UserForm Not Displaying Correctly

Jan 29, 2009

I have built a UserForm (Excel 2003) that looks up a Row dependant on Criteria and displays the values on the User Form.

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Pivot Table Not Displaying Figures Correctly?

Jan 7, 2014

I'm attaching a worksheet I'm having trouble with. Each entry has a total number of LINES (input by hand), a total amount of TIME (calculated by formula), a total number of CAPTIONS (input by hand), and a total amount of TIME2 (calculated by formula). I created a pivot table so I could see these four values by date, and also so I could see totals when I filter by other criteria such show names. But in the pivot table all the values come up as one-digit numbers. In the worksheet the LINES and CAPTIONS are usually 3-digit numbers, and the TIME and TIME2 are set up to display in H:MM format, but in the pivot table they don't appear that way at all.

The other option is to just use the filters in the table on the worksheet, but when I filter anything out the grand totals at the end of the table do not adjust, they continue to show the overall grand totals. Perhaps if I could get these totals to adjust whenever I use the filters, then I wouldn't need a pivot table.

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UserForm - Component Not Correctly Registered

Feb 19, 2012

When I try to open an Excel-file from my employer with Excel UserForms I recieve following error messages

Component not correctly registered
Unexpected error (336)

I can see the code behind the UserForm, but not the UserForm. I've made the same mistake myself last time I created an UserForm, but I don't know what to do different.

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VBA - Offset Is Not Transferring Data Correctly From UserForm To Worksheet

Mar 26, 2014

I was given a task to build a userform and all the info collected from the userform will then transfer to a worksheet named 'Promotion'. I was copying the code from last year's UserForm and with my 0 VBA background.

With the below code (I just extract part of it), the ideal case would be to transfer data to Cell A4 (which is the first blank cell on the worksheet), and when a second form is recored, it will start from A5, so on and so forth. But somehow, the code transfer the data to Cell A1001, and the columns don't match with the info either.

Private Sub cmdAddPromo_Click()
Dim RowCount As Long
Dim r As Long
Const LastRow = 2000


The other thing is I don't really know why there is 'Me.' before each common buttons...

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Displaying Graph In Userform

Jan 25, 2014

I have a spreadsheet and am in the middle of creating a userform to display the results of data over a given period (period selected by user).

In that userform I would like to display a graph (the graph will be created behind the scene once the date range has been selected). Is there any way that the graph can be displayed on the userform? If so, how?

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Displaying More Than One Column In A Userform Combobox

Dec 10, 2009

I have a combobox on a userform that I have set the columncount to 3, so it displays data from columns A, B, and C when the combobox dropdown is used. However, once someone makes a selection from the dropdown, only the item from the first column is displayed in the combobox. Is there a way for me to show the info from all 3 columns once a selection is made?

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UserForm Controls Not Displaying At Runtime

Feb 2, 2005

I've created several UserForms, for some reason this one won't co-operate!

Issue are:
1. Have to click the OK button 3 times for the code to execute (this does not occur when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).

2. Before processing I have a label and image set to visible = true that won't appear on the form at runtime (this works when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).

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Displaying Userform & Running Macros

May 11, 2006

I am copying web data into Excel and need a creative way to run a couple formatting macros on the data. I’m looking for the best way to initiate the macros. I cannot use command buttons because they’ll get deleting as a result of the line “DrawingObjects.Delete”.

I’d like to use a Useform with a couple buttons but am not sure how to have it automatically display when needed and hidden when not needed. I also prefer not using toolbars button unless they will only be displayed in that workbook and not any others.

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Displaying Selection From Listbox On Userform

Jul 21, 2006

I have been trying to create a "Search" or "Look Up" form for my database. ( Attached file - "Test - Form").

I have been given a lot of help/ideas from this forum with which I managed to get to the stage where I could select the criteria i wanted to search by using a combobox and textbox in the userform. On hitting the "Find" button it shows all the results in the listbox.

The trouble started when I tried to display the listbox selection on the labels at the bottom of the userform. As the listbox is small and cant show all the fields properly, I need to display them in labels once user selects a particular record from listbox.

I managed to find some examples of this from this forum. (file attached "Action Log"). As I am not an Excel/ VBA expert, I have missed something and am not able to make it work.

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In A Userform Displaying Combobox Entries

Jan 14, 2007

I'm trying to take a list of names from a worksheet and create in a userform a combobox that lists the names.

Private Sub Combo_Box_Leadoff_Click()
Dim counter As Integer
For counter = 3 To 16
Combo_Box_Leadoff.AddItem Worksheets(5).Cells(counter, 2).Value
Next counter

In the properties window, I set the value equal to the first name in the list. The above code yields a combobox that is blank except for the value set in the properties window. When I do not set an initial value, I get a completely blank combobox. I'm pretty new to VBA, and I've manged to figure out all of the macros I need so far, but setting up the user form has proved surprisingly difficult.

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Return Focus To Sheet While Still Displaying A UserForm

Dec 16, 2009

I have a spread sheet where i want to display help text when cells are activated. I do not want to use comments as i both do not like the red triangle and also have not found a way to controll the position of the text box. When I use the event Worksheet_SelectionChange I can display a custom box but the box "retains focus" and i can not enter the data until i "reclick" on the cell in the sheet. The box then goes away when i select another cell. Is there a way to fix this or a different method entirely. I am using Excel 2007.

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Problem Displaying Single Record In Userform Listbox From Recordset

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to populate a 3 column listbox in a userform from SQL Server via ADO. When the result set consists of more than one record, there is no problem and the data is displayed properly (ie each piece of data is in its appropriate column) eg...

test1...................1................. 01/01/1900

however when the recordset returns only a single record, the data does not transpose and views as below (ie each piece of data in the record is on a different line in the first column


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Displaying And Un-Displaying Objects Using VBA..

Apr 21, 2007

Is It Possible to use VBA Coding to Display An Image (Object),
And Un-Display or Remove that Same Image (Object) using a VBA Code?


I have a Mailbox Picture that I would Like to Show, but only when a cell's
value = 5. If the Cell's Value is not 5, then don't display the mailbox.

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Use GetSaveAsFilename Correctly

Aug 14, 2007

how to use some form of the saveas dialog within excel without quotes appearing in the filename that is passed to the dialog.

For example:

ChDir ("J:TestFolder")

x = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("Test.xls", "Excel files (*.xl*),*.xl*", 1, "Custom Dialog Title")

The above code displays the saveas dialog form but has "Test.xls" surrounded by quotes. Normally, there would be no quotes around the specified filename.

Is there another way I can do this or will I just have to live with it?

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How To Correctly Create OR Function

Mar 3, 2014

I should i make this formula

A customer is eligible for a discount if the customer’s 2009 sales are greater than or equal to 200000 OR if the customers First Order was placed in 2012. " If its true it would be yes and if false no"

So far i have in the IF function
=IF([@[2009 sales]]>= 200000 ,"Y","N")

How should i insert if the customers OR First Order was placed in 2012?

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Cell's Are Not Lining Up Correctly

Jan 24, 2007

I have used the Excel program for a number of years to print out "Jukebox Title Strips" for my Jukebox. I have used the same "formula" for cell height, width, etc. during that time.

The outline of the title strips are preprinted and perforated on an 8.5" x 11" sheet. I recently tried to make some new strips and the printing does not line up correctly as it always had done in the past. Now, the titles are not high enough on the top portion of the sheet, and not low enough on the bottom portion of the sheet. So, it is not that I could just raise everything up or lower everything down to line up correctly... it now has to be changed in both directions. Of the 20 title strips on the sheet, the only ones that line up correctly are the two that are halfway down.

I thought that somehow the file had become corrupted, so I made a new template, but I still have the same problem.

Are there any suggestions of what I could do?

In the links below it shows an example of a Title Strip page.

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Numbers Not Sorting Correctly

Jul 31, 2013

I have three columns expressing death dates (date, month, year). The months and dates are finally sorting correctly within the same year, but I have it set to sort by year first.

The column starts off fine with 1860, goes up to 2013, then starts back at 1884 and goes back up to 2009. I can't find any difference between the two groups: there are some of the same years represented, there are blank month and date cells in both. I have a worksheet with birth dates that sorted fine; the only difference I can find is that birth dates only go up to 1997, but the column is formatted as General, so the turn of the century shouldn't be a problem.

I've tried highlighting the whole thing before sorting as well as selecting one cell as usual. I've also tried formatting the column as Text. I can't think of anything else.

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Focus Not Setting Correctly

Jul 21, 2009

I have a userform with several inputs which are validated, and should the input be invalid an ErrorProcedure is run. This basically displays a message telling the user what is wrong, and it should also be highlighting the text in the relevant field, but for some reason it is not doing that.

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How To Link Two ComboBoxes Correctly

Sep 27, 2012

Linking two comboboxes. Actually My department consists of 4 divisions and each division contains 3 sections, that is beside Department manager staff and planning group.

In the attached workbook:

- Combobox1 contains All divisions, Department manager staff and planning group)
- Combobox2 contains all sections of the selected division in Combobox1.

What I want to do is the following:

In Combox1, I want to hide all records not related to the selected division.
In Combox1, I want to hide all records not related to the selected section.


I depend for filtering on the org. code for each division and section.

Fifth and Sixth digits of the first Division's Org. Code are 21

Fifth and Sixth digits of the second Division's Org. Code are 22

Fifth and Sixth digits of the third Division's Org. Code are 23

Fifth and Sixth digits of the third Division's Org. Code are 24

First section's org. code for each division ends with 11

Second Section's org. code for each division ends with 21

Third Section's org. code for each division ends with 31

I have created the following VBA codes to reach the said purposes, the first three ptions in Combobox1 work just fine, but the other options sometimes work fine and other times don't!

Moreover, Combobox 2 is not working at all:

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Select Case ComboBox1
Case Is = [AC4].Value

[Code] ........

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Unable To Sort Correctly

Oct 23, 2007

I have a column with a value resulting from a fairly complex formula:

I will not include the formula, but basically what it does is a number of calculations including subtracting dates, that is

TODAY'S DATE - A GIVEN DATE (provided in a different cell)

That means that, either manually or automatically, those values are constantly recalculating (with every second that goes by, that value changes).

And the number of values/cells to update is not few: about 1100.

Here's the problem.

When I press SORT, Excel seems to be absolutely incapable of sorting that list correctly. The values are completely and randomly out of order.

I wonder if it could be due to the fact that given that those values would be constantly changing, there would be a conflict with the commands


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Not Referencing Cells Correctly

Dec 8, 2008

I'm trying to simply reference a cell from another tab in the same workbook. In other words I press "=" and then point to the cell in another tab and I would expect to see that value - however I don't. What I see, as an example, is: ='Nav&SPDiary'!B24 instead of the cell value (which I know exists because I've just pointed to it.

Anyone have ANY idea why all of a sudden it's started to do this? The most annoying thing is it worked fine before and now it doesn't do what I want...

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Textbox Not Printing Correctly

Jun 11, 2009

I've got a text box with some commentary in the middle of a spreadsheet. The text looks fine on screen, but when I print, it chops the end off some of the words. Is there a way round this?

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Combobox Not Populating Correctly

Sep 12, 2006

I have a userform with a combo box that is populated from a list in a sheet called Clients. The userform is in the same workbook as the Clients sheet. This workbook called "Client List.xls" and is set to be hidden from view. I've created a menu bar icon that loads the "Client List.xls" workbook, and on open runs the initialize procedure. The problem seems to be caused by the "Clients List.xls" being not the active workbook. Is this the case? Is there a way around it? If I unhide the workbook and make it the active workbook, the code works great.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim rngClients As Range
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Set wsSheet = Workbooks("Client List.xls").Sheets("Clients")
With wsSheet
.Range(Selection, "A1").Select
End With
Set rngClients = Selection
With cmbClients
.RowSource = rngClients.Address
.ListIndex = 0
End With

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Variable Not Assigning Correctly

Oct 31, 2006

The relevant code is below. I can post it all if necessary -- it's about 30 lines though. Can anyone recognize what the problem might be?

MsgBox "vSh " & vSh & " vOp " & vOp & "vCash " & vCash
vCash = vSh * vOp
MsgBox "vCash " & vCash

The MsgBox's are merely for debugging. When the code above runs, the first MsgBox I receive states similar to:
"vSh 14.238964 vOp 45.23 vCash 1000"
The second MsgBox, from after the multiplication, states:
"vCash 1000"

For some reason the vCash variable just will not set. At the beginning of the code, I declared each variable as Dim var, meaning as a variant, and whenever I debug by halting during a MsgBox display, each of the variables appear to be the same types: Variant/Double.

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Command Button Not Working Correctly?

May 1, 2013

I have a command button on my form that unloads it when i am finished. But i have to press it 20 times before it closes. The only line i have in the code is "UnLoad Me"

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Can't Format Correctly A Pivot Table

Feb 6, 2014

formatting the sub-row header of the table also changes one of the columns.

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Time Formula Not Calculating Correctly?

Feb 19, 2014

In cell BQ65, I have 7:00 pm. Next to that, in cell BR65, I have 6:00 am. This should total 11.00 hours, yet with the formula I have in cell BS65, the result is showing up as 13.00 hours, so I'm ending up with two extra hours, which is not good.

Here's the formula I have in cell BS65:


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ComboBox On Form Does Not Display Correctly?

Apr 23, 2014

I created a data entry form that contains a ComboBox. The ComboBox is based on a range that has three columns and many rows. The purpose is to have the user select an item from the first column, and the other two columns are automatically filled in on the table.

The form works and the data is transferred to the table as it should. The issue is that when you select the ComboBox, it displays the data from all three columns wrapped in two columns. Some of the data is repeated and it looks confusing. How do I have the drop down show only the data in the first column?

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Filtering By Dates Not Working Correctly?

Jun 26, 2014

[Code] ....

In column F I have a list of dates (dd/mm/yyyy).

I can manually filter dates ok, but want to set it to part of code to use automation for a report.

The code when run, finds nothing, where it should. I tried using [CDate] also but also same result.

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Range Not Appearing Correctly In Locals

Feb 21, 2014

I have the following code:

[Code] ........

HierLastRow shows as 165 in Locals which is correct. When I look at HierUID in Locals the Range is B2:B2 and not B2:B165. How can I make the Range set correctly?

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