Spacing Out Data

Dec 28, 2007

I have alot of data with data and time in one column, and temperature in another. All my data is bunched together, i have temperature measurements every 3 minutes, 24 hours a day, for about a month... and then after that, i have temperature measurement 10 minutes a day, 24 hours a day for several months

I want to group my data by hour, so for my 3 minute measurements, 20 values make up one hour. And for my 10 minute measurements, 6 values make up one hour. I want to know if there is a way to space out my data so that it groups it/ spaces it out. So for the 3 minute values, it would list 20, then put say 3 blank rows, then 20 more values, then 3 blank rows etc.... and for the 10 minute values, it would be 6 values, then 3 blank rows, 6 values, then 3 blank rows etc...

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Column Of Data Spacing - Each Value Separated By Two Spaces

Jan 31, 2013

I have a column of data. I would like to space this out so that each value is separated by two spaces.







I can do this manually (by inserting two cells), but I wondered if there is a way to do this automatically?

(I have a column organised with the spaces immediately to the left of the column I want to change.)

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How To Convert Excel Data To Notepad With Desired Spacing

Sep 6, 2012

If my file is like so

A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
A2 B2 C2 D2 E2
A3 B3 C3 D3 E3


A1B1 C1 D2 E1
A2 B2 C2 D3E2

The spacing varies from row to row

if i am saveing as notepad macro how can i give the spacing properties give an example macro and i will customize it according to my need

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Text To Columns Macro For Irregular Spacing Of Data

Mar 1, 2010

i have written a macro to parse data in to four columns using the text to columns fixed width option, but unfortunately the data i get changes its spacing and configuration every day, meaning that the fixedwidth columns dont separate the data correctly. below is how it looks some of the time.

46632hac5 Jpmcc 2007-ld12 a5 19,340,005 315
0738qac5 bscms 2007-pw17 a5 23,142,005 265
61746wcz5 msdwc 2000-prin a5 3,600,005 305
32108hp75 bacm 2007-2 a5 2,000,005 465
46630edf5 lbubs 2006-c1 a5 1,000,005 285...............

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Spacing With VBA

Feb 20, 2009

I have the below code that I would like for the data to fall in the exact same space underneath their proper headings. I cant create an html shot for specific reasons and so I am stuck with creating the table in this manner. Does anyone know how to on a single row to accomplish placing date so it looks like a table

10 spaces
20 spaces
30 spaces

that way the number will always fall on space number 10, 20 and 30 on same row

strbody = "Please find attached the daily position report and Profit/Loss report for COB " & FileDate & Application.Rept(Chr(13), 10) _

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Double Spacing

Nov 16, 2006

I have a list with fractions such as 25 1/4, 33 5/16, 20 15/16, etc. i have them formatted as FRACTIONS 2 DIGITS 21/25. Manny of those have double spacing ex: 25 1/2, So i am wondering if theres a way to take the extra spacing off the ones that have double.

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X-axis Spacing

Sep 10, 2008

I have 10 items on my x-axis. Is there a way to space item 10 further apart than the other 9?

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Extra Spacing

Oct 31, 2008

In the below example each of the items listed in Row A have an extra space before the word, is there an easy way of taking that space out i've tried text to columns, paste special. Not sure what else can be done ...

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Spreadsheet Row Spacing

Jan 16, 2009


aaa hhh
111 222
ww lllmm

between here there are about 50 rows

zzz 222

I need code that would reduce the spacing too about 10 rows between the "ww" in column A and the zzz in column A.

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Uneven Spacing On X Axis

Jun 25, 2014

What I need to do is have the numbers on the x axis count up with a even increment. For example, 1,2,3,4,5. That part is easy and I can do that, the next part is not.

Next I need the X axis of my graph to have, what the graph I'm trying to replicate calls, a "squared scale". So the numbers need to look like what is above but be spaced in squared intervals.

It would look something like this: 1 2 3 4 5... note the spacing between each is increasing.

Below are pictures showing how the book does it by hand.


I think I could get it to look like this with a dummy series with the axis labels listed but I need to be able to have a point read off the actual values so the dummy axis wont work.

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Spacing Between Missing Sequential Dates?

Feb 12, 2014

how to leaved blank cells for missing dates in a series of sequential dates. For example, If my series is (in (m/d/y) format):


But I want it to be:

(blank cell)
(blank cell)
(blank cell)

How do I do this?

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Adding Numbers Beween Spacing

Oct 25, 2009

I got a number, OK lets make it every even "5","10", "15" est and i add another one beside it to be added 0.01 every "5" times, so ok i'll make it a bit better some how,

lv 1
lv 2
lv 3
lv 4
lv 5---(A2)----(A3)
=5 + 0.01 = 5.01.............

um I had one idea that did and one that did not work, 1. to do it manually or 2. (that did not work) us "=IF function"

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How To Move Row Content With Uneven Spacing

May 13, 2013

I have a spreadsheet which contains 6000 rows where column A1 lists a name, B1 an address, C1 an amount and B2 the 4-digit zip code and place. Now I want to move the content of B2 to D1. I can't use offset because the spacing of the zipcode cell is not always the same.

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Spacing Error With Email Macro

Dec 19, 2009

The email macro I set up didn't work when I referenced the sendto from a cell in sheet 2; I changed it to reference an email address on sheet 1 and it worked with spacing errors. I need to fix the spacing errors, and I need to be able to pull the email from sheet 2. Code referencing sheet 2:

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CONCATENATE Spacing Issue Due To String Lengths

Oct 17, 2008

if you look in Column G you will notice the number on the right side of the column is indented one space too many (for any number that is 6 long in column A).

Is there any way to do an IF C=6 and then have it remove a space from before the number in Column G to have it line up?

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Spacing Multiple Variable Paragraphs In A Merged Cell

Jun 19, 2009

I am using excel as a base for formatting reports, and collating logical paragraphs, which I want to display in one massive merged cell on another worksheet.

The paragraphs are different for each report, and I do not wish to manually enter them in each time. I also want them to display as seperate paragraphs on the page, but in the same cell.

To throw a spanner in the works, the paragraphs are all of indeterminate length, otherwise, I could use different cells. If I combine them in the massive merged cell by using =cell1&cell2&cell3 then they will just appear merged as one whole huge paragraph. I want them to appear as separate paragraphs in the same big cell.

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Copy Column Information On One Sheet And Post To A Row With Spacing

Feb 28, 2013

I have been able to produce a column that gives me key date information. I might have many empty cells in that column before it hits another date. I need to get this data over to another sheet and place it in a row.

I am trying to get it to look like this:

B2(value), C2(value),D2(blank),E2(Value),F2(Value),G2(blank) etc depending on how many more elements are found in the sheet.

I am able to find topics that allow me to copy a range of data but not one that will allow me to copy a range then skip a cell.

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Excel 2010 :: Difficult Time Spacing Series Bar Graphs

Jul 6, 2014

I've been trying to get a graph that looks like the image below for a while now and can't seem to get it to appear how I want. I am looking to duplicate it exactly, but the issue I'm having is getting the individual bars to be separate and appropriately spaced.

[URL] .....

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Excel 2010 :: Change Spacing Between Dates In Pivot Table?

Mar 27, 2013

I have a pivot table with dates along the x-axis. The data is spread out over 5 years and the spacing between sampling events is not even, therefore, the spacing of my x-axis dates is not even. I want the x-axis to look similar to a normal graph where there is equal space between each month, even if I don't have data for each month. I do not want to group the data to accomplish this. If I click the "show items with no data" it only shows one extra day, not all days or even all months. I have excel 2010.

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Add Data Monthly And Then Have To Manually Update The "source Data" To Reflect The Added Data On Chart

Apr 28, 2009

I have a column line chart to which I add data monthly and then have to manually update the "source data" to reflect the added data on chart. This is a rolling graph, which mean that I have to remove data for one month(from last year) and then include the new month's data. Is there any way on automating this a macro or something, so once I add the data excel automatically removes one month of old data and make changes to include fresh data. Eg Currently chart is based on data from A2:F2 and I add new data to cell G2. I need something which automatically update the source data to cell B2:G2.

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Update Data By Ado - Change/delete Data And Then Run Macro For Update Data In Source Spreadsheet

Dec 6, 2006

I have one source spreadsheet, where are columns NAME, DATE. I read these data by ADO to other spreadsheet, where I can change/delete data and then run macro for update data in source spreadsheet. The problem: In source spreadsheet is column "NAME" and column "DATE", with values e.g. "Joseph"; 1.1.1980. I read this data to other spreadsheet, then I delete in it value 1.1.1980. When I run macro Update, it messages error.

Sub UpdateItem
.Fields.Item(1).value = activecell 'activecell value = "Joseph"
If Not isempty(activecell.offset(0,1)) Then
.Fields.Item(2).value = activecell.offset(0,1).value
.Fields.Item(2).value = "" 'I tried Empty and 0 too but when I read data again then, it displays 0.1.1900, nothing works
End If
End Sub

It seems that in source spreadsheet has data in column "Date" format Date and when I try to update data in format String ("") in source spreadsheet by Update macro, it messages error. When I used

.Fields.Item(2).Value = Empty
' or
.Fields.Item(2).Value = 0

after rereading data it displays 0.1.1900 What I want to get is that if the cell with date (in other spreadsheet) is empty, the cell in column Date in source spreadsheet after updating will be blank (contains no values).

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Create Userform That Adds Integer Data To Existing Data In Specific Cells

Jan 29, 2013

I am trying to create a user form that will allow the user to type int values in boxes. Then when the user clicks the submit button the code needs to add the values from each user input box to the existing values in specific cells accross multiple worksheets. Then the form needs to be cleared after the cell values are updated. I can create the form it is the code on the submit button i am lost on. Also it is important that some boxes may be left blank.

If you click the Grey "Qty Form" button on sheet1 the form will open. User data numbers can be entered in the blank boxes. When the submit button is pressed the form needs to add the user entered numbers to the numbers in the corresponding cells in sheet 1 and sheet 2. How to code the submit button to do this properly. Also after the data on the spreadsheet is updated the form needs to be cleared and start the cursor back in the Item 1 box on the form.

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Formula / Function To Collect Data From Multiple Sheets And Store Data In One Sheet?

Dec 17, 2013

- I have total of 13 sheets in a workbook - 12 sheets represent 12 months with data; 13th sheet is single sheet in which i would like to get complete overview of 12 months

- each of 12 sheets has actually sales results for multiple products with following data: internal code, manufacturer part number, name, and qty sold in that month

- situation is that some products have been phased out during the year and some were introduced so each sheet is slightly different in terms of in which row certain product is located

What i would like to achive is to make 13th sheet (whole year overview) do the following:
- there is a list of all the products in it, each product has unique internal code - this code (from each line) should be used to find that code in each monthly sheet, then find its monthly sales value (copy it) and paste it in sheet 13 in cell that represents this product and particular month.

In other words i would like to see for each product what was monthly sales throughout this year, but avoid manually filling in qty for each product per month.

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Formula To Separate Specific Data From Data List In Sheet1 Into Sheet2 / Sheet3

Jun 30, 2014

I have attached a sheet that has part of a data list, sheet called (Full Data) what i am trying to do is seperate the data into event locations into individual sheets.

The data ref will be column F which is the different event locations.

I thought the best way to try and do this was to create an if/ match formula using the sheet tab names as the if match, with the event locations in column F.

I have added two sheet tabs so you can see that i require the data for (Ain) to be put into the Ain sheet.

The data list in Full Data sheet will be continuously updated so i will need the range to be around 10,000 entries.

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Macro To Generate Outlook Emails With Data / Information From Multiple Rows Of Data?

Apr 30, 2014

I am attempting to create a macro to generate emails based on data in a sheet. The goal is to run the Macro, and have it generate emails to send to contractors letting them know what they are going to be paid. For instance:

Name in Column J
Email in Column L
Memo in Column N
Balance in Column T
Due Date in Column P
Week Ending Date in Column H

Now what I would like to happen, is to tie a macro into a button that will create the email as follows:

To Field: Email address from Column L
Subject: "Company Payment Remittance Payment Date *Date from Column P*"
Body: Hello *Name from Column J*,
For *WE Date in Column H* you will be paid *Balance from Column T* for the time worked of *Memo in Column N*

Now the tricky part is that I want the email to contain all line items for each email address. So instead of sending one email per line, have the macro automatically put all of the information that needs to be sent to one email address into the message. I don't know if that is possible, but it sure would make my life easier if it was.

I have attached a sample workbook of the data that will be used

Example Workbook for Email Macro.xlsx

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Pull Data From Sheet Based On Criteria - Populate UserForm And Ask For Missing Data

Feb 8, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...

First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:

HTML Code: 

For Each b In myrange
If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then
Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value
SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found")
b.Value = SSID
End If
Next b

But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.

I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....

HTML Code: 

Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

[Code] ......

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Create Line Graph That Will Incorporate Multiple Columns Of Data In One Series Of Data

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying to create a line graph that will incorporate multiple columns of data in one series of data. The reason I do not place all of the data in one column is because it could exceed the maximum amount of rows allowed in excel. Also I need the data split up for viewing purposes.

I can easily just graph one column but how do I combine all the columns into one line graph with the data being in separate columns. Basically all the columns will be my Y values and X values are just 1:n.

Example Below:

Column AColumn B Column C159261037114812

Now in the example all of the values are x values.

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Copy / Paste Frequently Changing Data From 4 Sheets Into One Master Data Sheet

Jul 4, 2012

I have a workbook that includes 4 seperate sheets that are used to record time and expenses for 4 members of staff. I want to write a macro to select the data I need from each sheet and colaberate together in a 'data' sheet so I can combine all the info to run time and expense reports per client showing combination of all time and expense incurred from all 4 staff.

I have named cell ranges in each of the 4 time-sheets. I proceed to record a macro, select the first named range, copy and paste into my data sheet, do a control home then control down arrow, then one more down arrow to get to the first blank cell and repeat the process for all four time-sheets.

This works until I add a new line and then the data will only appear for the last time-sheet (last row of data).

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Excel 2010 :: Access Data Connection Query - Missing Data All Of Sudden

Oct 19, 2012

I created a slick little excel sheet with the data coming in automatically via Access query. It has been working fine for months. Now all of the sudden there are a bunch of cells with missing data. The weird part is it's not as if whole columns are missing data, more like 90% missing. When I go to Access and run the query all cells are populated as the should be. There have been no changes to the query at all during this time.

btw...I am running Office 2010

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Pivot Table Fields Expands Automatically When Updating Data (only Where Data Has Been Changed)

Jan 11, 2013

I have created a pivot table that is connected to an input sheet with data. The input sheet retrieves data automatically from a external source through an add-in to Excel. When updating data the fields expands, but only for the items which have been changed. I want the table to be updated automatically, but not the fields expand automatically. Is there any pivot options to prevent this problem?

It should be mentioned that the pivot table is not directly connected to the input sheet (which is updated from the external source), but from a "help-sheet" reflecting the input sheet with some additional columns. I use conditional formatting and name range in the pivot.

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