Sort List Based On Permutation

Dec 16, 2008

I'm new here, google helped me to find this place. Hope someone here can help me a bit on my excel spreadsheet. I have one list of numbers and it need to be sorted under Perm condition so the list become shorter. The function should go through the listed number and output new list after sorting it. I have attached my excel here.

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Permutation List

Sep 18, 2009

I am trying to create a list of permutations in a column for example I need a list of numbers 1-20 with no numbers repeating. This is causing my head to hurt and I have been working on this problem for some time.

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Create A Permutation List

Feb 20, 2008

I have several items that I would like to combine, lets call them characters A, B, C, D, E

Each character is situated in a different column, next to each other. Below, I would like to create a list of all possible combinations of these characters. The sequence is not important and each row should contain a unique combination of characters.

I have counted 31 combinations for the ABCDE set, namely

1 for ABCDE
5 for A, B, C, D, E each
5 for choosing 5 unique sets of four from a set of five (5!/(4!*(5-4)!)
10 for choosing 10 unique sets of three from a set of five (5!/(3!*(5-3)!)
10 for choosing 10 unique sets of two from a set of five (5!/(2!*(5-2)!)

To complicate matters, I have several other character strings where I would like a list of combinations. For example A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H 9 (a longer set).

By the way, each combination should be spread accross several columns (e.g. one colum per character, see the question marks in the table below) ....

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Sort Based On List

Jun 4, 2008

sorry for restarting this thread but i started one similar on saturday and the person I was talking to has not yet responded

I want to know if it is possible to adjust this code line:

Case "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"

from the macro below to instead get the case names from a list on a worksheet... the reason for this is that the names of the worksheets I want sorted will change periodically.

Sub SortDaysoftheWeek()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Select Case ws.Name
Case "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"
With ws
.Range("A6:G256").Sort Key1:=Range("A6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _
xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End With
End Select
Next ws
End Sub

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Custom Sort Data Based On List With More Than 255 Characters

Apr 21, 2014

How to sort a column of data based on a custom list with more than 255 characters.

I have created a named range with 40 entries and then added data validation in the cells of column D using the above named range. However, I want to be able to sort column D in the same order as the named range but the custom data sort lists are restricted to 255 characters.

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VBA To Custom Sort Data Based On Referenced List

Feb 17, 2014

Sort Example.xlsx

I have data in Sheet "Schedule" in range A8:C160 (including column headers), but note the length (rows) of the range is dynamic.

A8 = Customer
B8 = Load Time
C8 = Delivery Time

Columns B & C are formatted as h:mm:ss AM/PM, but Column B also includes text..."PRELOAD"

I would like a macro to sort the data based on column B, but the sort must follow a specific order, which is listed in Sheet "TimeSort", range A1:A50 (including header).

The custom order basically has "PRELOAD" sorting at the top, then sorting everything else chronologically starting at 6:00am.

The desired outcome would sort the range based on column B as follows...PRELOAD, 6:00:00 AM, 8:00:00 AM, 12:00:00 PM, 5:30:00 AM

Example is attached (desired sort is reflected).

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Generate List Of Data Based On Sort Data From Another Worksheet

Feb 25, 2014

I have Sheet1 "MASTER" and Sheet2 "Area1" and Sheet3 "Area2" etc...

My MASTER sheet has a list of employee names and the areas they work in. I have employees working in different areas, and I want to pull a list of employee names from the MASTER working in Area1 (sorted on the MASTER sheet) to column A on Sheet2, then pull a list of employee names working in Area2 to column A on Sheet3, etc...

I want it to do this in such a way that if I add an employee to Area1 on the MASTER data, it will populate that employee in the Area1 Sheet.

So basically, I'm looking at one column on the MASTER sheet to see if the area matches. Then looking at another column on the MASTER sheet to get the name. Then taking that name and transposing it to a new sheet corresponding to the area they work in.

I've attached a sample sheet. I want Column A in the Area1 sheet to reflect all names that show up on the Area1 LIST on the MASTER sheet, and nothing else. I'm using VLOOKUP to pull the rest of the data from the MASTER table.

There is a new sample workbook up now. Couldn't update it sooner due to site outage. I've removed irrelevant data to improve readability and focus on what I'm trying to achieve. Again, the main issue is scraping column E from the Master, and populating a list of all employees who match certain values in Column E on the Master in Column A of the other tabs.

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Highest Permutation Value

May 5, 2007

This is for an online sports management game I play. Basically I have calculated each players skills in each position, and I need to find the best combination of the players on the field to give me the best team.

I have a table as below, and I need to find a solution that gives me what the best combination will be....

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Aug 3, 2009

Can this be done in Excel? Using the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 create all the permutations/combinations with limits on some of the digits. The digits 0,7,8,9 can only be used a max of 3 times in any one permutation/combination, digits 2,3,4,5,6 can only be used 4 time in any one permutaion/combination, producing a 5-digit string.
Example of expected results.
0 1 0 2 7

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Create A Permutation Of The Numbers 1 - 7

May 11, 2009

I have been asked if I can create a pseudo Lottery/Bingo card of 7 images with no repeat cards. The best i can tell is that I need to create a Permutation of the numbers 1 - 7. There should be 5040 combinations of unique possible cards. My problem being I don't know how to create this Permutation in Excel.

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Bulk Permutation Of Words

Jan 27, 2008

i have read through all threads about permutation, and also a few others. I if I were an Excel Pro I would probably have been able to come up with a solution to my problem based on all the suggestions made, but unfortunately it is (still) all a bit too complex for me.

The problem:

I have between 2 and 5 lists of words, each list in one column:

Column A

blue green

Column B


Column C

for women
for men
for girls
extra large
for boys
one size fits all

Column D

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Every Possible Number Combination/Permutation

Aug 22, 2006

Can Excel work out every possible combination of 3 numbers from a numbered set 1-24.
I need every combination of 3 numbers.

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Excel 2013 :: Can Sort List A-Z Then Numbers At Bottom Of List

Jun 5, 2014

Does excel 2013 have a fence way to sort a list of alpha numeric numbers and alphabetize in this order A - Z and then 0 - 9.

Ex) Apple, Greg, Rob, Sand, 123, 126, 1000, 2001

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All Permutation And Combinations Of 4 Letters And 4 Numbers?

Jan 18, 2013

getting All permutation and combinations of 4 letters and 4 numbers?

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Permitted Permutation/Combinations With Some Rules

May 25, 2007

I have found this very challenging, and have really confused my self on how to systematically approach this. I have the user enter the value in the black highlight boxes, some subtraction produces a base value, the user may also enter the tolerance of the working value (base value), effectivlly giving rise to a small range to generate the permutations from.

What I would like to do then is find all permutations of the inventory (letters in the sheet) with their corresponding values right above them to the small range determined via the user (working value and tolerance). There are also quantity limits for each item. There four basic rules that need to be adhered to:

1) Permutation can't have both S and PP, so one or the other
2) Sum of H and HN must be greater or equal to sum of S and PP
3) H or HN or both must be present, so their sum cannot be zero
4) If HN is less than or equal to 2, and H is greater than 2, then NA and NG must equal 0.

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Long List Won't Sort?

Jul 22, 2013

I am trying to sort a fairly long list of tasks into a custom calendar order. I have created the custom list as Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan etc through to Aug, with one additional heading of "Recurring". The list won't seem to sort by the column where these headings occur. See attachment.

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VBA To Sort Worksheets From A List

May 7, 2009

Is it possible to sort numerous worksheets based off a list of cells that are the names of the worksheets within the same file? For example my worksheet names are:

YTD Texas
YTD Florida
Period Texas
Period Florida

I can sort the sheets by alpha but it puts the two YTD worksheets together when I need the two Texas sheets side by side (I need this on a file that contains over 100 worksheets otherwise I would do it manually) I was wondering if I could create my order of sheet name in another worksheet and reference that list through vba code?

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Getting A List To Automatically Sort

Oct 17, 2013

I am trying to get a list to sort automatically. I am running a competition over an 11 week period and entering weekly data that is totalled on a separate "Totals" sheet.

This "Totals" sheet, in turn, feeds a "Scores" sheet which I want to automatically sort in descending order of score in order to show the current positions in the competition.

The data in the list isn't entered directly but comes from formulas that reference cells in other workbooks.

I have found ways of sorting a list when you enter data into the list itself but what I need is a macro that will update the sort order automatically whenever a new value is entered in one of the other workbooks.

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Jun 3, 2006

I have a wedding list of names and addresses in one long column. The names occur every 5th line. They are not in alphabetical order.

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Sort List By No Of Characters

Feb 18, 2007

I have a large list of phrases, about 30,000 all in Col A. (From A3 to be exact)

What I want is to sort by number of characters.
I know excel can sort A-Z,,, but I can't see by number of characters??

Is there anyway I can sort this list by No of Characters please??

List does include letters and numbers.
But they are mainly 3-4 keyword phrases.

This is so from a large list all the least amount of characters will be at the top of the list so I can easily see them,, and probably delete most of the 1,2,3,4 character returned results.

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Sort List With X Exceptions

Aug 22, 2007

I need to create a custom sort which will cause entries "TBD" and blank to appear at the bottom of my spreadsheet. Any other value will be sorted alphabetically. I'm not sure how to create my sort list to do this. I tried "*, TBD " but this did not work.

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Automatically Add To Validation List And Sort?

Sep 24, 2007

I have created a validation list which automatically adds any new values a user enters.

Is there any way of sorting the validation list every time a new value is added to the list?

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Sort List Closest To Value Automatically?

Mar 21, 2013

I have a list of Y-intercepts (Column B - highlighted in Yellow) and I'd like to sort it based on a certain value (in J4) and get the 10 closest numbers above that value and the 10 closest values below that value followed by the remaining numbers.

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To Sort 3 Columns With A Priority List?

Jul 8, 2014

I have to sort the data as follows:

DI has top priority, MATT is next and SAM is last in the priority list. I attach the list of data and desired result.

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Add Custom Sort List To VBA Code

Mar 12, 2009

I have a Macro that I have recorded that autosorts several columns for me. This works fine as I have 5 columns that need to be sorted in a particular way.

The problem is that I have a custom list which I stored using the: Tools>Options>Custom List tab. Now this works fine on my pc as I have the custom list stored on my PC.however the problem is when someone else uses it on their PC it may no longer work as they won't have my custom list stored on their PCs.

Is there a way to store the custom list in a Macro and then use that list to sort to the criteria needed. For example "One, Two, Three, Four" will not store in alphabetically, so hope would I be able to sort so that they would appear in a chronological manner? Below is the code for the Macro I recorded. As you can see one of the lines says "OrderCustom:=6"; this I am assuming is reading from the list I created.

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Auto Sort Drop-down List

Jun 14, 2009

Is it possible to autosort a drop-down list based on the number of times an item is selected? A drop-down might have 500 lines so it is user-friendly if the top lines are those selected by users the most often.

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Using Custom Sort List Within Macro

Aug 3, 2009

I have following code, which sorts data if user "double clicks" on cells A1, B1, C1, or D1. If the user "double clicks" on cell D1, I want to sort by column D but I want to apply a custom list. The data is in the "Custom Lists" table but I can't figure out how to apply to my code.

The sequence/sort order of the list is as follows:
aaa+, aaa, aaa-, aa+, aa, aa-, a+, a, a-, bbb+, bbb, bbb-, bb+, bb, bb-, b+, b, b-, ccc+, ccc, ccc-, cc+, cc, cc-, c+, c, c-, ddd+, ddd, ddd-, dd+, dd, dd-, d+, d, d-
code is as follows:

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VBA - Sort Worksheets In Same Order As List

Oct 7, 2011

I have the below code that sorts a list of Doors that I have in row C17 downwards. Door 54, Door 7, Door 109 etc. The list is feeding a drop down box, people find the door they were looking for, in the said drop down box.


Sub ListSorter()
Dim LastRow As Long
LastRow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row


I wondered if there was some code I could add to the end of this, that would the sort worksheets, which are all named after each cell in the list, in the same order.

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How To Sort List To COUNTIF Criteria

Apr 16, 2013

I have a list of 562 records. In order to generate a targeted mailing list, I would like to display) only those records meeting the criteria:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(M2:M562>0),--(U2:U562>0)) .

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How To Create Custom Sort List

Aug 25, 2013

I am trying to create a custom sort list by going to preferences/custom lists and typing 37 items into a new list in Excel. It will not take all of the items after I type them in. Is there a limit as to how many items can be in the list. It seems to only take 18-20 items out of the 37 and erases the rest.

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