Sorting A Column, But Placing Results In A Different Worksheet

Jan 2, 2008

I have a simple one-column section (column A) of values in Sheet1:


I would like to sort this, but have the sorted results displayed in Column-A of Sheet2.

How can I do this?

Note: I need to be able build flexibility into this such that I can add names to the bottom of the list in Sheet1, knowing that the results in Sheet2 will be able to accomodate the additions.

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Table Sort Results In 1 Column Sorting

Jan 30, 2008

In my example file are 4 columns. I placed auto filter to columns B and C. If column B sorted to ascending then this changes formulas in column D. I attached workbook also to understand my problem. If you try to sort column B to ascending you will see the problem in column D

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Placing Button Programmatically On Worksheet

Feb 14, 2014

I have an expanding worksheet and would like to move a button so that it is always near the bottom of the worksheet data. When the button is pressed it reworks the worksheet and adds in some additional rows (up to 10 max). I'd like it so that the procedure also moves the button down keeping it in line with approximately the last row of data but not sure how to do this with vba...

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Placing A Worksheet In A Specific Position

Oct 6, 2009

Part of my code adds a Worksheet to the selected Workbook and then re-orders them alphabetically, but one of the Worksheets (Called home) should always remain at position 1. Is there a way to dictate exactly which postion it should be in so that I can place it there after the sort is complete?

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Matching Data From Several Worksheets And Placing In One Worksheet

Feb 24, 2010

I have rankings from several different sources all with different rankings for different people with a different number of people in each set of rankings.

I would like to match the names from each ranking set and place the corresponding ranking into one worksheet. I have done this without the code but over the course of the next couple of months the rankings will be changing.

I have them importing from the web so when they update I would also like for my rankings to update. Attached is the rankings each in their own worksheet.
The final sheet is what the end product looks like.

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Macro To Create And Rename Multiple Worksheet And Then Placing Relevant Data

Feb 24, 2014

I want to find a way to create multiple worksheets and matching data to be placed on appropriate sheets.

Here are more details (Please check the attached sheet screenshot as well):


In a workbook, there is a "Master-Sheet". This master sheet contains 8 columns.

I want to create as many new worksheets after master sheet as the values are there in column B (Column 2 i.e. Ad Group). In above attached screenshot, there are 8 values (B2:B9 or A-H). So, I would like to create 8 new worksheets after the master sheet. Also, I want to rename them based on their value from Ad Group column.

Each newly created worksheet should have same columns as the master sheet . Same 8 columns with their name intact.

Finally, I want all matching data of the Ad Group values to be placed on their respective newly created worksheet. For example, worksheet A should have A2:H2 data. Worksheet B should have A3:H3 data, and so on.

Please note that same ad group may have more than one row data. But I don't want to create multiple worksheet of same name ad group. The worksheet should be just one, but all matching data should be placed in that one sheet.

I know it is a bit complex task, but I am sure there would be a way to perform this automatically - probably a macro.

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Placing The Date (1-JAN-2008) In The Right Column For DAY

Nov 8, 2008

Placing the date (1-JAN-2008) in the right column for DAY

Now I have a Matrix in which I have the Days as Colum Headings and the Week Numbers as the Rows.

I will be mentioning the Date let's say 1-JAN-2008 in the Cell A1 and I want this date to appear in the approriate Column for the DAY
For Ex:-

The day for the date 1-Jan-08 was a Tuesday, therefore the date should appear in the Column having a Heading Tuesday and in the Column Monday it should show as 31-Dec-07 and the Columns for Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday and Sunday the Following dates after 1-Jan-08 (i.e. 2-Jan-08, 3-Jan-08, 4-Jan-08, 5-Jan-08, 6-Jan-08).

The appearance of the Date should change as per the day-date combination and as such for the preceding as well as following dates..

Ex:- Lets say for 1-Jan-09 which comes on a Thursday it should display (1-Jan-09) under column Thu and Mon,Tue,Wed should display ( 29-Dec-08,30-Dec-08,31-Dec-08) and Friday,Saturday and Sunday the Following dates after 1-Jan-08 (i.e. 2-Jan-09, 3-Jan-09, 4-Jan-09).

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Sorting Results With IF Statement

Dec 28, 2007

Here is a sample of my data in the column starting at I2:

1600 (I2)
57000 (I3)
256000 (I4)
5700000 (I5)

I want to sort results so that the adjacent column gives a ranking code of "A" , "B" , "C" or "F"

my requiremetns are:

iF I2 = less than 65,500 then "A"

IF I2 = 65001 - 250000 then "B"

If I2 = 250001 - 1,000,000 then "C"

If I2 > 1,000,000 then F

The folks at "A" are above average, "B" are average, "C" below aveage with significant concerns and "F" are Critical nonformance, immediate action required.

Of course I plan to copy the formula down the range.

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Sorting Results Of Subtotals

Jan 4, 2009

how to sort the results of a sheet that I have subtotaled twice by sum?

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Sorting And Copying Results Into New Work Sheets

Jun 3, 2009

I have a work sheet with about 35,000 lines of data. Every day I have to sort the list by product category (I use auto filter to separate) and then copy the results into a new worksheet, there are about 300 product catagories. I'm new to macros but I'm wondering if there is a macro that can automate this process.

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Sorting Of Results Using Index / Match / Large And Other Formulas?

Jul 16, 2012

how to return the top 5 results in a set of data.

In a nutshell, I have data that needs to be sorted but some intermediate to advanced (to me) excel formula needs to be used to sort the ranking properly. I've already used index, match and large but it does not suffice.

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Extracting A Column From Form 1 And Placing It In Form 2

Jul 23, 2009

I have 2 different forms that I need info from one, added to the other.

The reason for this is to update pricing from a new file, into an older file with the same product code for each product.

on form 1(the one I want to keep), column x is price(that I want to update from form 2 column L), and column B is the product code(sku)

Now on form 2 Column L is the The customer price(this is the data I need moved over to column X on form 1. and column I is the UPC 10(sku) that needs to match the same sku(product code) on form 1.

Gee this sounds confusing aFTER i TYPED IT.. i HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. i WILL ALSO ADD THE 2 FILES, SO YOU CAN SEE WEHAT I am talking about.

Please help as I have about 30,000 items total, and would take way too long to update prices manually every 2 - 3 months.

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Sorting To New Worksheet

Jul 15, 2009

I have a report to compile where i have a master list of data with three columns.

A=Name B=Type C=Location

I have 3 Types to sort. These being D, E, F

I need to sort into three new worksheets from the first sheet the D's into one, the E's into another and the F's
into the last.

I have over 3000 different A's to sort by the Type.

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Prohibit Sorting In A Worksheet

Oct 28, 2009

This might sound like a weird question, but is there any way to prohibit a user to using the sort function in a particular sheet?

Filtering for values is okay but sorting must be prohibited so that no rows "change place" in a sense.

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Select Case Code For Column A Values To Populate Results In Column B In Same Row?

May 28, 2014

I'm trying to write a simple VBA code to loop through values in the range A14:A138 and based on the value (of a possible four values) in any row of that range, populate the adjacent column in the same row with a conditional result. For example if A14 = "Cat", then B14 = "I"; if instead A14 = "Dog", B14 = "II", etc. If there is no value in column A, the result should be blank (i.e. "").

I believe are in coding the destination range since I can get it to work for just one cell in B! Below is my code that is not working...


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Sorting In WorkSheet Based On First Two Digits

Jan 13, 2008

how to sort based on the first two digit..

I need to sort the COMM CODE ( which is at Column no 3 )

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Sorting And Filtering The Records To New Worksheet

Jan 14, 2009

I need to do sorting and filtering the similar records to new worksheet. I need you help to do this job, give some idea or command to use for the following steps.

I have attached the worksheet newtran.xls.

1. I need to find the last column, the column will be increased or decreases. so that we need to find the last column at time of running the macro. Now the value is there till column DD

2. I need to concatenate the column B, D, F to last column find out at 1 step. Insert a new column and place the concatenated value.

3. Entire row will be Sorted based on concatenated value column.

4. Find the similar row on concatenated column and entire row need to be moved to new worksheet.

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Sorting A List From Data In Another Worksheet

Feb 21, 2010

I have the attached workbook that contains a list of produce in the Produce sheet and I am wanting to have the Availability sheet show what produce is available each day sorted into Good, Limited and None as per the data on the Produce sheet. I should end up with a list of each type of produce listed under the relevant availability each day.

Sorry but I have limited knowledge of VB, I assume that the best way to do this is some code behind the Availability worksheet but I am not able to determine what this code should look like.

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Sorting Worksheets With References To Second Worksheet

Apr 21, 2009

I have a workbook with two worksheets.

Worksheet one is "Company ID" info, in it are the columns:"Company Name", "street add", "city", "state".

Worksheet two is "Company Contact Person" in it are the columns: a reference to worksheet one column one "Company Name", and column two is 'Contact Person name'.

I want to be able to sort worksheet one at will, By city, or state, or any of the various columns. When sorting worksheet one I want the relationships in worksheet to to remain intact.

"Company Name" - "Company Contact Person".

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Sorting VBA Array On Worksheet On Two Columns?

Aug 30, 2013

I'm trying to sort an array which is of variable height/rows when put on a worksheet. I need to sort by column C ascending (smallest to largest) and then by column D ascending (oldest to newest). I tried recording a macro but the code is just junk.


Dim BookSPSortingWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim TR As Range
Set BookSPSortingWorksheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
Set TR = BookSPSortingWorksheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(array_book_SPNames), UBound(array_book_SPNames, 2))
TR = array_book_SPNames

Is there a way I can use the sort function like the below by indexing my TR range for columns 3 and 4?


TR.Sort key1:=TR, order1:=xlAscending, MatchCase:=False

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Prevent Sorting Of Entire Worksheet

Dec 27, 2006

I have a worksheet thats makes things easier by sorting to users needs. heproblem I have is I have totals in columns p:AJ rows 1:3. How can I prevent the user of sorting the whole worksheet. Most of my users have basic Excell understanding so sorting is usually the whole page. I've tried hiding and protecting the columns but must be doing some thing wrong. I just need them to only be able to sort column A:N. I'm already working on moving totals to a separate sheet to I know this will work but curious for future worksheets.

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Copying Results From An Autofilter To A New Worksheet

Aug 27, 2009

I'm working on a quote template that has 600+ products with descriptions and prices that gets autofiltered down to one product. After it has been filtered down to that one product how do I link that to a new worksheet?

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Results Of ComboBoxes Determine The Worksheet

Apr 11, 2007

I have two combo boxes which are named as AREA and BRANCHES. AREA makes me choose from Math, Science, History. The result of AREA populates BRANCHES. example: if I choose Math in AREA, BRANCHES will make me choose from Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry.

Based from the choice made, all the data that I will put in my userform will go to the corresponding worksheet. example: if I choose Math in AREA and Algebra in BRANCHES, my data will go to a worksheet which has a name of MathAlgebra. If I choose Math in AREA and Calculus in BRANCHES, my data will go to a worksheet which has a name of MathCalulus

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Populate Worksheet From Filtered Results

Feb 21, 2008

I am populating a 2nd temporary worksheet from a primary using autofilter which works just fine. I have been asked to set it up to populate the 2nd sheet using the same autofilter criteria across two or more of the primary sheet columns. I have been looking through the forums and found an article in which this process is described, #2 The power of Autofilter in VBA - Part 2, and I would like to ask if this will do the job for me.

I did attempt to create my own code, but it didn't work with a loop that I created. I do use input boxes to gather criteria from the user. I have put a copy of my code below which doesn't work, but need to know if the code in the article mentioned above will work?

Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

On Error Resume Next

' Dim rheadings, cl As Range
' Set rheadings = Worksheets("CONTACT").Range("A1:F1")
' For Each cl In rheadings
' Me.cbxSearchWhere.AddItem cl.Value
' Next cl

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _ ................

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Sorting Non Unique Rows Of Data Into Another Worksheet

Jul 7, 2009

I have one worksheet which acts like a data dump (actuals) where data is just pasted in. This worksheet is sorted and edited on a continues basis. I need this data to be sorted into their respective coded worksheets (110, 120, 130).

I would like a function in Worksheet 110, 120, 130 that captures the data for that 'code'. Now the issue is that much of the data is non-unique, dates, codes, accounts may sometimes be duplicated however i still want to display the entries separately in their respective coded worksheets. (I had a solution using column numbers however it isn't viable because the data gets resorted often)....

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Allow Sorting: Protected Worksheet Doesn't Allow A Sort

Sep 11, 2006

I have a column containing 365 entries, one for each day of the year. This I intend to send out to Army bands, to have them fill in their forecast of engagements. I do not want them to be able to amend the original diary, but to scroll to the bottom of the list, add a new entry with the applicable date and then be able to 'sort' back to chronological order. This would then allow a separate entry for every engagement to allow me to interrogate the spreadsheet. As I have protected the sheet, the 'sort' facility does not function even though when protecting I ticked the box to allow users to 'sort'.

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Sorting One Column From A Table Using SUM Totals In That Column

Mar 10, 2014

Basically i have 2 tables like the ones below:

Name Rd1Rd2Rd3Rd4Rd5
Zac 8
James 6
John 8
Frank 4

Name Total

Now i want the total column in the second table to update and add the numbers as i update the rounds in the first one Which i can do through SUM or SUBTOTAL. However i want to sort the total column so the highest number is at the top and everytime i do it changes the name column not the total column.

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Excel 2010 :: Filtering Results Into New Worksheet?

Sep 30, 2012

I am trying to set up a simple sports picking list using Excel 2010. I would like to be able to carry out several filers and then extract results to a new sheet to allow printing.

For example, there are four available terms and I would like to be able to filter by term/sport and student. Ideally I would like to be able to add a command button once this is working.

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Search In A Datafile And Copy The Results Into Another Worksheet

Sep 24, 2009

I use the Macro below to search in a datafile and copy the results into another worksheet. Only problem, when the macro finds a result he should copy and start over again, starting from the row below, but somehow he start 2 rows lower, so I'm missing results. (when he should copy row 2,3,4,5,6 - the result is only 2,4,6) I tried changing

WerkRij = WerkRij + 1 into Werkrij = WerkRij
StartRij = Rij + 1 into StartRij = StartRij
but then he keep searching and copying the same cells

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Return Results Of Ping Test To Worksheet

Oct 18, 2012

I'm trying to work out some code that will take the contents of a cell (either alias or IP name), carry out a ping operation and return the result into the worksheet in the next columns to the right.

I've searched this site and found something similar that returns the result of the ping to a MSGBOX but this isn't quite what I want.

The endgame is to have a For/Next loop for a list of IP addresses in (say) A1:A10 and have the results pasted into columns B, C and so on, with each line of the ping result pasted into subsequent columns.

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