Sheet Event Code: Find Last Row Broken?
Jul 24, 2009
I'm making a macro to show or hide rows depending on whether or not a checkbox is checked. I'm using Wingdings font checkboxes, not actual form controls. The question: My macro can't find the last row of the used range on the sheet. This is in the sheet's code, set to fire when the selection changes.
Normally the line in blue works just fine, but it's not working here. In the attached workbook, the macro thinks the last used row is row 19, when it's actually row 21. What's going on?
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May 10, 2013
I have inherited a large spreadsheet. When it opens I get a warning message "This workbook contains one or more links that cannot be updated". When I click "Edit Links" the dialoge tells me that it is looking for a file in a folder called "All Daily Tasks". now I know that this folder no longer exists. I have found all the cells that had formulae refering to it, and pointed them in the new, correct folder, but I still get the warning message. I have cleared all Named Ranges, so that isn't the problem. And I have done a search for "All Daily Tasks", but this has come up blank. I know I can break the link, but I want to know where the link is, in case it needs updating. How do I find the cell with the "link that cannot be updated" if the search facility can't locate it?
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Jun 27, 2008
why this code does not work when the worksheet is changed between range "B1:F5"?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B1:F5")) Is Nothing Then
With Range("B1:F5")
Cells(Target.Row, 7) = Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value + Cells(Target.Row, 5).Value
End With
End If
End Sub
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Mar 25, 2008
I have added this bit of code to change the apperance of entered time from 0835 to 08:35
UserInput = Target.Value
If UserInput > 1 Then
NewInput = Left(UserInput, Len(UserInput) - 2) & ":" & Right(UserInput, 2)
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target = NewInput
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
And it works like a charm. Except that if the content in one of the cells later is deleted a "Run time error 13" is the result. Debug leeds to the line "If Userinput >1 Then"
Can this error be avoided..?
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May 29, 2008
I have found that this only works on the sheet being viewed, how can I make it work on a different sheet than the one that I am on?
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Range("C1").Value = "5" Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rectangle 1").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("rectangle 1").Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
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May 24, 2007
creating breaks in the line this script now simply turns the line black.
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Jan 27, 2009
I use excel 2002 but some of my office are on 97, i want to add a small workbook open event code which works for me but debugs for the others?? The code is basically, go to a tab, on that tab and that range sort..
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Mar 27, 2009
Is there a way to write a Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range) event in module after creating a sheet in VBA? I constantly delete a sheet, then repopulate it with a new one that is empty, but I need to add some code that happens if they should change a particular cell. It worked when I ran it on a worksheet without refreshing, but as soon as I cleared and repopulated the sheet, it was gone. Is there a way to preserve this?
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Jul 20, 2009
I am using the Vlookup function to find a particular code in one sheet then give me the cost data that is associated with that code and put it into a similar cell in another sheet. It will work fine if I use (for example) A2 to E39 as my table_array. This would be fine if I only had 38 rows of data to look for the code on. However I have thousands of rows of data that need to be checked. Therefore when I change the table array to anything greater than E40, the vlookup will not work and it will only return a value of zero instead of the actual cost data. This is very weird and does not make sense that anything is wrong.
The only thing I can think of is that the vlookup function has a limit on the number of rows that it can look for data in. However, I did not think that it had a limit at all.
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Jun 26, 2007
The below code works well if it is on the proper sheet, if the active sheet is not active then it errors- Why? I think I have properly qualified the path to the desired sheet I wish to search on.
Error msg: Activate method of Range class failed
And how do I handle this?
Set Ws = Workbooks("ViewRenameDeleteFiles.xls").Sheets("Item Record List")
What = InputBox("Enter the Name You are Searching for its Record#", "Item Name Searching On")
Ws.Cells.Find(What:=What, After:=ActiveCell, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext).Activate
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Mar 5, 2009
I have this code attached to a button on the first sheet of a workbook with hundreds of sheets.
it is suposed to look for a cell that contains "SAY:" and then move one column to the right and make it a zero. It works on the first sheet but not on any other sheet.
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Sep 2, 2006
Is is possible to use VBA to remove/delete a macro and also remove code like this on worksheets:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
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Feb 27, 2008
I need to to use VBA to copy a worksheet (which i've managed to do!), but I need the new worksheet to have a Worksheet_Change event. Now when I copy the worksheet, the event doesn't copy over (obviously as its a cut and paste jobby). Any ideas on what code I need to add in the Worksheet_Change event just after the new worksheet is automatically created?
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Jan 17, 2007
I have seen many examples posted here that are close to what I need, but I am not experienced at writing code, so I am not sure how to make the changes to this code that apply to what I need. So I will try to explain what I am looking for & hopefully not be too long winded:
I have an excel workbook that has several worksheets within it - 10 of the worksheets are identical as far as the formulas that are in each of the cells, however, they are all VLOOKUP cells that refer to another excel workbook (used as a "database")which lists all of our projects - there is a cell in each of the 10 sheets that can be changed that will allow that particular worksheet to access the information in the "database worksheet" for the particular project name that is entered in this cell.
There is currently an event worksheet code for each of these worksheets which allows for a picture to be displayed "floating" above cell (L13) based on the project name that is showing in this cell- however it is based on all of the project pictures "living" in each worksheet (the picture that is called up by the project name is displayed while the rest are hidden - as per the formula)- the code is shown below:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim oPic As Picture
Me.Pictures.Visible = False
With Range("L13")
For Each oPic In Me.Pictures
If oPic.Name = .Text Then
oPic.Visible = True
oPic.Top = .Top
oPic.Left = .Left
Exit For
End If
Next oPic
End With
End Sub
However - this option works fine when there are 5 or 10 pictures/projects - but we are looking to grow our project database. So, I was hoping to be able to store the pictures in another location (such as another worksheet or in a file on the server - I would also appreciate input if anyone has an opinion on which would work better?) and have some type of worksheet event code that can be written in to each worksheet that would access the picture in this "central" location and have them appear in cell (L13) of each worksheet based on the project name displayed.
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Jan 25, 2008
I have 2 worksheets ('pathways', 'pathway events').
'pathways' has unique rows with a unique ID i.e. [Pathway ID] whilst 'pathway events' has the same initial column [Pathway ID] but with multiple values of the same [Pathway ID] value.
If an [Pathway ID] value is selected in 'pathways', I want it to trigger some code which will open a new worksheet and copy the multiple rows in 'pathway events' with the same [Pathway ID] value and paste them into the new worksheet.
Is this possible to do in Excel. I normally use Access and you can have triggered events.
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Jan 26, 2010
i need to add a DoubleClick event to about 40 workbooks.
each has 6 sheets and the code will be added to two of them.
i can cycle thru the folders/subfolders and open the correct files.
but how do i put the code into the specific sheets using a program?
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Oct 19, 2006
In a Userform, is there a way to run code that's listed under another UserForm event subroutine?
I have a Listbox and several Labels. When I click on a selection in the listbox, it populates the labels with various data from a spreadsheet. This code is in a "list_AfterUpdate()" subroutine.
If I change a piece of data and click a CommandButton1, I would like the labels to automatically update.
The only way I can think to do that (at present) is to run the code listed in the "list_AfterUpdate()" subroutine.
Is there a way to run that code without duplicating it in the "CommandButton1_Click" subroutine?
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Nov 2, 2006
i try with what limited knowledge i have, if you dont mind take a look at the code below, i read your article and added the appropriate line, the code works fine except the msgbox has to be ok'd twice before it exits sub any ideas why?
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim MyCell
Set rng = Range("A2:A100")
If Not Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then
With rng
For Each MyCell In rng
If MyCell = "" Then
MsgBox "Please use this next blank cell"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
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Aug 20, 2007
Is it possible to copy a "Worksheet_change event" macro to a new worksheet by macro? Like when I insert a new worksheet, a certain macro, for example "run macro on data entry", to be already written in its worksheet_change event.
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Oct 3, 2007
I'm having trouble copying a macro to a newly created sheet. I do like this:
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Kopier1").Export filNavn
For Each kopSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
If Left(kopSheet. Name, 8) = "Inddata-" Then
ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "" & kopSheet.Name
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Kopier1").Export filNavn
Workbooks(kopSheet.Name & ".xls").VBProject.VBComponents. Import filNavn
End If
Next kopSheet
I copy 6 sheets, named "Inddata-*", and i wan't to copy a module named "Kopier1" with it. I know that i can use an add-in, but that is unfortunately not a good idea in this project. It does export the module "Kopier1", but, it doesn't import it to the newly created workbook!
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May 28, 2008
time-to-time an unexpected eventcode appears in my worksheet modules
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Dec 17, 2009
How do I make a Command Button and put event handling code (in the VBE) to handle the click event?
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Jul 21, 2014
Is there a way of capturing the print event to run some code?
I.e. The 'Print' button is clicked and then code executed in the sheet.
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Mar 20, 2008
I have a manually calc'd workbook with the following code
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL1CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("VAL2CELL")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("CHOICE")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("$L$36")) Is Nothing Then Me.Calculate
If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")
End Sub
Everything works as it should other then the part that is
If ActiveCell.Address = "VAL1CELL" Then Range("VAL2CELL") = Range("Y$41")
When the user selects VAL1CELL This is cell B2 and is a drop down, I want VAL2CELL which is C2 and also a drop down to show what is in Y41 (i.e the first name that appears in the drop down...not a thing happens ? is there a flaw to my code ?
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Dec 23, 2009
I wonder if there is a way to clear event handler code in a userform programmatically?
Haven't quite managed it yet.
Something like:
dim x as integer
With ThisForm.CodeModule
x = .CountOfLines
For 1 to x
.line = ""
Next x
End With
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Jul 20, 2006
change the below code from a worksheet_change to a worksheet_calculate method. and still do the same action. the reason I am changing methods is due to the fact that the validation will not trigger the worksheet_change event to fire. this is my attempt to find an alternative way to fire off the macro.....
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Jul 28, 2006
I found this great macro here but I need it target more than column 1. does anyone knoe how to target column 1 and 3 at the same time?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 1 Then
If IsEmpty(Target) Then
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Empty
Target.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now()
End If
End If
End Sub
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Nov 1, 2006
Am trying to copy some code from the ThisWorkbook object into about 100 other Workbooks. I know how to Import and Export Modules, but when I export code from ThisWorkbook in saves it as a CLS file. Upon export a new class module is created. I simply want to create code that will automatically copy the code from one VBA project ThisWorkbook object to another VBA project ThisWorkbook.
I have the code to open all the files etc just need to figure out how to import the code from ThisWorkbook.
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Nov 15, 2006
I'm trying to add a worksheet event via code. It works OK when I run it on its own but I get a run-time error 9 subscript out of range error when I try to run it from another procedure.
Please find attached my 2 bits of code. Any help greatly appreciated.
This is the bit that works OK on its own but not when called from my other procedure
Sub Code_To_Write_Code()
'This writes code to the new sheet
Dim StartLine As Long
Dim SheetToAddCodeTo
SheetToAddCodeTo = ActiveSheet.CodeName
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(SheetToAddCodeTo).CodeModule
StartLine = .CreateEventProc("Calculate", "Worksheet") + 1 ..............
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Sep 27, 2007
I ran this code last week and it worked great, but today it doesn't work at all. I have even deleted it, closed Excel and and started fresh. Is there some small thing I'm missing (like hopping on my left foot while entering a code) ...
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