Show Percentage Difference Between 2 Columns

Sep 27, 2006

I have a spreadsheet which has a number of columns populated with a day number and below each day number there are some numbers. What I would like to do is to compare the values for Day1 with Day2, Day 2 with Day 3 etc. Is there a smart way to do this using VBA? I am enclosing an example to show what I would like the macro to do.

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Show Values As Percentage Difference - Quickly Change From Month To Week

Dec 18, 2013

I have a Pivot Table with fields for months and weeks. I also have a "Show Values as % Difference Field" that shows monthly or weekly % change. When I collapse the fields so that it goes from weekly to monthly (or vice versa), I have to manually change each Show Values As % Difference column. Is there a way to do this automatically or quickly?

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Compare 2 Different Columns-show Difference

Jun 3, 2007

I'm looking at trying to view 1 large keyword phrase list of about 40,000 phrases to another large list.

All I want is a macro, I can assign a button to. Click it and in a new sheet it shows only the rows of data that are different.

I have tried googling it.

I found 1 that looked very good (Not that I really know anything about coding, but I couldnt get it to work.

I'm using excel 2007.
As a note the link was here.

I might as well post the code,, but I just couldn't get it to work, shame, because it sounds like it could be what I was after, I'll post it now, but if anyone can help me with this that would be great

Sub CompareWorksheetRanges(rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range)
Dim r As Long, c As Integer
Dim lr1 As Long, lr2 As Long, lc1 As Integer, lc2 As Integer
Dim maxR As Long, maxC As Integer, cf1 As String, cf2 As String
Dim rptWB As Workbook, DiffCount As Long
If rng1 Is Nothing Or rng2 Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If rng1.Areas.Count > 1 Or rng2.Areas.Count > 1 Then
MsgBox "Can't compare multiple selections!", _
vbExclamation, "Compare Worksheet Ranges"
Exit Sub

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Comparison Between 2 Columns Of Data And Show The Difference?

Mar 10, 2014

I'm interested in comparing the 2 columns of data as attached in the SampleData file, for eg. First customer bought 5 items and customer 2 bought 3 items. I'd like to show the difference which customer 1 bought and customer 2 did not buy. Will need to use that via VBA And also for loop if possible!


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Percentage Difference From And Quarters

Apr 29, 2014

Pivot Table where I am comparing prices with previous quarters using the % Difference from and using Quarter/previous as the base.

The function works fine but I can't get any values on Q1 to compare with Q4 of the previous years. All Q1 for every years show no % difference.

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Greater Or Less Than Percentage Difference

Jan 22, 2014

Can use an icon set conditional format to solve the following -

if I have an order figure in A1 and a received figure in A2 I want to show a tick in A3 if the received figure is within 10% either side of the order figure.

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Percentage Difference Between Two Values

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to create a formula that can work out the % difference between two values. The formula I am using is:


So, where

A1=1, B1=2, = 100%
A1=-1, B1=2, = 300%

This seems to work perfectly, apart from where there are zero numbers involved. The answers I want to have are as follows:

A1=0, B1=0, = 0%
A1=0, B1=-1, = -100%
A1=0, B1=1, = 100%
A1=-1, B1=0, = 100%
A1=1, B1=0, = -100%

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Get Percentage Difference Between Two Colums

Jul 9, 2008

How do i work out the percentage difference between two colums and show the results in a third? I then need to know the average of that third colum

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Formatting Percentage With A Difference?

Nov 6, 2011

I was wonder if there is anyway in excel to do the following. I have a table that shows %'s,,, and I have formatted it to show 1 decimal place. Is there anyway to do it so that if the % is a whole number, IE 100% it shows just 100% and not 100.0%

So; basically, all %'s that aren't whole numbers will show 1 decimal place,, whole numbers to show NO decimal place.

I can see in excel a custom formatting under the Number tab,, but if this is where you do /can do it,, I'm not sure how.

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Calculating Percentage Difference Between Cells

Dec 5, 2013

Formula "(Cell-Cell)/ABS(Cell)"

When calculating percentage difference do I always subtract the smaller number/cell from the larger number/cell, then divide by the smaller number/cell or vice versa? Maybe I am over thinking it, but it is confusing the heck out of me

I provided an example below to illustrate a spreadsheet I work on. The numbers go up and down. I want to know how I should go about setting up the formula. If I need to ensure the smaller number is always subtracted from the bigger number, it will require a lot of manual intervention on my part.

Row 3 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b1)Row 4 is =(b2-b1)/ABS(b2)Row 5 is custom. I went through each cell and made sure the smaller number was being subtracted from the larger number, then divided by the smaller number


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Display Popup When Percentage Difference Reached

Feb 16, 2008

I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet.

Enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets) :

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Conditional Formatting Based On A Percentage Difference

Apr 3, 2009

Using conditional formatting i am trying to write a formula that changes colour on the percentage difference of another cell.

An example would be if cell A1 contained a target of 5% in cell A2 would be an actual. If cell A2 is equal to A1 or better then it would be green. If cell A2 was within 10% less of A1 (i.e 4.5%-4.99%) then amber and red for the target minus 10% (i.e <4.49%)

I want to do this as a conditional formatting formula as the target figure will change but 10% difference will remain the same.

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Conditional Budget Difference And Percentage Formulas

Mar 16, 2014

In looking for examples of business budgets I found a sample spreadsheet that used these two conditional statements:

A) to calculate the difference between the Budget and Actual numbers: =IF(OR(B10,A1), B1-A1,) where B1 is Actual $ and A1 is the budget $.

B) to calculate the percentage (+ or -) =IF(A1,C1/A1,) where A1 is, again the budget, and C1 is the result of the difference calculated in A) above.

What is the advantage of these conditional formulas over the more straight forward B1-A1 and C1/A1

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Display Popup When Percentage Difference Reached

Feb 16, 2008

I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet. enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets)

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Excel 2010 :: Percentage Difference From Calculated Or Max Dose?

May 11, 2014

Excel 2010 - Solver will NOT work with whole numbers and that is what I need (only whole numbers, i.e whole vials being used). So this is a drug/inventory problem. The drug is dosed as 25, 35,or 50 units/kg. Also a Max dose is reached with 100 kg. (this I can do). The trick is we want to use whole vial sizes and the vials come with varying amount of drug per vial (480-620 units/vial). We can enter our existing Inventory to get the exact units/vial and number of vials on hand. Now I need to figure out the best combination of vials in Inventory to use to get the closest to the dose needed. If Max dose is reached then the MOST we can go over the max dose is 5%. I'd like to see the percentage difference from the calculated or Max dose.

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Calculate Percentage Difference Between Budget Versus Actual

May 6, 2014

Here's my example: We budgeted $15,000 (cell C38) for tuition reimbursement and YTD have already paid out $11,500 (cell B38).

I currently have the formula =100*B38/C38

This returns the answer $76.67. When I format the column to percentage, it the returns the answer 7666.67%.

How do I get this to read as 76.67%???

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How To Compare Percentage Difference Between Date Range Through Pivot Table

May 9, 2014

I would like to compare % difference between date range through pivot table

Date RangeProductAmt
1st weekABC1000
2nd WeekABC2000
3rd WeekABC1259
1st weekXYZ3000
2nd WeekXYZ4000
3rd WeekXYZ2500

How to plot a Pivot table to compare the % difference between 3rd Week Vs 2nd Week Vs 1 Week for each product through pivot table?

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Lookup (V?) To Clearly Show Difference

Jan 26, 2010

how to create a macro of some sort that will look at a list of data in cloumn A and in Column B then tell me the values of data that is in A but not in B then also tell what is in B that isnt in A. I understand that 2 vlookups will prob do this but i would like it more user friendly so the way i would like it...........

is for me to paste a list of data from 1st source to column A
then, a list of data from 2nd source to column B

then click a button that would do a lookup from column A against B (and B against A)

and return the values on sheet 2

that way... users could look on sheet 2 and anything in column A would be data that was in column A in sheet 1 but not in B and the data in cloumn B (sheet 2) would be the data that was in column B on sheet 1 but not in A.

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If & And Formula: Show The Difference Between Col F And Col G

Mar 14, 2007

if the cells in column E AND column F are blank, then column G will be blank also (I dont want 0 showing), if not show me the difference between col F and col G.

I put in the following:-


However, Excel informs me this is wrong and corrected it as


I guess my question is why do I need to put in "*" for this to work?

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Show Percentage Of Over-Due Dates

Jul 20, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that shows when individuals completed different events. The events are on top and the names are down the side. There are dates in the middle. I would like to know if it's possible to show a percentage of dates that are current- so take the number of fields with current dates and divide them by total number of fields. I would also like to find a percentag of events complete by each individual.

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Show The Time Difference Between Two Data Entries

Dec 4, 2009

I have data entry in a spreadsheet which shows minutes, seconds and thousandths of a second - example looks as follows:
12:48:589 or 04:21:998. I would like to be able show the time difference between two data entries, so for example:

09:57:145 and 08:12:055 would give a difference of 1:45:090
12:07:985 and 18:59:788 would give a difference of 6:51:803

To be honest, I even struggled to work out the values on paper. Is this even possible? If so, can you let me know the number format I should be using as well as the formula or even better, post an excel sheet with the example.

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Show In Message Box Difference Between Two Rows On Same Worksheet

Jul 29, 2014

How to show via a message box the difference between rows 2 and 3 on a worksheet (row 1 is headers).

In the message box per the attached workbook, i should only see something like the following....

Drawing Rev was A is now B
Planner was Joe is now Fred

The attached example is abbreviated, the actual data will span multiple columns (approx. 30 - 40)

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Show Difference Characters By Making Them Bold

Jun 22, 2012

I've two columns of numbers in Col J and Col P how can I make cell P2 characters that are not in J2 show the difference by making them bold

J2 = 00342 P2 = 0034211

J3 = 00344 P3 = 003443

J4 = 233 P4 = 23377

Till last row with data in the sheet.

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Show Exact Time Difference In 2 Cells

Jul 4, 2012

I have 2 cells in which time is given in format hh:mm:ss , I have differentiated both whatever difference is their between them it get showed in different cell , but my cell is not showing exact time difference its showing up as ######.

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Show Rank And Difference In Adjacent Cells

Aug 24, 2007

I"m looking for a formula that searches for sales from a sheet (that already has the sales ranked) and populates that into another sheet. But the 3 cells above/below would have the difference in sales.

3. Rank3-MySales
4. Rank4-MySales
5. Rank5-MySales
6. MySales
7. Rank7-MySales
8. Rank8-MySales
9. Rank9-MySales

So something like this:

3. 3500
4. 2700
5. 950
6. $5000
7. -1200
8. -1550
9. -2400

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Percentage Calculation (want To Show % Wearing)

Oct 7, 2008

I am a Safety representative and on a monthly basis I have to check for seat belt usage. I can not, for the life of me, figure this out.

I have attached an example. In the example out of 22 vehicles there were 2 individuals not wearing seat belts. So cell J4 should be 91%

I can calculate % not wearing with [=sum(D4:E4,H4:I4)/SUM(B4:I4)]
but I want to show % wearing.

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If Percentage Calculation Negative Show Zero

Oct 22, 2007

i am having a hard time in my microsoft excel class
for the life of me i cannot think of a formula to answer the question below

every time i type in =(c3)-25-80% i get the wrong answer
i know there has to be a different formula

Cost of visit= $113.00

Q=Your have a co-payment of $25.00 and the insurance will pay 80% of the remaining cost. Create a formula for the visit that will calculate the total amount you will have to pay.

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Custom Number Format To Show Difference In Two Dates

May 11, 2006

I'm trying to get an excel custom number format to show the difference in two dates as 0 years and 0 months...for e.g.

Cell a1 = commencement date = 1/1/05

cell a2 = expiration date = 12/31/10

Then cell a3 = Lease Term = 6 years 0 months.

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Add 2 Cells Show As Percentage Of 3rd Cell But Still Allow For 0 Values

May 23, 2013

I am trying to add 2 cell values together then show the total as a % of a value in a 3rd cell, however I also need it to allow for 0 values in the chosen cells without displaying an error message or it messes up the average formula elsewhere on the sheet?

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Show Progress With Graph Bar With Percentage Input

Jul 31, 2014

I would like to know how to input 10% 25% ect then in another cell the graph bar growing till 100% mark is completed.

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