Sum: Many Conditions-Criteria
Oct 28, 2006
I have recently started using formulas in Excel therefore cannot really crack this problem down. In my worksheet, I have a column (A2:A200) which stores dates starting from Jaunuary 1st 2006 to January 1st 2007. The second column (B2:B200) stores the expense type (i.e: Maintanence, gas, lease payment), and the third column (C3:C200) stores the amount spent on the given date and expense type. What I would like to do is to create a formula which calculates the amount spent on maintanence, gas, lease payment during January, February, etc:
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Mar 6, 2008
I've tried to adapt a formula I've found in the forums. But the result comes back at a figure much lower than I expect.
I have a column of numbers (column J)that I would like the frequency of but only if the date contained in another column (column R) is beyond a certain date.
Columns J & R do contain blank cells.
This is my adaption: -
IF('Current Bonds'!$R$13:$R$490>39173,
IF('Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490>0,'Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490)),
IF('Current Bonds'!$R$13:$R$490>39173,
IF('Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490>0,'Current Bonds'!$J$13:$J$490))))
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May 9, 2008
Really struggling with this one. Can't seem to figure this out on my own. I'm trying to populate a value from a table based on two given values. The first given value will be an exact match, and the next given value sholud fall within a range. In real life terms, given the category of a security and the months to the maturity date, I'm trying to return a percentage rate to use for another calculation. The rate is given in a Table (Column I in the attached). See attached for example
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May 24, 2008
I have an excel sheet with different data columns (Column A = date, Column B = Production line, column C = total production of the line for the month, column D = complaints per milion). Within the same sheet Columns E through L have formulas and fucntions that uses Columns A thru D for calculation. Also every month a new row is added to the sheet, populating of course Columns, A, B, C and D and the other columns E thru L are populated automaticaly with the functions/formulas i have in place.
My question is within the same sheet I have 4 fixed cells I2, J2, K2 and J1. J2 and K2 depend on I2 and K2 values. Since my date changes every month (the inserion of new rows). I would like if someone can help me in how those cells I2 and K2 can be updated when i enter a value in Column C/ cell?? (??=next blank cell). I2 and K2 calucalates the averages of the last new 17 cells of columns H and L respectively.
So all i need is that cell I2 and K2 be updated automatically as soon as i add the new value in column C Example
This month
C22 = 12345 I2=Average(H5:H22) and K2=Average(L5:L22)
Next Month
C23=78901 I2=Average(H6:H23) and K2=Average(L6:L23)
So I type the input in column C everything is updated automatically. Again i dont know if i can do that with the if/offset, etc or if i need a macro.
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Dec 16, 2013
I'm having trouble with doing a similar thing with conditions/criteria based on arrays for different formulas (e.g. IF, COUNTIFS, SUMIFS).
Here's what i'm trying to condition and than use different formulas:
column A - Region
1. Europe
2. Europe
3. Asia
4. Asia
5. America
6. Asia
7. America
8. America
9. Europe
10. America
[Code] ....
1. (IF, AND ?)
For all cases listed in column A that have "university" in the column B, If there is at least one case having "Europe" write 1, if there isn't write 0.
The conditions are "Europe" in column A and "university" in column B.
If there are cases like that, I want formula to produce 1.
If there are no cases like that, I want formula to produce 0.
* In this example the formula would produce 1. for "Europe" and "university".
* If the formula was looking for "Oceania" in the column A with "university" in column B it would produce 0.
2. Using COUNTIF with multiple criteria.
Count all of the cases that have "Europe" in column A and "university" in the column B
The conditions are "Europe" in column A and "university" in column B.
If there are cases like that, I want formula to do count.
* In this example the formula would produce 2 for "Europe" and "university".
* If the formula was counting "Oceania" in the column A with "university" in column B it would produce 0.
3. Using COUNTIFS with multiple criteria.
Count all of the cases that have "Europe" in column A, "university" in the column B and "GER" in column C
The conditions are "Europe" in column A, "university" in column B and "GER" in column C.
* In this example the formula would produce 2 for the 3 conditions.
* If the formula was counting "Oceania" with "university" and "GER" it would produce 0.
I've spent a lot of time searching the Internet for this ( to use IF with an array, about different functions and formulas...) and found nothing that works.
For COUNTIF(S) they just didn't work, event with ctrl+shift+enter.
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a cell that I need to make a calculation if certain other cells =Y, or to show "0" if the other cells =N. I can do the calculation for the Y part but how do I add the N part of it? Here is what I have:
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May 7, 2007
We are trying to list only certain cells that have a specific conditional format- this is so we can copy them to another sheet
A filter does not really work for us since we have over 5 columns to search on and over 800 records
This is how excel says to find cells that have a conditional formatting (for example the scores are red because the student scored between 350 and 370: I tried it and it doesn't work--but maybe that is not how it is suppose to work?
To find cells that have conditional formatting settings identical to the settings of a specific cell, click the specific cell.
On the Edit menu, click Go To.
Click Special.
Click Conditional formats.
Do one of the following:
To find cells with any conditional formatting, click All below Data validation.
To find cells with identical conditional formats, click Same below Data validation.
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Mar 17, 2009
Im trying to have a formula look at two diferent columns and if they meet the criteria add the third column.
I tried using sumproduct but It wont give me anything but error messages or a zero.
Looks like this
Need it to say:
if column A = Stewart and Column B = Fiduciary then add up the amount in Column C
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Jan 15, 2010
I want to be able to look at two columns and set a criteria to count. I want to look at column A and if its blank then look at column B and if it has a value of more than 0 then count.
1 1.00
2 Yes 4.78
4 5.00
5 Yes 4.89
6 11.99
So this example would count 3
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Jun 1, 2008
I am trying to query a names sheet where each row may contain more than one occurence of a member ID. There are no duplicate rows ( records), because the dates are different for all rows.
1. I want to retrieve all of the rows from the names sheet that match a unique member ID. So far I only get one row.
2. And if mistype the number, it gives me a wrong record .I would like to get an error message that if I don't get a match, that it appears in the somewhere like dialog box or even entry in one of the cells that no name exits.
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Oct 17, 2007
I would like to highlight cells is two conditions are met:Cell = 0Offset(0,-1)>0I tried the conditional format wizard and entered a formula: =IF(AND($J2=0,$I2>0)) But I keep receiving formual errors, which I understand, because it appears to be incomplete formula. But I am not sure what else I need to add to the formula in the conditional format wizard
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm trying to divide my data into 6 different groups, based on 2 different criteria. First, I am not sure how to write the logical test to take 2 columns of data into consideration (using "&" and "AND" do not work; I am not sure what else to try), and second I can't figure out how to write the formula so that it can select from 1 of 6 conditions.
So, overall here is what I want:
If DL2=3 and CK2=1, then I want this to be labeled as '1'
If DL2=3 and CK2=2, 2
If DL2=1 and CK2=2, 3
If DL2=2 and CK2=2, 4
If DL2=1 and CK2=1, 5
If DL2=2 and CK2=1, 6
These 6 conditions cover all possible combinations of numbers in the two columns.
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Dec 6, 2013
I have a table with 3 columns with an unkown number of rows (text, date, date) that is being imported daily.
I want to create a 4th column with dates starting from today and each subsequent row be one day earlier. I want to look at 30 previous days.
I then want to count the number of rows (looking at column 1-3) with the following criteria:
Countif column2<= "date in colum4" AND column3< "date in column4"
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Sep 22, 2009
Here is what I have. 4 Worksheets. The first worksheet is a summary page. I have 350 personnel that are broken down into three different groups. So each group has it's own sheet. Here is what I need to accomplish. Results need to be posted on the summary sheet.
I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheet and display the number of times they match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & EP match on a certain row. I need to compare cells B2 & D3 for each row on a worksheeet and display the number of times they don't match on a worksheet. For example how many times does EP & MP occur. I've attached an example for reference
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Apr 1, 2014
Is there a way to provide filter with a list of criteria but when it doesnt match all of the criteria it still uses the filter on the criteria that it does match?
E.g i have this code
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$7:$N$31997").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array( _
"A", "B", "D", "E", "H", "I", "R"), Operator:=xlFilterValues
However sometimes for example B will be missing, or H or B H I will be missing etc... is there a way to provide all of the criteria and it will not error if the criteria is not all there?
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Mar 24, 2014
I've attached a sample workbook to show what I am trying to do. I would like the formula to say "if Sheet2!A:A is "MON" and if Sheet2!R:R matches Sheet3!A:A, and if Sheet2!I:I doesn't match any of the values from Sheet1L:L, then I'd like the sum of Sheet2!F:F. It seems pretty simple but I've tried a million different variations of SUMIFS, SUMIF, IF, AND, etc. and I can't figure it out.
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Oct 22, 2008
I am trying to make an "intelligent" auto filter that with filter with increasing restriction until a certain criteria is met.
The list runs from A5:G20. In coloumn G is the number of hours associated with each event. And in A1 I have the percentage of items showing/whole list so it I have 15 rows on the list, and I filter so that only 5 are showing, cell a1=33%
How can I make a macro that will autofilter until the the a1=5%
Like having filter criter = equal or greater then 1 hour,
if a1 > 5%
Then criteria + 1 hour
If A1=<5%, then stop.
basically a seed criteria of 1 hour, adding 1 hour until the value in a1 = 5%
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Nov 25, 2013
I am trying to set up a sumif statement with two criteria where if the second criteria is true, the total in the sum range returned is divided by two.
I currently have this:
I want to add in "digital/creative" as a second criteria (from the same criteria range) but I only want 50% of the result of these to be totalled.
is this possible?
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May 18, 2014
Macro for AverageIFS, with multiple criteria in the same criteria range....
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Apr 5, 2014
What I would like to do is return the total qty of items on the 'QUOTATION' tab that are upholstery and this having been determined by whether there is a Y (for Yes) or N (for No) against the equivalent item in the 'BASIC_LIST' tab.
So in the below example, the total of Upholstered items would be 182 as items 'ST-11' to 'ST-13A - Tray' do not have a 'Y' against the matching item references in the 'BASIC_LIST' tab.
I would like this Y/N column to be the determining factor as opposed to any other criteria or filtering. (Also the Items column in the 'QUOTATION' tab is only ordered in the way it is for ease of view for this query!)
Picture 2.png Picture 3.png
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Aug 25, 2014
I can't seem to get this to work the way I need it to do. Let's say I have a 2 sheet workbook. Sheet1 is called "Order" and Sheet2 is called "005". On sheet2 (005) I have 9 columns that are populated. Row 1 is my header row and then row 2+ is all my figures. On sheet 1 (order) I want A1 to look at sheet2 (005) in F1:F10000 to find all cells that have "N" in the cell. I then want it to return value in column A that corresponds with the "N". I want it to list all the ones from Sheet2 (005).
Sheet 1 (order)
Sheet 2 (005)
__A_____B____C_____D_____E____ F
how I can write is in a formula?
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May 15, 2014
I have a macro I use to filter a large file that I receive each day. Each row of data has an identifier in column C, and this is where the macro looks to determine whether or not to remove that row. Currently, my macro will only remove rows in which column C contains any of the following strings: "B0A0", "B0MH", or "SRB". This part of the macro looks like this:
[Code] ......
I want to add additional functionality to this macro. I will always need rows removed where the identifier in column C contains one of these static strings, but there are times when there or other strings that I would like the macro to remove. Ideally, I'd like to have a range on a worksheet where I can type a string of characters in each cell, and the macro will look to this range when removing rows in my large file. How can I modify this existing code to incorporate this?
Say, for example, that I want to designate the range B2:B50 on Sheet 4 as the range where I want to type these strings.
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Jan 29, 2013
I've got a sheet where I've got products in one column.
The second criteria is "week #" for which the row remains consistent but the column varies e.g. "week 8" could be in cell L12 today and in L18 tomorrow.
I would like to return the value of the cell at which a particular product and week intersect. e.g. if "product a" is in B20 and "week 8" is in L18, I want the value of cell "L20" returned.
Product to determine Row #, Week to determine Column # for returning value.
If they interest multiple times, I would like to sum up the values intersecting.
Neither product nor week # is unique in the sheet.
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Mar 4, 2008
i m trying to use the sumproduct formula, and OR but i cannot seem to get this right! =Sumproduct(--(A1:A10="Yes"),--(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby")),C1:C10)
I have also tried Array Formula as follows; {=SUM(IF(A1:A10="Yes",IF(OR(B1:B10="Yes",B1:B10="Mayby"),C1:C10)))}
I have also used UDF to for the sumproduct, but cannot make that work! keep giving me value message
Function Customer(Service as Range, Outcome as String, Service2 as Range, Outcome2 as String)
Customer = Sumproduct(--(Service = Outcome),--(Service2 = Outcome2), Result)
-Didnt get thru this bit to start building on the Function! keep giving me #Value!
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Jul 30, 2008
I have a spreadsheet which lists letters issued, the date issued and the potcode. I need a formula that counts, on a weekly basis, the number of letters issued to postcodes in Sutton and Bexley.
I have a count sheet set up on one worksheet and the list of postcodes applicable to each area are listed on another worksheet. I have been playing around with sumif, sumproduct etc, but these don't seem to work as I am pointing the formula to a list of postcodes and not an individual postcode. For example, the formula for one week needs to tell me, the number of letters issed to Sutton between 26/07/08 - 01/08/08. This is what I tried -
=SUMPRODUCT(('MU63 NC'!$F$2:$F$10>=COUNT!B$2)*('MU63 NC'!$F$2:$F$10<=COUNT!B$3)*('MU63 NC'!$D$2:$D$10=Sutton!$A$2:$A$50))
But I get #N/A - if I change the last refernce to a specific cell instead of a range it works, but this will make the process very lengthy as there are lots of postcodes!
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Aug 14, 2006
I want to calculate the sum of column with two conditions on different
Stock #QTYMonth
If the stock # is equal to the stock # and Month equal to month
I need to get the result in another sheet as below.
Stock #Aug-06Sep-06
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Mar 13, 2008
what would be the most effective and easiest formula to use if I want to sum a range of numbers meeting 2 conditions (or more).. eg.. sum all the unpaid invoices (condition 1) due on March (condition 2).
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Mar 6, 2013
I have the following code:
It works great, but I am needing to now add a 3rd condition, or filter... In addition to it looking for "OKC" and "AF33" I also need it to sort by month. example; "March". I need it to be in code that works on old versions of excel as well...
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Feb 15, 2008
Although I am not getting any errors, I am not having success returning proper answers with the formula below. Perhaps I cannot do what I am attempting.
where: K22:K169 are user entered categories from a drop down list
G22:G169 are user entered dates
F9 is a user entered update date
column R are monetary values with first row being a revenue$ second row margin$
I need to summarize every other row (one row is revenue, one is margin) if the two conditions are met.
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Apr 28, 2006
I'm (and you are too!) still helping to streamline a charity's spreadsheet. There are two worksheets that this question refers to: "DD Tally" and "List of DD Donors" (where DD stands for Direct Debit). In the DD Tally worksheet we are trying to summarise the information contained within the List of DD Donors. We would like to be able to estimate how much, in direct debit donation, we will recieve in the financial year (currently, April 06 to March 07). We would like this to be seperated into our monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual donors.
The challenge is knowing how to search through a column to find the, for example, "Monthly" entries and once these have been found to find the quantity of the donation(s) in the rows with "Monthly" in them, and then, to determine the number of months they have been paying for during the financial year (their first payment dates are listed as 01/MM/YY) - i.e, the difference between the end of the financial year (03/07) and the start (04/06) or between the time they joined during the financial year and the end. Then to multiply the number of months the direct debit has been active during the year by the amount they donate.
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