Split Data Based On 3 Columns Into Separate Worksheets?
May 22, 2014
I need to split the data into worksheets (see attached) by the Advertiser column and then by the deal year and deal code columns. I need each worksheet to be named per advertiser and deal year_deal code. I took off and replaced the data since it is sensitive information.
creating a macro or implicating one into the workbook to run for future reporting.
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Apr 11, 2012
I am looking to split data in a worksheet into separate sheets based on Column C which contains Either Babycare or Homecare or Industrial or Professional. Eventually there maybe more names. If possible I would also like to name each sheet.
My VBA skills is limited to this particular task.
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Oct 30, 2010
I have a macro below which splits the data in my workbook (Attached) into seperate workbooks on the basis of each change in data, and saves the new workbooks with the value available in column A. Everything else works perfectly with this code I just want the code to take the workbook name from Column B, not Column A as it is currently taking.
Sub Test()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim List As New Collection
Dim Item As Variant
[Code] ......
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Aug 28, 2009
The following code takes a large range of data (currently 20K+ rows) and breaks it out into separate worksheets. This takes a while, and I have been trying to insert a progress bar into this macro, but the progress bar goes in reverse (from 100 to 0) but the userform will not unload at the end.
Sub MoveCells()
Dim objBook As Workbook
Dim objSheet As Worksheet
Dim lngRowSpace As Long
Dim strName As String
Dim lngTimeRow As Long
Dim lngStartRow As Long
Dim lngInteration As Long
Dim strDataSheet As String
Dim boolError As Boolean
Dim counter As Integer
Dim PctDone As Single
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Apr 4, 2014
spliting of main data By column criterias which start from column E1:L1 something like Pivot Table in new worksheet, but based on formula functions.Each worksheets have to based in one of this column D1:K1 headings. That also have to rapidly change with main data table.
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Mar 12, 2014
We are an office furniture company and we want to hold a master list of all stock. The columns we require are:
Product ID
Product Description
Product Grade
Product Price
The Sold column would be a YES or NO answer, and based on that I want the data to split into two additional worksheets, one with all the unsold items and one with all the sold items. So really I need to know how to split the data based on whether the line has a YES or a NO in the sold column.
The data needs to update instantly so if I change a product from unsold to sold it then comes off the current available stock tab.
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Jan 17, 2014
I have tried to split using KuTool and ASAP Tool but they dont work. They can only split base on #of row. Between each of the group of my data, there is a empty row that split them. I want to split every single row from A:H to a new workbook. Why A:H becuz from A1:A8, the A5 is empty. It has to be in range, specify by me, so if the condition is met as empty from A:H, then split from there and keep going on the whole spreadsheet.
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Feb 4, 2008
I have a huge Excel spreadsheet going into the 10 000 mark.
What I want to do is split the spreadsheet into multiple worksheets based on the Company column.
I've attached a small sample.
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Jan 14, 2008
I have a spreadsheet of ~5000 rows of data that I would like to separate based on the product code column (11 product codes - 43,301,304,313,332,334,979,984,985,986,992). As it stands, I've been copying the sheets, then removing the data by filter, but doing this every week seems to be a waste of time.
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Aug 12, 2014
In A1 I show the following content: 5,12,27,36,124
How can I make this split to show the following layout:
A1: 5,12,27,36,124 B1:5 C1:12 D1:27 E1:36 F1:124
My worksheet has thousands of lines so hoping for a quick and easy formula that I can pull down and copy for the entire sheet?
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Aug 20, 2014
After I imported this data, the date and time is in the same column in the format of "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" military time. How do I write a VBA code to split up the date and time into two separate columns. One column would only have "mm/dd/yyyy" while the other only have "hh:mm:ss" in military time.
Eventually, I need to extract information from the data by looking for a specific time. I would also plot time vs something.
I don't know if treating it as a string would work, because it would just become a text rather than a time, right?
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Apr 26, 2007
I have a spreadsheet with a few thousand rows, yeah i know..lol Each one of the rows has contact details for individuals. I have the address for each person in one field with up to four different sections, seperated by tabs. How do I go about seperating each part of the address so it is in a different column? I have tried text to columns, and it only seperates the first portion of the address, seperated by the delimiter 'tab'.
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Mar 13, 2009
I would like to "reverse concatenate" an address text string as follows: ....
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May 15, 2013
I have one column of data which I need to split into two. Those values that are bold need to migrate to column B. Have some difficulty in phrasing the question properly.
Desired output:
0 10
2 0
0 0
2 0
0 4
* note a few formatting issues here:
1. instead of bold and not bold, they are in green or in purple
2. 0 stands for an empty cell in my data set (I tried to fill the empty cells with zeros, but they somehow inherit the colors, i.e. some zeros are green and some zeros are purple; guess that wouldn't be a problem since the desired output they'll all be zeros anyway?)
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Dec 1, 2012
I have a mileage expenses form from work that I am trying to fill in using Excel, instead of filling it in by hand.
Column R shows the miles travelled.
Column S shows the Rate per Mile.
Column T (should) show the pounds.
Column U (should) show the pence.
Searching has led to T11, for example, using the formula below to show the pound value.
However, I am having less luck on finding a way to display the pence amount in U11.
Ideally, I would like the cells in column U to show the pence without a leading zero or decimal point and just the pence value only.
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Jun 20, 2014
Im trying to come up with an automated way of splitting concatenated information but putting each concatenated value in a seperate row.( i have columns of data that need to stay with each concatenated value) Eg
Concatenated comma delimited data
Cust Name Cust Identifier Locations
L Kim 543545 California,Chicago,Florida
S David 31434 Maryland,Vermont,Maine
D Bryant 572575 Texas,Oaklahoma,Nebraska
i need to to get a result that looks like the below example im currently just doing text to column filterting and copying all the columns over and stacking them on top of each other. i need to find a way to automate this process but i cant seem to think of one
Customer name Customer Identifier Location
L Kim 543545 California
L Kim 543545 Chicago
L Kim 543545 Florida
S David 31434 Maryland
S David 31434 Vermont
S David 31434 Maine
D Bryant 572575 Texas
D Bryant 572575 Oaklahoma
D Bryant 572575 Nebraska
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Sep 26, 2013
I would like to separate data into multiple workbooks based on a unique value in the column. For instance if I have Departments in Column F, that has data of accounting, HR, etc. I would like to put all accounting data into a accounting workbook and all HR data in a HR workbook.
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Sep 25, 2008
every month I import (from SAP) Local Authority staffing data for 200 schools into an Excel template. After a bit of tweaking I end up with a single spreadsheet showing formatted and adjusted data for all schools, with relevant headings separated by page breaks.
This is fine if for distributing a hard copy to schools, but I want to email it. I've seen macros that would allow data to be split onto separate tabs, but is there a way to break it down into 200 separate spreadsheets? I confess to not knowing any VBA, so be gentle with me
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Jun 3, 2008
How do I split data in one cell into three cells?
Not all the data is the same, some have more words than others.
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Sep 7, 2008
I have two worksheets with one row of 'accounting' type numbers in A1:A100 (it can be shorter or longer) on both sheets. I need to run a search on worksheet one to see which of them exactly match any on the second worksheet and then highlight them.
It can be a macro or it can highlight each entry a different color. Something so that I can determine which two numbers go together and I can run the thing only once.
There most likely will not be multiples on the same worksheet but if there are it will be few. If multiples happen it is ok it just needs to be matched to the second worksheet in a different color than the other similar numbers.
Another thing is if there is no match in either worksheet that is ok it can just skip to the next number in the list and check that one. There does not need to be a match.
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Apr 8, 2014
I have the cell data as below
How would I split into a new column the first part which is a date into a new column, then the country and the remainder into separate columns?
I still want the original data as I need to check that the splits worked well?
16.5.90 CH 1671/90-4
18.10.1991 CH 3056/91-1
24.07.92 ch 2341/92-2
30.7.92 ch 2395/92-3
18.11.92 Us 3533/92-5
26.5.93PCT 1577/93-0
9.8.93 CH 2363/93-8
17.8.93 CH 2445/93-0
25.1.94 ch 209/94-6 ; 8.12.94 ch 3714/94-1
8.4.94 ch 1047/94-0
22.4.94 ch 1255/94-7
18.11.1992 CH 3533/92-5
18.11.1992CH 3533/92-5
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Apr 23, 2014
I need to separate row data from one workbook into separate workbooks based on cell data. Currently I filter the data, copy and paste it to a new workbook and save it. It's a tedious process and was hoping to find a way to automate it. I have attached a sample file. In this instance, I would like a separate workbook for the filtered data in Column 1 and then all the row data gets copied to new workbook. So all of Pennsylvania data would get copied to new workbook, then all of the Michigan data gets copied to a new workbook. I have also attached an example of the end result that I need.
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Jun 19, 2014
I am trying to divide a table of data (7 Columns, 500-1000'ish rows) into individual worksheets based on any unique values in column. There may be anywhere from 10-30 instances of the same value in Column C, and I need to bring all rows of each unique instance into a newly created worksheet to be labelled the same as the value in Column C.
The RAW data will be updated monthly by keeping a template file copying and pasting data, therefore I am hoping to have a "SORT" button with this Macro assigned to it. I have quickly thrown together a sample workbook with how the RAW DATA will be pasted into the file, with additional sheets showing how I would like the data split and organised.
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Feb 20, 2009
I have four columns of data, as follows:
label 1, value 1, label 2, value 2
I need to create a formula in the fith column that for each line will tell excel to:
look for entry in 'label 1' in 'label 2' if there is a match, then subtract value 1 from value 2, display result.
I have tried doing this with SUMIF but am getting nowhere fast....
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Jun 17, 2014
i have a worksheet that has information filled in columns A-N and rows 3-7262 (not including title and labels)
i need a macros that will separate this data into multiple worksheets based on the word in Column A; these words could be HDA, CCR/NHT, GRU/ATU (essentially dividing this data up by area name, there will be 14 worksheets)
i would also like to be able to update this master worksheet and have it be reflected in the multiple worksheets that are divided by their areas.
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Oct 10, 2007
I have a data sheet of 190,000 lines. It is a telecommunications bill with has approx 15 columns.
I need to separate the spreed sheet into the respective "call types" and put this data onto separate tabs, at the moment I do it all manually with Excel 2007.
Is there a way of automating this separation of data
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Jul 3, 2012
I am trying to combine data from two separate worksheets onto one so it can be sorted for printing. Using the macro recorder, and the search function on the forum, I managed to ham-fist my way through most of it - except for one issue.
How can I have Excel/VBA go to the first open cell in column A before it pastes the 2nd batch of information? I get an "object required" error with the MyRange variable.
Sub UpdateSortedTab()
Dim MyRange As Variant
' Removes Old Information
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
' Copies Bench Stock Information
[Code] ........
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Dec 1, 2013
1 1100200157326 7000000000011126 Mr .AA BB CC 30,548.68 16 1,759.00 3,523.75
2 1100200313905 700000000002 1127 Miss AA BB 48,329.53 9 1,969.00 3,944.75
Miss AA BB
3 1100200568628 700000000003 1127 Mrs. AA 24,990.00 5 1,825.56 3,652.84
Mrs. AA
I have data on column A and I want split data to many columns. This is Example.
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Mar 14, 2009
I have on inventory sheet that has all the data in each cell 2612 to be exact! That changes month to month with deletions.
The format is: Sheet 2
The master worksheet has about 5000 items and the (A and B) data are both on it with other data ranging from (A-Y). My question is how do I have a cell look up data and return that it exists or doesnt exist on the inventory sheet?
35/ 465/881676311350/311350/UEMR8ZTU
My other problem I need to take that months inventory list and have it look at the master list and return the system number from the master list (B) next to the matching inventory number (C). Allowing me to cross match inventory to master each month and save inventory worksheet each month.
I know I can copy the column and past is as a value so I wont lose the numbers as the master changes but getting the data onto that months inventory has been a pain.
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Mar 12, 2009
For each cell in column A, I am trying to split the data between two new cells. The data in each cell is separated by a |. All information to the left of | should go in column B. All information to the right of | should go in column C.
Column A
Aa3 |AAA
A3 |AA-
A2 |A
A3 |BBB+
Aa3 |AA
Aa2 |AA+
Desired Results
Column B
.Column C
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