Split Cell Contents To New Rows 50 Characters In Each Row
Jun 6, 2014
I have data in Col A. and i want to split (50 characters) in each row.
I know the formula but dragging formula to following rows is not working.
I have to write the formula manually. I write in b1 B2 and B3 as follows.
I want following
When i drag down the formula to bottom rows it repeat
Desire Formula in COL B
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
I want to copy down the formula to 10k rows. When i select b2 and b3 and drag down i get following results.
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
aaa asdf 242424 alkjsaf 32234 asfasf 23234 dfdfdfd
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Jul 25, 2013
I'm trying to split the contents of a cell to a new row (with data from other columns on the row copying across) below the originating cells row. Most of the split cell macro posts I've seen split the contents to a new row at the bottom of a range, however I'm looking to split the contents to a new row directly beneath the original row where data will already exist. I don't want to copy over this data I just want to push the data down depending on the number of rows created.
The contents in the cell being split can vary (1:n), so the number of rows needed to be inserted depends on the count. The majority of the contents in the cell is separated by a line feed (Alt Enter) but some may be separated by a tab or comma.
Essentially what I'm trying to achieve is something from this
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May 2, 2014
If Cell A1 Contained 1,154,546,487,47,36,48,47,668 and so on. Using a Formula or Macro how can I get it to take each number(s) before each comma and put it in the next column on the same row?
So using the above example numbers you would end up with 1 in column A1 and 154 in column B2 and so on and so forth.
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Jan 30, 2009
i'm trying to do is split the contents of the cells in column A in to 2 seperate cells. The contents of the cells in column A are like this: alpha.bravo.charlie. I want to delete alpha and have bravo as the new contents of column A and charlie as the contents of column C.
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Sep 18, 2008
The columns A & B need to be split as shown in the table (3 columns as shown in D,E & F)
In column A the hrs needs removing, but there is also some spaces at the front of this text which needs removing.
Column B needs splitting as shown in the table.
******** ******************** ************************************************************************>Microsoft Excel - MAPPED SCHEDULE.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCDEF1 4.3 hrs1-08-739677-00 U1 DC STATOR COOLANT PMP 4.301-08-739677-00U1 DC STATOR COOLANT PMP2 1.1 hrs1-08-739543-00 SW/BD ALARMS FAILED 1.101-08-739543-00SW/BD ALARMS FAILED3 1.1 hrs1-08-739544-00 ALARMS FAILED ON TEST 1.101-08-739544-00ALARMS FAILED ON TESTSheet2 [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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Jan 14, 2009
In A1 cell i have the following text
A5:390 ML
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Jul 13, 2009
I want to split the contents in a cell using a formula.
For Example, I have ***PavanKumar*** in A1
I want ***Pavan*** in A1 and ***Kumar*** in B1
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Aug 27, 2009
Using XL07, some of my data looks like this
In an adjacent column, I am seeking to display the letters, numbers or symbols that appear before '/'. I would normally solve this little problem with something like =left(A5,2) or some combination of left and len. This method fails when the formula finds a len of 8 when the previous highest len was 7.
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Feb 1, 2008
I have a spreadsheet in excel 2003 that has alot of model numbers listed in a single column with a dash. Is their any way I can remove the dash and seperate the numbers into 2 columns?
Current Spreadsheet
Model Number
This is what I'm trying to accomplish
Column B Column C
199 001
200 003
210 081
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Dec 6, 2010
I am suffering with split a long descriptions into 3 cells with criteria 1st cell not more than 30 characters, 2nd cell not more than characters and 3rd cell will locate the remaining characters there. I think this is quite easy if I use LEN/MID/RIGHT/LEFT formula. However, I wish the formula will smart enough to split word by word. refer to example below:-
"My lecturer replied, that i really did very bad in final, nothing's gonna change my plan."
If I use left(A1,30) formula, the result is "My lecturer replied, that i re"however, the word "really" is cut half way. I am finding the formula that split description to not more than 30 characters and won't cut my string and become incomplete word. Expected result should be 1st cell "My lecturer replied, that i", then "really did very bad in final," at 2nd cell.
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Apr 9, 2014
This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.
The formula is below:
[Code] .....
In cell A2 I have the following data:
If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.
I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.
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Aug 30, 2006
I have a column with adresses.
Cell A1 contents Road 12
Cell A2 contents Street 555
Now i want to split the content.
In cell A1 Road and in cell B1 12
In cell A2 Street and in cell B2 555.
Is there a macro that can do that?
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May 27, 2014
Need to split a group of up to 15 characters to be in a specific cells.
An example of what would need to be split up would be the following:
Need it to be in the following Format:
Letters | Number | Number | Number | Number | Numbers | Number| Number
Only or letter or letter
symbol | company | market | ledger | sub region | serial/Account Number | Number | Year
AS | J | Z | 6 | 1 | 123456 | 71 | 4
I am just not sure what function or formula that I need to use.
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Jun 27, 2007
I have a spreadsheet that uses sql to gather data from our servers. From this data, I use concatenate function to put the data into one cell ready to copy/paste into our sms program. The program will only take 160 characters at a time..
Result I need:
For the cell to split into two/three cells if over 160 characters (and to break after the last complete word), and if appropriate, it needs to say 1of2 at the beginning of the 1st message for example, and 2of2 at the beginning of the second.
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May 8, 2014
I have got one column in which each cell has the complete data for the entire row.
I would like to split the data in one cell into the same row.
Got about 4000 records like it.
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Nov 4, 2009
I want to accept a string, well typically a name say "Manik" from one of the cells in Excel say "B2"; then split it as characters M a n i k and display it in five other cells like say from D2:D6. how can I do it? Also the name may change its not a fixed string.
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Mar 22, 2008
This might be difficult. I need to split Arabic text in letters as it shown in cells.let me give an example:
Data>text to columns convert only to original alone letters:
ã ÑÍ È Ç- È ß ã - å ä Ç- Ý í- Ç æ Ò ß Ñ í Ï
But what I need is split the letters as it mixed in the same cell:
ãÜ Ñ ÍÜ ÈÜ Ç- ÈÜ ßÜ ã- åÜ äÜ Ç- ÝÜ í- Ç æ Ò ßÜ Ñ íÜ
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Feb 5, 2014
I have data in column A and Column E & F shows the required output.
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Sep 23, 2012
I have data in two Columns one Columns contains data with different line in each cell
and in the other column with single line like
see the below image for clear view.
In this case, I want to split the data in to each line in to each row.
Like MR X Failed
Mr Y Failed
Mr Z Failed and so on..
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Jan 12, 2007
I have a datasheet that has more than 80,000 rows, Current format is:
Coulmn A - Column B
prod1 - <option selected>abc</option><option>def</option><option>ghi</option>
I want it converted into:
Coulmn A - Column B
prod1 - selected
prod1 - abc
prod1 - def
prod1 - ghi
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Mar 22, 2013
I have some data from web-site, when I copy paste these data to Excel is only in 1 cell and i would like to split it into multiple rows by comma.
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Jul 18, 2006
I was just not able to figure out how to write a macro for splitting the cell data into multiple rows with the other column values being duplicated. Just elaborating my problem, its like i have a column in which i have multiple values separted by a comma, So i need to divide all these values on basis of a comma and then copy this value to a new row below, along with the previous column values same for this new row. in my file cost center column is to be worked upon. Can this be done by a macro ?
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May 28, 2014
I have previous been given the below macro from here that splits a string of text in one cell into groups of 30 and then puts them into several cells, works perfectly.
What I would like to incorpate now is the ability to overide the point at which it splits the text.
i.e. if the inputter puts a "|" (for example) in the original text, this will cause a split in the text and it will restart its 30 count from this point onwards.
Example of what I would like to achieve:
Cell A1 = I would like to change this string of text into groups of 30, where this appears | I would like it to start a new split of 30s from this point on wards and again if another one of these | appears in the text.
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Feb 10, 2010
I am looking for a way to remove text from a cell if it is 2 characters or less but do nothing if the text is longer than that. Is there a way to do this with either a function or an advanced find?
For more detail, I have a list of middle initials and last names. The cells are either a middle initial by itself like "D." or they are a last name like Jones. I want to go through and delete the cells that have the middle initial and leave the ones with the last name. So if there is a function that will evaluate the cell, and if it is 2 characters or less, then delete the contents. If greater than 3, leave it alone.
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Jul 6, 2014
I have a situation where I have source data formatted like this:
Document ID
Document Name
What I would like to do is to get each author on a separate row. I am able to do that using Text to Columns using the carriage return and then doing a transpose. I've also seen some threads where VBA is used to accomplish similar. However where I am stuck at is getting everything else to drop down accordingly. I.e. with the data set above I'd like to get to:
Document ID
Document Name
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Jul 3, 2014
I want to split the contents of a single cell(ALT Enter as delimiter) into multiple cells and retain the values in column B.
A1: apple
A2: yellow
B2: building
B3: O
sheet 2:
A1: apple B1: yellow
A2: banana B2: yellow
A3: car B3: yellow
A4: house B4: yellow
A5: building B5: O
A6: x B6: O
A7 B7: O
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Dec 1, 2008
I have a string of text in one cell on Sheet 1 (ie., A1, Sheet 1), here is a excerpt:
A-dec International Inc., A. Bellotti, A. DEPPELER S.A., etc ...
What I need to do is split the cell into separate rows, using the comma as a delimiter. I will be reading the cell from another sheet and need a formula that will provide me with
A1: A-dec International Inc.
A2: A. Bellotti
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Sep 12, 2012
Small piece of code to clear the contents of
Rows 33 thru 100 , then
Rows 142 thru 209 , then
Rows 251 thru 318 , then upto
Rows 43524 thru 43591 then finish
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Mar 12, 2013
Every week I get a report that contains 1 or more (sub) part numbers in each row down column E, separated by a space. I need each part on a separate line, with the rest of the data on that row intact. Because these are the sub-components of an overall part, the data in column E is stored grouped together like that.
I currently use text to columns to break those up, separating them by the space, add a count of those cells so I know how many sub part numbers there are, run a 'duplicate rows' macro on that count, then manually delete out numbers so I'm left with one part number per row. The report is already over 100 rows long, so after I run the 'duplicate rows' macro I have a lot of rows to work through.
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May 23, 2006
I have a spreadsheet with a serial number is row 1 in column A with the rest of Row 1 empty. Column A is empty in Row 2, but has the data associated with the row above in columns B through L of Row 2. Then comes 2 blank rows and the pattern repeats with a new serial number in column A of row 5 and so on. I would like to move the serial number down one row, delete the now empty first row, delete the following 2 empty rows, and then loop to do the same thing again for all 9000 rows of the spreadsheet.
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