Macro For Copy/paste Selection Of A Row To A New Row On New Sheet

Jul 7, 2009

I'm new to excel and VBA and I'm having problems with a copy paste macro that I’m using to transfer information from Sheet1 to sheet 3. The macro must:

On the click of a command button copy information from A5 to M5 and A6 to M6 and paste it to the next 2 free rows on sheet3 between columns A and M.

After the copy/paste the macro must clear the information from the input sheet - A5:M5 and A6:M6 - but retain the formatting.Thank You.

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Macro For Copy / Paste Selection Of Row To New Row On New Sheet?

Jul 7, 2009

Copy paste macro that I'm using to transfer information from Sheet1 to sheet 3. The macro must:

On the click of a command button copy information from A5 to M5 and A6 to M6 and paste it to the next 2 free rows on sheet3 between columns A and M.

After the copy/paste the macro must clear the information from the input sheet - A5:M5 and A6:M6 - but retain the formatting.

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Selection Copy / Paste Loop Macro

May 24, 2013

Simple loop macro.

1) Select/Copy rows 1 thru 35 of column C from "Start" tab.
2) Special Paste/transpose them in row 2 of "Finish" tab (1st 35 columns in row 2 should fill up).
3) Go back to "Start" tab, move exactly three rows down from bottom of previous selection in column C and copy the next 35 rows (rows 38 thru 72 in column C).
4) Again return to "Finish" tab, and special paste/transpose in next row down (row 3 in this case).
5) Continue to repeat this action until all rows of data in column C have been copied and transposed/pasted from "Start" tab to "Finish" tab. Variable number of rows on "Start" tab.

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Copy And Paste Selection Macro Into New Worksheet Keeps Overwriting The Previous Data

Sep 19, 2012

I have a copy and paste macro below, that copies the selected rows and pastes them into a different sheet called Blank BOM. Each time they are pasted, it just writes over the previous items at the top of the list. I would like it to paste in the next open row, so I can go back and forth between the sheets and add things. Here is the code:

Sub CopyRow()
Selection.Copy Sheets("Blank BOM").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End Sub

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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Copy & Paste Selection Based On Combo Box Selection

Jan 30, 2007

I have attached a portion of an excel file I am using at the moment. What I require is a piece of VBA code which will allow me to copy selected data based on a combo box selection. What needs to happen is this :-

If the selection in the "Index" worksheet combo box related to "Month" in cell G19 is for instance "December", I would like the macro to compare this cell value to the cell values in cells C96, C124, C152, C180, C209, C236, C263 and C290 in the "Tech Services" worksheet and where the values match.......copy the commentary (Range C126:Z147 in December's case) to the range C34:Z55.

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Copy / Paste From Cell In One Sheet To A Cell In Another Dependent On Selection Of Dropdown Menu

May 31, 2012

I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.

Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.

Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".

I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.

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Copy And Paste From One Sheet To Another Based On Column A Using A Macro Copy Button

Jan 22, 2007

I want to copy and paste from one sheet to another based on column a using a macro copy button.

E.g. if column a value = apple then copy that row into the apple sheet.

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Macro To Copy Data From One Sheet - Paste In Another Sheet

Jul 29, 2014

How to create macros. I need to copy a certain group of cells from one sheet to another, and then do it for x number of times. I'm just using the record function and now i'm lost. Here is the code i currently have:

Sheets("Mapping QTR2").Select

[Code] ....

Also, column C is blank. i would like to get the values from another list in the same workbook, say "branch list". I would like to populate Column C with one specific branch for each "batch", if that makes any sense...

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Macro To Copy Sheet(s) And Paste As Values Only

Nov 29, 2011

I am looking for a macro that will copy a worksheet to a new workbook and 'paste as values only' - this is because I already have a macro that I am trying to use to 'autofilter' the sheet to only show rows and colums that have entries in them. Since the sheet is dynamic, the macro will not work unless I copy and paste as values only...

Workbook attached - FYI, the 2 sheets in the workbook are actually in 2 separate books, I have just put them together to make it easier to post here...

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Copy And Paste Info From One Sheet To Another Via Macro

Jun 4, 2009

I have to worksheets, the first is filled out and at the end Ive place a button that I would like to open the second sheet and fill in cells that have duplicate info from the first, so just copy & paste but kind of automated for speed.

I have only got as far as opening the second document with the macro, after that im stuck!

The Info I would like to be copied across from the "service Diary" to the "Service Report" would be As follows:

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Macro To Copy / Paste Whole Line Into Another Sheet

Sep 23, 2008

I have 4 sheets called Data, xxx, www and yyy. The sheet names xxx, www and yyy are also words that are existing in the sheet Data in Row C. Am I able to copy paste all the lines existing in the sheet Data including i.e. xxx in Row C into the sheet xxx? This should also work for the words www and yyy.

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Run Macro That Copy Row And Paste Into Another Sheet In Shared Workbook

Aug 18, 2014

Any way to bypass the unprotect sheet in a shared work book, this is what i came up with so far

[Code] .....

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VBA Or Macro To Copy Highlighted Cells And Paste Into New Sheet

Jan 28, 2014

I have a set of data on sheet1 indicating test scores and basic information. At the top of the data, I have some drop-down menus that allow me to select certain minimal score results. I used conditional formatting to highlight the rows of individuals that meet the selected criteria from the top of the screen. You will notice in the screenshot, that I placed a button at the top called "Go!". Ultimately, I'd like for when I push the "Go!" button, Excel will copy the highlighted cells and paste them into sheet2 (beginning on row 2 as I have a title bar in row 1).


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Macro To Copy Duplicate In Column And Paste In Another Sheet With Its Corresponding Row

Mar 12, 2014

I am searching for a macro that will find duplicate value in row A2 (id) then copy its corresponding column to a new sheet.. please refer to my attachment, and see the result i want on sheet2 and sheet3


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Macro To Copy Selected Columns And Paste In New Sheet

Aug 24, 2012

I have a sheet that has columns from A to BS, and the column headers start in Row two.

I need to 1st filter the data by Column E where the data in Column E should not contain a particular Value, like"Sleeve".

Then it needs to copy the Columns A,D,G, BN, BO, BP,BP,BR & BS.

And it needs to delete Rows 3 & 4 from the current sheet, before pasting it in a new sheet.

And at the bottom of the sheet it needs to give me a count of the rows and the month end date for each month.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Into Another Sheet At Variable Rows?

Nov 14, 2012

Sheet 2 has 3 cells with values:

C14, C15, C16

I need VB code to:

copy the values in those cells

Return to Sheet 1, let the user click a cell in any row in Colum F, then Paste them (Special, Values and Transpose)

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Copy & Paste To Protected Sheet Macro Code

Apr 1, 2008

how to unprotect the sheets in order to be able copying datas to to certain cells.

The unprotection works but only when I start the macro the second time. I do not understand why.

After I did the updates I want to reprotect the sheets but that seems not to work in my case.

ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="my_password_here"
'unprotect the sheet

ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, _
Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, Password:="my_password_here"
' Reprotect the Sheet

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Macro - Copy And Paste New Data To Next Empty Row On Summary Sheet

May 8, 2014

I'm never done a macro before and of course I'm very new to excel. I have a worksheet for lessons learned that have multiple sheets for each state. I want to create a macro that every time I enter a new data into a row and hit "Add to summary sheet" and it copy and paste the the next available row in summary sheet.

See the attached file for my workbook : Book1.xlsx‎

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Macro To Copy Specific Data From One Sheet And Paste Into Two Sheets

Mar 24, 2009

There's one sheet that has a list of customers (this is updated very frequently). These customers are either ‘New’ or ‘Existing (as listed in a corresponding column) - would it be possible to have a macro that, when run, will place a copy of existing customers into a second worksheet (“view list – new”), and a copy of new customers into a third worksheet (“view list – existing”), with the main worksheet still listing both existing and new customers.

As the main sheet that lists all customers is updated very frequently (with customers being added and removed throughout the day), would it be possible to clear all contents of the other two sheets that each list of 'existing' and 'new' customers will be copied into, before the two lists are copied into each of the two sheets (just to ensure there isn’t any data in there from the previous time each list was copied in).

I’ve given this a go via the ‘record macro’ function - some users of this WB use excel 2000, and others use excel 2007, but it only seems to work on excel 2007 (which is what it was recorded on)…

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Macro To Search A Word In Sheet And Then Copy And Paste Data In Cell

Apr 26, 2013

I would Need a macro which would Search a Keyword in the excel sheet and copies and pates the data in Cell "A2". for Example "Market" and then after the search it copies 12 rows upwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed. And then it copies 12 rows downwards and 10 columns from the Cell that the word "Market" is placed.

I have tried recording the same but it does not work if the Word "Market" is placed in different cell value.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Data Column Wise From One Sheet To Another After Row Count

Mar 24, 2014

in creating a Macro which copy and paste the data from "Sample2.xlsx" file to "Sample.xlsx" file after row count in each column. Macro should not overwrite any previous data present in workbook.

Note: Sample2 workbook is containing a Variable Columns. Macro should match the headings of the Column in both workbooks and then copy and paste the data after row count.

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Macro To Copy Over And Paste Data In To A Work Sheet From A Closed Workbook

Nov 23, 2009

I have a macro code which gets the file list from a folder i specify and puts it in to an excel sheet as a column. I have then made a drop down list from this so the user can select the file they want.

From this file i wish to copy the data on a sheet that i specify. For example the sheet "dump" from file FR7_19.11.2009.xls (which will be a closed workbook) and paste its content in to the sheet "dump" in Summary.xls

I have a macro which opens up the closed workbook FR7_19.11.2009.xls and copies the sheet "dump" and then creates a new sheet of the same name and content in my current workbook (Summary.xls). However when i wish to select a different file to load in to Summary.xls "dump" the formulas i have been calculating information from this sheet all come up with #!Ref errors. I know this is because the macro i use deletes the old dump sheet before re adding a new one containing new data.

I am therefore looking for a macro which will simply just copy and paste the data from any file i select in to a sheet named "dump" as the data is always set out the same in every file but the values are different. I assume this will then mean that any formulas i use relating to this "dump" sheet in Summary.xls will work because the sheet is no longer being deleted and re-added the data within it has just simply been copied over.

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Macro To Copy Dropdown List Created In Cell O2 And Then Paste In Same Sheet

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to write a simple macro to copy a drop down list I created in cell O2 and then paste in the same sheet. I need it to paste starting in cell A2 and then move to A4 and so on for every even row cell through A9778. I would also like it to keep a border around the cell. I can't find direction on how to tell it every even cell or defining x and then doing x + 1...

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Copy And Paste Multiple Selection

May 28, 2005

I want to copy a selection of cells and paste them into a row on another

An example would be to copy:


and put it into A4:F4 on Sheet2

I know I can do it one cell at a time but I was hoping that I could speed
things up and do it all in one go as the macro will be quite long.

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Copy & Paste Autofiltered Selection In VBA

Oct 22, 2008

I have autofiltered a selection of data then issued the copy command in the code below so as to copy the visible area. In attempting to paste the data in the first blank row the program fails on the last code statement, "ActiveSheet.Paste".

The error is 1004.

An alternative suggested in the error message is to select an area the same shape and size as that being copied to paste into. Given that the copied data will change on each run how might I do this, and is this a valid alternative?

Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="=TC", Operator:=xlAnd
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">=7330", Operator:=xlAnd
Range("A" & LR + 1).Select
NB. most of the code has been generated by the Macro recorder.

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Macro VBA For Copy Paste Columns Of Data From Three Tabs Into One Column On Separate Sheet

Nov 18, 2013

I have a workbook with four tabs or four sheets.

Tabs 1, 2 and 3 have a column of data (Column A) on each sheet. They all start from the same cell. Each cell of data are just numbers. The column (an array) of data will not have blanks between.

But, they are not the same number of data. They vary.

Meaning, Tab 1 may have 15 numbers (A1 to A15), Tab 2 may have 20 numbers (A1 to A20) and Tab 3 could have 5 numbers (A1 to A5). Each iteration of the workbook may have different number of data in the A column on these tabs.

Now on Tab 4, I want combine the data from all three tabs into one column (in column A).

So, Tab 4 has a column A with data from Tab 1 copy and pasted to (A1 to A15) as values, then (A16 to A35) have Tab 2 data copy pasted as values and (A36 to A40) have Tab 3 data copy pasted as values.

Basically, the macro on Tab 4 has to count the number of rows on each Tab that are populated with data values and figure out to copy all the data on Column A from each three tabs and paste the data value into the Tab 4 in one column of data (in values).

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Selection Is Too Large Error Trying To Copy/Paste

Apr 16, 2008

I'm working in a rather large (20meg) Excel file with multiple worksheets, references, formatting, etc.

Suddenly, when I attempt to Copy > Paste Special > Formats using more than a few cells at a time, I receive this error message...

"Selection is too large."

That's it - no reference, no nothing. Doesn't matter if I select a few cells, or entire rows, I get the same message everytime. However, I can copy-n-paste the entire 8000+ rows of data into a NEW file with no problems whatsoever. It handles everything - data, formatting, formulas, etc. But within my working file (same worksheet even) I get the error everytime.

I'm not using a macro. This file has worked fine for months. I'm doing absolutely nothing differently than ever before. This error literally just started today.

I know there is some issue with copy/paste of 8100+ non-contiguos cells, but I'm using contiguos cells. And again, I can copy nearly 10K entire rows of data and paste into a new workbook - just not within the same workbook and worksheet.

I've searched online - here, Mr.Excel, Microsoft, everywhere I can think of. Of all the problems I've found answers too, I have yet to find ANYTHING dealing with this problem - except in the context of a macro, which I am not using.

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VBA Copy / Paste Cells Based On Dropdown Selection?

Apr 22, 2013

I have two sheets that I am using. sheet 2 has a list of experiments in column C with information regarding the experiment in columns F - J. On sheet 1 I have a dropdown box with a list of all the experiments. When I select an experiment from the dropdown box I would like to populate columns K - O on sheet 1 with the information from columns F - J for the selected experiment on sheet 2.

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Selection On Multi-Select Listbox - Copy And Paste That Field From Any Folder

Aug 14, 2014

I am working on a macro, which asks the required field from multi select list box.

User can select required field, for example some user may be interested in
Region ID, Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.

Some user may be interested in Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.

Some user may be interested in BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID.

In sort, Selection on a multi select list box copy and paste that field from any folder.

That folder may have any location, and contains file which have.


Region ID


[Code] .....

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