Split Data In One Column Into Multiple Columns

Jan 26, 2012

I have an address in one cell in excel. Street/City/State/Zip are all separated by two spaces like this: 123 Anywhere St Chicago IL 60607 United States

I want to break them out into separate columns. The "Text to Columns" won't work because there are no commas or dashes separating the data.

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Split A Column Into Multiple Columns

May 4, 2009

The spreadsheet contains over 21,000 rows of data, and one of the columns (D I think) contains data as in the two examples below.

What she wants is to split this column at the semi-colons ( and have the column header as the "field" name.

Unfortunately not all the cells have the same number of "fields" as you can see. Some don't have an "addressLineTwo" while others also have "stateprovince".

Is it possible to split the column so each "field" goes into it's own column?

Please note that if a "field" is missing there is not two semi-colons to indicate an empty field. I'm also fairly certain that, between them the two examples below show all possible fields.

Data Examples.

addressLineOne:Road Belen Staana;addressLineTwo:Costado Oeste;city:SAN ANTONIO DE BELEN;highRate:194;latitude:9.97631;longitude:-84.20038;postal4005

addressLineOne:1766 Homestead Drive;airportCode:ROA;city:HOT SPRINGS;highRate:500;latitude:37.99662;longitude:-79.83079;postal24445;Rating:52;stateprovince:US

Didn't there used to be a "Split" function that split text over two cells? I'm sure I used it years ago, but can't find any mention of it in Excel 2003.

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Split Single Column Into Multiple Columns And Rows

Aug 20, 2008

I have 300 rows worth of data that looks similar to this, all organized in one column:

John Q. Smith
2111 NW 13th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Joe P. Snider
5645 NW 45th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Patty Williams
6454 NW 34th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555

As you can see it is consistent with the name, position, address line 1, address line 2, Phone number, for every single entry. All my names are already alphabetized so I don't have to worry about it. What I want to do is have the information for each entry translated into 5 separate columns so it looks like this.

John Q. Smith Programmer 2111 NW 13th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Joe P. Small Organizer 5645 NW 45th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Patty Williams Accountant 6454 NW 34th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555

Supposing I started the sheet in the top left corner at A1, I was just going to have cell B1=A1 then Cell B2=A6 then just autofill down column B but it doesn't work. I have seen some people do something similar to what I want with VBA but I am convinced there has to be something simple in with an excel formula seeing as my information is already so organized and consistent.

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Split Data In One Column Into Two Columns

Mar 12, 2009

For each cell in column A, I am trying to split the data between two new cells. The data in each cell is separated by a “|”. All information to the left of “|” should go in column B. All information to the right of “|” should go in column C.

Column A
Aa3 |AAA
A3 |AA-
A2 |A
A3 |BBB+
Aa3 |AA
Aa2 |AA+

Desired Results
Column B………….Column C

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Split Data Into Multiple Worksheets Based On Column

Feb 4, 2008

I have a huge Excel spreadsheet going into the 10 000 mark.

What I want to do is split the spreadsheet into multiple worksheets based on the Company column.

I've attached a small sample.

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Split Data From A Large Spreadsheet By Selected Column Into Multiple Workbooks

Aug 25, 2009

I have a large spreadsheet which I need to split into individual workbooks by reference to a particular column.

Rather then doing this manually and splitting the data out one at a time - I would like a macro to do this for me.

I am a novice excel user.

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Convert Column B As Multiple Column Titles And Move Data In Column C Into New Columns?

Jun 30, 2014

I have a excelsheet that looks like this:

Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4

And I am trying to make it look like this:

Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services

Los Angeles

New York




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Split Multiple Comma Separated Columns Using VBA?

Jan 18, 2012

I am supposed to create a macro which will split the comma separated values into rows.

My main constraint is, I have 3 columns of comma separated values.

Let me explain with an example,
I have 5 columns namely:
123 1,2,3 1,2,3 123 1,2,3,4

Once I run a macro it should show like below:

123 1 1 123 1
123 1 1 123 2
123 1 1 123 3
123 1 1 123 4

[Code] .......

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Split Line Break Multiple Columns Into New Rows?

Sep 17, 2013

I'm having troubles with a spreadsheet and unfortunately don't know enough VBA to fix it. I have two columns, each with data like so (standard text) separated by a line break:


And I need them separated like so:




with other items in the row from other columns applied to the new rows accordingly.

Any script/macro/tool (even non-Excel) to do this effectively (over 800 rows)?

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Split Data To Many Columns?

Dec 1, 2013

1 1100200157326 7000000000011126 Mr .AA BB CC 30,548.68 16 1,759.00 3,523.75


2 1100200313905 700000000002 1127 Miss AA BB 48,329.53 9 1,969.00 3,944.75

Miss AA BB

3 1100200568628 700000000003 1127 Mrs. AA 24,990.00 5 1,825.56 3,652.84

Mrs. AA

I have data on column A and I want split data to many columns. This is Example.

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Split Cell Data Into Two Columns

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to split data from a cell into two columns. I have tried the LEFT and RIGHT functions but as the data held is not always the same number of characters this does not work for the LEFT function. The only constant thing is that the last character will always be in the second column. An example of data would be:


and I need to be split into 2 columns as follows:

Column 1 Column2
9065-10 A
9065-9 B
9065-11 C

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Split Data Into Adjacent Columns

Nov 21, 2009

I am looking for two formulas (col. B+C) in order to split every second value from Col. A into two adjacent columns. Empty cells, in col. A, should be ignored. The requested result is shown in green and red.

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Get Data In Column A To Populate Into Multiple Columns

Jul 15, 2014

I have single values in each cell in column A. I have 100 rows.

I want to take six rows at a time and get them to populate columns B, C, D, E, F, G.

Is there a simple formula for this?

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Combine Multiple Columns Of Data Into One Column?

Mar 6, 2013


Sample file attached. How do I combine the data in columns B-E into column A? Obviously in my sample file you'd use a simple cut/paste but my actual file has hundreds of columns and rows so cut/paste isn't an option. I need to move all the data into column A.

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Lists Of Data In Multiple Columns To One Column

Nov 15, 2013

I have a list of data that is currently separated into 5 different columns with a heading. Each item in the list is given a score 1, 2, 3, 4 or N, which is then placed into the appropriate column for that score.

What I want to do is to place the data in another sheet in the same workbook in a single column list separated by the labels from the columns in the first sheet, without any blank rows.

I am sure it would be easier if I could show you the spreadsheet and the result I want to achieve but I cannot see here how I can. I tried to copy and paste, but it only pasted as text.

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How To Combine Data From Multiple Columns Into One Column

Mar 17, 2014

I am trying to combine data from multiple columns into one column. The way my data is set up there shouldn't be any columns that have data in the same row. See below for my example.


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Copy Data From One Column To Multiple Columns

Sep 7, 2007

I found this treat but it didn't help me as i hoped. Move Data From One Column To Multiple Columns. I try to convert multiple datablocks to a new worksheet and make the adress blocks ready for further sorting and removing actions. The Excel I use is Dutch and i hope that i make my question clear. What I want:

copy each adressblock to another worksheet, put the initals as well as the beginning in a seperate column and delete the unnecessary comma's. Each adressblock is identified by a number in colom A. When a new number is shown, excel has to start a new line to fill. finally,if possible i like to extract the adress line into seperate colums of "street+numer", zip and place. Some adresblock have more than onder adres, if possible i want excel to ad these information in the 'extra' colums.

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Move Data From One Column To Multiple Columns

Jan 12, 2008

I am trying to move information that is pulled from a database to look cleaner and easier to read. All of the information exports out into column A only. The attachment is a brief example of what it looks like, and what I’m trying to get it to look like.

I want to move the data in col A to 5 columns C through G in groups of 16 rows. Once the last column is filled with a group of 16, it needs to fill below the first group of 16 in column B onward to column F. It should repeat this process until there is no more data in A. The attachment shows it much better than i can explain it.

I have some basic experience with formulas and macros, but I haven’t had any luck trying to manipulate any of them to give me the information the way I have shown. I would prefer to not have to manually type or cut and past the information in if possible.

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Split Data Into 2 Cells, Text To Columns

Feb 26, 2009

i have cells with city and state in them and i'm trying to separate the one column into two columns. the problem is, i'm trying to keep the city name in one column and the state in the other. some of my cells have two word cities like new albany, or upper arlington. the text to columns feature is separating those cells into 3 columns not 2. is there a way to do this?

worthington, oh
upper arlington, oh

text to columns splitting upper arlington into 3 different cells because the only delimiter in the cell is a space. i need to keep upper arlington in one cell and oh in another.

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Split String Of Data Into Columns And Rows

Feb 22, 2010

I am looking for a way to split a large string (400 numeric value's, split by comma's) into a 20x20 field.

If possible, the field should be 600x400 pixels (30x20 squares), but this is just extra
Is there a way to do this in Excel (or any other program)?

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Moving Data From Multiple Columns To Single Column

Mar 28, 2012

in moving data from multiple columns to a single column. I have attached a sample image from an excel file which details the requirement. The first column contains a qualifier, that should remain constant when the data from columns B to the end move to a single column "B". The number of columns for each row is different, however, there is a maximum number, say 25. As mentioned in the image, when the data from columns B to the end is moved in to column B, column A is retained fixed, to the original value, and the original data below it is pushed below. Any pointers to how this can be achieved by VBA or without VBA?

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Summing Data In Multiple Columns Using Both Row And Column Criteria

Mar 6, 2013

I have been trying multiple SUMIFS and SUMPRODUCT formulas to try and revamp my budget spreadsheet. My first criteria is the month being a certain number (contained in a column), if that condition is met it needs to look for the account number I am budgeting for (row heading) and if it matches both criteria I need it to sum the Column that has the row heading of the account number. I have succeeded in doing a SUMIFS and manually finding the column that has the heading of the account number I am looking for, but I would like this to be an automated process so I can copy the formula. Below is the data I'm using (a very, very small portion of it), and the results are how my budget sheet is going to look. These will be on separate tabs in the workbook.

EX: For July electric revenue (44211) I need my formula to: (if the Month column=7 & if the Account Code row heading=44211, sum the column that has the heading of 44211). So far I cannot get this to work.

Account Code


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Move Data From Single Column To Multiple Columns

Feb 29, 2008

I saw this thread from June Cut & Paste Macro: Move Address From Column To Row and I think this what I would like to have my macro do. I have one column which is copied and pasted as text in excel and there is several blank rows.

I attached the spreadsheet example - it has 40 lenders, with the top row being the lender name (A1), followed by address(A2), city-state (A3), two blank rows(A4-A5), lender type (A6), approved date (A7), one blank row (A8), lender specialty (A9), telephone (A10) , e-mail address(A11) and two blanks rows (A12-A13) and A14 starts over again. For this example there should be 8 columns and 40 rows (lender name, address, etc...). As I mentioned I think the previous thread's macro would work with some minor tweaks. I couldn't figure out the best way to handle the blank rows and or remove the blanks and what to add or take out of the macro code.

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Split Into Multiple Sheets Based On Beginning String In Set Column?

Apr 12, 2014

I have used this code below to split a large excel file into multiple sheets from matching column data, but now I need to split it by a partial match (set number of characters from the beginning) from beginning of the column data.

For Example:


So with the code provided below using column 3 I would get 10 different sheets since none of the data in the column is identical. I want to modify the code (or come up with new code) so I can set the number of characters to compare from the beginning of the data in the set column and split into sheets based on that. So if I set it to the first 4 characters in column 3 I would receive only 5 sheets sheets: Safe, Fail, Dont, Poop, & 21-4.

What are the modifications or new code needed for this? I have searched for a bit with no luck, just keep finding code to check the full cell data for matches in a set column like this code I have:


[Code] ......

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Categorizing Data Based On Color Then Split Into Columns?

May 15, 2013

I have one column of data which I need to split into two. Those values that are bold need to migrate to column B. Have some difficulty in phrasing the question properly.


Desired output:
0 10
2 0
0 0
2 0
0 4

* note a few formatting issues here:
1. instead of bold and not bold, they are in green or in purple
2. 0 stands for an empty cell in my data set (I tried to fill the empty cells with zeros, but they somehow inherit the colors, i.e. some zeros are green and some zeros are purple; guess that wouldn't be a problem since the desired output they'll all be zeros anyway?)

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Split Data Based On 3 Columns Into Separate Worksheets?

May 22, 2014

I need to split the data into worksheets (see attached) by the Advertiser column and then by the deal year and deal code columns. I need each worksheet to be named per advertiser and deal year_deal code. I took off and replaced the data since it is sensitive information.

creating a macro or implicating one into the workbook to run for future reporting.

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Moving Data Cells From Multiple Columns To Single Column

Nov 14, 2011

I'm trying to work out how to take all cells with data from multiple columns and stack them in a single column.

Here's the history...

I have multiple part numbers in single cells in column A. I perform a text-to-columns function. The resulting part numbers spread across multiple columns (say, B through K). Now I need to get all the part numbers, in their own cells, stacked in column A for one continuous list of single cell part numbers.

Is there a VBA option for cutting only the data cells from Column B-K and pasting the data at the bottom of column A while avioding blank cells?

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Excel 2010 :: How To Take Data From Multiple Columns And Add Them Onto Single Column

Mar 8, 2013

I have a long list of data with many columns and I'd like all the information to be in one column without manually copying and pasting each column and adding to the first column. The data has different amounts of rows and columns as well. An Example is below. I'm using Excel 2010. Is there a formula or something for this? This isn't the data I'm using but just an example since I do this frequently.

Data Looks like:




Would like to look like:








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Trim Special Characters In Cell To Be To Split Data Into Columns?

Apr 9, 2014

This formula I want to apply it in another workbook. It split in different columns the content of a cell.

The formula is below:

[Code] .....

In cell A2 I have the following data:

If I apply the formula above in cells B2 to E2 it returns a blank cells. But if I delete the first "|" sign in the left side manually the formula works perfectly by splitting the cell into columns from B2 to E2. The issue here is that I have more than 300,000 records. Just imagine the amount of time invested in just deleting the first "|" at the left side.

I need a variation of the formula above that in first place delete the first "|" at the left side and after that continue with the proper work of the formula.

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Excel 2007 :: Move Recurring Data From 1 Column To Multiple Columns

Jun 6, 2014

I am using excel 2007. I have data which, instead of being posted on multiple columns, is all within 1 column. The data most simply has the characteristics of:

AAA - description
BBB - description
CCC - description
and so on..

I would like to move the descriptions from column A to column B:
AAA AAA - description
BBB BBB - description
CCC CCC - description
and so on...

What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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