Shared File Causing 1004 Error?
Feb 7, 2014why my code would hit a run time error on a shared file? It works fine unshared. This is on a ActivateSheet Worksheet Event, Code is housed in a Module and called when activated.
why my code would hit a run time error on a shared file? It works fine unshared. This is on a ActivateSheet Worksheet Event, Code is housed in a Module and called when activated.
i have this code for copying diffrent ranges of cells and saving it in different workbooks:
Sub NewCopy()
Dim strFileName As String
Dim range1 As Range
Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range, myMultiRanges As Range
the problem is when is share the workbook, it generated the runtime error '1004' Command is not available in a shared workbook... make it work even in a shared workbook.
I am executing code in a workbook that has been working successfully previously.
Suddenly I get a run time 1004 error in any macro in the workbook that tries to execute a command?
I am opening the file through the GetOpenFilename method. I am facing an error in of the cases... Like say or example i try and open a file with the XYZ.xls...which is already open. the system generates a mess saying
"reopening will cause any changes you made to be discarded. do you want to reopen XYZ.xls?"
if i click works fine by reopening the file but when i click to No...Runtime error 1004 comes:
"Method open of object workbooks failed "
and its giving an error here in the Workbooks.Open Filename:=sFilename ......
The script below scans through a specified folder on a network and scans every xls file inside that folder for a value. When it finds the spreadsheet which contains that value (a policy number) it outputs some of the data from the matching file and also provides a link to the sheet in question.
It worked perfectly until I saved, exited and re-opened the file and now I am getting a 1004 run-time error every time I try and execute the script.
I cant for the life of me work out a cause.
More baffling, the wording of the error says that the file 'R:DirCancellations.xls' could not be found.
At no point is a file called 'Cancellations.xls' specified. Why has the script decided to search for a file called 'Cancellations'?
Sub Search()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim TheFile As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim DirLoc As String
Dim PolNum As String
I am trying to adapt a macro to run on data that is consistently in the same format but the data does change, the macro needs to run over and over on new excel workbooks, dynamic range ? instead of a set source ?
ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
"weekly71012!R1C1:R9379C30", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion14). _
CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="Sheet1!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1" _
, DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion14
I am sure this is the problem as i initially created the macro using weekly71012 excel file however i just want it to run on every file i pull it off?
I have a macro that takes the date from different excel sheets, consolidates the data and renders the pivot table and chart accordingly. It was working fine when the date range defined for the pivot table was static. Now I have made it dynamic since the data range changes each month depending on the number of days it has got. When I run the macro, it runs succesfully, generates the report and save & close the report, but after that I am getting this error. Errorneous
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhether I can handle errors in a way that tells me which object caused the error?
For example if a userform has two combobox's and one causes an error, can I return to a message box containing the name of the object (combobox1 or combobox2)?
I have tried returning err.source but I am either not using it correctly or it isn't intended to be used this way.
My formula to add a row to a worksheet worked fine, except for the fact that it was including items with 0%. I need items with >0% but <=50%.
Here's the code that sorta works...
why the following code generates an error if I use the backspace key to clear the textbox?
Dim t As Date
If Len(Controls.Item("txtstart").Value) = 4 Then
On Error Resume Next
t = TimeSerial(Left(Controls.Item("txtstart").Value, 2), Right(Controls.Item("txtstart").Value, 2), 0)
On Error GoTo 0
ElseIf Len(Controls.Item("txtstart").Value) = 5 Then
On Error Resume Next
The IF formula works if placed in a cell, but Vba doesn't seem to like the Quotation Marks in Rc11="".
View 2 Replies View RelatedA large Excel file that I have been working with for months is now giving me trouble.
When I tried to delete 2 rows, it displayed a message: "Excel cannot complete this task with avail resources. Choose less data or close other applications."
I opened a previously saved version of the file and tried deleting rows, and the same message came up.
I shut down the computer, rebooted, same problem.
Any way to determine if a file has been corrupted .... or even worse ... is there a possibility that my Excel program itself is corrupted?
why this is causing an error upon opening the file. This workbook has a userform with a listbox (single list, single selection), and when I have the ControlSource property set it causes an error upon opening the userform (which opens when the file is opened), whereas if I do not have the ControlSource property set to anything, it seems to work fine.
Interestingly, if I set the file up to not open the userform with the file, and instead have the userform open when a worksheet control such as a command button is clicked, it doesn't seem to matter if the ControlSource property is set or not. The workbook in question is attached.
I am pulling external data from an Access 2007 database query that uses the nz function. While linking to the query, I get an "Undefined Function nz" error. The query works perfect when run in Access.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am receiving the following error:
-2147417848 automation error the object invoked has disconnected from its clients
Unfortunately, I can't tell where the error is occurring because everytime it happens excel crashes or at least stops responding. I tried waiting it out (about 20 minutes) but no luck. the only thing I can do is force the program to shut down through the task manager.
The program is designed to pull information from (a financial site), filter the data. pull the next round of data and run the filters again. there are a total of 8 queries and i think it gets hung up during the 6th or 7th run through.
Stepping through the code does not seem practical since each query might pull as many as 300 rows of data that is evaluated in a for/next loop (thats a lot of F8s).
the if stattement works perfectly and does exactly what i want except when it comes to the else part. if there is no error the statements are run perfectly but if there is an error (in this case the error is generated when a match cannot be found in the spreadsheet) the else statement doesnt kick in and post the msgbox.
the code just crashes. and returns an error 1004 on the line i have highlighted in yellow
res = WorksheetFunction.Match(invvar, Columns(1), 0)
If Not IsError(res) Then
Me.txtClientID.Value = ws13. Cells(res, 7)
Me.txtNumber.Value = ws13.Cells(res, 7)
Me.txtDate.Value = ws13.Cells(res, 8)
'save client id as a variable
'Print to invoice------------------------------------------------------------------.....................
I have a spreadsheet which has 3 separate external queries running from worksheet 'A'. My user enters a couple of dates in another worksheet 'B' to supply the date parameters for the query and a macro runs to refresh all of the queries and performs a few calculations.This works fine. The trouble is I don't want the user to be able to view all the data on sheet 'A' only the summary on B. My macro ends up on sheet B but whilst the query is refreshing the raw data is displayed to the user on sheet 'A'. When I hide the sheet 'A' i get a run time error '1004' Select method of worksheet class failed.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have just signed up to the forums as I am having a very specific problem. I have looked on google and used the search feature (on several forums!) and found very limited information that is useful to me. I am having trouble with a very simple few lines of code in a macro. The code looks like this:
Function startmarketIDs()
Dim targeturl, writerow, readrow, textmass, xmlHTTP
targeturl = ""
Set xmlHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.xmlHTTP")
xmlHTTP.Open "GET", targeturl, False
MsgBox xmlHTTP.StatusText
textmass = xmlHTTP.responsetext
MsgBox textmass
End Function
My problem occurs at the line "textmass = xmlHTTP.responsetext". The responsetext command is obviously causing problems because if I remove it, the code executes without error and the "xmlHTTP.statustext" says "OK". With the responsetext command left in, the code generates the following error: Run-time error '-1072896658 (c00ce56e)': System Error: -1072896658. If I change the targeturl to, the code executes fine and I get a message box (as desired) with the source code of the website displayed. Without meaning to sound like Im answering my own question (!!), perhaps there is something about the url or the way in which I am using the xmlHTTP object that is causing the issue, I wondered if someone would mind inspecting my code and perhaps pointing me in the right direction?
I am working with 4 seperate workbooks where 4 different people enter data into cells. I have a 5th workbook that needs to have all the data from the 4 individual workbooks bought across so I can see all data. Like a master file. basically, in each cell of the master, I have the following code. =IF('[loans - 0708 - officer 01.xls]07-08'!B5="","",'[loans - 0708 - officer 01.xls]07-08'!B5)
I then have the code for each officer. As there are 24000 lines collectively for the financial year, the size of my master is 37mb, even when its empty, obviously cause each cell still have a formular in it. Is there ANY way to copy across the data from other workbooks without having to have every single correpsonding cell have this kind of formular to view the code? Also, copy it without having to open the other workbooks.
I can get it working standalone, and when I protect it, but when I share the document it errors on me and I dont know why. I know there are limitations, but this macro should still run (the macro should unprotect everything, then protect and share after it has run).
Public Sub RQV()
Dim lngRow As Long
If MsgBox("Do you wish to move RQV data to yesterday? Note that all amendments will be reset also.", vbYesNoCancel) = vbYes Then
worksheet1.Unprotect Password:="unsecureme"
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableEvents = False
. ScreenUpdating = False
End With...................................
Before I go into details I am working in one workbook with several worksheets(Tabs) in the workbook. I have three Buttons on one tab. the button I am having trouble with is the third. I want to insert a column in a separate tab that contains approximately 87,000 rows of data. I then want to do a row count and select the empty cells in the inserted column and put a formula in there. I have tried a loop VBA code and it works, but it takes about 30 minutes to run all the way through. The underlined portion is what is higlighted with error 1004: Application-defined ro object-defined error. I am not sure how to fix this. This is what I have now:
View 13 Replies View RelatedI am designing a workbook that techs in my lab can use from any of our network computers to submit requests for making chemical solutions they need to run their tests. Currently they have to fill out a paper form to make the request, so this should make things a little more efficient and less paper intensive.
I have the workbook designed and working, but now need to implement it as a shared file and this is where the problems are occurring. I assumed that shared files could allow access to the same file AT THE SAME TIME with no issues, but that is not the case in Excel97 on our network. Using two networked computers side by side I have tried updating the shared file at the same time and got a myriad of popups. The include:
1) Do you want to save the changes you made to "..."? (I did not include the actual filename here.)
2) A file named "......" already exists in this location. Do you want to replace it?
3) "......" is now available for editing. Choose Read-Write to open it for editing.
4) This file is locked. Try the command later.
5) This file has been locked by for saving. Try again later.
Are these error messages normal for shared files? Do some reflect issues more with the network than with Excel? Is there any way to get VBA to simulate clicking a Yes, No, or Cancel, or OK whenever a one of these specific messages comes up?
We have Excel 2003 at our workplace. I have shared a file, which is used by many users, so we can use the file at the same time. My problem is that if let's say I am writing a value in cell C2 and another user uses the same cell and writes another value there, and he saves the file and then I try to save the file as well, Excel will ask me which value to keep (the value written by the other user, or my value). Actually what I would need Excel to do is to save both, and put one under the other.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to add ticker( splash roller message to shared file) like when the user opens any sheet in shared file there should be some rolling msg in the bottom.
View 9 Replies View Relatedon one of the computers where shared file is opened, the info is refreshed only if closing/re-open file
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been reading up about shared workbooks within here which quite frankly is annoying me! I have rebuilt a spreadsheet from yesterday and shared it with:
Dont Keep change history
Update changes when file is saved
The changes being saved win
At start of day the file is 660kb, now by lunchtime I have it as 15mb. Does anyone know why this occurs? Becuase the file is getting bigger this is affecting performance
how to delete the track changes history whilst the excel file is shared?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an Excel file in Shared Mode...
Now, when it starts, I have a popup form asking for password for access for it. The problem is that for one person - AND ONLY THAT PERSON - the VBA Editor window opens and she has to press the "Play" button for it to hide and be able to enter the password to access the application.
The editor is not showing on any other computer. All computers are running Excel 2010.
I am encountering a specific scenerio where In I am creating a New file by copying one of the sheets And renaming that With todays date. here starts me problem when I try To share the sheet To work around I am seeing that th macro Is Not copying the sheet properly even though i have given PasteSpecial. The code goes here
VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing Is Not transferred when copy/pasting, but Is If the keyword uses "quotes".
Sub Newsheet()
sheetname = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
MsgBox sheetname
sheet_count = Worksheets.Count
'Checking for Replication................
I've made a macro that would create some folders on a shared drive.
there is an issue if the path i want to create is too long.
I get this error.
Uploaded with
is there anything we can do to pass this or any solution for it?