Split Text Over X Characters
Jun 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that uses sql to gather data from our servers. From this data, I use concatenate function to put the data into one cell ready to copy/paste into our sms program. The program will only take 160 characters at a time..
Result I need:
For the cell to split into two/three cells if over 160 characters (and to break after the last complete word), and if appropriate, it needs to say 1of2 at the beginning of the 1st message for example, and 2of2 at the beginning of the second.
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Mar 22, 2008
This might be difficult. I need to split Arabic text in letters as it shown in cells.let me give an example:
Data>text to columns convert only to original alone letters:
ã ÑÍ È Ç- È ß ã - å ä Ç- Ý í- Ç æ Ò ß Ñ í Ï
But what I need is split the letters as it mixed in the same cell:
ãÜ Ñ ÍÜ ÈÜ Ç- ÈÜ ßÜ ã- åÜ äÜ Ç- ÝÜ í- Ç æ Ò ßÜ Ñ íÜ
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May 28, 2014
I have previous been given the below macro from here that splits a string of text in one cell into groups of 30 and then puts them into several cells, works perfectly.
What I would like to incorpate now is the ability to overide the point at which it splits the text.
i.e. if the inputter puts a "|" (for example) in the original text, this will cause a split in the text and it will restart its 30 count from this point onwards.
Example of what I would like to achieve:
Cell A1 = I would like to change this string of text into groups of 30, where this appears | I would like it to start a new split of 30s from this point on wards and again if another one of these | appears in the text.
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May 27, 2014
Need to split a group of up to 15 characters to be in a specific cells.
An example of what would need to be split up would be the following:
Need it to be in the following Format:
Letters | Number | Number | Number | Number | Numbers | Number| Number
Only or letter or letter
symbol | company | market | ledger | sub region | serial/Account Number | Number | Year
AS | J | Z | 6 | 1 | 123456 | 71 | 4
I am just not sure what function or formula that I need to use.
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Jan 14, 2009
In A1 cell i have the following text
A5:390 ML
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Nov 4, 2009
I want to accept a string, well typically a name say "Manik" from one of the cells in Excel say "B2"; then split it as characters M a n i k and display it in five other cells like say from D2:D6. how can I do it? Also the name may change its not a fixed string.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have data in Col A. and i want to split (50 characters) in each row.
I know the formula but dragging formula to following rows is not working.
I have to write the formula manually. I write in b1 B2 and B3 as follows.
I want following
When i drag down the formula to bottom rows it repeat
Desire Formula in COL B
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
I want to copy down the formula to 10k rows. When i select b2 and b3 and drag down i get following results.
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
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Dec 6, 2010
I am suffering with split a long descriptions into 3 cells with criteria 1st cell not more than 30 characters, 2nd cell not more than characters and 3rd cell will locate the remaining characters there. I think this is quite easy if I use LEN/MID/RIGHT/LEFT formula. However, I wish the formula will smart enough to split word by word. refer to example below:-
"My lecturer replied, that i really did very bad in final, nothing's gonna change my plan."
If I use left(A1,30) formula, the result is "My lecturer replied, that i re"however, the word "really" is cut half way. I am finding the formula that split description to not more than 30 characters and won't cut my string and become incomplete word. Expected result should be 1st cell "My lecturer replied, that i", then "really did very bad in final," at 2nd cell.
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Apr 9, 2014
This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.
The formula is below:
[Code] .....
In cell A2 I have the following data:
If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.
I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.
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Apr 8, 2014
I have the cell data as below
How would I split into a new column the first part which is a date into a new column, then the country and the remainder into separate columns?
I still want the original data as I need to check that the splits worked well?
16.5.90 CH 1671/90-4
18.10.1991 CH 3056/91-1
24.07.92 ch 2341/92-2
30.7.92 ch 2395/92-3
18.11.92 Us 3533/92-5
26.5.93PCT 1577/93-0
9.8.93 CH 2363/93-8
17.8.93 CH 2445/93-0
25.1.94 ch 209/94-6 ; 8.12.94 ch 3714/94-1
8.4.94 ch 1047/94-0
22.4.94 ch 1255/94-7
18.11.1992 CH 3533/92-5
18.11.1992CH 3533/92-5
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Mar 15, 2005
I'm trying to take a large text file and break into smaller text size files. I want to open the data file, and parse into 5000 line smaller files.
Here is what I have based off of some MS KB
Sub LargeFileImport()
'Dimension Variables
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
Dim CounterMax As Double
Dim sPath As String
Dim FileCounter As Double
'Output File
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Jun 17, 2008
I am trying to write a micro code to split text which is copied into cell A1 into columns. I can do this fine by going to "data" the "text to Columns" and selecting the places i want to split the text (this is the same for every piece of data i copy in).
The macro works perfectly every time. the problem is that the spreadsheet is shared and i want to protect certain cells on the sheet, when i protect the sheet the recorded macro does not work as the "data", "text to columns" is not available in a protected workbook.
I was just wondering if someone could help me, so i can run a macro to split the text which also allows me to protect cells. In the "text to column" option the "fixed width" (column breaks) i choose are: 4, 25, 34 and 43.
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Feb 16, 2007
I am working on sales information which includes postcodes. What i need to do is seperate the first or first two text characters from the rest of the postcode. I have attached a small snipet of what i am working on. Currently i am using the =Left(A4,2) but this will give me in some case a numerical value aswell. For example E1 or G1 in the case of the sample attached. Is there a formula that exists where it will just return the text values in a cell and not numerical values.
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Mar 13, 2008
I have a cell (B2) I would like to apply multiple data validations to.
I know I need to use the custom formula option but don't know how to write the formula.
I don't even know if it is possible, but here is what I'm after
I need to make sure the cell is 4 digits long
I need to make sure the cell starts with a zero (Because the cell starts with a zero I have it as a text cell)
I need to make sure the 2nd number is not 0 if A2 begins with 5 (A2 is also a text cell).
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May 10, 2009
I have in one column first name space and then surname. I want to divide it into two columns 1 for the first name and 2 for the surname.
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Jun 4, 2014
I am having quite a bit of a challenge here and am not able to code to split the text into columns. The text to columns does not work here unfortunately. Below is my situation. In one column that has the contract details I have the data as follows:
Account Manager Jennifer MacFarlane CONSULTING - GENERAL on 20-JUN-13 Function #:176749
Account Manager Janet Bewers CONSULTING - GENERAL on 25-JUL-13 Function #:176878
Account Manager Janet Bewers HEAT STRESS AWARENESS on 27-JUN-13 Function #:176828
Account Manager Janet Bewers TRACTOR SAFETY AWARENESS on 08-AUG-13 Function #:177383
What do I key in to get Account Manager in one column, the name of the person in another column and the one in caps in another column and the date in one column and the function in another column. I tried using left, right and LEN and something is terribly wrong with my logic
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Mar 24, 2009
I currently working on an excel report that contains a sheet with the following data in one column.
I would like to split the names from the title and the id number and place them in three different columns one for name,the other for title and the third for id number.Is there a formula that could do this.
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Sep 30, 2012
I have some text like this in a cell
First Name Surname Number,First Name Surname Number,First Name Surname Number etc. e.g John Smith 20, Billy Sharp 40, J Rodriguez 50
I need to split the text so that it looks like this
John Smith
Billy Sharp
J Rodriguez
I have tried to have a go but have come stuck
Sub Split_Name()
Dim str As String
Dim a
str = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
a = Split(str, ",")
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
Next i
End Sub
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Apr 17, 2013
I have grid references in a list I.E. TQ1234597865. i need to split that into 3 separate cells, so I end up with TQ, 12345 and 97865 in separate cells. Is there an easy way to do this with formula ?
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Nov 15, 2006
Need to split the WORD into Col B and put the DEFINITION into Col C.
Here's an example of what's sitting in A1:
Title – A description of record contents
I've tried using the text to columns but can't get it to work.
(since the Words are all different lengths, something gets chopped off)
What I have today:
In column A (within a single cell is both the Word & it's Definition).
I need to extract the word ONLY into a new column (B)
and extract all the other words into column (C) (without the dash)...
I've also tried :
=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1)-1)
and successfully stripped the Word into column B
but can't find any functions to extract the rest properly into C
I JUST noticed, some WORDS are multuple...example:
Information Protection Level – Used to identify information protection values per Pro 2227
Can you provide a function for doing a 3 word extraction to Col B?
I guess, what I REALLY need is for it to take "everything up to the dash" and put in column B......then put everything after the dash and put in col C.
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Aug 15, 2007
You know how you can combine different cells and concatenate their values? Can you reverse that? For Example, I have this value "Yambao, Mikhail P." and I want to break them apart so I can use "Yambao" as a reference value to fill up other information concerning that name.
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Apr 7, 2008
I have a cell that has this in it:
That's how the data arrives to me. I would like to have another cell display the result (i.e. 10) so I won't need to calculate everything by hand. How can I do this with a formula? I don't want to use text-to-columns, and I'd prefer not to use VBA.
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Jun 3, 2009
I have excel 2007 and how to do a text split. For example, in A1 I have : Name American Company AP Code PI Due $0.00
Is there anyway to do a text split in B1 to just have:
American Company
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Jun 3, 2009
I would like to do a text split for the name only in cells where contains the word "Name". For example: Name A&A Enterprize
Text split function for it is =MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1)+1,255)
so it only recognizes A&A Enterprize.
How would I add an IF, Then function (If the any cell contains the word Name, apply the text split function, for cells don't have the word Name, just leave it blank) if i have to do this for a large data file so i dont have to copy this function for every cell that contains the word Name.
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Oct 7, 2013
I have an Excel sheet with 2 columns : Date and TextColumn
The TextColumn column contains in each cell text such as this :
I need to split each line as follows : Each title (in bold and on a new line) and the text who follows should be placed in a new row, copying the date in each new row created.
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May 4, 2014
I have lost the formula for this looked everywhere, I have Content that looks like this e.g 1dg, 15gh, 8fj, 20lk,
I reqiure the formula to split the number into another cell(numbers will be no more than 2 digits), I already have the formula for the letters.
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Dec 2, 2013
I want to split numbers in a cell. At the end of my report there is a text like this ;
Critical Path : 35-36-37-38-39-40-32-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 ;
Total Pressure Loss : 217.1
Pa text row changes in every report but it is always in a1 column is there any way to search critical path and split numbers in text.
My result should be : -35-36-37-38-39-40-32-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-
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Sep 4, 2009
I have data in Column A that is from a text file that contains 50,000 rows , this is pipe delimited data that is 300 columns wide. I would like to be able to keep the columns but using the Text to Column functions means that I lose some them.
I was wondering if anyone knew how to separate the text in to 2 sheets, with the first 200 columns in Sheet 1 and the remaining in Sheet 2. The reason I would like to separate the information in to cells is so that I can investigate the data better.
Its not possible to traspose this information as the rows are nearly 50,000 long.
Here is a small sample of what 1 row is like, it not the entire row. Each "|" character represents a break and a new column.
A|01234567/163|01234567/163|AB123456B|Mr|Gordon|Brown|01-01-1960|1|10 Downing Street|SW1A 1AP|4|||||||||||||||||||||0|0|16-06-2009|16-06-2009||
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Apr 24, 2012
How do i split some text in range if it does not have a delimiter? I would like to have a comma after each letter/number or have the option to split to individual cells
I know how to use the vba split function with a delimiter but cant figure this out.
I.e susanna
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Aug 29, 2012
I have several txt files in a folder, say FileA.txt, FileB.txt, etc.
They exceed 1 million rows so I would like to split them, create FileA_1.txt, FileA_2.txt, etc. FileB_1.txt, FileB_2.txt, etc. and store them newly created files in a different location to the original files.
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