Searching Columns For A Month Then Moving Data To Userform
Mar 17, 2014
I have an excel spreadsheet where the columns have the 12 months of the year in Row 1. What I need is code that will find the month (from the column) which I select (via a listbox in a userform) and then go down that column and move the data that corresponds to that month to the userform.
So, If I select January from my userform, all data below January will then be moved to the userform and the same thing will occur with each month I select. I know how to move the data from the sheet to the userform, I just don't know how to match my data with the selected month.
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Jul 4, 2009
I am looking to enter a numeric value these are the green columns. it then needs to search the workbook for that number (Barcode Number).
then if the cell to the right has a value, it needs to pull that number into the userform' if no number is next to it, then I manually write and post it the cell next to the one just found..
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Jan 13, 2012
I have two sets of data, and one colum in each set is titled ID numbers. I would like to search both those colums and combine the matching ID numbers in one row?
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Feb 24, 2013
I have a large database of research data where the first column contains different categories (labelled as I, II, III, IV, V, and VI). For each row there is a data value in the second column that is numeric. What I need to do is move the data so that the data are displayed in 6 columns with the data values listed each column heading according to the category label. In the example I've shown there are 6 different categories, but the number of categories (and hence the number of columns in the final resulting sheet) will change for different data sets that I'm using. Also note the the number of cases for each different category is different (so that each column will not be even in terms of the number of rows of data under each column heading). I hope I've been able to explain what I'm looking for clearly.
I've attached a sample file showing the sample data input that I have on one sheet, and then the desired re-tablulated outcome on the second. I have done this using the auto-filter function and copy/paste, but this will take far too long for the larger datasets I'm working with.
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Jul 21, 2009
I need to line XYZ to XYZ as well as the information attached to XY&Z
i dont really know how else to explain it but i was hoping there was a macro or something out there that i could use to do this would make it a lot easier
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Sep 24, 2009
I have the following spreadsheet with 4 columns of data:
1000001245aMr Fred Blogs
1000001270a1 Blog Street
1000001270eNRx x99
1000001270gThe Manager
1000001270k01603 555 555
1000001270l01603 555 555
1000002245aMrs Fredilina blogs
1000002270a10 Blog Street
etc etc for about 36,000 rows.
What I need is for each unigue reference ID (column A),
I need all corresponding data moved up into a single row in serperate columns, something like this:
1000001 |245|a|Mr Fred Blogs| 270|a| 1 Blog Street|270|b| Norwich | 270|b|Norfolk |etc
1000002 |245 |a |Mrs Fredina Blogs |270|a|10 Blog Street |270|b|Norwich| etc
Each entry doesn't nessesarily have the same number of rows.
I would class myself as a beginner VBA bod, but the solution to this one is illuding me a present.
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Jul 24, 2007
i have data that has several bits of information for each different account number.
is there a way of writing a macro to transfer the information from the main sheet onto different sheets automatically titled for each of the different account numbers?
ie. Account Cost
E1 £100
E1 £200
i want different sheets for the info next to each of the account numbers
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Dec 12, 2008
I have address data all in column A (each paret of the address is on a separate row) which I need to move to separate columns on one row for each address:
Mr Bloggs (row 1)
123 The Avenue (row2)
The town (row 3)
The postcode (row 4)
Mrs Smith (row 6)
456 The street (row7)
The postcode (row 8)
needs to be: (I have used || to indicate different columns)
Mr Bloggs || 123 The avenue || The town || The postcode
Mrs Smith || 456..... || .......
The problem you see from the above is that they are not always consistent ie. the postcode (zip) isn't always 3 rows below the name for example. Also although generally there is a blank row between each record (this may sometimes be 2) and equally there may also be times when there is a blank line in the address.
Any ideas on how to do this.... I have 1000's of records and really can't afford to go through each one making it consistent before moving it to columns?
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Dec 16, 2012
Current Data:
File 1:
Each set of data is listed in either two or three rows
The goal is to move them to separate columns (rows can be 3 or 2 for each data set, and may or may not be separated by space/additional row)
File 2:
Has a common field 'ID' as that of File1, does not have Date, and Filename, but has a new field 'Detail' (already in the expected format)
ID Detail
The goal is to merge properly formatted data from File 1 to File 2
ID Date Filename Detail
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Mar 28, 2012
in moving data from multiple columns to a single column. I have attached a sample image from an excel file which details the requirement. The first column contains a qualifier, that should remain constant when the data from columns B to the end move to a single column "B". The number of columns for each row is different, however, there is a maximum number, say 25. As mentioned in the image, when the data from columns B to the end is moved in to column B, column A is retained fixed, to the original value, and the original data below it is pushed below. Any pointers to how this can be achieved by VBA or without VBA?
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Nov 14, 2011
I'm trying to work out how to take all cells with data from multiple columns and stack them in a single column.
Here's the history...
I have multiple part numbers in single cells in column A. I perform a text-to-columns function. The resulting part numbers spread across multiple columns (say, B through K). Now I need to get all the part numbers, in their own cells, stacked in column A for one continuous list of single cell part numbers.
Is there a VBA option for cutting only the data cells from Column B-K and pasting the data at the bottom of column A while avioding blank cells?
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Nov 26, 2013
import it into to Stata to do statistical analysis. I always receive spreadsheets like this:
and I have to manually reorganize it like this to import into Stata:
Is there way I can quickly design a macro to do this? The problem is that I generally have a list of about 60 countries, and years from 1991-2011. So, it's really time consuming copying the column of data corresponding to the year, pasting below, repasting the list of countries and the years...then again..then again...then again...I'm using Excel 2010.
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Jun 24, 2014
I have a worksheet which contains 2 columns which is needed to work my problem.
Unique Work ID and Description
The unique work ID are the same for each description, but there are up to 5 different description associated with each unique work id.
I'm looking for an automated process but where to start to convert the 5 rows in the unique row and 5 column for the descriptions
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Jan 29, 2007
i've tried to figure out how to search for a sheet based on the sheet's name ... somehow still have no working result ... can anyone help?
the sheet's name to search is entered in a textbox ... after the button search is clicked ... a msg will prompt the sheet found!
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a row C1 - AN1 that has percentages in, these are named per month, ie C1 = Jan, C2 = feb etc.
In another cell M88 I take the average of the next 9 months so that in feb I need from Feb - Oct, in Mar in need Mar - Nov etc, can I get this to change automatically on the 1st of ervery month?
At the moment I have to do this manually but I have a lot of sheets that this is for.
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Feb 12, 2014
I have created a form that will add new records to a database. On the database there is a predetermined ticket number. The "Create" form looks for the first blank row and adds the information on the form the database.
What I am trying to make happen is when a "Ticket Number" is entered in the appropriate field on the "edit" form, the "Date Raised" and "Raised By" fields populate based on the information stored on the row for the ticket number enter.
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Jun 3, 2014
I have been trying to sum the data in each column on each tab of my workbook by month and year into one pivot table on a new summary worksheet within the workbook. In the summary pivot table, I would like to be able to select the description as labeled on the tab and a year or month and have the respective totals for each tab and set of columns displayed. The column headings may or may not be the same for each tab. I've been able to separate the data for each tab and summarize without dates or sum the data in columns by date via a pivot table, but I have not been able to consolidate the data for both tabs, with the option to select the month and year, in one pivot table.
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Apr 16, 2014
removing duplicate rows and move other data frm rows to columns.xlsx.
I am attaching a sample excel sheet showing what I need to do.In the first tab, I have a list that includes duplicate rows (first column only). I want to remove those duplicate rows but I don't want to lose the data in the following columns which can be unique or duplicates as well.
see the desired result tab in the sheet to get an idea of what I am looking for as the end result.
Keep in mind that the actual source file I am working with could have up to 50000 row, and the expected results could be around 2000 rows. So nothing can be done manually.
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Aug 30, 2013
I was wondering if there is a way to write a macro that will take an excel file that I have called Alldata and then have it copy the first two sheets to a new workbook named something else( FullSparameter_0) and then copy the name of the third and fourth sheet into the new FullSparameter_0 workbook and then copy column A-E from sheet dB Alldata.xls and paste it into the FullSparameter_0.xls workbook in the same dB sheet in the same spot. And do the same thing with the Phase Sheet. i know this sounds confusing, but im really new to the VBA stuff.
I just need 15 different files from the original Alldata.xls that will be named FullSparameter_0, FullSparameter_1, .., FullSparameter_14. but each file will have the same two first sheets, Setup Information and Cal Verification, and the same last two sheet names, dB and Phase, but then in the dB and phase sheets, it will copy over the next four columns of data. so in FullSparameter_0 it will have column A-E from sheet dB in Alldata.xls in the dB sheet in FullSparameter_0 (Same with the Phase Sheets). Then in FullSparameter_1 it will have column A and Columns F,G,H and I (for dB and Phase). In fullSparameter_2 it will have column A and then J,K,L and M. Each FullSparameter_X will have the exact same first two sheets and then the other columns for the last two sheets will be pasted into columns A-E in dB and Phase.
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Aug 14, 2008
I have 180,000 names in a spreadsheet with unique codes for each, I need to search for names and find their code numbers, how can I do this over a series of 8 columns.
Code Name code Name code Name Code Name
I'll need to search columns 2, 4, 6 and 8 for the name?
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Oct 5, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a User From that transfers data from the user form to a sheet each time OK is pressed. On my workstation, the form stays in the middle of the screen. On the PC where it is in production, it moves to the left of screen a little each time OK is pressed until it is hard up against the edge. We recently moved to Excel 2003, and I'm wondering if there is a setting in Excel that contols this.
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Jul 6, 2009
I have 12 columns of numeric data in cells AA80 through AL80. Beginning with the cell on the far right (AL80), return the value if >0. Otherwise, proceed to the cell to the immediate left (AK80) and return the value if >0, otherwise proceed to the next left cell...all the way to AA80. I tried this by nesting IF functions, but have too many IF functions to nest. Lintcoop posted a similar thread in 2008 but with text data.
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Jun 2, 2007
I've got a spreadsheet which lists reference numbers and a value of each one on for two different weeks which looks like this (please ignore the ....'s - I was trying to illustrate the colums clearly but the spaces seem to get removed when I post this)
ref(week 1):...........Value (week 1):......ref (week 2):....Value (week 2):
What I want to do is compare the value for week 1 and week 2 for each reference number. The problem is that not all the reference numbers for week 1 will be in week 2, and not all the reference numbers in week 2 will have appeared in week 1. I would like to know if there's a way that excel can identify a specific reference number, search for the values for this in week one and week two, and display any differences between these, (e.g. on the above spreadsheet I would like to identify that ref 123456 appears in both weeks and that the balance is the same, reference 147258 appears in both but the value is different, and that reference 113456 & reference 978645 do not appear in both weeks).
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Apr 1, 2009
I am trying to search three columns on a worksheet, that contain a range of customers, product names and the amount of that product sold to the to the customer.
On a separate worksheet I have created a table, which I hope will show the customer, the product and the amount sold. So basically I need either a formula or piece of code that can match the customer and product, along with the amount sold and display it in one table. The data is by nature not kept in alpha or numerical order and my problem lies in being able to search through each row and extrapolate the necessary figure.
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Mar 26, 2009
Fall - Columns A-G
Spring - Columns I-O
Summer - Columns Q-W
Unduplicated - Columns Y-AD
I am needing to take each student in the Unduplicated section and see which terms they attended. If they attended a specific term, I need to grab a piece of data from that term and put it in over in the undulicated area.
The only way I could think to do this is with three separate searches. This is probably grossly inefficient and so far it has not worked at all. I have posted below the code I am currently using. Again this code is not workin at all.
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Feb 27, 2013
I have built a quoting tool and Userforms to act as a user interface to this tool. The userforms basically just feed user input back to relevant sheets. I have a number of textboxes, listboxes and radio buttons on multipages. Now the issue is that each control has an Afterupdate or Change event associated with it. Consider this scenario:
I have 4 product categories (represented by radio buttons) : Cat A, Cat B, Cat C, Cat D
Each category can have up to 10 line items which are represented by combo boxes.
Now lets say the user has selected Cat A radio button, he selects a product from the combo box (the cursor or focus is still on the combo box) and clicks on Cat B radio button. Here is the issue: on the first click, Afterupdate or Change event of Combo box fires but radio button is still unselected. The user has to click Cat B radio button AGAIN to select Cat B radio button. So essentially it takes two clicks with a slight pause between them to change categories.
One way to avoid this is to press Enter or 'tab through' each field. But this is not very intuitive. I have tried using Exit, Afterupdate, Exit, Change events without success. I can't use ControlSource option because the cell to input info to is dynamically selected. I have used xlCalculationManual for some text boxes but can't use this since some inputs on the userforms depend on the right value being calculated on the sheet.
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Jun 12, 2014
how to go about displaying data from seperate columns onto an userform. The optimal objective is for me to use multiple command buttons to display each individual column's data onto the userform.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm looking to do the following below: column A would have numbers, column B would have words and a few columns over i would have the total of each same word
column A column B
83.33gashouse 180.25
120.25housecar 120
25miscmisc 55
105foodfood 157.25
50.5gasgas 133.83
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Sep 25, 2013
If I'm using this function to find the specific text "EXPIRED" in the specified cells, how can I add additional cell ranges on the same sheet to this function?
D17:D34 as well as F17:F34
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Jul 19, 2013
Using VBA... I have Column N (eFIUnitRebate) which I want to swap with Column M (FFUnitPcnt)
Now with Column M as eFIUnitRebate and N as FFUnitPcnt I want to create an extra column (adjUnitCost) where Column N is and push FFUnitPcnt to become column O, etc.
Here is how the whole process should work:
Swap M and N
Insert new Column in N
Insert new Column in P
Insert new Column in Q
Insert new column in R
There is more information on the sheet after these columns so for all column inserts it needs to push whatever was there over.
So the layout is as follows:
[Code] .....
These columns are thousands long, so I would like the formulas for them to be applied to the whole column as well.
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