worksheet, based on criteria specified in sheet1.

Specifically in the attached example, the macro would copy the data in cells C8:C10 of sheet 1, then paste them into sheet 2 based on the data specified in cell B3 i.e. it would paste them into the column headed Mar-09. I intend to make this cell a drop down, so that the user can then select the next reporting month and run the macro again to paste the data into the Apr-09 column.

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Conditional Lookup (two Criteria) And Return Value Of Different Column

Apr 13, 2012

I recently learned how to count cells in a range based on the value from another column (excel 2007) How to count cells in a range based on the value from another column but now how I can go about returning a value from another column that matches the conditional counting. For example in the table below I'm first wanting to find the rows matching "chr15" from column A that also have a value from column B that is greater than 25,000 and less than 3,000,000. But what it I wanted to instead report the corresponding values in column C? I've played with VLOOKUP to no avail but I'm not sure if that's the right line of thinking. The answer would be the values in bold.

1 chr2 12008 AA
2 chr2 149700 BB
3 chr15 51 CC
4 chr15 5624 DD

[Code] .........

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Lookup Multiple Criteria In Different Tabs To Return Result

Jun 5, 2008

I am trying to lookup two distinct values in two columns (turquoise and green) in 'Cust data' tab and correlate them to the same values in two columns on 'Driver activity' tab, then return a result from column in yellow on 'Driver Activity' tab to populate the driver name in yellow column on 'Cust data' tab.

File is attached.

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Lookup 2 Criteria And Return Info In Specific Column

Feb 8, 2008

I've got a database that is sorted by date...

I need a formula that will look for 2 criteria and once it finds those 2 matching criteria, I need it to return the information on that line that's in column 6, let's say.

so in one column I have the date, the next column I have the sales persons name, 4 columns over I have their order number.

In cell a1 of worksheet 1, I have a drop down ready that has all my sales persons listed. In cell a2 I will manually enter the date that I need to reference.

I need the formula to then look for cell a1 and a2 in worksheet 2 where I have my spreadsheet with the info I mentioned above, match that criterium in worksheet 2, and return the info in column 6.

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How Do I Lookup Based On 2 Columns And Return A 3rd

Nov 30, 2009

I have 2 worksheets with thousands of rows. I need to lookup 2 columns (customer account # and number of occurrence) and then return a 3rd column (type of occurrence).

How do I do this? Normally I use sumproduct but in this case I need the result to be the text value for the type of call, not a count.

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Return Text Based On Lookup Value

Mar 5, 2008

I have a database of customers that are all sorted by a customer number.

I have a form that has a number of fields that display customer info. When I use a blank of this form and put the customer number in it's correct field, all the other info fields do a vlookup on the customer number in the database file and return the info, such as phone numbers, name, address, etc.

Here's my question;

How can I check for a blank (using ISBLANK, I assume) to check to see if the customer number exists in our database and, if it's NOT blank, operate on it with the following example which is used to return their insurance expiration date.

=IF((VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))<TODAY(),"EXPIRED",VLOOKUP(B9,'[carrier list.xls]Sheet1'!$A$2:$P$1276,3,FALSE))

I realize that this may be a sledgehammer approach and that Access is probably a better tool, but my company has not shelled out the $$ for Access...yet.

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Lookup Value Based On Three Different Criteria

Jun 6, 2014

I have two workbooks. I'll call them wkbk1 and wkbk2.

I am looking at three cells in the same row in wkbk1.

I need to identify which row in wkbk2 contains those values and then return a value from a cell in the same row in wkbk2.

How do I structure this look up?

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Lookup Based On 2 Criteria?

Apr 29, 2014

trying to lookup data based on 2 criteria. On sheet A I need to lookup "Date of Reason" and "AMT" based on Employee Name and if there is something listed in the Reason Codes Column from Sheet A. So on sheet A employee Vandiver has a reason code = Absent so I need to pick up the date and amount from sheet B = 4/21/2014 and 8. I tried the formulas listed below but can't seem to get them to work. Also need to note that sometimes the Reason Code column in Sheet A may have multiple listings so it would be better if formula used a "not blank" in it. That's what I tried with the first "IF" formulas using "=" as there are formulas in the reason codes column in Sheet A.Sheet A



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Lookup Based On 2 Criteria

Dec 1, 2007

I need to take a value from an adjacent cell and automatically enter that value in a specific cell in table on a second worksheet. The cell must match two criteria specified in the previous two ceels to the value.

The table is made up of dates and colours, it seems simple in my head but I'm not sure where to start, i would like to use a macro so when a specific key is pressed the information is automatically entered into the relevant cell.

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Lookup Value Based On Two Criteria

May 31, 2008

I have two pivot tables (for sales and purchases) with three columns each, ie: company 1, company 2 and amount

I need to reconcile that for the internal purchases and sales the sale value is the same as the purchase.

So in first pivot table (purchases) I have one row with internal transactions where company 1 = AZS, company 2 =YDR, value 100

In second pivot table (sales) I have one row with internal transactions company 1= YDR, company 2 = AZS, value 95

I would like to develop a macro that would check automatically the combinations of companies and find out if there are differences between sales and purchase. So in the example it should show that there is 5 usd more in purchases. Hopefully normally is zero

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Return A Lookup Value Based On A Range Of Options?

Jul 13, 2013

I have used the below formula which works in a standard cell, however I would like to have this is a VBA code using the Target.Offset option, however I can not get this to work. There may also be a better way of doing this.

The code is looking to see if the 1st cell (A118) is empty or not, if it is empty do nothing otherwise it then looks up the value in the 2nd cell (B118) and assigs the appropriate name from the range values.

=If(A118="","",LOOKUP(B118,{0,0;0,"";1,"Main Bank";71,"PFS";80,"Main Bank";106,"Dry Clean / Photo";112,"SCO";141,"Cafe";168,""}))

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Sumif Return The Specific Value Based On The Lookup

Sep 21, 2009

I have attached an example. I am wondering how I can get [K2] to return the value 501 based on the lookup.

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Return Result Based On Lookup Value Returned

Oct 17, 2006

I have four columns, A through D
Column C is returning a simple vlookup of A
I need Column D to return a value where C is TDMA return TDMA or when C is GSM lookup column B compare to tab2 (columns A through L) returning column 12.

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Return Values Based On Lookup Result

Feb 4, 2008

I am currently looking at the workings of a spreadsheet designed by someone else.

First of all i need to know,how these combo boxes are created in the attached sheet,because it cant be addition to tht in the coloured cell (F17)i'm trying to dereive a formula which is,if (C17 = doll "1"),but its not working.Please someone give me a solution.

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Lookup Based On Criteria And Populate?

Jan 15, 2012

I have the following in sheet 1:

Sheet1 *BCDEFGHIJKL1NameLast DoneMarket Cap (M)PEPrice/NAVHigh, 52 WksLow, 52 WksRevenue GrowthCurrent RatioDebt to EquityROA2AMMB $ * * * 5.76 $ * * * *17,361.71 12.8861.633 $ * * * * * *7.05 $ * * * * * 5.30 10%1.20.42%3CIMB $ * * * 7.27 $ * * * *54,036.27 14.8372.156 $ * * * * * *9.01 $ * * * * * 6.56 3%20.61%4RHBCAP $ * * * 7.31 $ * * * *16,022.91 11.0761.435 $ * * * * *10.40 $ * * * * * 6.53 6%3.20.83%5HLFG $ * * 11.70 $ * * * *12,120.91 7.2581.576 $ * * * * *13.74 $ * * * * * 8.44 4%1.711%

I have the following in sheet 2:

Sheet2 *BCDEFGHIJKL2Parameters**********3Last Done**********4Market Cap (M)**********5PE**********6Price/NAV**********7High, 52 Wks**********8Low, 52 Wks**********9Revenue Growth**********10Current Ratio**********11Debt to Equity**********12ROA**********13***********14StockLast DoneMarket Cap (M)PEPrice/NAVHigh, 52 WksLow, 52 WksRevenue GrowthCurrent RatioDebt to EquityROA15***********

1)I need to create a formula to populate all stocks that satisfies the parameters that I will input in cell C3 to C12 in sheet 2 based on the data in sheet 1.

2)The stocks should then be populated in cell B15 downwards in sheet 2. If there are 20 stocks that satisfies the parameters in cell C3 to C12 in sheet 2, then all 20 stocks should be populated in cell B15 downwards in sheet 2.

3) The respective details of the stocks should also be populated in cell B15 to L15 for all stocks that satisfy the parameters entered in cell C3 to c12 in sheet 2.

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Two Sheets - Lookup Based On Several Criteria

Apr 29, 2013

I have 2 sheets.

Sheet one column A has random dates from 1 jan 2013 to present in order base on fuel purchase dates for our company.

sheet one column F has the purchase price i.e 3.98 gallon

Sheet one column A can have a date entry of lets say 2/4/13 with no data in F because no fuel was purchased just the meter was being read.

Then Sheet one column A can have 2/5/13 where column F has 3.78 where fuel was purchased. (these are 500 gallons tanks that are being refilled as needed)

Sheet 2 row B has just the month formatted as Jan 13, Feb 13, Mar 13, .... you can use B1, B2, B3...ECT for the remaining months

What I am looking for is on sheet 2 in cell C1 a way to look at B1 for the month (i.e Jan 13) look at a range of cells on sheet 1 column A for any dates that fall in the month of Jan, then look for data in corresponding F range and if no data is found then use the last months data (Dec 12)

I can make sure I place a dollor figure in the first row of Jan on the sheet, so by default we can use that if no data exist for Feb.

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Lookup Formula Based On 4 Different Criteria

Oct 24, 2013

I need to change the value returned in one cell based on the criteria of a 2nd cell. In short, if the letter 'C' is entered into A1 and B1 contains a vowel the lookup formula needs to return the value found in column C of a separate spreadsheet, but if the 'C' is entered into A1 and B1 contains a consonant then return the value of Column B. I want this to be applied to C, O, R & S only. If A1 contains any other letter, than the lookup formula should return only values found in column B of the separate spreadsheet.

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Lookup Multiply Based On Certain Criteria

Apr 18, 2007

I have two worksheets, one is setup with a part number only and the months Jan-Dec. The other worksheet has those same part numbers, but it also has the quantity and the months Jan-Dec. I need to do a lookup to find the part number, multiply it by the quantity on that given line, and then multiply it by the quantity in the month. I will show you how my worksheets are setup:

Qty P/N Jan
1 123456 100
1 123456 100
2 456789 50
4 123456 25
3 345678 500
1 456789 75

P/N Jan
123456 Sum of ALL Jan Demand * the Quantity of each item
345678 Sum of ALL Jan Demand * the Quantity of each item
456789 Sum of ALL Jan Demand * the Quantity of each item

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Result Based On Two Criteria Lookup

May 28, 2008

See the attached file. I think index and match may help me having done a search several times in these forums, but having been trying to do this for several hours I am just struggling to understand each part of the formula unfortunately. I have a list of data (cellsA1 to C33) which I need to use as my source for the information that is displayed in cell I2 based on the two selections made in cells F2 and G2.

I can't use filter and data sort in this situation - I am creating a spreadsheet for someone who truly knows nothing about excel, so I need this to be as simple as pointing and clicking at cells F2 and G2 and the formula doing all other work. Is it possible to do what I am asking for (hopefully the fact that peoples' names are repeated and months are repeated won't cause a problem?

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Return Unique ID Based On Multi-Column Lookup

Dec 18, 2008

I'm looking for a formula (VBA I'm assuming) that will help me create a unique customer ID out of data that my website generates in order to import records into my accounting system.

I have a current list of customers in CSV format with the columns: CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerZip

Each customer in our accounting system is assigned a unique,7 digit CustomerID in the format of XXX#### where XXX are the first 3 letters of their last name, and #### is a 4 digit number (with leading 0's) to create unique ID's for customer with the same first 3 characters of their last name. SAMPLE LIST:

SCH0001, Lindsey Schubert, 75230
SCH0002, Thomas Schoembs, 53132
ADA0001, Samantha Adams, 28205

What I'd like to do is pass the formula 3 parameters (Cust_First_Name, Cust_Last_Name, Zip) and have it parse the .CSV file and either return an existing customer's current ID or generate the appropriate new, unique ID, making sure in increase the 4 digit # accordingly and insert leading 0's if necessary.

Another caveat, if possible to work with, is the ability to also pass the formula another range of cells to append to the end of the .CSV file's data for comparison reasons. There are times when I'll bulk-import orders (or we receive numerous in the same batch) and the potential exists to have two customers that would have the same CustomerID created using JUST the .CSV data. Ie. If we use the example above and have new customers of Steve Schwab and Julie Schwitzer - we'd end up incorrectly assigning them both SCH0003, where if we'd read Steve Schwab's newly created info and customer ID of SCH0003, then Schwitzer would correctly be assigned SCH0004.

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Lookup Based On One Criteria & Skipping Blanks

Feb 17, 2009

I'm looking for a formula for return a result only when one other criteria is met. I've looked at SUMPRODUCT and VLOOKUP as options but haven't been able to make them work. Here is what I need:

I want cell E33 to look up cell B33 in 'Test Result Table' and return the 12th column of information, but only when cell C33 and 3rd column in 'Test Result Table' match. If the first result isn't a match I want the lookup to skip it and return the first available match.

I don't want to add anything, I just need a match returned based on C33 and the 3rd column being equal (cell C33 is a VLOOKUP of the 3rd column in 'Test Result Table').

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