Selection Is Too Large Error Trying To Copy/Paste
Apr 16, 2008
I'm working in a rather large (20meg) Excel file with multiple worksheets, references, formatting, etc.
Suddenly, when I attempt to Copy > Paste Special > Formats using more than a few cells at a time, I receive this error message...
"Selection is too large."
That's it - no reference, no nothing. Doesn't matter if I select a few cells, or entire rows, I get the same message everytime. However, I can copy-n-paste the entire 8000+ rows of data into a NEW file with no problems whatsoever. It handles everything - data, formatting, formulas, etc. But within my working file (same worksheet even) I get the error everytime.
I'm not using a macro. This file has worked fine for months. I'm doing absolutely nothing differently than ever before. This error literally just started today.
I know there is some issue with copy/paste of 8100+ non-contiguos cells, but I'm using contiguos cells. And again, I can copy nearly 10K entire rows of data and paste into a new workbook - just not within the same workbook and worksheet.
I've searched online - here, Mr.Excel, Microsoft, everywhere I can think of. Of all the problems I've found answers too, I have yet to find ANYTHING dealing with this problem - except in the context of a macro, which I am not using.
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Jul 12, 2006
This line of code generates the error: Run-Time Error '1004' "Selection Too Large
With Range("n4:ae" & Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
In my curious nature, "What is occuring" and "Why"?
There are about 6200 rows of data.
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Jan 30, 2007
I have attached a portion of an excel file I am using at the moment. What I require is a piece of VBA code which will allow me to copy selected data based on a combo box selection. What needs to happen is this :-
If the selection in the "Index" worksheet combo box related to "Month" in cell G19 is for instance "December", I would like the macro to compare this cell value to the cell values in cells C96, C124, C152, C180, C209, C236, C263 and C290 in the "Tech Services" worksheet and where the values match.......copy the commentary (Range C126:Z147 in December's case) to the range C34:Z55.
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Jan 5, 2009
I'm having a little bit of trouble with my code. I basically need to copy-paste special a large workbook (50 worksheets) into a new range-valued workbook. I've defined Sheet as S, but in some instances when I use the variable "S" I received a runtime error 1004.
Please see the highlighted red "S" in the code below.
Also, if one knew of an easier method for this particular operation that would be great!
Sub PasteSpecial()
Dim W As Workbook
Dim S1 As Worksheet
Dim S As Sheets
Set W = Workbooks("newfile2")
Set S1 = W.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set S = Sheets
S(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select
S(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Paste:=XlPasteFormat
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Paste:=XlPasteFormat
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Paste:=XlPasteFormat
MsgBox "New Range-Valued Workbook has been created"
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
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Dec 2, 2013
Recently, when trying to copy and paste portions of excel worksheets, I've been getting the message: The picture is too large and will be truncated.
I have copied and pasted this same way for years and the problem has just arisen over the past month. An excel issue or possibly something else and just getting the message with Excel since it's the software I'm using 90% of every day?
My files are stored on a network drive, not my hard drive.
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Feb 3, 2012
This macro works fine on my machine but not with other users:
This should copy/paste certain cells then paste 3 sheets into a new work book.
ON other computers it seems to paste in a picture? works OK for me?
Sub ValidationTests()
' ValidationTests Macro
' Macro recorded 21/12/2011 by '
Sheets("Score Sheet").Select
[Code] ..........
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Feb 7, 2007
I am trying to run create a simple macro that copies and paste special values - something I have done 100's of times but for some reason I keep getting an error message - even though I recorded the macro and didnt write it by hand - see below:
Sub Macro6()
selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
For which I get 'Compile Error - Expected Function or Variable'
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May 28, 2005
I want to copy a selection of cells and paste them into a row on another
An example would be to copy:
and put it into A4:F4 on Sheet2
I know I can do it one cell at a time but I was hoping that I could speed
things up and do it all in one go as the macro will be quite long.
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Oct 22, 2008
I have autofiltered a selection of data then issued the copy command in the code below so as to copy the visible area. In attempting to paste the data in the first blank row the program fails on the last code statement, "ActiveSheet.Paste".
The error is 1004.
An alternative suggested in the error message is to select an area the same shape and size as that being copied to paste into. Given that the copied data will change on each run how might I do this, and is this a valid alternative?
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=7, Criteria1:="=TC", Operator:=xlAnd
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:=">=7330", Operator:=xlAnd
Range("A" & LR + 1).Select
NB. most of the code has been generated by the Macro recorder.
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Jul 7, 2009
Copy paste macro that I'm using to transfer information from Sheet1 to sheet 3. The macro must:
On the click of a command button copy information from A5 to M5 and A6 to M6 and paste it to the next 2 free rows on sheet3 between columns A and M.
After the copy/paste the macro must clear the information from the input sheet - A5:M5 and A6:M6 - but retain the formatting.
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May 24, 2013
Simple loop macro.
1) Select/Copy rows 1 thru 35 of column C from "Start" tab.
2) Special Paste/transpose them in row 2 of "Finish" tab (1st 35 columns in row 2 should fill up).
3) Go back to "Start" tab, move exactly three rows down from bottom of previous selection in column C and copy the next 35 rows (rows 38 thru 72 in column C).
4) Again return to "Finish" tab, and special paste/transpose in next row down (row 3 in this case).
5) Continue to repeat this action until all rows of data in column C have been copied and transposed/pasted from "Start" tab to "Finish" tab. Variable number of rows on "Start" tab.
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm new to excel and VBA and I'm having problems with a copy paste macro that I’m using to transfer information from Sheet1 to sheet 3. The macro must:
On the click of a command button copy information from A5 to M5 and A6 to M6 and paste it to the next 2 free rows on sheet3 between columns A and M.
After the copy/paste the macro must clear the information from the input sheet - A5:M5 and A6:M6 - but retain the formatting.Thank You.
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Apr 22, 2013
I have two sheets that I am using. sheet 2 has a list of experiments in column C with information regarding the experiment in columns F - J. On sheet 1 I have a dropdown box with a list of all the experiments. When I select an experiment from the dropdown box I would like to populate columns K - O on sheet 1 with the information from columns F - J for the selected experiment on sheet 2.
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Sep 19, 2012
I have a copy and paste macro below, that copies the selected rows and pastes them into a different sheet called Blank BOM. Each time they are pasted, it just writes over the previous items at the top of the list. I would like it to paste in the next open row, so I can go back and forth between the sheets and add things. Here is the code:
Sub CopyRow()
Selection.Copy Sheets("Blank BOM").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
End Sub
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Aug 14, 2014
I am working on a macro, which asks the required field from multi select list box.
User can select required field, for example some user may be interested in
Region ID, Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.
Some user may be interested in Circle, BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID, City/Town.
Some user may be interested in BSC ID, Cell ID, Sector ID.
In sort, Selection on a multi select list box copy and paste that field from any folder.
That folder may have any location, and contains file which have.
Region ID
[Code] .....
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May 20, 2009
I am looking for a more efficient way to write a macro (a sample from the macro is below). This is just the first part of the macro. I need to repeat these same steps (seen for row 5 below) for rows 5 to 50. My script worked until I hit row 35 and then I got the "compile error.." message. There must be a way to use "loop" to write this more efficiently, no?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have been working on this macro all day and no matter how many different ways I write it I can't seem to get it to finish correctly without giving me an error message. The error messages are different depending on how I write the macro, so what the message says is not important.
I have attached a sample of my work which contains the macro, but I'll post the code below as well. There are two tabs in the workbook. One contains the data("download") and the other is the template("Blank") per say. I need the macro to create a new worksheet using the template for each line of the data ("download")until it gets to the "finalrow." It names the worksheets the value of D3 currently, but I'd like to figure out how to name the worksheets by C3. c3 contains the names of customers, and is duplicated for each product they have purchased. I'd just like to attach a number after the name if it is a duplicate. i.e. Adam, Adam1, Adam2, Adam3 for all "Adam"s.
Look into the code and see if that makes sense. if not, feel free to ask questions.
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a very basic code to copy "non-blank" data from one sheet and paste to another. The code is not complete yet - I am running in debug mode I get the above error. My code is as below.
Sub SampleFind()
Dim StrWord As String
Dim Quantity As String
Dim i As Long
Call nrows
For j = 2 To 2
For i = 2 To nrows1
[Code] ..........
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Feb 11, 2007
when I select 30,000 Row and 3 Columns then Edit>GoTo>Special>Blanks , Excel gives me MSG : selection is too large
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May 31, 2012
I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.
Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.
Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".
I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.
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Oct 16, 2008
The macro below is stored within worksheet "Data Lookup". When the value in B1 changes, the code is executed but fails when it comes to the paste function. I get a "Object doesn't support this property or method".
Also, it appears the copying is not occuring correctly. It is supposed to copy from the Data3 worksheet but, in fact, its copying from the Data Lookup worksheet. Does storing this macro within a worksheet prevent the macro from moving between sheets?
Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Range("B1").Value = Range("N1").Value Then End
Cells(13, 6).Copy
Sheets("Data Lookup").Select
Cells(23, 11).Paste
End Sub
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Jun 7, 2007
i am trying to first of all find the column that Alias appears in the first 3 rows and then paste that entire column to a new sheet.
most is working.
however i get an error 1004 saying the area i am pasting to is not large enough or the wrong shape.
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
' merge Macro
' Macro recorded 6/7/2007 by Ray O'Connell
With Selection
.VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
.WrapText = False
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.ShrinkToFit = False
.MergeCells = False...........
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Jun 18, 2008
I am new to visual basic editor and I have a new position which right now has me copying and pasting a macro to hide all rows that contain zeros. I have attached a piece of it. There are 1,024 rows total and I got to row 479 and I get the error message.
It is telling me to "break up" the procedure, but I have no idea what that means or how to do it. There has got to be an easier way to do this.
Sub HideZeroCells()
If Range("g18") = "0" Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
If Range("g22") = "0" Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
If Range("g23") = "0" Then
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Mar 16, 2008
Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes; Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes; Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;
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May 29, 2013
I am running into a Procedure too large error when running my macro. My macro is designed to replace a cell value with another cell value in a list. When the cell value is replaced a vlookup brings in new data to my workboook. Then the macro refreshes all the pivot tables and saves the workbork. I want my macro to repeat the above 60 times, so I have copied the code 60 times and changed the ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 to point to the next value in my list. (Is there another way to select the next value from the list without changing the Row and Column number?) This is where my macro fails.
Below is my code.
[COLOR=#FF0000] ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[25]" ' AGC GRP_ID[/COLOR]
Sheets("Ship pivot and cum triangle").Select
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
[Code] .....
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Mar 10, 2014
The code I have (without splitting) is in the attached workbook (sheet1).
When you enter something into Column H, the value of =NOW() should appear in Column K.
The original code only went up to row 212 and it works fine. Now I need it to do the same up to row 411 but get the "Procedure too large" error.
I've tried some form of:
[Code] ....
but doesn't seem to work for me.
Attached File: OLE
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Jan 29, 2014
The code below works fine on smaller data sets. I tried it on a data set of over 165000 records and it gives me the error:
"Runtime Error '6': Overflow"
Clicking debug highlights this line:
rowCount = .DataBodyRange.rows.Count
Sub Fixtable()
Dim lo As Excel.ListObject
Dim loRow As Excel.ListRow
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Aug 1, 2014
I have 30 different cases working well in one module so far. Now I need to add some more cases, but the system doesn't allow me to start defining any new cases under Select - Case, it shows: compile error: procedure too large.
I'm thinking maybe there's a way to combine multiple cases like Case 30, 31, 32 in one statement, and use if, else to define each one?? So the coding won't return the "Procedure Too Large" error? see my original coding as below:
counter = 0
colkey = 0
For Each cont In PriceForm.HaveFrame.Controls
If TypeName(cont) = "CheckBox" Then
counter = counter + 1
check = cont.Value
If check = True Then
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Jan 19, 2007
I am copying a large section of formulas. It has to paste one row of formulas into an area from A2:AI46754.
I get the above error in VBA.
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Jan 20, 2007
I would like to select cell A6 after pasting a large range so that when send to user the entire range is not selected. I tried
I receive
Select method of range class failed
How can I select a single cell after pasting the large range?
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