Return Focus To Sheet While Still Displaying A UserForm

Dec 16, 2009

I have a spread sheet where i want to display help text when cells are activated. I do not want to use comments as i both do not like the red triangle and also have not found a way to controll the position of the text box. When I use the event Worksheet_SelectionChange I can display a custom box but the box "retains focus" and i can not enter the data until i "reclick" on the cell in the sheet. The box then goes away when i select another cell. Is there a way to fix this or a different method entirely. I am using Excel 2007.

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Return Focus To Worksheet From Userform 2007 Vs 2000

Jun 27, 2009

I have a workbook developed in Excel 2007 (compatibility mode) that contains Userform4. This form can be displayed (or not) depending in the wishes of the user. What I am trying to do is return focus to the worksheet after the UserForm is displayed.

When the worksheet is activated, I have the following .........

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Change Sheet Focus From UserForm

Jun 6, 2006

I've got a userform for entering data in a workbook with sheets for each month. ie: Jan'06 , Feb'06, etc. I've added a combobox that looks at my list of these sheets and when a certain month is chosen I would like that months sheet to come up behind the userform, so that the data is entered there when the form is completed.

The other option is to not change the sheet focus but to direct the data to the appropriate sheet based on the combo box. (No matter what sheet is currently selected)

On a related note, I have a text box showing the last date entered and I would like to make shure that it is updated based on the sheet selected in the combobox.

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Double Click Row To Return Data To Userform For Edit Then Return Back To Sheet

Jan 30, 2014

I am trying to create a data entry sheet to enter quotes on. When a quote is received, I click on my "Add quote" button and a userform appears. Data is entered into the userform (frmEntryForm) and returned back to the next available row.

I also need to be able to:

Edit a row by double-clicking it. When a row is double-clicked, data from that row is passed back to the userform, edited and returned back to the same row (to prevent duplicates).Validate that all fields are complete within the userform where relevant (i.e. if the work is not complete or in progress then the "Invoice Number" and "Actual Cost" fields are disabled and blanked to prevent entry (I think this is almost sorted judging by my tests)

I have attached my sheet : 2014 Gatwick Quote Log (Macro Enabled).xlsm‎

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Running Userform From More Than One Sheet And Return To Original Sheet

Dec 12, 2012

I've got a User Form that works perfectly. It's activated on Chart Month sheet, you enter data into it and it switches to Comments sheet and copies the data, before returning back to the Chart Month sheet.

I have now added the same functionality to Chart Week sheet. Both Chart sheets use the same comments data, so it doesn't matter if you run the User Form from Chart Month or Chart Week. However, when I run the User Form from Chart Week then it switches to the Chart Month sheet once it copies the data, as I have Chart Month in the code. How do I get it to return to the sheet that it was originally on ie either Chart Week or Chart Month?

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim emptyRow As Long

'Make Sheet30 Active

'Determine emptyRow
emptyRow = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("D:D")) + 1

[Code] .........

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Setting Focus On Userform

Jul 7, 2009

I have a userform that is called by clicking on a button and it copies the value in cell A to my userform. This works great it is called via:

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Set Focus To TextBox On UserForm

Oct 16, 2006

On the summary page click on 'Enter Sale' and notice that Customer Advisor' text box gets the focus and the cursor is flashing. (Which is what I want). Enter any name and a sale value (say 'A' and '1') and click the 'OK' button
But when I tried to enter another sale the OK button still had the focus. So in the VBA Project / Forms / frm_sale / OK Click event - near the bottom
I added a set focus before the 'frm_sale.hide' - This removed the focus from the 'OK' box - but the cursor is still not in the text box, and it needs to be clicked in order to enter text. This is clearly something trivial I am missing - but the blinkers are on and I cant spot it

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Focus To Return To Textbox

Feb 14, 2007

I have SS that I have 3 levels of users using/viewing data and at the moment it does not allow for errors when inputing password & sheet number to access. What I need is that if there is an error in password or sheetnumber ths user gets the choice to re-enter correct data with vbYesNo or similar. The problem I have is with these lines of code not getting the focus back to txtSheet to re-enter correct data (>0 & <13).

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim shtNo As Integer
Dim R 'Response to msgbox
Dim rS As String
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Response, MyString
Msg = "Please enter a number 1-12." ' Define message.
Style = vbYesNo ' Define buttons.
Title = "Choose Month" ' Define title.
rS = Range("Scode").Value 'Staff password
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
If Not (txtSheet.Value > 0 And txtSheet.Value < 13) Then
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title).....................

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Set Focus To A Textbox When Userform Opens

Jul 29, 2009

I'm creating a userform for editing membership records of a small organisation. So I want the focus to default to textbox tboxFind which is used for searching the data.

I've put tboxFind first in the tab order, and in subroutine Userform_Initialize, the last line is tboxFind.SetFocus

Using Excel2000 on Windows Vista, it works OK.

Opening the same workbook in Excel2000 on WinXP, no textbox has the focus when the form opens, but once the user has started to use the form, the focus defaults back to tboxFind, as it should.

So why is the focus not where it should be when the form opens in WinXP?

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To Set Focus To The RefEdit Control In Userform

Feb 23, 2007

I am trying to implement a simple userform using the RefEdit control.

So I have the RefEdit control and an Ok (which has code attached to it) and a Cancel commandbutton.

For some reason, I can't get the focus on the RefEdit control (i.e. when I activate the form, I have to actually click in the RefEdit box before it gets the cursor). Which property sets the focus in this control?

Right now I have the Ok button Default property set to True.

I have a commandbutton on the spreadsheet that activates the userform.

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Set Focus To Application After Hiding UserForm

Sep 21, 2007

I created UserForm with one TextBox and "Close" Button. And it's works like a real-time search with my criteria. He is using AutoFilter to show what he found. And when I'm pressing Close Button the Focus isn't on Application, but on Hidden window (know because when I'm clicking alt+space form's menu shows).

To show window I'm using (running from hot-key):

DoCmd.OpenForm "UserForm1"

to hide

Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
End Sub

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Set Focus To TextBox On UserForm Initialize

Mar 7, 2008

I am trying to SetFocus on a single textbox in a simple form. I am not sure if I am doing it right.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

' On Error Resume Next

' Dim rheadings, cl As Range
' Set rheadings = Worksheets("CONTACT").Range("A1:F1")
' For Each cl In rheadings
' Me.cbxSearchWhere.AddItem cl.Value
' Next cl

With Me
End With
End Sub

Kind regards, Mentor Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Hi: I answered my own query - just commented out the setfocus instruction and it defaults to the first, and only, textbox by default

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Focus Activecell After Display Of Modeless Userform

May 7, 2009

I am using a technique to display a modeless userform to display to the user that the cell data validation has failed (or not) after checking cell data entry (with checks coded as required).

I am using this method for a number of reasons -
- enables more flexibility and more characters over that of in cell data validation error messages
- to reduce repeat of validation data (to reduce file size) as worksheet has large qty of rows with large qty of columns with variation of validation requirements for each column.

But in the event that data is invalid (fails validation), once the modeless userform is displayed, i want the focus to be on the current cell, not the userform, otherwise the user will always have to click the worksheet to to get focus to enable entry to cell of corrected data.

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Keep UserForm Linked To Particular Workbook Even If Focus Is Lost

Jan 19, 2010

I have an excel program that uses a modeless userform. often times i will open other spreadsheets while the form is active or minimized. if i return to the form and run it without manually bringing focus to the appropriate workbook, i get an error because it references the wrong workbook. is there a way to keep that form tied to that workbook no matter what? also, it is important that this procedure works despite the workbook name changing.

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Modeless Userform :: Set The Focus Back On The Range

Aug 1, 2008

I call a userform (modeless), and then i'm trying to set the focus back on the range that was selected when i showed the userform. you would think i could just define the range and then use like this....

set prevrnge = selection (vbmodeless)

but it doesn't take the focus off the userform....

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Set Focus Of Cursor In TextBox On UserForm Show

May 18, 2007

I'm having some trouble setting up my Userform. It's used for someone to insert a password to open up some sheets. I have it working except for 2 problems.

First off it gets started by a sub which has a shortcut key, CTRL + W.

When it opens I would like the TextBox to be ready to be typed on... and I would like the submit button ready for Enter. So when it opens, you just type in the password really quick and press enter without using the mouse at all.

The TextBox starts on the first try, but when I press cancel and then open the UserForm up again, then the cancel command is still selected and I have to select on the textbox.

There is 3 things on this userform... TextBox1, CommandButton1, CommandButton2. All I want is for the TextBox always to show up ready for typing, and the Submit(CommandButton1) to always be ready to press enter.

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Force Focus To Range From Modeless UserForm

Nov 21, 2007

A userform to move the curser to a column then activate the Excel App and keep the userform visiable.

The problem is when excution the code step by step (F8) works fine, but when excution the code by F5 the cursor moves to the Range("A65536").End(xlUp) and doesnot then move to the required column.

also this line
AppActivate ("Microsoft excel")

does not work , it gives me Invalid proceduers or call argument.

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "I").Activate
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 1 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "J").Activate
If ComboBox1.ListIndex = 2 Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, "K").Activate

AppActivate ("Microsoft excel")

End Sub

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Return Focus To A Textbox When Validation Fails As Part Of A Sub

Apr 27, 2009

As part of a UserForm I am Validating and Formatting in one pass. The problem I'm having is that when the Validation fails, I get the error message, and the focus moves on to the next text box.

I want to trap the user in a loop until they have acceptable data

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Return Focus To Workbook/worksheet After Updating Form

Jul 24, 2009

I have a form that displays when i open a workbook. I enter data into the form's fields (listbox & textbox). When I click the form's "OK" button, the focus doesn't return to the current worksheet, and in fact, focus doesn't return to any of the open windows / applications I have open.

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Minimize Userform And Give Focus To Immediate Next Window When Button Clicked

May 10, 2014

I currently have a small userform placed at the bottom right of the screen (with a command button on it) and this opens up on top of excel instances and other applications/windows and it is set so that you can't interact with anything except the userform.

I wanted to minimize the userform and give focus to immediate next window (can be excel or non excel applications) for 10 seconds and then activate/show the userform back again, when the "Button 1" on the userform is clicked.

I tried hiding the userform, but this doesn't give focus to the immediate next window. Below is the code

Private Sub Button_Click()
PauseApp (10)
End Sub

I could only find answers for adding minimize and maximize buttons to userform.

When the button is clicked, it should perform

Step a - Minimize the userform
Step b - Give focus to the next immediate window behind the userform
Step c - Wait for 10 seconds
Step d - Bring back the userform its to state.

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Force Focus Back: Pop Up A Userform To Provide Instructions And Collect Some Additional Data From The User

Feb 18, 2009

I'm working on a spreadhseet which has several macros that can take up to 5 minutes to run. When the macro(s) complete, I pop up a userform to provide instructions and collect some additional data from the user.

The "problem" is that when the user moves to another application to do other work, the user form remains hidden behind the active app. I've added some text to the status bar to let the users know the processing is done, but they would like something more obvious - so, is there any way I can force focus back to Excel?

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Displaying Graph In Userform

Jan 25, 2014

I have a spreadsheet and am in the middle of creating a userform to display the results of data over a given period (period selected by user).

In that userform I would like to display a graph (the graph will be created behind the scene once the date range has been selected). Is there any way that the graph can be displayed on the userform? If so, how?

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UserForm Not Displaying Correctly

Jan 29, 2009

I have built a UserForm (Excel 2003) that looks up a Row dependant on Criteria and displays the values on the User Form.

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Set Focus To A Sheet Before Save Data

Oct 13, 2011

I have a problem when i need to save an excel workbook. I have 7 sheets, and in one of these (sheet3) i make 3 data validating list, based an if formula.

in cell C9 (sheet3) i make a data validation list where i tiped =IF($D$8="Turism",Norma_poluare,Norma_poluare2)
in cell C10 (sheet3) i make a data validation list where i tiped
in cell C11 (sheet3) i make a data validation list where i tiped

The "Norma_poluare","Norma_poluare2" tabels are in sheet 4 and the "Cilindree","Emisii_CO2" tabels are in sheet 5.

When i need to save the excel document, i must have open sheet 3, othewise excel returns me an error "One or more cells in this workbook contains data validation rules which refer to values on other worksheets.These data validation will not be saved". So I thought that before saving date, automatically to shift focul to sheet3, and after these excel to save the data. VB code for these problem.

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Displaying More Than One Column In A Userform Combobox

Dec 10, 2009

I have a combobox on a userform that I have set the columncount to 3, so it displays data from columns A, B, and C when the combobox dropdown is used. However, once someone makes a selection from the dropdown, only the item from the first column is displayed in the combobox. Is there a way for me to show the info from all 3 columns once a selection is made?

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UserForm Controls Not Displaying At Runtime

Feb 2, 2005

I've created several UserForms, for some reason this one won't co-operate!

Issue are:
1. Have to click the OK button 3 times for the code to execute (this does not occur when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).

2. Before processing I have a label and image set to visible = true that won't appear on the form at runtime (this works when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).

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Displaying Userform & Running Macros

May 11, 2006

I am copying web data into Excel and need a creative way to run a couple formatting macros on the data. I’m looking for the best way to initiate the macros. I cannot use command buttons because they’ll get deleting as a result of the line “DrawingObjects.Delete”.

I’d like to use a Useform with a couple buttons but am not sure how to have it automatically display when needed and hidden when not needed. I also prefer not using toolbars button unless they will only be displayed in that workbook and not any others.

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Displaying Selection From Listbox On Userform

Jul 21, 2006

I have been trying to create a "Search" or "Look Up" form for my database. ( Attached file - "Test - Form").

I have been given a lot of help/ideas from this forum with which I managed to get to the stage where I could select the criteria i wanted to search by using a combobox and textbox in the userform. On hitting the "Find" button it shows all the results in the listbox.

The trouble started when I tried to display the listbox selection on the labels at the bottom of the userform. As the listbox is small and cant show all the fields properly, I need to display them in labels once user selects a particular record from listbox.

I managed to find some examples of this from this forum. (file attached "Action Log"). As I am not an Excel/ VBA expert, I have missed something and am not able to make it work.

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In A Userform Displaying Combobox Entries

Jan 14, 2007

I'm trying to take a list of names from a worksheet and create in a userform a combobox that lists the names.

Private Sub Combo_Box_Leadoff_Click()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 3 To 16
Combo_Box_Leadoff.AddItem Worksheets(5).Cells(counter, 2).Value
Next counter

In the properties window, I set the value equal to the first name in the list. The above code yields a combobox that is blank except for the value set in the properties window. When I do not set an initial value, I get a completely blank combobox. I'm pretty new to VBA, and I've manged to figure out all of the macros I need so far, but setting up the user form has proved surprisingly difficult.

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ComboBox And Get Focus Back To Sheet Or Cell?

Oct 24, 2012

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ActiveCell = Me.ComboBox1.Value
End Sub

How do I get focus back to the sheet or cell instead of the ComboBox ?

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