Specify Cells For Find Dialog Without Selecting Them
Apr 16, 2007
In the routine:
Private Sub bttnPCsFind_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 10
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 10
End Sub
Is there a way to set the range of cells for the DialogFormulaFind to search against that doesn't involve Cells.Select? Functionally the above routine works perfectly but, if given the option, I would prefer to not have the cells highlighted (and thus darkened) while performing the search. If I remove this line altogether then nothing in the search is ever found. It is a visual glitch I am looking to get around.
Does anybody know how Excel manages the selection of the cells when performing a find using Ctrl + F (when performing a find using the hot key or menu item the cell range isn't selected (highlighted) ahead of time and thus, remain white during the search/Find Next). Is this possible to code this behavior using VBA?
I'm looking to have a Button on my sheet that will open the Find box so people do not have to go to the menu to find it. Is there a code that can open this?
I have the following code in a macro to open up a find dialog box, but it does not seem to work. I am getting the following message when I try to find something:
Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exist in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected sheet.
I checked the data I am trying to find and replace and it is correct.
i'm using Sendkeys Edit Find to open the Find dialog box (works well)...i would like to restrict the searching to only 4 worksheets (of 14) of the workbook...?
My worksheet contains several codes that I then have to lookup in a different worksheet in a different workbook to obtain the relevant data associated with that code. At present I do this by activating the appropriate worksheet, Using Find to locate the appropriate field in that worksheet and then using activecell.offset to get the needed data. This is the only time that these worksheets ever need to be activated so I was wondering if there is a way to do this without having to actually activate the sheet. As an exapmle this is what I currently do:
' variables defined earlier in the program, Tempsheet = workbooks(FileNm & ".xls").worksheet("Temp")
Spark = Cells(TRow, 8).Value ' Activate the reference Sheet Workbooks("Waveguide Properties.xls").Worksheets("Spark Bends").Activate Cells.Find(What:=Spark).Activate COM = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value Edge = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value SparkArray(i, 1) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value SparkArray(i, 5) = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value SparkArray(i, 6) = Spark ' Reactiave the workbook and worksheet I am working in TempSheet.Activate
A macro that only selects cells which are coloured light green. I need this so that I can add it to an existing macro that I've written to remove conditional formatting from these cells only.
I am trying to select a range of cells. The range I need to select starts in Cell A1. I need to select every row with data in column 1 up to the first row with no data. I then need to expand the range to all columns up the last column with data, including columns with blank cells.
The problem with my code relates to the selection of columns. It is only selecting up to column F. Column G is empty, Column H has data, Columns I-J are empty, Columns K-R have data.
when run a macro to make the macro select all the cells in a specific column that only contain data i.e. i have a spreadsheet 5 columns wide by 23 rows deep, the macro at the moment selects the 5 columns (this never changes) but the number of rows always changes 123, 56, 1, etc i need to to always select the rows that have data.
I found the code below which randomly selects number and places them into column "I". However, I need the code to search through column "F" and randomly select numbers from column "F" and place the result in column "I".
' Select the indicated number of items from the ' currently selected cells. Public Sub SelectRandom(ByVal num_to_select As Integer) Dim num_items As Integer Dim indexes() As Integer
how do I select all cells from say B6 to the one above the active cell, and all the cells below the active cell, ie i want to select all cells in a column except the active cell and the first 5 cells. (in VBA of course).
How do I use SpeciaCells to select cells in a range with a certain value?
In the same manner that you can use SpecialCells to select blank cells and then delete that entire row I want to do the same for a cell containing a specific value/text
I have been using SpecialCells to assign a value in blank cells as a temporary marker. I then need to delete the rows with the temporary markers. I have not been able to use SpecialCells to select the temporary markers .
I have two excel sheets with lots of data in, that i import from a database. Based on these two sheets I make four other sheets that are suppose to get input from this two sheet. To decide what lines I shall copy to the other sheets, I use a filter. But my problem is that there can occur new data too the two main sheet....
I have two simple columns of data: one with names (Column A) and the other with numbers (Column B).
I am looking for the most efficient way of selecting cells in Column B of a certain value and also selecting the cells to the left of those selected cells in Column A.
I have the current code based on SpecialCells, it works most of the time but for some reason it's buggy and sometimes returns an error. Is there another way doing this without using Special Cells?
Code: Sub SelectbyValue() Dim Cell As Object Dim FoundCells As Range 'Range that's found Dim WorkRange As Range 'Range to search Range("E1:F4").ClearContents
I'm working with Excel 2003 on a peice for work that requires users to enter their current grade and, if they have one, a temporary grade. Another sheet in the workbook needs to add together all those in a certain grade and who answered a certain way to a drop-down table, so that I can use it to figure out what percentage of staff are of each grade. At the moment it looks like this:
Which only draws information from the current grade (column F) and the answer they give (Column K). What I can't come up with is a formula that will only take column F as long as column G hasn't got a temporary grade, but if it does have a temporary grade will take column G instead.
When I click on a cell, for example T13, cell U13 will also automatically be selected. I have looked everywhere for something that is making it do that, but can't find an answer.
It doesn't happen with every cell. I have to do some more clicking around to see if there is a pattern.
I'm trying to write a VBA code that'll select cells in column B that contains text until it comes to a blank row, the amount of data changes each time, i've tried two different approches but i'm unable to get it to hold the cell, it only moves down one cell each time i run the macro, no errors though.
I'm working on a macro that's supposed to copy certain cells from a sheet, and paste them in another. But the problem is that I can't find a way to get them all in one go. The sheet that I am copying from has a mile-long list that looks something like this:
OR0220018NO-RING 21,95 x 1,78 N270 BS-0205,00 OR0220018N90O-RING 21,95 x 1,78 N290 BS 02022,00 OR0220018VO-RING 21,95 x 1,78 V275 BS-02010,00 OR0220018V90O-RING 21,95 x 1,78 V290 BS 02013,00 OR0220020NO-RING 22,00 x 2,00 N2709,00 OR0220020VO-RING 22,00 x 2,00 V28024,00 OR0220025NO-RING 22,00 x 2,50 N2705,00
It goes over 3 columns. I want to select column A, B and C in every row that contains the letters "N270".
I'm trying to make a macro'd button that when clicked will select the cells A1:A?? where ?? is equal to the value in cell B1
B1 is a variable number that changes to be the proper amount of rows that I require selected.
It's always A1 down to A9 minimum and A1 down to A400 max.
Once selected I need the macro to copy the selected cells to the clipboard for another application to be able to paste that info.
So far I've been able to get the copy command to work and the range command to work but can't seem to figure out how to put the variable number from B1 into the range command.
I'm working with Excel 2007 and all of a sudden its selecting two cells. I've tried what others suggested of the F8, I even shut it down and opened it again. I took my template and saved it as a normal book, opened that one and again same thing.
I have some code as below Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select
This should basically go down a list and stop when there is a blank cell. However due to a previous operation in my excel program, it is not doing so.
Basically this list has been formed from copy and pasting from a list of formulas. some of these formulas return a result and others return "" leaving the cell empty.
When i have pasted i have used paste special/values... but it still seems to paste something into these cells because this macro wont work.
I even went and manually selected the first blank cell and pressed the delete button and when i do this it correctly selects the cells only with content, so clearly when pasting a "" value it stops the activecell operation from working..