Creating A Complex Scoring System On Excel?

Jan 8, 2014

create a unique scoring system on a set of given criteria that enables an even split in work for team members. so i.e. work comes in, and depending on the criteria of work its then passed to the relevant team member based on points. At the moment work is allocated A-Z which is working out unfair on team members as some are getting more/less work than others...a points system will enable a even split. so if a piece of work scores 30 points it goes to a junior member, if a piece of work scores 80 points it goes to a senior member and so problem is how to link the points and criteria...Im guessing joint vlookups will be needed.

the only other way i can think a system is similar is like a fantasy football system...points based on criteria.

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Society Scoring System Template

May 1, 2013

How to delete all the players names and rounds etc. so I can input all my own.

This template is perfect for what i need for my golf society.

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Scoring System. Different Points For Win, Lose Or Tie

Apr 23, 2007

Have used excel for a while but never the need to go past SUM or AVG, etc.

Im trying to set up a point scoring sytem for 3 teams in various events. the highest scoring team would get 2 points, 2nd place 1, 3rd place 0. If 2 teams tied for first they both get 2. If they tie for second they both get 1. I spent 30 minutes before I came up with

=IF(AND(B3>B4, B3>B5),2,0)
=IF(OR(B3=B4, B3=B5),1)

Spent another 15 trying to figure out how to put the 2 together. Finally realized a)Im missing a whole bunch of formula, b)There is a lot more to excel than I thought I knew.

B3,B4,B5 are the teams scores. Looking for any help at this point. Even a push in the right direction.

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Creating Queue System In Excel

Oct 21, 2013

Any way to create a queue system in excel.

Here is what I would like to do:

Pull emails from outlook into a spreadsheet and click an add button that would add the From and Subject of the email to the bottom of the list with a timestamp showing the time the add button was pressed for that email. I would like the list to have the oldest timestamps stay at the top of the list, if possible.

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Creating Password Protected Sign In System In Excel With VBA

Mar 10, 2014

I am trying to create simple password protected system in excel. What I have already done is I have a worksheet, which is not visible that holds all user names, passwords and user roles, such as admin and user. Now my problem, I need to create a UserForm that will prompt user to input their details prior to using the workbook. I have no problems with creating the form itself but I cannot really create a code to handle the task. Also, there will be only one system admin, which means that only admin should be able to create users, so that when admin will sign in, he should be able to see the button on the home screen, something like "Create New User". I cannot post my workbook because of the Corporate Copyrights and privacy, but what I can do is post all named ranges that contain password, usernames etc.

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Creating A Complex Formula With UDF?

Jul 21, 2014

I am creating a complex formula with UDF, this Hlookup is part of my complete formula. Meanwhile, I am working on this piece, not Sure what I am doing Wrong

I try to conver "MonthCurrent" Variable in a Year because the MonthCurrent is 06/01/2014, so will be Year(6/1/2014) = 2014

My Range called "DailyRates" is based per Year = 2014, 2015 ......


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Creating Ranking System

Mar 27, 2007

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will automatically create a ranking system after data is input manually.

If you look in the example, you'll see roughly 30 people will be ranked on various metrics, and on another sheet, I would like 1-30 to be displayed in each of the different metrics, thus creating a ranking.

I'm not sure how to go about doing this, and any help would be greatful. I've tried different excel tutorials and searched and searced the help features, but couldn't exactly find what i was looking for.

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Creating A Login System For Users

Dec 7, 2006

I have a worksheet that is going to be used my approx. 10 people at my company. I want to give access to certain menus to a few people and other menus to others. I have 2 custom menus. One is for each group, but I don't want to allow access to the other groups menu. Is there a way to create a way of logging in via username and password so that excel can display only the correct set of menus depending on who is using the sheet at the time? I think there is a way that excel can recognize the windows login and password for each person and maybe I can use that? If so, how do I then set it up to display only the correct menus to certain users?

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Creating Catch All Booking Form And Contract System Service Based Company

Feb 19, 2014

I've been tasked with creating an updated booking system for a company which offers projects / services to the educational sector (UK Primary Schools.) I've done an alright job at augmenting their current Excel based system, but I would like to take it further so that the system is more all encompassing.

Currently, the booking form is filled in when a booking is made and the data from that is populated into their copy of the contract and our copy of the contract using simple "=" and to a certain extent, the text on the contracts is manipulated based on the booking form data using "IF" functions.

There is a basic macro which removes excess lines from the contracts if they aren't used, but that's about it. The difficulty we're having with the current system is that a lot of our projects are bespoke, happen over more than one date, and require a lot of manual manipulation in order to get them ready, which sort of defeats the object of having a 'clever' booking system.

I don't know very much about VB, but the sort of thing I would be looking to integrate is having drop down lists to select a 'project' which would load project-specific text into the contracts area. Also, instead of having to remove lines manually, I would like the data to be 'dropped in' creating rows as appropriate.

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Convert A Complex Excel Spreadsheet To Web App?

Sep 16, 2013

to convert a complex Excel file to a Web App (usable in the browser of a iPad) which has 15 sheets and some input.I tried every javascript/jquery library, tried to hire a freelance, asked for a quote everywhere, tried add-ins, etc. Nothing seems to work. Manually, well, it is pretty impossible within 2 days.

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Excel 2007 :: Complex SumIf / Sumproduct Formula?

Oct 11, 2011

I am trying to do a dynamic sumifs that allows the user to use data validation lists to select 5 items to query. This is the easy part.

The hard part is that the amounts range to sum goes across 6 weeks and I want the answer to also take account of another validation input which specifies up to what week the range should be.

I have done a simply if statement in row 8 that flags weeks relevant to input cell B6.

How do I do a formula in say cell A16 that does the sumifs and acknowledges that the user has requested a dynamic range to sum?

Sheet1ABCDEFGHIJK1RegimePost 20052TypeBudget<<<<- Dropdowns3Prod AreaLoans4ChannelRetail5Pro/ReReactive6Week18-May-1178Flags ->1110009Regime 2TypeProd AreaChannelPro/Re04-May-1111-May-1118-May-1125-May-1101-Jun-1108-Jun-1110Post 2005Budget Loans Retail Reactive 36942041320736540011Post 2005Budget Cards Retail Reactive 38423444021726636212Pre 2005Actual Mortgages Tele Proactive 35739840536923740113Pre 2005Actual Loans Direct Proactive 3213872554552254621415Answer16Excel 2007

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Excel Calculation System With Two Factors

May 8, 2014

I am making an Excel calculation system where I have two factors (weight and opening length), which is essential for which lift there is possible to use.

There are 8 models each of which may have some limitations in terms of weight, and the opening length:

ModelPushing/pulling Force (KG)Stroke Length (mm)
HCV 130 350
HCV 230 600
HCV 330 800
HCV 430 1000
HCV 550 350
HCV 650 600
HCV 750 800
HCV 850 1000

What I am looking for is a formula, that when you enter numbers in two cells "Weight" and "Opening distance" of what their platform is to meet, then all the models that have the potential to accomplish this task pops up.

Example: A client writing a weight of = 40 kg and opening length of = 450 mm. The formula should then show which model that meets the requirements.

In this case: Models that meet the requirements for the lift.

ModelPushing/pulling Force (KG)Stroke Length (mm)
HCV 650 600
HCV 750 800
HCV 850 1000

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Using Excel In Clinical Information System?

Dec 2, 2012

There are many software solutions for clinical information systems, but they all cost a lot. It occurred to me that a bespoke system could be build using excel.

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How To Get System Time In Excel Cell

Nov 6, 2007

I need to get my system's time (in hh:mm format) in an excel cell and this should get updated as and when sytem time gets updated.

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Rounding Between Excel And MRI (Host System)

Jun 15, 2009

I have a workbook that the accountants use each month to supply our clients with thier monthly financials. One of the problems is rounding between Excel and MRI (Host System). I am using an array formula when totaling the various columns and this takes care of most rounding issues.

What I would like to do is have a macro that can be assigned to a command button that the account can click on when there is a rounding issue. The macro would ask the accountant which cell that needs to be adjusted (the cells are protected) and then another box would pop up asking for the amount (i.e. .01, -.01) then the macro would add this to the formula in that particular cell.

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Setting Up Stock Ordering System Using Excel

Jul 15, 2013

setting up a stock ordering system in Excel. I have been sent a spreadsheet with about 400 items I've ordered before and about 15 columns of descriptions which include the name, category of item, manufacturer, cost, number etc.

I would like to set up a simple Excel spreadsheet which staff can use when they want to order some stock, which will automatically fill in the adjacent cells with the product category and unit cost, once the name has been typed into the first cell. Once I add the SUM formula I can therefore have an immediate total of how much each staff member is spending on stock that week, without having to look at the invoice I get back from the supplier.

I know Excel has a predictive text style feature (autocomplete?) but I don't know how to get it to automatically fill several cells in a row with data that is linked to the first cell.

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Double Entry Bookkeeping System In Excel?

Mar 12, 2013

i am trying to make a double entry bookeeping system in excel just like VT cashbook and VT transaction

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Excel Query Using Transfer Data From System?

Aug 12, 2013

I am looking for information on how I can use the Transfer Data from System i Add-In for Excel to only get data that equals the data in one of my columns (both sets of data are strings). Unfortunately, I cannot just get the entire contents of the System i table since it contains more than the maximum allowed in Excel.

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How To Make Excel Template Work On Only 1 System

Mar 9, 2014

Is it possible to make excel template work only on 1 computer by giving any vba password (on lines of license number).

Aim is to ensure it works on only client computer, even if template is shared outside it becomes useless.(We often see clients audit team getting access to templates using it for thier purpose & distributing).

In same spirit what are best practices one can take like protecting formulas with password etc

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Create KPI System In Excel To Measure Performance Against Target

Jan 3, 2014

Looking to create a system to measure KPI (key performance indicators). I need to include a weekly target and then measure performance for that week against the target. I want to create a form to make data entry simple, how best it would be to implement using excel. Would I have 2 tables, one for targets and one for performance and then use look ups, [URL]

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Excel 2007 :: Login System For Two Users On Worksheet

Mar 7, 2014

I am creating a login system for two users on a excel worksheet. I have the two users on a drop-down list, Maria and Andrew, which then requires a password entry. This is linked onto a data validation to make sure that the password matches the data table.

After, I then click on a macro, which, when successful, takes me from sheet 1 to sheet 2.

My problem is that I need to have it so that Maria is taken from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2, and Andrew from Sheet 1 to Sheet 3.

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Scoring Conversion

Nov 4, 2008

If I have a scoring grade for different categories (8 in total) & the grades looks something like that: 1a=500, 1b=400, 1c=300, 2a= 250, 2b=210...& so on till 4c, but with different numbers for each category.

I need to come up with a total score of points if a person is given a certain grade from the above. ex. if they scored 2a on a certain category, 1c on
another & with all the rest of 8 categories scored. The number i need to come up with is the total points.

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Weighted Scoring

Mar 15, 2008

I'm doing a GCSE project for which I need a little help with Excel.

I have a set of data about a persons monthly spending habits on

Food 300
Entertainment 200
Clothing 100
Transport 260

The pre calculated budget allowance for the month was 500

I would like to write a formula that would do the following; give the person an score out of 1.1-10 based on how well he spent on the above items which are in order of priority (i.e. it is better to spend more on food than on entertainment etc) And then an over all score (1.1-10) that will reflect how well they spent.

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Scoring Programme

Apr 9, 2009

I am looking for helping with an excel scoring programme i am designing. The programme is ready to go. But i was wondering how clever excel was. Basically i need to create some results from the programme. Normally i do filter auto filter, which is great but not very fast if doing it manually. Would excel be able to do this.

The data i am using is always changing. I would need for it to filter the three teams, by a name defined in three cells one page. Once the three teams have been filtered i then need to get the top four scores and copy and past them into a new sheet.

I have tried recording a macro, but this does not seem to like me changing data. And is also very restrcitive. As the programme is used across three league.

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Formula For Scoring

Apr 16, 2006

I am not so sure on the correct formula syntax or the correct terminologies to ask this next formula question. It is visualy explained clearer in the spreadhseet provided.

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Send Email Now Fails With Runtime Error 1004 - Mail System Failure

Aug 23, 2012

I've been using a macro successfully for the last couple of years, but this morning when I went to use it, it decided to fail. I have a workbook which contains various spreadsheets. The macro that has failed performs the following tasks:

1. It copies a list of email addresss from an external workbook to a sheet in the current workbook (still works)
2. It copies the referral sheet I want to send to a new file, and saves it with an appropriate filename to an appropriate folder (still works)
3. The macro then creates an email with a standard subject line, attaches the new worksheet and emails it to each of the addresses as above (broken)

The error message is from Microsoft Visual Basic. "Run-time error '1004': Mail system failure. Check your mail installation."

I'm guessing there is a setting somewhere in Excel that has changed as part of an update.

I've been through a number of the options in the developer menu to remove any obvious restrictions (& reopened excel afterwards), but so far it hasn't resolved the problem.

For what it's worth, here is the macro code.

With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Run "PullInSheet1"
Dim oldbook As String

[Code] .......

In case you're wondering about the pullinsheet code, I'll add it below - but I probably grabbed it from this forum a couple of years ago (like some of the above) & just made some changes.

Sub PullInSheet1()
Dim AreaAddress As String
'''''' Sheet11.UsedRange.Clear
Dim ClRange As String

[Code] ........

There are a couple of things I've wanted to do to improve the macro, but I couldn't justify the need to spend time working it out (since writing spreadsheets isn't really my job). Since it's broken at the moment, I can...

1. I'd like to create a subject line that reflects the name of the person being referred. For some reason though, anything other than text in the cell reference caused an error for me. eg, I tried using concatenate to create my subject line, but it didn't work.

2. I'd like the copied sheet to contain all of the formatting of the original sheet. Presumably there is a paste option that will do this and I just picked the wrong one.

The mailsystem we use is Groupwise 8. I couldn't find any settings in that program that have been changed, or that I could change.

I should change the extension from xls to xlsx in the code since I'm using Excel 2010 (but changing it doesn't fix the problem).

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Surrounding Scoring Data

Feb 16, 2009

I have a small query about excel and whilst there is a really simple answer i'm struggling a little bit. I have create a score metric for data surrounding search data.

Basically i need a macro/formula that will take a list of values that may include duplicates and add up the corresponding score and place the results in a table.

See below - the macro will look at a list of values (column b) and add the scores up (column d) and then remove the duplicates and populate the score in (column f/g)

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Scoring To Break Tie (i.e. Golf)

Oct 7, 2006

I couldn't find a solution to where I'm at now, but Derks formula...
= SUMIF($J$5:$J$44,J5,$K$5:$K$44)/COUNTIF($J$5:$J$44,J5)

excel formula

...Almost gets what I need, but my data will not always be in a high/low descending order. I'm braindead; I can't think of how to make this formula work.

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Basic Dart Scoring Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2010

I'm creating a basic Dart scoring spreadsheet, and its been going absolutely fantastic, but then I was asked to create the Sets and Legs, thats when I got stuck.

I'm looking for a formula (or anything) that will add a Set when the Legs reach the number 3, and then again but make it 2 if that player gets another 3 legs. If you know darts you will understand what I mean.

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Relative Scoring Of Text Values

May 27, 2006

I am putting together a worksheet and analysis sheet for relative scoring of text values. (i.e. High = 3, Med = 2, Low =1, Yes = 2, No = 1, etc. I have a problem in finding a formula that will work to retain these values of text and calculate a relative score from the answers or text provided.

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