I want to add a msgbox with a no selection error to a multi select listbox I have. For a dropdown I just use "if .ListIndex =-1" but listindex doesn't seem to work. I'm playing with .selectedindex but it's not playing ball
I have a listbox with 8 columns. Multiselect is enabled, and it must stay this way. As part of my program, after the user presses a command button, I need to use the row indexes of the selected rows in order to copy the selected information into an array which is then placed in a different listbox, and then delete the items from the original list. Pseudocode of what I want to do:
[Code] .....
But my understanding is that .ListIndex does not work this way with multiselect listboxes. I've tried searching for a solution for a while, but I cannot find one.
I have a multiselect listbox with values that gets populated from a sql statement, and I would like to get is the first or second index from the selected item. I know how to get the listindex from a combobox by using:
VB: cbnumber.List(.ListIndex, 0)
How can I loop through and get the 1st index number for the selected items only from the listbox? I want to pass this index number to another sql statement.
I have a mulit-extended listbox, a textbox and a button on a form.
I have populated the listbox with a list of files from a directory no problems.
First Part (Single Selection):
When I click on one/single filename in the list I want:
1. The textbox to be populated with the name I have selected
2. When I click the button (With the single filename selected, I want to call a function passing the filename I have selected.
The function could contain a msgbox(selecteditemname) for now.
Second Part (Multi Selection):
When I multi select filenames from the list I want:
1. The textbox to be populated with "Multiple Files Selected"
2. When I click the same button as before (With multiple filenames selected, I want to call a different function and pass each filename individually in may be a for loop)
The function could contain the loop and with each filename in the loop msgbox(selecteditemname)
I have tried the above and noticed that the listbox1.value property for multi listboxes dont seem to work and I am not really sure how to distinguish between one selection or multiselection to get a button to pass off to two separate functions.
I have attached my Excel File with the userform I am trying to do. What I am trying to do is change the table in the listbox based on the selection of the combobox and then my selection in the listbox will pass the selected values to Range A1:C1.
I am currently setting up a userform where one of the options is for an error code (chosen from a listbox) but the user has to be able to select multiple codes. I have the below working if it is NOT multi select, works a dream and goes in the right column.
VB: If ListBox2.Text = "A1" Then LastRow.Offset(1, 20).Value = "x" ElseIf ListBox2.Text = "A2" Then LastRow.Offset(1, 21).Value = "x"
But as soon as I set it to mutliselect and choose say A1 and A2 neither one writes, I imagine because Listbox2.text is now A1,A2 and not just one or the other.
1. That when a user click on a cell in a particular column within a specific sheet:
1.1 That they are presented with a multi select listbox (Showing 20 items stored in a column in Sheet2 )
1.2 And when the items are selected that the items are automatically written in the same cell that was clicked in Sheet1 with a new line break in between each item?
I have a multiselect listbox in a worksheet that the user can select from. When the file is saved, closed and reopened, the user selections disappear. Is there a way of reloading the previous selections when the file is reopened? I have used the listbox from the control toolbox and have Excel 2003. My VB experience is very limited!!
I am trying to create a data entry form with a text field and a listbox. The list box is populated by another sheet and the text box will be used to enter names. I need to be able to enter a new name, select multiple options from the list box and then click a button to add this info to a sheet in excel.
I have read about changing the list options to allow this etc - the problem is I can't get the results to go back into excel - all I get is a name with nothing from the listbox.
changing two variables a various amount of times and running the same procedure and copying the resutls into another sheet. Seems like a perfect place for a macro. However, these variables can be chosen from a list that the user wants. So why not build in a listbox for each one. Now I have two listboxes one for variable A and one for variable B.
The procedure in theory goes something like this we change variable A from the base case and then run the procedure for variable B, get the results, then run the scenario again but changing only variable B abnd repeat. Then once, all of the variable B scenarios are done, I want to change the variable A and then repeat and so forth.
That is the background and my main problem at this point, is that have these values in two listboxes, I know how to do the for each loops and such, however, I do not know how to do them for values in the listbox.
How do I identify the values selected in the respective listboxes and then pull them so I only use them for the for each loop?
i'm having a problem with a script I have (script is below). What i'm doing is running a script that displays files in a certain folder, those files are then displayed on sheet1 column O and are linked so when they are clicked upon, the file will open. I also have a combo box with a input range of $O$O. That puts the values in column O in the combo box. Now here is a problem and request.
Problem first, when I select the file names from the combo box, they don't open the file, all it does is display the file name in combo box and that's it. how to I get it to open up the file? Now for a request, I have another sheet that is almost exactly as the one i described above. The only thing different I want is when someone clicks on a file name from the combo box, instead of it automatically linking to the file, I want them to click on a button to display the file.
Sub HyperlinkXLSFiles() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Dim lCount As Long Application. ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.EnableEvents = False On Error Resume Next With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch 'Change path to suit .LookIn = "c:Sec" .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks ' .Filename = " Book*.xls"..................
I have a listbox with a state and below it several cities. For example:
New York New York - New York City New York - Nassau County New York - Westchester New Jersey New Jersey - Newark New Jersey - Monroe County New Jersey - Passaic
I would like to select the state and have it auto select all of the related cities including the state. So if I select New York,
It would look like this, where all are highlighted (as if selected). I coudln't find the highlighter on the thread tool bar:
New York New York - New York City New York - Nassau County New York - Westchester
I have attached a portion of an excel file I am using at the moment. What I require is a piece of VBA code which will allow me to copy selected data based on a combo box selection. What needs to happen is this :-
If the selection in the "Index" worksheet combo box related to "Month" in cell G19 is for instance "December", I would like the macro to compare this cell value to the cell values in cells C96, C124, C152, C180, C209, C236, C263 and C290 in the "Tech Services" worksheet and where the values match.......copy the commentary (Range C126:Z147 in December's case) to the range C34:Z55.
I want to search for some text in a file. If found, I want to copy that file into another folder. I'm using the code below to do half the job.
Sub test() With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktop1" .SearchSubFolders = True .Filename = "*.htm" .TextOrProperty = "Status Rekod" .MatchAllWordForms = True .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles If .Execute() > 0 Then For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count 'I want to use the FileCopy function here to copy the found files to 'C:Documents and SettingscDesktop est. How do I do this? Next I Else MsgBox "There were no files found." End If End With End Sub
I need a Excel VB Macro which copies specific ranges from all available Excel workbooks in a Folder and pastes the values in a target Excel workbook in different columns. In other words it would copy Cells F4-F15 from all excel files (say 20) in a folder and paste them in the target Excel file in 20 columns.
I would like to copy all data from all workbooks stored in one particular folder and paste them into a masterlist. The masterlist and all other workbooks in that folder have the same table header. How do I write VBA codes do the following tasks?
Options (1 and 2 are mutually exclusive): 1. VBA will go to that folder, open all workbooks one by one, if the data is filtered, then deactivate filtermode, and copy all the data but not the header, and paste it into masterlist and loop to the next workbook.
2. Create an inputbox in masterlist that allows user to key in Week Number. Then VBA will take the value, go to the folder and open all the workbooks one by one, apply filtering using the InputBox value, and copy the related data excluding the header into masterlist and loop to the next workbook. (*If the workbook in the folder is filtered, deactivate filter and then only filter using the InputBox value).
I have autofiltered a selection of data then issued the copy command in the code below so as to copy the visible area. In attempting to paste the data in the first blank row the program fails on the last code statement, "ActiveSheet.Paste".
The error is 1004.
An alternative suggested in the error message is to select an area the same shape and size as that being copied to paste into. Given that the copied data will change on each run how might I do this, and is this a valid alternative?
Selection.AutoFilter Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="=TC", Operator:=xlAnd Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">=7330", Operator:=xlAnd Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Select Selection.Copy Range("A" & LR + 1).Select ActiveSheet.Paste NB. most of the code has been generated by the Macro recorder.
1) Select/Copy rows 1 thru 35 of column C from "Start" tab. 2) Special Paste/transpose them in row 2 of "Finish" tab (1st 35 columns in row 2 should fill up). 3) Go back to "Start" tab, move exactly three rows down from bottom of previous selection in column C and copy the next 35 rows (rows 38 thru 72 in column C). 4) Again return to "Finish" tab, and special paste/transpose in next row down (row 3 in this case). 5) Continue to repeat this action until all rows of data in column C have been copied and transposed/pasted from "Start" tab to "Finish" tab. Variable number of rows on "Start" tab.
I'm new to excel and VBA and I'm having problems with a copy paste macro that I’m using to transfer information from Sheet1 to sheet 3. The macro must:
On the click of a command button copy information from A5 to M5 and A6 to M6 and paste it to the next 2 free rows on sheet3 between columns A and M.
After the copy/paste the macro must clear the information from the input sheet - A5:M5 and A6:M6 - but retain the formatting.Thank You.
I'm working in a rather large (20meg) Excel file with multiple worksheets, references, formatting, etc.
Suddenly, when I attempt to Copy > Paste Special > Formats using more than a few cells at a time, I receive this error message...
"Selection is too large."
That's it - no reference, no nothing. Doesn't matter if I select a few cells, or entire rows, I get the same message everytime. However, I can copy-n-paste the entire 8000+ rows of data into a NEW file with no problems whatsoever. It handles everything - data, formatting, formulas, etc. But within my working file (same worksheet even) I get the error everytime.
I'm not using a macro. This file has worked fine for months. I'm doing absolutely nothing differently than ever before. This error literally just started today.
I know there is some issue with copy/paste of 8100+ non-contiguos cells, but I'm using contiguos cells. And again, I can copy nearly 10K entire rows of data and paste into a new workbook - just not within the same workbook and worksheet.
I've searched online - here, Mr.Excel, Microsoft, everywhere I can think of. Of all the problems I've found answers too, I have yet to find ANYTHING dealing with this problem - except in the context of a macro, which I am not using.
List 1 (TV Brand) Sony LG Samsung Depended List 2 (Models) Sony LG Samsung EX420 55EB9600 PL43E450A1FXZP EX430 77EC9800 PL43E490B4FXZP EX550 55EA8800 PL43E400U1FXZP EX520 KN55S9C UN32EH5300FXZP EX645 55EA9800 PL64E8000GFXZP
I'm using two Listboxes (Form Control) with multiple selection options namely Listbox 1 (Brand) & Listbox 2 (Models). I want listbox 2 input range to be depended on selection made on Listbox 1 (Brand). For example, if user selects Sony then box2 should show only Sony's models and if user selects Sony & LG, box2 should show models for both Sony & LG.
I have two sheets that I am using. sheet 2 has a list of experiments in column C with information regarding the experiment in columns F - J. On sheet 1 I have a dropdown box with a list of all the experiments. When I select an experiment from the dropdown box I would like to populate columns K - O on sheet 1 with the information from columns F - J for the selected experiment on sheet 2.