Scoring Conversion

Nov 4, 2008

If I have a scoring grade for different categories (8 in total) & the grades looks something like that: 1a=500, 1b=400, 1c=300, 2a= 250, 2b=210...& so on till 4c, but with different numbers for each category.

I need to come up with a total score of points if a person is given a certain grade from the above. ex. if they scored 2a on a certain category, 1c on
another & with all the rest of 8 categories scored. The number i need to come up with is the total points.

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Weighted Scoring

Mar 15, 2008

I'm doing a GCSE project for which I need a little help with Excel.

I have a set of data about a persons monthly spending habits on

Food 300
Entertainment 200
Clothing 100
Transport 260

The pre calculated budget allowance for the month was 500

I would like to write a formula that would do the following; give the person an score out of 1.1-10 based on how well he spent on the above items which are in order of priority (i.e. it is better to spend more on food than on entertainment etc) And then an over all score (1.1-10) that will reflect how well they spent.

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Scoring Programme

Apr 9, 2009

I am looking for helping with an excel scoring programme i am designing. The programme is ready to go. But i was wondering how clever excel was. Basically i need to create some results from the programme. Normally i do filter auto filter, which is great but not very fast if doing it manually. Would excel be able to do this.

The data i am using is always changing. I would need for it to filter the three teams, by a name defined in three cells one page. Once the three teams have been filtered i then need to get the top four scores and copy and past them into a new sheet.

I have tried recording a macro, but this does not seem to like me changing data. And is also very restrcitive. As the programme is used across three league.

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Formula For Scoring

Apr 16, 2006

I am not so sure on the correct formula syntax or the correct terminologies to ask this next formula question. It is visualy explained clearer in the spreadhseet provided.

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Surrounding Scoring Data

Feb 16, 2009

I have a small query about excel and whilst there is a really simple answer i'm struggling a little bit. I have create a score metric for data surrounding search data.

Basically i need a macro/formula that will take a list of values that may include duplicates and add up the corresponding score and place the results in a table.

See below - the macro will look at a list of values (column b) and add the scores up (column d) and then remove the duplicates and populate the score in (column f/g)

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Scoring To Break Tie (i.e. Golf)

Oct 7, 2006

I couldn't find a solution to where I'm at now, but Derks formula...
= SUMIF($J$5:$J$44,J5,$K$5:$K$44)/COUNTIF($J$5:$J$44,J5)

excel formula

...Almost gets what I need, but my data will not always be in a high/low descending order. I'm braindead; I can't think of how to make this formula work.

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Society Scoring System Template

May 1, 2013

How to delete all the players names and rounds etc. so I can input all my own.

This template is perfect for what i need for my golf society.

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Basic Dart Scoring Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2010

I'm creating a basic Dart scoring spreadsheet, and its been going absolutely fantastic, but then I was asked to create the Sets and Legs, thats when I got stuck.

I'm looking for a formula (or anything) that will add a Set when the Legs reach the number 3, and then again but make it 2 if that player gets another 3 legs. If you know darts you will understand what I mean.

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Relative Scoring Of Text Values

May 27, 2006

I am putting together a worksheet and analysis sheet for relative scoring of text values. (i.e. High = 3, Med = 2, Low =1, Yes = 2, No = 1, etc. I have a problem in finding a formula that will work to retain these values of text and calculate a relative score from the answers or text provided.

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Scoring System. Different Points For Win, Lose Or Tie

Apr 23, 2007

Have used excel for a while but never the need to go past SUM or AVG, etc.

Im trying to set up a point scoring sytem for 3 teams in various events. the highest scoring team would get 2 points, 2nd place 1, 3rd place 0. If 2 teams tied for first they both get 2. If they tie for second they both get 1. I spent 30 minutes before I came up with

=IF(AND(B3>B4, B3>B5),2,0)
=IF(OR(B3=B4, B3=B5),1)

Spent another 15 trying to figure out how to put the 2 together. Finally realized a)Im missing a whole bunch of formula, b)There is a lot more to excel than I thought I knew.

B3,B4,B5 are the teams scores. Looking for any help at this point. Even a push in the right direction.

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Specify Which Criteria To Count In The Scoring As They Are Not Always Relevant Every Time

Oct 29, 2008

I have a scoring system I monitor in excel (I have attached an example speadsheet). I score against a number of criteria e.g. criteria 1 scores "2", criteria 2 scores "4". My problem is that the criteria don't always attract a score, sometimes they blank. I also need to specify which criteria I want to count in the scoring as they are not always relevant every time.

I need formulae that will take this into account and be ready to total up only when a score is there (COUNTIF?); and out of the range of scores I want to total up only the specified criteria at choice (SUMIF?).

My COUNTIF and SUMIF skills are failing with this which is very complex for my level.

What would the formula be in each instance? I have attached the file to reference the cells that I have questions about.

Question ?A: - is this a COUNTIF?
In this cell I want to calculate the number of occurrences where there is a score detailed, but only for specified criteria, for argument's sake criteria 1,2,3,4,7 & 8

The answer would be 5 in this instance, not 6, because Criteria "3" did not receive a score.

I would want to have other cells which would calculate the number of occurences where there had been a score but using different combinations of criteria

Question ?B: - is this a SUMIF?
In this cell I want to calculate the total sum of scores for those specified criteria where there has been a score
The answer would be 13 in this instance (3+2+4+1+3 from the scores that occurred for those specified criteria)
I would want to have other cells which would calculate the total sum of the scores but using different combinations of criteria

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Creating A Complex Scoring System On Excel?

Jan 8, 2014

create a unique scoring system on a set of given criteria that enables an even split in work for team members. so i.e. work comes in, and depending on the criteria of work its then passed to the relevant team member based on points. At the moment work is allocated A-Z which is working out unfair on team members as some are getting more/less work than others...a points system will enable a even split. so if a piece of work scores 30 points it goes to a junior member, if a piece of work scores 80 points it goes to a senior member and so problem is how to link the points and criteria...Im guessing joint vlookups will be needed.

the only other way i can think a system is similar is like a fantasy football system...points based on criteria.

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Golf Scoring But Have Duplicate Scores - Need To Return Unique Name

Jul 28, 2014

I am attempting to put together a golf tournament spreadsheet. I have figured out how to review a list of numbers, find the lowest ten scores and make a list of those scores. Next to that I want to have excel input the name of the player that shot that score. The problem is, a couple of scores match so excel is only returning one of the golfers names. I am trying to have it return the other golfer who scored the same score.

Here is the formula I am using in Column N:
=SMALL($L$2:$L$21,1) This runs from 1 thru 10 for the 10 lowest scores.

Here is the formula I am using in Column O:

Here is the formula I am using in Column P: (gives same info as column O formula)

Column A = golfers names
Column L = list of all golfers scores
Column N = lowest ten scores in order

Spreadsheet Attached : Golf Excel Score.xls‎

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Prepare Automatic Scoring Sheet With Pointing Chart

Aug 17, 2014

this is a competition scoring sheet

i want to add this automatically

when i enter chest number then the name of winner and team name want to come automatically and the pointing also (see sample)

point first 5 point second 3 third 1

how to do this

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Golf Scoring But Have Duplicate Scores - Return Unique Name

Jul 28, 2014

I am attempting to put together a golf tournament spreadsheet. I have figured out how to review a list of numbers, find the lowest ten scores and make a list of those scores. Next to that I want to have excel input the name of the player that shot that score. The problem is, a couple of scores match so excel is only returning one of the golfers names. I am trying to have it return the other golfer who scored the same score.

Here is the formula I am using in Column N:
=SMALL($L$2:$L$21,1) This runs from 1 thru 10 for the 10 lowest scores.

Here is the formula I am using in Column O:

Here is the formula I am using in Column P: (gives same info as column O formula)

Column A = golfers names

Column L = list of all golfers scores

Column N = lowest ten scores in order

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Hyperlink Conversion

Jul 30, 2009

I have just been told that one of our servers is being replaced this weekend. I have thousands of hyperlinks in excel docs that reference this server. Other than manually reestablishing the links one by one to the new server, is there a way to do some kind of global change to replace the old server name with the new server name?

These are not hyperlink formulas, but rather Insert>>Hyperlink.

Or, is there a way to convert these hyperlinks to hyperlink formulas that would omit reference to the server and thus not be broken during the conversion?

Grasping at straws because I cannot envision having to relink these one by one.

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Yen Conversion Macro

Feb 12, 2009

I have a worksheet with values in yen in the C column. My boss (who will not get it through her head that I am not a programmer) wants a macro that will take a yen/$ conversion rate (e.g., 88 yen/$) in cell J1 and convert all the amounts in column C into dollars with a 5% markup and rounding up. If I was doing this as a worksheet calculation rather than a macro, the calculation would look like this:

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PDF Conversion Code

Feb 9, 2010

The following codes publish the worksheets "Estimate" & "Photos" to a PDF file, it all works great accept that the sheets remain selected in the WB after the sheets have been published. How do I unselect the estimate and photos sheets?

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Currency Conversion

Jun 23, 2008

I am working on a sheet that logs sales enquiries and quotations. The quotations may be made in either Dollars, Euros or Pounds. However, I want the 'reporting' column to be Pounds. I would appreciate any advice on the simplest way of achieving this.

Imagine column A is dollars, column B is Euros and column C is pounds. Most of the time the quotations are done in pounds and the other two columns will be blank. Also, there will only ever be one figure quoted per row. Would it be easier to create a fourth column (D) to consolidate the three separate figures together? We are using fixed exchange rates for the year, so to convert to pounds we will multiply any dollar quotations by 0.5 and any euro quotations will be multiplied by 0.69.

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Number Conversion

Aug 26, 2009

I have two sets of data that I need which is obtained from one source.

Basically, the stats I am working with in excel are Processing Time (minutes/seconds) and Volume Per Hour. I desperately need a formula that will allow me to convert the processing time into Volume per hour.

Example: Average Handle Time, 7min 7 seconds = x per hour. If it was just 7 minutes flat I could simply divide that into 60. I also can't make it 7.7 and divide that because 7.7 doesn't equal 7m7s.

Does anyone have any thoughts on a way to do this? I found a conversion chart online that allowed me to do this work manually 'Conversion Chart: Fraction of an Hour to Minutes', but I haven't determined a way to make a formula out of this.

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Time Conversion

Sep 10, 2009

I have an spreadsheet that is monitoring the productivity of agents, as well as the time that it takes to complete each task. My workforce keeps time as .50 = 30 minutes. So 7 and half hours is actually 7.5. Agents are putting the actual time of it took such as 15 minutes however I would like to insert a formula that will convert this for me manually. I know I could give them a conversion sheet, but it took quite a while to get them to actually be able to work in excel. So I would like to add this formula.

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Date Conversion

Apr 3, 2007

I am trying to convert numbers from three cells into a date in one cell. I tried using the =DATE function, but it did not work. In A1, B1, C1, I have 1, 15, 2002. I would like cell D1 to take the info from the preceeding three cells and display "January 15, 2002"

Presently, I have A1...C1 formatted for "General." D1 is formatted for "Date." Yet I get the answer "August 23, 1907" (or 2792 as 'General').

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Data Conversion From One Form To Another?

Aug 30, 2012

How can I make my data in "input" tab to look like in the "output" tab the easiest way?

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Text To Date Conversion

May 20, 2014

I would like to convert date written like this "April 24, 2014" in Excel Date format.

Is it possible to do it with a formula or data import?

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Same Time Value But With Different Conversion Results?

Jul 29, 2014

why is that I have the same time value but with different conversion results?

I have values in column A10:A26 with an average time of 00:00:38 result with converted value of 7052.04.

When I type 00:00:38 in Column A30, it gives me a result of 7139.37...

Why do I have different conversion results knowing that I have the same time of 00:00:38?

I Have attached a sample workbook.

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Plus Sign Barcode Conversion

Mar 6, 2008

Why when I convert the following data, why the plus sign "+" converts to a /K?

I'm trying to convert values in groups of cells to a 3 of 9 barcode.

The value would be something:


But when the font is changed to a 3 of 9 barcode and then I test the barcode in Notepad I notice that the plus sign is replaced with a /K.

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Amount To Words Conversion

Nov 8, 2009

I am using excel for invoice making...In the end i have a total amount. I need to type it in words for every invoice at present.
How can i convert it to words automatically? Is there any formula to it?
Or is there anything else? Please suggest me friends.

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Numerous If Conditions? GPA Conversion

Dec 25, 2009

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will take all my grades from the semester (I'm a college student) and compute my GPA. I managed to get a weighted average for each class, but the grade is on a scale of 1-100. I need to convert that to a letter grade, and then a 4.0 scale. How can I set it up so that it will return "A" if 90<Grade<100, "B" if 80<Grade<90, etc.? I'm apologize if this is something simple, but I've been trying to find the right function for a long time.

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Proper Conversion To Numbers?

Jun 24, 2014

So I record a macro but it see only following bit

Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select

I want this selection to be converted to numbers but in proper way (There is a green thing in corner in every cell and on top of column a yellow field with exclamation mark. When whole column is selected and you apply appropirate convert function from this exclamation mark menu it will convert it properly.

While if you just click on excel tab and choose numbers it just does not change it to numbers

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CInt() Conversion & Inputbox

Jul 2, 2009

as i understand CInt() converts STRING variables to INTEGER variables. I am trying to create an inputbox, with input validation. So, if the user types in an integer, it will continue to a msgbox; if they type a number in string format, as in 'two', it will convert this into an integer and again display it in a msgbox; if they press nothing a msgbox will appear telling them there is no input; and if they press cancel the programme closes.

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