Pull Data From Sheet Based On Criteria - Populate UserForm And Ask For Missing Data
Feb 8, 2014
I have a spreadsheet that is updated weekly -- but every week new info is added that needs a user to input corresponding info. I use a vlookup function to link to another spreadsheet that populates the info from previous weeks and the info that is missing shows up as #N/A...
First I was using a msgbox function to get the info:
For Each b In myrange
If Application.IsNA(b.Value) Then
Employee = b.Offset(0, -2).Value
SSID = InputBox("Please enter ID# for " & Employee & " :", "New Employee Found")
b.Value = SSID
End If
Next b
But it can be up to 30 different new employees... and that is time consuming.
I would like to make it more user friendly by creating ONE userform that displays all of the employees as labels -- has a text box in which to put the ID # -- and then has a drop down box to choose the type of employee (2 options). I want all of that info to go back to the reference spreadsheet so it will be saved for following weeks, and then redo the vlookup to get the info into the new weekly spreadsheet (I can do that part)....
Private Sub CloseButton_Click()
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
[Code] ......
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Oct 2, 2013
I have one excel 2010 workbook with 5 work sheets, each work sheet contains a list with first/last name(one column) and the company name, some have a 3rd column with their email address in each sheet represents each year starting at 2008 thru to 2013 i have to find out if the people that attended an event in 2008 also attended it in 2009/10/11/12/13 and if they didnt, put their name and company name onto a blank worksheet within the same workbook without using a macro, how can i do this?
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Aug 8, 2014
I use my workbook to track sales data from one store to the next. I use my workbooks to compare data from year to year. Each year's data is displayed on a separate worksheet. '2013' has 2013's data, '2014' has 2014's. On the 2014 sheet, I have a Prior Year's Sales that pulls data from the previous year's spreadsheet using a formula which I just drag down each day I enter sales. I would like to automate this process and have the VBA code check for today's date and automatically pull the previous year's sales data from the '2013' sheet and put it in the appropriate cell on the '2014' worksheet. I hope I have explained this well enough to understand. I've included a link to my workbook for reference.
I had to use dropbox since I can't post a file over 1 MB. The file size is around 1.25 MB.
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Nov 14, 2012
i have a sheet that i have been creating to pull information based on two things. The criteria is an emplyee # and the second is a date.
The data needs to be organized onto Sheet4. The Employee # will already be on Sheet4, so i have been trying to use that with Vlookup / hlookup with no success as i can't seem to get it to find the correct Date and place the data correctly.
Sheet4 layout:
Completed (with respective data from Sheet2)
the data is located in Sheet2 (Emplyoee # is always in Column A, and the Date is always in Column B).
the data needs to be pulled into Sheet4. Essentially making the horizontal data of Sheet2, Vertical on Sheet4 under the respective date column.
Sheet2 Layout:
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Jun 16, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 12 tabs (one for each month of the year). What I need is a macro/function that on execution will pull all rows from each sheet that has the word "overdue" in cell E from E9 down. I need the whole row of data being taken into a new sheet.
So for example, in each sheet there could be the word overdue appearing in 30 out of 500 rows I need those complete rows (A to Y) being put into another sheet for ease. At the moment I am filtering each sheet and copying and pasting into a new sheet for each bloody sheet (LOOOONG way).
The worksheets are titled: Jan 14, Feb 14, March 14, April 14, June 14, July 14, Aug 14, Sept 14, Oct 14, Nov 14, Dec 14
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Sep 14, 2012
I need a fix to my macro that does not specify the sheet name. It needs to populate the active sheet. Here is my code.
Private Sub OKButton_Click()
Dim NextRow As Long
' determine the next empty row
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Jan 12, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which I need to populate the data from sheet based on current date. Cell C7 in the "Staff" tab needs to update from tab "Data" for John based on the current date . The current date is located in cell A3 in the "Staff" tab.
On daily basis, as I open the spreadsheet , cell C7 should update from the "Data" tab automatically based on the date in cell A3 in the "Staff" tab. Example, on January 4 2008, cell C7 should populate as 2 from the "Data" tab. I tried using the IF formula, but I cant expand the formula for the whole month of January since it is limited only to 7 arguments.
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to populate data based on criteria.
The criteria has been attached as follows.
Sample Test.xlsx
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May 6, 2014
I have a set of data (assume 2 columns, one with a long name and the second with a time). The names contain variables that must be used as criteria (a single entry may contain "Blue" and "On"/"Off") and times vary, based on when the Name turns "On" or "Off" [in minutes: 25 (On), 47 (Off), 89 (On), 100 (Off) and 137 (On)]. I need to create another table that automatically inserts values for all times, to include the missing times (0 min thru 24 and 26 thru 46, etc.). EX: If the first entry is "Blue-On" at "25 minutes", the cells from 0 minutes to 24 minutes are each "0" and become a "1" at 25 minutes - the following cells are "1" until 47 minutes (where it is turned off). (1 and 0 represent "On" and "Off", respectively)
How can I created a formula to insert the correct numbers into the correct places? I'm willing to have multiple cells with formulas and simply hide the columns that are doing the calculations.
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Sep 13, 2012
I need a Macro which pulls the data from different sheets of excel (which is not formatted properly) to Main Sheet. Also some of the columns will not have the same names, so macro should handle this exception as well.
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Jul 7, 2014
I've been trying to get a table to populate based on a couple of criteria. However, I've not come-up with the solution yet.
I have my dropdown selections in cells C2 & C3. The objective is to populate the table below the dropdown with data from the sheet named (very unimaginatively) 'Data'. Currently you see the selection AA-11 & Mar-14 in the Contract ID & Month cells. If I change this, the table below should auto-populate.
I've attempted using Vlookup, Index-Match. But it does not give me the desired result.
Also, the number of Products can change each month (although the file shows 4 for each month & each Account).
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Jul 7, 2014
I am moving along in my masters project and I am having a problem organizing some data I got dumped with.
What I have is a 196 x 196 matrix of the worlds countries and the distance between each one. So each Row has a title header of a country and each column has a country and the cells between the two are the distance of said countries.
On another sheet I have about 10 000 different combinations of dates/years/months ect that I need to populate in order for Stata to work properly.
Rather than manually enter thse in one by one or copy paste what I would like to do is write a code that would do something like this.
If on sheet 2 (the combination sheet) A3 = Afghanistain and C3 = China than F3 = The China/Afghanistain intersection (In this case AN3 on the Distance Sheet)
I am having problems because I can't see to figure out a way to have a program lookup the intersection and give me the China/Afghanistan number based on all the conditions. I am assuming I need to use a matrix lookup of some sort. This way when I do some like Canada/Denmark on the Combination sheet, it will automatically look up and populate the distance from the distance sheet (That being AZ33).
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Oct 17, 2006
I'm trying to make a floor plan which shows what seats are available depending on the time it is. So I made sheet1 = to the map (where the seats are located), sheet2 - rows = seat #'s, columns = Time (broken down by half hours). Now i have conditional format to show "t" in red (which means taken), "f" in blue (which means free), and "n" to show in gray (which means not working).
What i need is example - Seat # 200 in sheet 1 to show red, blue, or gray depending on the value in the row that corespond to this seat and the column that corespond to the current time.
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Feb 24, 2010
I run this macro that populates 7 cells based on data in another sheet. It seems that every sheet that have formulas that point to this sheet are being stuck in in the screen updating somehow?
Basically when I press F9 to calculate or change any cell that makes the sheet calculate it has like a screen burn in of all the sheets that are being calculated. I have been able to use this as a workaround:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetCalculate(ByVal Sh As Object)
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
But I shouldn't have to do this and it slows it down as it runs through this specific code about 11 times for each sheet that is re-calculating. Something is getting stuck in memory or something that seems to be causing this issue. This is the code I am using and I am not selecting any cells or sheets, but it appears that when I walk through the code that an image of the sheet comes up on the screen? The code in red seems to be what is causing the issues, but I do not know why? I can pass the 2 workbooks along to someone so they can see the behavior if they would like? Just let me know.
Sub populateEmployeeData()
Dim srcWorkbook As Workbook
Dim foundEmployee As Range
Dim srcWorkbookName As String
srcWorkbookName = "XIP_Employee_Data_" & Left(ActiveSheet.Range("B9").Value, 31) & "_" & Format(ActiveSheet.Range("B10").Value, "MMMDDYYYY") & ".xlsx"
If IsWorkBookOpen(srcWorkbookName) Then..........................
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Jun 30, 2014
I would like to automate a word document that I have to fill out manually based on the info in a spreadsheet. I would like to be able to select a row that the data comes from as well. I have attached the spreadsheet and word document to this thread.
Attached Files:
Repair Summary.docx‎
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Sep 13, 2008
I have created a user form for some data submission. I am looking for a macro to check the text boxes, that I have named appropriately i.e. Name, Address, City, State etc. , to make sure there is something entered.
If nothing is entered it needs to return a msgbox that says what field is blank.
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Jul 24, 2014
Looking for a formula to accomplish the following:
I'm trying to populate cell A31 on a worksheet titled "VolumeTotals" with the data in Cell E23 from a worksheet titled "CurrentCustomers" if the merged cells F3-F22 on worksheet "CurrentCustomers" are equal to the word "Contract".
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Apr 3, 2014
I got it when I click on the cell it loads the userform but it is populating with row data instead of column data.
I would like when I click on for example cell T4 and the userform pops up to see the textbox data going down the rows instead of across which is is currently doing.
so clicking on T4 brings my userform up filled in with information from
T5 and U5
T6 U6
T7 U7
T8 U8
T9 U9
I have when I click on the cell T4 column
label amount receipt
electricity 384.00 ZgHl2V
This way I can change amount or receipt and update my worksheet.
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim r As Long
r = ActiveCell.Row
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Feb 23, 2010
I want to pull data from another sheet, however there are multiple listings of each and I want to pull the data to another sheet for each line. I maybe easier if I try and show below:
Col. ACol. BCol. C
Smith 3612
I want to pull this data for each name in Col. A in to another sheet. I've tried "IF", "Vlookup" and a couple of others, it just seems to be hitting the first option and pulling the data but not the ones below.
So if I selected Green on the second tab it brings through the "6" and "5", but not informtion from the listing from Green below. So I wiould like to list all the Green's, and the applicable data.
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Jul 28, 2006
Sheet 1
Column A = Dates
Row 1 = Filenames
I enter a Y in the intersecting cells of the Filenames & Dates to show which files were downloaded.
I need is a formula that will rearrange this layout onto Sheet 2 so that each ‘Y’ (downloaded) filename is inserted in a cell corresponding to the Date.
(see attached sample)
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Jul 4, 2013
Userform I've created. It's not for inputting data, just for displaying and linking to data.
I have a textbox on a userform that I would like to display exactly what is written in cell C5 of sheet1. I don't want the user to be able to edit it, just for it to display the same as C5. Any better way of doing it than using a textbox that would be good also.
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Feb 19, 2009
We're working with a large workbook with data from A5:P20000 on sheet1.
I need to be able to pull data from sheet1 to sheet2 based on the invoice number in column A on sheet2.
Sheet2 will have different invoice numbers in column A, some of these invoices numbers are in column H on sheet1. I need excel to find these invoice numbers and copy the data from that row on sheet2 to the row with that invoice number on column2.
Sheet2 A5 has invoice number 1234457
This same invoice number is located on sheet1 H3400
Need to copy to sheet2 (starting in cell B5) the following cells from sheet1 (B3400, C3400, E3400, G3400, H3400, I3400, J3400, K3400, M3400, N3400).
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Mar 11, 2009
I've been playing around with VLOOPUP, MATCH, SUMPRODUCT... But I can't seem to get this one right..
See the attached Excel file..
I think it should be fairly explanatory.. I want to use the dates in SUMMARY sheet, to pull out the data in the DATA TABLE sheet. The numbers in Column A on the DATA TABLE sheet, is first date in each month, and the numbers represent the day of the month.. .
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May 15, 2014
I need to take in third sheet all data which are missing in second sheet from first sheet, for example:
IDName LastName
1John Doe
2Jany Tine
3Paull Marphy
4East Doe
5West Marlyn
9Doe Tryer
Sheet 1
IDName LastName
1John Doe
4East Doe
9Doe Tryer
Sheet 2
And in Sheet 3 to get result
2Jany Tine
3Paull Marphy
5West Marlyn
Sheet 3
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Jul 27, 2013
I am working on a project to automate the import of data and fixing the formatting.
The data contains the date in column A and time in column B. The time is in increments of 15 min for each day. The rest of the data is in columns C:F. Some of the dates don't have all of the times within the day (so instead of 96 rows of data per day, there maybe 80 rows). I have a second sheet of just dates and times that has the correct amount of rows for each day. What I need to do is have the rows data that matches in both the date and time column from sheet 1 copied over to the corresponding date and time on sheet 2. Blank data rows on sheet 2 are fine. I have found some stuff on .Find, but the stuff I found was for specific searches.
Sheet 1
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12
Sheet 2
7/27/13 12:00 AM 1 2 3 4
7/27/13 12:15 AM 5 6 7 8
7/27/13 12:30 AM
7/27/13 12:45 AM
7/27/13 01:00 AM 9 10 11 12
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Oct 2, 2006
I have a source sheet which contains data. Within this data there is a column (column 3) called Name and I would like to take the data from this sheet and paste it onto a new sheet but in grouped format. So take all instances where it finds criteria 1, then 2 and so on and just paste it on a new line each time it finds a criteria. So far I have the following code to search
Sub loopy()
Dim rngTemp As Range ' the range variable declaration
Dim intCounter As Integer 'counter as integer
' the following loop goes through all the cells in column a up until the last used cell in the column
For Each rngTemp In Range("a1", Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
'increment the counter if the cell has value fridge
If rngTemp = "Fridge" Then intCounter = intCounter + 1
Next rngTemp
MsgBox "There were " & intCounter & " cells equal to Fridge"
End Sub
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Aug 14, 2013
See attached for explanation of what I need. I basically need a user form to appear asking for an specific time and services provided and transfer this data into another sheet. In sheet 1 there will be several time codes in pink for each service provided.
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Mar 1, 2007
was having a look and cannot find the question to this answer.
1,what i have done is made a workbook with a user form to input data (customer id is the unique record)
i now want to create a form where i can put the customer id in and tell it to show me that customers details and i can edit.
i have various textboxes/ combo boxes/ check boxes in the input form and i want all these to be included on the review form (for updating and changing the existing data).
2, also if possiable i will add a sheet with dates for deadline to cancel, can i get this to show on the new input form is it is to late to cancel?
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Feb 23, 2012
Excel 2007. I have an Excel file that contains a data dump from an external database file with numerous analytical sheets that perform calculations. Some of these calculations utilize the SUMIFs function that was introduced in Excel 2007. This function does an outstanding job of summing a column on the data sheet based on multiple criteria.
However, someone high up in management in my organization would like to "drill down" into the data behind the
SUMIFs formulas to get a quick snapshot of the lines in the database that roll into the
SUMIFs formula. =SUMIFS(DataBase!E:E,Data!A:A,C7,DataBase!B:B,D7,DataBase!C:C,E7,DataBase!D:D,F7)
If I double click on a cell with the formula above, Excel takes me to the Database tab and selects Column E which is close, but not exactly what I need. What I really need is for Excel to only show the rows on the database sheet that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula and not the entire data dump from the database.
At present, we have to manually apply the autofilter on multiple columns to show the rows in column E that make up the total in the SUMIFs formula which is a tedious and time consuming task. Is there a way to force Excel to do this? Suggested custom database application or pivot tables, but we do not want to reinvent the wheel.
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Sep 27, 2006
I have a userform that stores data (1 row record with 20 columns) to a worksheet.Is there a way to grab the data back in (other or the same)userform, ambent(correct) data and store them back in the same row in the worksheet?
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