Searching Database Using Textbox On Userform
Feb 12, 2014
I have created a form that will add new records to a database. On the database there is a predetermined ticket number. The "Create" form looks for the first blank row and adds the information on the form the database.
What I am trying to make happen is when a "Ticket Number" is entered in the appropriate field on the "edit" form, the "Date Raised" and "Raised By" fields populate based on the information stored on the row for the ticket number enter.
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Dec 20, 2009
I want to setup a worksheet that I can search the name of the comic book and the number of the book and have the results underneath the search criteria. I am attaching a sample workbook. On the search database sheet, I have setup how I would like the page to look.
The spots where Enter Comic Name and Enter Comic Number I would like to act as search boxes, as in Google.
I would like the Search and Clear to be buttons.
Is it possible to return the results I want? And can I keep my searches until I push the clear button? If not I will get rid of the clear button.
The last thing I want to see if possible is once I get a result, can I add a button to go to that comic books location to enter data. Or add a save button so I can edit any info right on the search page and save it in the database.
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Nov 28, 2012
I'm trying to make a userform to show the results of a search from column A. This code will search the coulmn but when the results show it show's all ranges not just the ones that contain the string
Private Sub BtnFind_Click() Dim strFind As String
Dim c
Dim rSearch As Range
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May 28, 2014
I've got an question about using excel macros to search for information in a database with certain restriction. In my attachment you can see an example of the database I use.
I've got a database with certain packages, the length and the width of these packages is known.
I've also got a database with certain products, the length and the width of these products is also known.
I want to use a macro which allows me to see which packages are useable for a certain product. A package is useable if the length/width is less then 10 bigger then the product. So in the example if the width is between 10~20 and the length between 40~50.
Originally I thought I could use a macro with advanced filter and having restrictions width >10 <20 and length >40 <50. But I can't fit this in as macro because I already get the width and length from the product from another database and macro so it can't say >40 only 40.
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May 13, 2008
I'm trying to write a macro in Excel that will search certain values a Siebel database. I'm already working with a macro to ADD data to the database, so I have all the connections taken care of. But now I need to pull data from it. In looking for how to do this, I see the setsearchspec method that I need to use to set up the search then the ExecuteQuery to run it to get the pointer. But before that, I have to create the referencing object. I've noticed in several examples here and on a couple other sites, these two lines:
Set busObject = SiebelApplication.GetBusObject("Revenue")
Set busComp = busObject.GetBusComp("Revenue")
So here's my question: in all of the examples I've seen, they used "Revenue" as the argument for these methods. Does it really matter what we use there? Or this just essentially a place holder? I've looked at some of the online documentation and was unable to glean an answer from that.
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Sep 23, 2008
I am trying to write a code that will allow me to search a multiselect listbox. The listbox has 4 column. The first column is Manager's names. I want to search this column by typing the name in a textbox. The code I have will find the name, but the first record that matches appear at the bottom of the listbox. This is the code i copied from another website:
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'the change event runs each time the user
'types into a text box
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
s = TextBox1.Text
'Note the use of the ListIndex property of the ListBox
'If the ListIndex is -1 means nothing selected
'If 0 means the first item selected
ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then 'nothing typed
Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
'use the LIKE operator to compare
'convert both to Uppercase as well so case does not matter
If UCase(ListBox1.List(i)) Like UCase(s & "*") Then
ListBox1.ListIndex = i
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Also I want to be able to copy the selected items in the fourth column to another worksheet.
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Jul 3, 2014
I've been using the following code to conditionally format userform textboxes based on a specific value (in this case 2490):
[Code] ........
What I'm looking to do now is amend this so rather than use a specific value, to use the value in a specific textbox on the same userform.
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Feb 2, 2010
I need a userform textbox event that fires after I tab or click out of the textbox. Going by the list of options:Beforedragover, BeforeDroporPaste, Change, DblClick, DropButtonClick, Error, Keydown, Keypress, keyup, mousedown, mousemove, mouseup.
I can't figure out which one will do what I want. The change event happens instantaneously which doesn't work. I need to fire off the event when my focus leaves the textbox.
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Jul 25, 2014
I need the value of active x control textbox on my worksheet 1, to be copied to a textbox in my userform, that pops up from that sheet....
And I want it to display after the textbox on my worksheet has been updated and the comman button for the userform is clicked...
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Jul 4, 2009
I am looking to enter a numeric value these are the green columns. it then needs to search the workbook for that number (Barcode Number).
then if the cell to the right has a value, it needs to pull that number into the userform' if no number is next to it, then I manually write and post it the cell next to the one just found..
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Jan 29, 2007
i've tried to figure out how to search for a sheet based on the sheet's name ... somehow still have no working result ... can anyone help?
the sheet's name to search is entered in a textbox ... after the button search is clicked ... a msg will prompt the sheet found!
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Oct 12, 2011
Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer
[Code] .......
Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add
frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"
It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..
eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.
What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.
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Jul 27, 2014
I tried looking for everywhere, but i still cant seem to find the solution.. I have an Active X textbox on a worksheet, and I need it's value to show up on a textbox on my userform, that shows up through a command button on that worksheet. I'm fairly new to vba.
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Apr 4, 2014
I want some code on how to fetch data from an Excel Database and display it on respective textbox.
Like I have these coloum name in excel sheet; Emp Id
Reporting to
Transport req.
I want to have VBA code to fetch it on txtbx1, txybx2 and so on.
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Mar 17, 2014
I have an excel spreadsheet where the columns have the 12 months of the year in Row 1. What I need is code that will find the month (from the column) which I select (via a listbox in a userform) and then go down that column and move the data that corresponds to that month to the userform.
So, If I select January from my userform, all data below January will then be moved to the userform and the same thing will occur with each month I select. I know how to move the data from the sheet to the userform, I just don't know how to match my data with the selected month.
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May 23, 2008
I am trying to copy data from a Textbox in a Userform to a Textbox in another Userform. Is it possible?
In Userform1 I have a button from which I can open Userform2 keeping the Userform1 opened. When closing Userform2 I want to copy the data from TextBox2 in Userform2 to TextBox1 in Userform1.
I was trying to guess the code... but it is not working...:
UserForms("Userform1").TextBox1.Value = UserForms("Userform2").TextBox2.Value
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Apr 26, 2014
I Have a Userform which Have My Data i Print User Form Using Print Command Button And My Code Is
[Code] ......
But Its Printout Whole Form I only Wants To Print contents of Text Box's Or only Text From Userform TextBox. How To Print out Only Content of User Form Not The Whole Form ...
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Nov 12, 2006
Using the code below, I search a database (Sheet1) on a pallet number and display in the listbox all the items on that pallet.
Assuming now that the pallet has been "worked" or despatched, what code would I use to delete that pallet and all its items from the database?
Private Sub cmdFindAllPal_Click() 'Find all Pallet
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim strFind As String 'what to find
Dim rSearch As Range 'range to search
Dim fndA, fndB, fndC, fndD As String
Dim head1, head2, head3, head4 As String 'headings for list
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
Set rSearch = Sheet1.Range("b7", Range("b65536").End(xlUp))
strFind = Me.TextBox2.Value
With rSearch
Set c = .Find(strFind, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)...........
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Feb 12, 2010
I have created a userform on the "Database" sheet that has a listbox at the bottom that populates with records when I search for someone using the 'Name' box.
The problem that I am having is that when I enter "Person" and get the 30-odd records appear in the listbox, I click on say Person 5 BUT the userform fields do not update themselves fully with the correct information.
I found the following thread ....
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May 19, 2014
when "Update"(code is under "Update"button) button is pressed to copy the data from userform to the database sheet exactly into columns where both column heading match, for example if userform has heading "Qty Received " all data from that column should be in the database column with the same header "Qty Received"
I attached my file when you will open the file you will find screenshot how it should look.
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Jul 21, 2014
I am trying to create a relatively small database that is updated by users through a userform, but also has the capability to have columns (attribute categories) added or deleted without code modification.
I think my starting point, though it works for the simple case of no updates without code modification, is not good for my actual goal.
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Jan 17, 2009
I have a database of 13 columns and ever increasing rows.
I want the following to be there on my userform.
1 combobox: showing the list of categories from which to search.(The categories are the column headings in columns A1 to A13.The user will have to select one category.
1 textbox:Here the user will enter the search term.
1 Command Button: When the command button is clicked/entered, the code shall be such that it will search in the column corresponding to the category mentioned in the combobox and display the results( The entire 1 row x 13 cloumns containing the search term) in a Listbox. If the search term does not matches then a message box should appear with the message "No entries found"
1 Listbox:to display the search result as mentioned above.
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Dec 28, 2009
I am working on a label printing set-up for my work. So far I have completed the userform that formulas will be entered on and printed from. I had an idea of being able to save these formulas for recall later. I included “Save” and “Recall” buttons on the userform. My plan is to have my co-workers click on the “save” button and be able to enter an additional piece of data and have everything saved to another worksheet labeled “database”. If you look at the said sheet you will see a column for “customer”, “color” and then the colorants. Due to the wide variety of colorants and quantities available, I set it up so that I have the colorant and under that Oz and 48ths. I am trying to figure out a code that will populate that across the row.
Then I want to be able to push “recall”, find my customer and then color in a combobox and have that populate my label.
At this time I am stuck. Part of my problem is I don’t quite know the terminology to google.
Attached is the file I am working with. The only sheets that need concern anyone are "main" and "database". The others are from the original file and I will be deleting those once I am done.
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Jul 19, 2006
Userform Loading with database turns to close all Excelworkbooks completely
Database created in Excel worksheets to load and show in various different objects on userform. At present this project file size is approximately 2.5 mb and more to go as it is not yet complete. Now you can imagine how much big this project can be.
It uses various different types of objects such as listboxes with many columns, combo-boxes, textbox, checkbox and many. Every objects has its own style to display data on userform which is set in its properties itself.
Before loading userform to display, program creates database from manual entry (which is made by user on their working sheets) to database entry sheets (which is made to make compatible to show on userform). Upon loading, it also loads/populate all datas required in their objects to display.
All works perfect when I am in editing mode. It doesn't matter how big the database can be and works as required. This Project is now Password Protected and distributed among all staffs in our company to work with.
Error Occurs, when I tested in non-editing mode. The moment I triggered the macro to load the program, it takes some few times and pops-up with Excel Recover error message box asking whether to send Error Report and to whether recover & start Excel application again??
I don't know what is wrong. Sometimes it also run successfully when in non-editing mode even there is no changes in program codes.??
Sometimes I feel there can be a virtual memory issue, but my Pc is more than enough with 1GB ram. I hv also increased virtual memory limits and tested but all vain attempt...
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Nov 22, 2007
I want to populate a textbox (output) on one userform with data from a textbox (target) on another userform.
The data in the textbox (target) is the result of calculations in the userform code and is not gathered from or saved to a cell.
I want the textbox (output) to be populated at "Userform intialize" event.
I have tried various other methods without any success.
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Aug 4, 2006
Currently I have a database in an Excel template. After a user creates a new workbook from the template, a macro button on sheet 1 brings up a window (a userform) to allow selection of items from the database sheet. The item selected is entered on sheet 1 by means of VLookup. That works fine, but to edit the database correctly it is necessary to open the template itself. This is not a user-friendly method.
I figure the best way to solve this dilemma is to separate the template from the database. That is, make the database sheet into a workbook. This I've done. Here's the problem: What code is there that links the list box in the userform (of the template) with the closed database workbook? Is it even possible? If a file path type code is required, it may work on my computer, but when I use my template and database on another computer, the code doesn't work.
Another problem, and similar is this: I'd like to be able to have a macro button that opens the database from the new workbook (which was created from the template) in order to edit the database. If having a template seems to be my problem, I must have it since each workbook created from it is a different project.
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Jan 15, 2014
Below is my current code. The strFind1 searches for a name within the database and then I need strFind2 to do a exact for a Subproject search and a partial search for everything containing the Subproject selected and other Subprojects. Currently, when the database entry in the worksheet includes Subproject 1 the search function works but when I have an entry that contains Subproject 1/Subproject 4 it does not find the entry. How can I expand the strFind2 to equal what is selected in the Combobox2 and find entries that have what is selected plus more text. I have set the line where I think everything is going wrong to a bold format.
[Code] .....
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Feb 15, 2010
I would like to add a piece of code into the user form that will check and verify if a part has already been added so as to avoid multiples in a user-driven/created database.
here is a repost of the current code i am using for the user form (I have posted it before in another thread .. Blane245 helped me out with a different question I had)
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a form “RiseSpan” with three TextBoxes, “txtInSpan”, “txtDepth” & txtOutSpan”.
I wish to enter values in “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth”. These values are placed in cells A1 and A2. If both “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth” are greater that zero, I want “txtOutSpan” to show the value of cell C11.
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Jun 4, 2014
Want to tab to next textbox in a userform.
Sample workbook has a userform with 4 textboxes.
When I enter something in textbox 1 and then try to tab to the next box, it tabs within the same box.
Attached sample : Form1.xlsm‎
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