Text To Rows Macro
Jul 31, 2007
Recently I read a post on Ozgrid ( macro) on excel text to rows. I have a couple of text strings as like the first string in is cell A1, the second one is cell A2 and so on. Each word is seperated by a comma (,). Now since the text string is very long (approx 1000 words each) I cannot do simple text to columns as the colums I get then is only 256 . For your reference I am enclosing a text string below..
"AC","61677064","78236211","78236211",1724523566,20061005,"SD",65200,65175,*2,1,1,"COSIALS RUIZ/CARLOS","","","","","","","","","","",121.80,473.80,"RED","L","BIO/BILBAO","","RES","","","15123","207","","","93006299","","","","PH","","","","","","","","","","","","","","38OR6J",*3,1,1765687,"BSP","6904525260",,"JK","EUR",84.11,"",37.69,"",0.84,"",,"",473.80,"","","A","","XS",5.89,"XT",31.80,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,,"ZO2WT5","","IT6JK2KAM078","",,,,2006,"SALE","E",*4,1,"A","DC36235672000270","DC 1061005...............................
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Jun 23, 2009
I want to create 3 command buttons (active X) on a worksheet to toggle between showing rows which only contain the below text in column L (range L9:L30) and showing all rows containg the options (However, I also have some blank rows in this range and i always want them to remain hidden.)
My text options are:
Low á
The text arrives in the cells via a VLOOKUP
Is the chinese text a problem? i can't type it into VB.
I've been using the following macro to hide and unhide rows with a command button in the same sheet:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub
Sub Toggle_Hide_Unhide()
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim TakeAction As Boolean
If ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide" Then
TakeAction = True
ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "UnHide"
TakeAction = False
ActiveSheet.CommandButton1.Caption = "Hide"
End If
For Each rngCell In ActiveSheet.Range("I9:I30")
With rngCell
If .Value = 2 Then .EntireRow.Hidden = TakeAction
End With
Next rngCell
End Sub
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Mar 27, 2013
I have cells (all in one column) containing text separated by commas e.g. (SD-299, SD-200, SD-300)
I am trying to transpose the text in these cells into rows.
Sub SplitAndTranspose()
Dim N() As String
N = Split(ActiveCell, ", ")
ActiveCell.Resize(UBound(N) + 1) = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(N)
End Sub
The problem with that is that when transposing it does not shift the cells down (/ insert new rows) so I lose the data already in the cells underneath.
Also, that macro would only apply to one cell I would like to be able to apply it all the data in the specific column on my Sheet.
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Jan 15, 2009
I have put together a macro that will delete rows (called DeleteUnwantedRows) in a spreadsheet that contain the phrases "no further action" and "not applicable" ... However the macro does not appear to be working.
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Jan 24, 2008
how to use a macro to delete rows that have text in them. I have an imported text file that has headings every 10 rows and I need to take out the heading rows
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Oct 22, 2007
I used the macro editor to create a "simple" macro to edit 7 rows of text. The steps were basic and simple - F2 key, backspace about 25 times, and down arrow then repeat these 3 steps 6 more times. The macro I got gave me the result of the very first cell as I was recording the macro. I think I remember the old Lotus 1-2-3 macro text - {edit}{backspace}{down}. Wish it were still that simple.
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Nov 13, 2013
I have a note pad text file that has more rows that excecel can take (more than 1.3m rows) but some of the nessesary columns are zero.
I need a vb macro that will look at the note pad text file check to see if column G is not zero, copy the entire row and paste in excel worksheet.
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Apr 17, 2014
I am trying to get a macro to run in excel that takes a simple text to columns command in one line of data and runs the command on a loop through however many rows of data there happen to be.
I've attached two screenshots - one with what I've got now (Before.jpg) and what I'd like to have after the macro runs (After.jpg). The code below is what I used to get the first text to column breakout, which I can hopefully run on a loop to breakout anything in the DEPT column that contains a "/". It can ignore the rows that only have one department to begin with.
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("K2"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
:="/", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
Eventually I'll want to create another macro that transposes the breakout text back into the DEPT column and populates it with the corresponding data, but I figure I'll take things one step at a time.
Attached Images
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May 26, 2014
I have the macro to insert rows every nth row, but need to be able to insert text into that nth row.
I have a list of addresses and every 10 addresses i need to insert a 'seed' which will be have the same details everytime. This is what i have so far...
Sub InsertRowsMod10()
Dim r As Long
r = 10
Do Until Len(Cells(r, 1)) = 0
Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown
r = r + 10
End Sub
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Apr 9, 2009
I am looking for a macro to delete entire rows based on the a partial text contained in column A. For example, I have a list of names that I need to keep but I need to delete the rows in which column A contain cells starting with the following.
the numbrs in these cells increment therefore I can not make it a specific to the cell but need to select based on Booklet, Lotto and PBT.
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Feb 4, 2009
how to put together a macro for a command button that deletes rows with certain text in a docyment - which worked fine a week or so ago - but now the macro will not work.
I made changes to the document - but made sure i also made changes to the code.
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Feb 4, 2014
I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.
I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:
Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate
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Apr 2, 2014
I need the values that are copied from the template to copy over in text form from the "Data" Tab. Secondly, the master sheet has multiple lines for each vendor. For the area highlighted in red I'd like for it to copy all cells in column C for the vendor and search the vendor by name. Then, move to the next sheet.
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Aug 6, 2014
I have a spreadsheet where if Cell A2 says "Deposit", Rows A2-E2 would be formatted with a Blue background.
I've tried conditional formatting, but I can't built it into a Macro (I can't make it run), and it only highlights the cell that has that value. I also tried having the spreadsheet filter down to only the values I want highlighted, then highlighting all cells and un-filtering the column- this didn't work either.
It would basically say :
If (any cell in Row A) has text = "Deposit" (it needs to be exact, it can't be "containing"), set cell with the word "Deposit" and 4 cells to the right as Blue (I'm not picky about the color).
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Jan 13, 2003
I have a cell that has a comma separated value that is 354 fields long. As such, if I use the Text To Columns feature to split the data at each column, I lose several columns (because excel cannot have that many columns).
How can I break the data at the comma, but have it list in rows instead?
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Jun 9, 2009
I have a macro which is copying data from several worksheets into one consolidation worksheet. When determining where to paste the data into the consolidation sheet, the macro includes some logic to find the last row that has data in it (using e.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row, where "e" is a variable holding the name of the consolidation worksheet).
Once all the data is on the consolidation worksheet, I have a second worksheet with formulas that link to the consolidation sheet. The issue I have is that the first step of my consolidation macro deletes all data on the consolidation sheet to ensure that no data is double-counted). I am deleting the data with logic that simply deletes all rows from 3 to 65536. Once these rows are deleted, Excel returns a #REF! error on my second worksheet which is linking back to this data.
Rather than deleting the rows on the consolidation sheet, I have tried using the Clear and/or ClearContents commands instead. This works (i.e., my formulas no longer error out), but results in the consolidation macro running very slowly (~15 minutes, compared to
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Jan 28, 2014
I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)
e.g. 28/1/2014
I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.
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Feb 9, 2013
I would like to have my macro code search column A (supplier numbers) and split the rows into groups of rows of 5 or less and then insert 3 blank rows between each group of rows. The split needs to start on a new supplier number and cannot split a supplier number into two different groups. Here is a sample:
Invoice Date
GL Date
Invoice Amt
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Feb 15, 2014
I have been using this macro to separate lots of rows with a certain amount of blank rows.
Sub test()
Dim j As Long, r As Range
j = InputBox("type the number of rows to be insered")
Set r = Range("A2")
[Code] .......
I trying to change it so that, instead of inserting how ever many blank rows, it just copys the row above.
Example (Row A to C)
I have been messing around with macro recorder and i could select each row and paste it into the blank rows, but from researching on the internet selecting and pasting data seems to be a waste of resources (ram?) and i will be running this on a couple hundred rows (lots of data). Also, i would like to keep the functionality so that i can still choose how many times it copys/inserts each individual row from a input box.
I eventually want the data to end up like it is shown in the table but i am takin it one step at time because i want to understand what the code is doing.
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm a macro novice and have been trying to teach myself how to write the correct one for a task I need to do, but I cannot seem to get it right. Basically, I have bunch of data and for one of the variables, different values are separated by commas. What I want is to create a row copying the info below for each piece of data after the comma.
I suspect there is a fairly easy way to do this, but I cannot figure it out from searching the forums (or rather, I can't get it to work right).
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Oct 12, 2011
I have a worksheet with 40 colums and 9200 rows. There are columns with empty data in the rows. Can I have a macro to copy data in the rows in Column E, F, I, J K and L to empty rows below?
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Dec 28, 2011
I have this in Column A, with about 120 entries:
Company 1
Contact 1
Address 1
City, ST, ZIP 1
Phone 1
Fax 1
Company 2
Contact 2
Address 2
City, ST, ZIP 2
Phone 2
Fax 2
Company 3
Contact 3
Address 3
City, ST, ZIP 3
Phone 3
Fax 3
I want this:
Company 1 Address 1 City, ST, ZIP 1 Phone 1 Fax 1
Company 2 Address 2 City, ST, ZIP 2 Phone 2 Fax 2
Company 3 Address 3 City, ST, ZIP 3 Phone 3 Fax 3
all the way down.
I can't figure out how to record the macro to tell it to then skip the blank line, collect the next set of data, and put it in the next row. I can do it for two, but then it just replaces the first two with the next two and I lose data.
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May 10, 2012
I need a macro that can look at multiple (say three) rows and delete those rows if they match another three rows in the worksheet.
For example:
1 0
3 1
5 7
4 4
6 5
8 3
1 8
5 2
3 9
6 5
8 3
1 8
7 5
If three rows are the same, then one set is deleted (it can be either bottom or top set). I would like to do this for rows 1-500 in the worksheet.
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Mar 18, 2014
I am my excel worksheet (excel 2010) I have one cell that changes every day (number). I want this number to open my htm document and replace the same number in a string in the htm and save/close this.
An example:
My htm document is located at C:/ and named XX.htm
The number I want from excel is in cell A1 in sheet1, and the worksheet is located in D:/ named yy.xlsx
And the text(number) I want to replace is in the following string in the htm document, in this string it is 72, next day it can be 30:
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Mar 22, 2014
Programming Excel VBA Macro to do OCR (text recognition) from a prt scr screen capture image and input the text into cells. Currently my Excel file has a push-button, and upon clicking on it the macro pastes into Excel the current clipboard image I have created by pressing prt scr while in another program. The macro then crops the image to the region with the applicable text. I have to then manually type the text I see in image format into the appropriate cells.
the VBA coding to automate this? I'd like it to use the clipboard image and run it through OneNote OCR, after which the applicable text values are automatically entered into the cells. Ideally the code will first crop to the region with the desired text before it does OCR. If this is not feasible, it will need to incorporate a method (keyword search?) to hone in on the desired text after the entire prt scr image has been OCRed.
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Nov 18, 2009
I need to copy and paste 4 rows individually under each of the 500 rows.
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Jan 9, 2008
I got a code to delete all rows in the sheet which contain the word "DETAILS" but I now want to delete all the rows that do not contain the word "DETAILS"
My code if needed is:
Sub Find_details()
Dim rng As Range
Dim what As String
what = "DETAILS"
Set rng = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(what)
If rng Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
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Nov 5, 2006
Need to solve my problem in the thread "Type Mismatch Error Message". Now a new problem has come up in the same code, so - according to the rules - I've started a new thread. (This one is most likely due to my poor knowledge of VBA syntax).
Sub Delete_invalid_rows()
Dim i%, j%
Dim Nr%, valid As Boolean, BYPdata As Boolean
Dim ar1 As Variant
Dim ar2 As Variant
Dim ar3 As Variant
Dim ar4 As Variant
Nr = 20
ar1 = Array(11, 14, 19, _
20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, _
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, _ .................
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Apr 10, 2014
I need to get a code that will just read the text in a cell that contains text and numbers example abc123 I want it to only read the abc as the numbers can change and cant write them all into my macro all the time.
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Jun 17, 2008
I am trying to write a micro code to split text which is copied into cell A1 into columns. I can do this fine by going to "data" the "text to Columns" and selecting the places i want to split the text (this is the same for every piece of data i copy in).
The macro works perfectly every time. the problem is that the spreadsheet is shared and i want to protect certain cells on the sheet, when i protect the sheet the recorded macro does not work as the "data", "text to columns" is not available in a protected workbook.
I was just wondering if someone could help me, so i can run a macro to split the text which also allows me to protect cells. In the "text to column" option the "fixed width" (column breaks) i choose are: 4, 25, 34 and 43.
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