Split Single Text Cell Into Multiple Rows Using Comma Delimiter?
Jul 3, 2014
I want to split the contents of a single cell(ALT Enter as delimiter) into multiple cells and retain the values in column B.
A1: apple
A2: yellow
B2: building
B3: O
sheet 2:
A1: apple B1: yellow
A2: banana B2: yellow
A3: car B3: yellow
A4: house B4: yellow
A5: building B5: O
A6: x B6: O
A7 B7: O
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Dec 1, 2008
I have a string of text in one cell on Sheet 1 (ie., A1, Sheet 1), here is a excerpt:
A-dec International Inc., A. Bellotti, A. DEPPELER S.A., etc ...
What I need to do is split the cell into separate rows, using the comma as a delimiter. I will be reading the cell from another sheet and need a formula that will provide me with
A1: A-dec International Inc.
A2: A. Bellotti
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Jun 10, 2008
I am trying to convert text to rows but in the same column Take the following example:
Column A:
waht i am looking is convert it to the following format: (the - is the delimiter)
Column A
i have found the following VBA code on those forums but i don't know how to edit it to suit my needs
Sub Txt_To_Rows()
Dim arrText() As String
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim rngText As Range
Dim rngCl As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Set rngText = Range("A1:A" & Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
j = 2...........................
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Apr 24, 2012
How do i split some text in range if it does not have a delimiter? I would like to have a comma after each letter/number or have the option to split to individual cells
I know how to use the vba split function with a delimiter but cant figure this out.
I.e susanna
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Aug 20, 2008
I have 300 rows worth of data that looks similar to this, all organized in one column:
John Q. Smith
2111 NW 13th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Joe P. Snider
5645 NW 45th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Patty Williams
6454 NW 34th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
As you can see it is consistent with the name, position, address line 1, address line 2, Phone number, for every single entry. All my names are already alphabetized so I don't have to worry about it. What I want to do is have the information for each entry translated into 5 separate columns so it looks like this.
John Q. Smith Programmer 2111 NW 13th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Joe P. Small Organizer 5645 NW 45th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Patty Williams Accountant 6454 NW 34th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Supposing I started the sheet in the top left corner at A1, I was just going to have cell B1=A1 then Cell B2=A6 then just autofill down column B but it doesn't work. I have seen some people do something similar to what I want with VBA but I am convinced there has to be something simple in with an excel formula seeing as my information is already so organized and consistent.
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Feb 14, 2014
I am looking for a solution to split text from numbers.I have found a couple examples on the web but I cannot get the examples to work with the correct syntax to function.
Sample cells. The string could be any integer or floating point number with text. (The text is always after the number.)
Result needed
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Mar 13, 2008
I have a cell witch contains CSV I need too look up all the values off a master list an out put the vlookup results in 1 cell
( SHEET 1/Cell A1)
(SHEET 2/ look up list)
.A .B
I need the output to show the following in Cell B1
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Oct 7, 2011
I do receive invoices from my vendors. They send me an invoice in PDF formate. I am using able2extract software to conver the PDF to excel. It is working great but most of the times my vendors enters the items/Case in the description field. Like the example below:
"Bajri Rotla 11 oz.(24)"
I would like to place a "," in between the last character and begining of the first number. In the above case it will be after "a" (in Rotla) and before "1" in (11). If I can do this then I can apply texttocolumn from excel and use "," as delimiter and separate item name from size and case/Pack. Then can use another "Texttocolumn" and separate size and case/pack. If there is a VBA code that can be written for this it would make my life a whole lot easier.
Following are 3 images that I have copied from actual data.
1. Original PDF invoice data that I receive from my Vendor
2. Image of the excel file before formating. This is the format from "Able2Extract" (3rd party software that I use to convert PDF to excel. Works great!!
3. Converted Excel data sheet. This is the way I want to format the data.
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Sep 3, 2008
I'm prepping this file to be pushed through mail merge. The sheet has 25,213 rows.
Column I contains a long string of character (for the purposes of my project the field is called Subjects) and $ used as delimiters (approx 70 or as few as 1). This column needs to be split apart by $ and the separate Subjects that result from splitting apart by $ needs to be placed on a separate line. Once each Subject is on a separate line, all of the Subjects need to be lined up in Column I, one under another (the obvious result at this point is GREATLY increasing the number of rows in the sheet). Next, all of the data that is contained in each Subject's originating row will be copied to each of newly created rows (without copying over the Subject contained in column I).
After writing this all out, I realize (once again).
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Jan 7, 2009
If I have, in one cell (call it D1):
and in a lookup table on another sheet:
1 ED T
2 EH F
3 DR G
4 HU H
5 SE E
6 YU E
I need to be able to lookup the values in D1 on the table and return the values in column B to a single cell (say E1), also comma separated...
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Jun 14, 2008
how to read mutiple values from one cell. For example i want to have one cell for site visits, and there may be more than one. So i want to let the user enter more than one date seperated by a ",". Is there anyway of going about this?
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Feb 4, 2013
I have a relatively large data set that is separated into columns A-G. In column G, I have a multitude of values that are separated by commas. What I would like to do is to separate these entries into rows while keeping those values in A-F constant.
Here is an example of what I would like to do through VBA:
Also, kudos. This website has now gotten me interested in VBA.
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Jan 18, 2012
I am supposed to create a macro which will split the comma separated values into rows.
My main constraint is, I have 3 columns of comma separated values.
Let me explain with an example,
I have 5 columns namely:
123 1,2,3 1,2,3 123 1,2,3,4
Once I run a macro it should show like below:
123 1 1 123 1
123 1 1 123 2
123 1 1 123 3
123 1 1 123 4
[Code] .......
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Apr 24, 2013
I have a list for addresses in excel in single column as shown below - aanandhi narayanan 3430 chemin de riviere sanjose,CA95148
abdi abdi 5390 monterey rd #6 sanjose,CA95111
Sheribel Abinsay 3212 Gateland CT San Jose, Ca 95148
I need the result to be in a way like -
3430 Chemin de riviere
San Jose
3838 Glengrove way
San Jose
5390 monterey rd#6
San Jose
3212 Gateland CT
San Jose
I have around 12000 records with the same format.
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Oct 26, 2013
Original table:
X123, Y123, Z123
[Code] .......
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Mar 30, 2013
Example: Column A has a mixture of letters and numbers. ie AU1234 or AU5678 Always the letters will be first, but not sure if 2 or 3 letters. Need to insert space between letters and numbers.
I have so far. " =(left(a2,2)) & " " & (mid(a2,3,(len(a2)-2))) " this works if all are only 2 letters...
Now. What I need to do is open a .csv (will do manually) then hit something like ctrl-alt-k to run macro.
Step 1: Insert a column next to A, check rows down and for however many rows, make above formula (include 2 or 3 letters) to insert space between letters and numbers, select the new column, copy, select column a and overwrite with the values from the new column. ie turn 'A2' from "AU1234" to "AU 1234" and 'A3' from "AU4567" to "AU 4567" .
Step 2: Column D has comma delimited fields. Column F also has comma delimited fields. both D and F will always have the same number of fields. D will be something like 1234,2345,3456 ------ in this case 3 fields but could be over 100 fields
F will be something like M0002456 (04P), M0002457 (05P), M1230477 (02A).
Need to split both D and G from row A2 simultaneously from comma fields to rows. copying all other data from row. and insert before the next set of data in what was previously A3 and (in this case *should* be moved down to A5 because of the 2 inserted lines from the 2 extra fields).
E.g.: Column A Row 2 "AU 1234" Column B Row 2 "data1" Column C Row 2 "data2" Column D Row2 "1234" Column E Row 2 "data3" Column F Row 2 "M0002456 (04P)"
Column A Row 3 "AU 1234" Column B Row 3 "data1" Column C Row 3 "data2" Column D Row 3 "2345" Column E Row 3 "data3" Column F Row 3 "M0002457 (05P)"
Column A Row 4 "AU 1234" Column B Row 4 "data1" Column C Row 4 "data2" Column D Row 4 "3456" Column E Row 4 "data3" Column F Row 4 "M1230477 (02A)"
Then carry on to next row which may have only one field and can be ignored/skipped to the next which may have 100 fields which will need to be split to rows and inserted...etc....
Step 3
Remove all the "space Bracket-data-Bracket" ie " (04P) from column F
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May 14, 2008
I want to add a Punctation mark (comma), like this: ,
and also want to add punctation mark (colon), like this: :
In this moment I have below macro:
Public Sub CombineCells
Dim Combined As String
Combined = ""
For Each Cell In Selection
Combined = Combined & Cell.Value & ":"
Next Cell
Selection.Cells(1, 4).Value = Combined
End Sub
the effect shoud be like this:
after transposed:
1-C:D,E:F Etc.
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Jan 12, 2007
I have a datasheet that has more than 80,000 rows, Current format is:
Coulmn A - Column B
prod1 - <option selected>abc</option><option>def</option><option>ghi</option>
I want it converted into:
Coulmn A - Column B
prod1 - selected
prod1 - abc
prod1 - def
prod1 - ghi
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Mar 4, 2013
if there is a way to split multiple values in a cell to multiple rows. example check the attached sheet, macro/function with in excel etc.
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Mar 6, 2008
I'm using Excel 2000 and I have a spreadsheet with 4 columns (A-D) and many (500+) rows.
Part 1:
Colums A & B both contain identical data - a first name and a last name in the format "John Doe".
I want the second word ("Doe") removed from all cells in Column A so that only the first name remains, and I want the first word ("John") to be removed from every cell in Column B so that only the last name remains.
So, where A1 & B1 both started with the data "John Doe" now A1 contains only "John" and B1 contains only "Doe".
Part 2:
Column C contains addresses in the format:
"#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210"
There is ALWAYS a comma and a space after the street address, then the name of the city or town followed by more data which may include one or more commas.
I would like everything BEFORE the first comma to remain in column C, and everything AFTER the first comma & space to be moved into Column D of the same row. The first comma and space are not needed again.
So, where C1 started with "#5 - 123 Fake Street, Some City, CA 90210", it now only contains "#5 - 123 Fake Street" and D1 now contains "Some City, CA 90210".
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Mar 22, 2013
I have some data from web-site, when I copy paste these data to Excel is only in 1 cell and i would like to split it into multiple rows by comma.
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Jul 18, 2006
I was just not able to figure out how to write a macro for splitting the cell data into multiple rows with the other column values being duplicated. Just elaborating my problem, its like i have a column in which i have multiple values separted by a comma, So i need to divide all these values on basis of a comma and then copy this value to a new row below, along with the previous column values same for this new row. in my file cost center column is to be worked upon. Can this be done by a macro ?
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Nov 11, 2008
I have a column with cells that look like: XYZ - JobABC - Area 1-A. I'd like to split the column into to and have it look like: XYZ <next column> Job ABC - Area 1-A
Normally I'd use the text to columns function and "-" as delimiter, however, there are other instances of "-" which I do not want separated. Note that the XYZ can vary in length and therefore fixed width will not work either. I have attached a small sample with the different variations that I could encounter.
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Oct 18, 2006
I recently got this task by my work employer to transfer information from several non-organized Excel-documents into one, complete and organized one.
The thing I have to organize right now is a column with thousands of zipcodes and zones in one single cell, only separated by spaces, like this:
Zipcode Zone
115 54 Gothenburg
443 67 Skane
What I want to do is instead of having to go through 24h of braindead control/paste is to use some easy and fast function or script that could pull out the last piece of string of information in every cell in that column into its own separate cell.
Although I am using Open Office Calc/Gnumeric on Ubuntu Dapper, if a script is necessary and only work with Excel on Windows/Mac, that is no big problem for me to solve. So please, any suggestion is welcome.
I will attatch two examples for you to look at, to get the whole picture.
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Feb 28, 2007
I have one column in a worksheet that I want to split into 2 columns. If there is one "(" in the cell, I want to split at that point, but if there are two "(" 's, I want to split at the second occurrence. I can use the Like operator to identify the cells, but is there a way to specify which delimiter in a sequence of identical delimiters to split at? Here are templates (not actual data) of the two type of cells:
Name1 (ABC) (Name2, Name3)
Name4 (Name5, Name6)
For the first, I want to split on the second "(", before Name2, and for the second, I want to split on the first "(", before Name5.
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Jul 1, 2008
I've got a column of data containing addresses. What I want to do is split the column after certain keywords such as "street", "road", "close" etc and move any words that come after these in the cell into the next cell to the right.
For example, in one cell I might have "54 Burberry Road Finsbury London"... what I want to do is have part of the text remain in the original cell i.e. "54 Burberry Road" and the rest, "Finsbury London", moved to the cell on the right.
Not all cells in the column will match this format so if it doesn't find a keyword, nothing will occur and it will move to the next cell down etc. until it reaches the end of the column.
There are no delimiters (apart from the spaces) between the words.
I haven't figured out all of the keywords that I will need to search for yet but I should be able to extrapolate from something fairly generic.
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Aug 16, 2013
I am attempting to concatenate the dept numbers for each user in a list. For example, the first user listed below is associated with 6 depts. I would like the resulting macro to concatenate the dept's into one cell next to the Name.
Below is an example with the solution I am attempting to produce.
Sample Table
Abbruzzese,James L
[Code] ......
Abbruzzese,James L
188100, 231100, 600377, 600656, 600663, 600708
600607, 600670, 600878, 600879, 710432, 710432, 710435
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Jul 6, 2014
I have a situation where I have source data formatted like this:
Document ID
Document Name
What I would like to do is to get each author on a separate row. I am able to do that using Text to Columns using the carriage return and then doing a transpose. I've also seen some threads where VBA is used to accomplish similar. However where I am stuck at is getting everything else to drop down accordingly. I.e. with the data set above I'd like to get to:
Document ID
Document Name
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Jan 25, 2007
I need to count the number of values entered into a single cell seperated by commas for record keepin purposes. I would prefer not to use a macro since I am not an expert, but will if i must. Here is an example of what i am talking about:
User A will enter "109,108,107,106" into a cell in Column A
At the bottom of column A the Total will read 4.
Now User B enters "110,111,112,113" into the next cell in Column A
At the bottom of column A the Total will read 8.
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Aug 9, 2007
I am attemping to transpose a column of data into a single cell. I have a list of contact information, and one of the columns is for e-mail addresses. There are filters to the right of the data with different categories so the contact information can be filtered according to the different criteria. Ultimately, the people using the spreadsheet want to use those filters to create a list of e-mail addresses to send their distributions to.
The people who are using this don't have Outlook so we can't use an output to add them to the Outlook address book. We would like to make one cell at the bottom of all the data which would include all the e-mail addresses from that column seperated with a semi colon so they can just copy the contents of that cell and paste that into the To: field on their e-mail program. I've tried several different things but I've not been able to find a solution.
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