Sorting In WorkSheet Based On First Two Digits

Jan 13, 2008

how to sort based on the first two digit..

I need to sort the COMM CODE ( which is at Column no 3 )

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Number Formatting: The First Three Digits Will Be Separated And Then Subsequently 2 Digits

Oct 31, 2008

i need to format my numbers in the following format


the first three digits will be separated and then subsequently 2 digits

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Extract Numbers Based On First 2 Digits

May 27, 2008

I would like to extract numbers based on the first 2 digits (22....) of a column along with its next column (on the right) and put them on another sheet.

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VLookup Only Right Most 4 Digits Of The 6 Digits Sequential Numbers

Apr 30, 2014

I have the following working great, but would like to see it refine a little, as the data vlookup is 6 digits, but i only needs the last 4 digits is enough for me to work, my question is how do i go about adding that to the following function i have implemented and working fine.

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)),"",VLOOKUP(B4,' cmfs01home$peter[tracker data 4-25-14-a.xlsx]ControlSheet'!$B$2:$F$301,4,FALSE)

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If Statement Based On Last Digit Or Last Two Digits In A Number

May 26, 2006

I have 4 and 5 digit numbers. For the 4 digit numbers, I want to be able to distinguish between the numbers by the last digit. For the 5 digit numbers, I want to be able to distinguish between the numbers by the last two digits.

Example: For 4 digit numbers, I would like to do something with all numbers ending in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. For 5 digit numbers, I would like to do something with numbers ending in 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, etc.

The first step in being able to do this, I guess is distiguishing between 4 and 5 digit numbers, which I know can be done by the number lenght. However, the second part of looking at the last digit or the two last digits I don't know how to do.

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Join Text Based On Value Of Left Digits

Jul 5, 2007

I am trying to write a bit of code to go into a macro and as I am very much a leaner, I thought I would create the formula I need and record it, then copy in the relevant bit. However, I cannot even get the formula to work - never mind the macro bit!! The formula I am trying to do is something like this...

In column S:S
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 1 to 3, concatenate Q2 (and eventually Q2 to Q lastrow) + "/" + "Q1"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 4 to 6, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q2"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 7 to 9, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q3"
IF the first digit in R2 (and eventually R2 to R lastrow) = 10 to 12, concatenate Q2 + "/" + "Q4"

Column R:R has the year and the first digit of Q:Q hold the month so I want to end up with 2007/Q1 etc.

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Formula For Assigning Names Based On Term Digits

Dec 13, 2013

I could really use some excel function. Within my office, we work with several hundred files. Each employee is assigned files based on the last two digits of the file number. What I need is a way to identify what file is assigned to which employee based on the term digits of the file.

So for example, I have the following list of files:


I'm able to do a formula to get the term digits (meaning the last two numbers), but i'd like to have another column that can put names based on the term digit column. For example, Tom might work 00-04, Sally works 05-09, Greg works 10-15, Lucy works 16-21.. etc

I came across the below IF formula that is exactly what i need, except it only works for two associates and not the multiple that i need.. but it looks to be a good starting point nonetheless.

=IF(C2<50,"Sheryl","Lisa"). You should enclose Sheryl and Lisa with quotation marks as these are string values.

You can also use (if A2 is where the Loan # is):


The formula will acquire the last 2 digits of the loan and check it if it's for Sheryl's or Lisa's.

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Data Filtering Based On Last Two Digits Of Large Number

Mar 17, 2006

I have a very large database where I want to filter out numbers that do
not have certain two digits as their last two. For example, the column
based on which I want to filter out data contains numbers like
197301310153. I want to filter out anything that does not end in 53....

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Filter Sheet Based On Certain Digits In A Column Of Part Numbers

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to filter my excel sheet based on certain digits in a column of part numbers. The part number has 10 characters. I would like to filter it so that all part numbers where the 4th character is the number 5 or 7 is listed and where the 5th character is a zero. (i.e. R4X5831310 is a part number where 5 is the 4th character; I would like the filter to show this part number)

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Generate A 6 Digits Code Based On Filename And Time Of Generation?

Aug 20, 2009

I need to enter a revision string into a file.

Basically, I need to combine the filename and its generation time and then encode it into a string (i.e. a 6 digits HEX code or 6 digits using [0-9][a-z][A-Z]) so it would generate a pretty much unique revision number.

So, is there any function that you can think of that would do something similar?
If not, what is the best to tackle this?
Generate a CRC or md5sum?

What would be in your opinion a quick and efficient way to solve this tricky one?

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Remove First X Digits And Last Y Digits From A Cell

Sep 25, 2009

I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell. Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).
Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?

to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.

examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05
DuToitskloof Pinotage/Merlot/Ruby Cabernet
1999 Tradition Juracon 375ml

I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.

I have had some luck with the left side, as in:

As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).

I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!

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How To Remove First X Digits And Last Y Digits From A Cell

Sep 25, 2009

I am editing a wine database which contains a vast amount of data, one column has the wine name and sometimes the vintage year in the begining or at the end of the cell.

Sometimes the year is made of 2 digits (03, 05, ..) or 4 digits (1978, 2004, 2005, ...).

Is there a way to remove this vintage year form the string?

to make matters worse, there is often a single quote/apostrophe in front of the vintage year, which is driving me mad as 98% of the time it is one of these hidden ones that cannot be deleted using the find/replace function.

examples are like below:
De Wetshof Finesse/Lesca Cahrdonnay ‘07
De Wetshof Sauvignon Blanc ‘07
Lord Neethling Cabernet Franc 2002
Lord Neethling Pinotage ‘01
Bouchard Finlayson Tete de Cuvee Pinot Noir ‘07
Jacobsdal Pinotage 1994
Zondernaam Sauvignon Blanc 2007
2003 Tokara Red
1976 St Emilion
03 Tokara rose
Plasir de Merle Cabernet Sauvignon ‘05

I have been searching the Internet for the past 2 days without luck on how to delete the end of string vintage year.

I have had some luck with the left side, as in:
As I am not an expert with Excel, I have no idea on how to use VBA (every time I have tried even basic things, I failed) nor even sure how the above funtion works (found it on another site).

I thought I could acheive my goal in two steps, first removing the left side vintage and use this partial result with the RIGHT equivalent funtion, but it simply is not working!

Does anyone have an idea on how to help with this?

Ideally I would love to cut the vintage year, whether 2 or 4 digit, whether on right or left of cell and paste it in another cell, so to avoid manually doing it.

However, this is surely too complicated to do, so iwould settle with just deleting the vintage year and manually typing the vintage in another cell.

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Sorting To New Worksheet

Jul 15, 2009

I have a report to compile where i have a master list of data with three columns.

A=Name B=Type C=Location

I have 3 Types to sort. These being D, E, F

I need to sort into three new worksheets from the first sheet the D's into one, the E's into another and the F's
into the last.

I have over 3000 different A's to sort by the Type.

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Prohibit Sorting In A Worksheet

Oct 28, 2009

This might sound like a weird question, but is there any way to prohibit a user to using the sort function in a particular sheet?

Filtering for values is okay but sorting must be prohibited so that no rows "change place" in a sense.

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Sorting And Filtering The Records To New Worksheet

Jan 14, 2009

I need to do sorting and filtering the similar records to new worksheet. I need you help to do this job, give some idea or command to use for the following steps.

I have attached the worksheet newtran.xls.

1. I need to find the last column, the column will be increased or decreases. so that we need to find the last column at time of running the macro. Now the value is there till column DD

2. I need to concatenate the column B, D, F to last column find out at 1 step. Insert a new column and place the concatenated value.

3. Entire row will be Sorted based on concatenated value column.

4. Find the similar row on concatenated column and entire row need to be moved to new worksheet.

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Sorting A List From Data In Another Worksheet

Feb 21, 2010

I have the attached workbook that contains a list of produce in the Produce sheet and I am wanting to have the Availability sheet show what produce is available each day sorted into Good, Limited and None as per the data on the Produce sheet. I should end up with a list of each type of produce listed under the relevant availability each day.

Sorry but I have limited knowledge of VB, I assume that the best way to do this is some code behind the Availability worksheet but I am not able to determine what this code should look like.

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Sorting Worksheets With References To Second Worksheet

Apr 21, 2009

I have a workbook with two worksheets.

Worksheet one is "Company ID" info, in it are the columns:"Company Name", "street add", "city", "state".

Worksheet two is "Company Contact Person" in it are the columns: a reference to worksheet one column one "Company Name", and column two is 'Contact Person name'.

I want to be able to sort worksheet one at will, By city, or state, or any of the various columns. When sorting worksheet one I want the relationships in worksheet to to remain intact.

"Company Name" - "Company Contact Person".

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Sorting VBA Array On Worksheet On Two Columns?

Aug 30, 2013

I'm trying to sort an array which is of variable height/rows when put on a worksheet. I need to sort by column C ascending (smallest to largest) and then by column D ascending (oldest to newest). I tried recording a macro but the code is just junk.


Dim BookSPSortingWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim TR As Range
Set BookSPSortingWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
Set TR = BookSPSortingWorksheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(array_book_SPNames), UBound(array_book_SPNames, 2))
TR = array_book_SPNames

Is there a way I can use the sort function like the below by indexing my TR range for columns 3 and 4?


TR.Sort key1:=TR, order1:=xlAscending, MatchCase:=False

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Prevent Sorting Of Entire Worksheet

Dec 27, 2006

I have a worksheet thats makes things easier by sorting to users needs. heproblem I have is I have totals in columns p:AJ rows 1:3. How can I prevent the user of sorting the whole worksheet. Most of my users have basic Excell understanding so sorting is usually the whole page. I've tried hiding and protecting the columns but must be doing some thing wrong. I just need them to only be able to sort column A:N. I'm already working on moving totals to a separate sheet to I know this will work but curious for future worksheets.

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Sorting Non Unique Rows Of Data Into Another Worksheet

Jul 7, 2009

I have one worksheet which acts like a data dump (actuals) where data is just pasted in. This worksheet is sorted and edited on a continues basis. I need this data to be sorted into their respective coded worksheets (110, 120, 130).

I would like a function in Worksheet 110, 120, 130 that captures the data for that 'code'. Now the issue is that much of the data is non-unique, dates, codes, accounts may sometimes be duplicated however i still want to display the entries separately in their respective coded worksheets. (I had a solution using column numbers however it isn't viable because the data gets resorted often)....

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Sorting A Column, But Placing Results In A Different Worksheet

Jan 2, 2008

I have a simple one-column section (column A) of values in Sheet1:


I would like to sort this, but have the sorted results displayed in Column-A of Sheet2.

How can I do this?

Note: I need to be able build flexibility into this such that I can add names to the bottom of the list in Sheet1, knowing that the results in Sheet2 will be able to accomodate the additions.

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Allow Sorting: Protected Worksheet Doesn't Allow A Sort

Sep 11, 2006

I have a column containing 365 entries, one for each day of the year. This I intend to send out to Army bands, to have them fill in their forecast of engagements. I do not want them to be able to amend the original diary, but to scroll to the bottom of the list, add a new entry with the applicable date and then be able to 'sort' back to chronological order. This would then allow a separate entry for every engagement to allow me to interrogate the spreadsheet. As I have protected the sheet, the 'sort' facility does not function even though when protecting I ticked the box to allow users to 'sort'.

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Sorting Multiple Worksheet Tabs In Alphabetical Order

Nov 24, 2008

I have a spreadsheet saved with one worksheet with all the results on it and 130 worksheets with calculations on them, each with its' own named tab along the bar at the bottom of the page. What I'd like to know is if it is possible to sort the tabs into alphabetical order so I don't have to roam through up to 130 to find the tab (and it's corresponding worksheet) I'm looking for.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Different Sections Of The Same Worksheet Differently?

Aug 14, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 64-bit (with SP2 and all other updates installed).

I have a worksheet where some cells have a yellow background, based on conditional formatting of what is in column A. (Note that data in column A changes, so the row can sometimes be yellow and sometimes be white.)

I need to sort this worksheet as follows:

1. By background color, so yellow is on top, white is on bottom.
2. Then, within the yellow rows, data in column J.
3. Then, within the white rows, data in column A.

Currently, I do this manually by sorting the entire worksheet by column A, then selecting only those rows that are yellow and sorting by column J.

Is there a way to combine these steps, perhaps with a macro?

I initially thought to make each "background color" its own table, but since column A can change and thus the background color of a row can change, I need to be able to have rows move from yellow section to white section. I don't think having two separate tables allows that.

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Sorting (or Maybe Filtering) Worksheet With Multiple Data In Cells

Nov 1, 2008

Background: I am HR manager for a construction company & keeper of the call-in list of personnel who are looking for work. I have a simple sheet that has columns:

Date Name Craft Experience ...more info...

If each call-in had only one craft, wouldn't have a problem. Those who are multicrafted ar listed e.g. "EL, MW, BM" In the column C. A caller two days later may be listed as "MW, BM, EL" We input the data as they say it since that is usually their order of expertise. (Yes, I know that it should have been set up with each craft having its own column, but I inherited the sheet & it has 4000+ entries)

I wrote a couple of small macros & assigned buttons on the sheet to allow the users to sort the sheet by date, or name, or craft. My customers (project managers) have requested to be able to sort by craft but have all the folks with any specific craft listed together.

Example (Excel 2003): ..

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Sorting Based On Date?

Dec 2, 2009

I have 3 rows to each customer. I need to sort according to column B, by date. However I need to keep all 3 rows togeather. Is this possible?

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Sorting Text Based On Its Value?

Jul 26, 2012

I have a worksheet where users enter an inspection number based on the order a property will be visited, based on the inspection number I want it to automatically enter the information into another worksheet that creates an itinerary which shows this order .

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Sorting Based On Input?

Dec 30, 2013

I have a below challenge in front of me. When ever the user inputs a value from source, that value should be first in the destination and the rest of source values should be sorted as below. . Below are examples

Input Cell





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Sorting Based On Cell Value

Aug 22, 2008

I understand how to sort based on Ascending order and descending order but what if I have to sort based on cell value? For example, in Col. 'L' I have a "Type' header name and under that there are probably 10 different categories. Few of them are "Achieved", "Bypass" "Certifications", "Monitor",and "YTD" . I would like to know how can I sort all the rows with "Certifications" first and then comes rest of the data and finally at the buttom of the data is "Monitor".

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Sorting Bag Tags Based On Scores

Jun 2, 2014

Here is the data i'm working with.

Name of player
Score of round
bag tag the player came in with
bag tag the player is leaving with

Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. I usually just copy and paste (then sort the data) but I want a spreadsheet that I can enter raw data and just look at the results I will already have the players names in my sheet. Before the round I'll get everyone's tags it will not always be in order (EX: 1,3,15,22,34,66...etc) some tags will always be missing. After the round I'll enter the scores. What I can't figure out is how to leave my sheet in alphabetical order and have my spreadsheet populate the "leaving tag" column with the correct tag based on the players score....

name score tagin tagout
bob 22 2 2
carl 44 15 23
ed 33 23 15

Can't tell if that translated, couldn't use a table....

basically I would like to leave column A where it is the whole time add the data to column B and C The use the data from column B to sort the values from column C numerically to column D (basically copy and rank then display the numbers in order). To throw in a twist if the data in column B is the same for two or more people the formula would need to take the lower number from column C to determine who gets the lower tag in column D.

having to create some kind of database in access....

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