Another Sheet To Show Each Class Down The Rows And The Columns To Show Each School Rule
Mar 20, 2009
I have an excel 2003 sheet that collects data from Infopath forms. The forms are to record students who have broken school rules, when, where, repercussions etc. One column shows their class and there is a separate column for each rule broken.
I want to create another sheet to show each class down the rows and the columns to show each school rule. Therefore, each cell would show the number of each particular rule broken for each particular class. I have tried to do countif and sumproduct (if on sheet 1, column B the class is KA and on sheet 1, column M, the rule is bullying = how many times this has occurred).
I have this tab that won't show the marks when I group the columns or rows.
I know it is grouped becuase if you copy the data to the blank tab the marks appear fine. Copying the data is an easy work around but I would really like to know the root cause of this. The issue was only with this tab. I used to have a ton of other tabs and they grouped fine.
I have a workbook with 50 sheets. Within each sheet are rows of text that I need to search for specific text.
I'd like to search each row from each sheet for specific words (e.g. "7 days") then show the resulting rows data/text in a new sheet along with the name of the sheet and row number it came from.
Sheet 1 contains the text "7 Days" on line 40 Sheet 2 contains the text "7 Days" on line 1, 30, 50
In a new sheet, I would show the entire row in its own row that contains the text "7 Days" along with the name of the sheet and row number it was found in
I have the following code to compare two columns and delete adjacent rows if 1 is greater than or equal the other...
Sub LastReceipt_GT_Confirmed()
Dim intLstRow As Integer
For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 With Range("E" & intLstRow) If .Value > .Offset(0, 1).Value Then .EntireRow.Delete End With Next intLstRow For intLstRow = Range("E" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 .............
Notes about above. The naming is like this. "md b" is "martin county boys". "md g" would be "martin county girls". "jb b" is "jensen beach boys".
I need to add up each school grand totals for all the dives, and break them down to boy or girl for each school. this score will eventually go into another total which totals 11 swimming events by boys or girls.
So, in essense, thre are going to be several totals for the meet: 1 Diving (6 dives) by School by Boy (note: only showing 2 dives here) 2 Diving (6 dives) by School by Girl 3 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls 4 Swimming, (11 events) by School by Girls 5 Grand total by school (boys and girls scores combined)
Texaslynn (I believe that was her handle) helped me previously with totaling a grand total. However, now I discovered I need the total by boys and girls and then the combined (boys and girls) school total.
I got a table which is used to calculate the financial rent ability of certain projects.
The years are in the columns, so for every year there is an entry for revenues, costs, etc.
The lifetime of the projects differs (sometimes 10 years, 20 years, etc.). So if it is chosen that the lifetime is 10 years, I would like the table to only show (and also use) only the first 10 columns (for 20 years the first 20 columns), etc.Is this possible and if so how?
If there is data in the cell then it is to be left. If there is no data in the cell then I would like to show the value 0.
I have tried using a circular reference, using the formula =IF(ISBLANK(B1),0,B1) and other similar formulas but they dont work as the formula overwrites the data in it.
I attach a file for you to more easily understand my problem. I have a big table with information, then I would like to summarize this, if all fields for certain "Type" (see file) is blank, then I would like to use another value that I keep as a separate row in the summarize table. But I also need to have it to work if zeros are put in, I need to show that value, that's my biggest problem right now when using sumif forumla.
I have to divide two columns. Sometimes there is a zero in one of the columns. Now, I realize that nothing can be divided by zero, but isn't there a way to show a zero instead of the #ref symbol???
I have a workbook with a sheet per day, each sheet has a variety of 'jobs' as columns and a variety of people and kit as rows. Hours are manually input each day during the month.
Simplified version... These are two separate sheets 'M060114' and 'Tu070114'.
Monday Dig Drive
Dave 4 5
Bill 2 7
Tuesday Dig Drive
Dave 2 7
Bill 8 1
I have a Pivot Table on a separate sheet. This was created using the Wizard (ALT +D +P).
Dig Drive
Dave 6 12
Bill 10 8
So far, lovely.
But when I double-click on a number or right-click and choose 'Show Details' I don't get the sheet names in the newly created information sheet. I get the Row label, column label and a list of the entries.
So if I clicked on 10 above...
Row Column Value
Bill Dig 2
Bill Dig 8
That's fine with just a couple of entries but with about 80 columns and 250 rows spread across a month, therefore 30ish sheets, it's difficult marrying up the 'Show Details' sheet to the actual data.
So after all that, the question. Is there a way of getting the sheet name to appear in the 'Show Details' information sheet?
I have included the table. What I want to do is in a user form pick a county ie Devon, Then by clicking "go" all entries that contain "Devon" are then copied to a " sheet 2" I don't want to use the Ctrl-F
I have a table with row headers (in column A) and column headers (in Row 1). Throughout the table there are 1's and blanks depending if the column is applicable to a particular row or not.
I want to write a VBA macro to do the following:
1. Do a Vlookup of column A for a particular user input text string. 2. Only show the row that matches the text string. 3. Only show the columns where there is a 1 associated with the selected row.
Then once that is done I need a separate macro to return the sheet to show all the rows and columns.
For input I have 2 columns: A---B 1---5 3---4 ----- 2---- I need for output column C: C 1 2 3 4 5 It's possible to do that using one or more function ?
I'm looking at trying to view 1 large keyword phrase list of about 40,000 phrases to another large list.
All I want is a macro, I can assign a button to. Click it and in a new sheet it shows only the rows of data that are different.
I have tried googling it.
I found 1 that looked very good (Not that I really know anything about coding, but I couldnt get it to work.
I'm using excel 2007. As a note the link was here. [url]
I might as well post the code,, but I just couldn't get it to work, shame, because it sounds like it could be what I was after, I'll post it now, but if anyone can help me with this that would be great
Sub CompareWorksheetRanges(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range) Dim r As Long, c As Integer Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, lc1 As Integer, lc2 As Integer Dim maxR As Long, maxC As Integer, cf1 As String, cf2 As String Dim rptWB As Workbook, DiffCount As Long If rng1 Is Nothing Or rng2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If rng1.Areas.Count > 1 Or rng2.Areas.Count > 1 Then MsgBox "Can't compare multiple selections!", _ vbExclamation, "Compare Worksheet Ranges" Exit Sub
I saw a great code which compared the values in two columns A and B, data such as A123 and then shows, in another column ie C , things in A and not in B and in another column ie D things in B and not in A.
I have a spreadsheet which has a number of columns populated with a day number and below each day number there are some numbers. What I would like to do is to compare the values for Day1 with Day2, Day 2 with Day 3 etc. Is there a smart way to do this using VBA? I am enclosing an example to show what I would like the macro to do.
1. W1 has data in Column A, while W2 has none in that column (except for the header row of course). 2. W1 has rows that W2 does not have, and vice-versa.
I need code that will compare three columns in these two sheets. If the data in these three columns for a particular row match between the two worksheets, then for that row, I need the macro to copy the column A cell in W1 to the corresponding column A cell in W2. Finally, I would like an 'x' be placed into a W1 column if a match was found for that row.
The two sheets do not have the same number of rows, but the data being compared in the three columns should combine to form a unique row match between the two worksheets.
I have a simple macro that I have been using to hide columns in a very large spreadsheet. Essentially, the user has access to buttons that allow him to choose between a variety of the most commonly used views. For some reason, when I add columns and adjust the code to hide/reveal these columns, I get:
"Run-time error '1004' - Unable to set the Hidden property of the range class"
with the Debugger highlighting the code for "BO:DC". This problem occurs for several of the similar buttons, including toggle buttons, that hide/reveal columns. I am aware that custom views can be created in the drop-down menu, but I wanted to keep these buttons on the sheet as a quick means of moving from view to view and toggling columns between hidden and revealed.
I have a userform labels role_selection with 5 checkboxes. Each checkbox with the caption labels as follow: Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend.
In addition, a 3 worksheets each labels as follow: Main page, General, and Final.
The General worksheet has the same name as the 5 checkboxes (Students, Teachers, Below Average, Customer, and Friend).
My question is how can i write a program to determine which checkbox is selected and compare the selected checkbox caption to the names that already existed in the general sheet. If the name exists show that name and hide the rest ...
Looking for a VB solution to parse each cell in column B if a specific word exists then hide the entire row. in this case the word or phrase will be (inactive) each row will be different words but can contain (
like this... ___A___B____________________________________________C 1 44 this row does not contain the word but has other 3 2 23 this row does not contain the word but has other 5 3 21 this row does contain the word (inactive).................Hide the Row 4 26 this row does contain the word (inactive).................Hide the Row 5 43 this row does not contain the word but has other 6 6 20 this row does not contain the word but has other 9
I have a report with sales statistics from today and yesterday. Then I have a summary sheet that shows the balance between the two. But I'm only interested in seeing the lines with a balance greater than zero. Is there a better way to do it than I've already done? I've attached an example...
I'm interested in comparing the 2 columns of data as attached in the SampleData file, for eg. First customer bought 5 items and customer 2 bought 3 items. I'd like to show the difference which customer 1 bought and customer 2 did not buy. Will need to use that via VBA And also for loop if possible!
Basically, when you select Fred and 4, I want to to display 601, 799, 1023, and 1547 in the columns to the left of where you do the selection. (which is not in the same place as that table at the top of this question.
I am trying to write a code for a dropdown box where only the sheet selected from the dropdown is visible. Then, when you select another option from the dropdown, that sheet is the one visible (and all others are hidden).
I have a query Work sheet that has the names of my worksheets in the following format.. mmm dd, yyyy H15 has a formula that returns the sheetname as a value. What Id like to have is a checkmark that when checked it will take you to that worksheet. Ive played with it and came up with the following...but its not working...any advise??
Sub SHOW_H15() ' Worksheets("Query").Range("H15").Text .Select End Sub Also id like to have the check mark named as "Would you like to see (h15) 's worksheet?"
One more thing...if a value is in H15 Id like the checkmark box to appear. If nothings in H15 dont show the checkmark Box.