Text Representing A Currency Value

May 19, 2006

I am a complete newbie at Excel, but trying to set up a simple worksheet that I can use to save a lot of time. I have a list of names and each has a paper delivered each day.

Can I set it up to treat the name of the paper ie. Tel as a value ie. 0.35? and then have it total etc?

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Adding Text Values Representing Time

Aug 23, 2005

The times listed in column A are formatted as text.
When trying to add them using a simple SUM formula (=SUM(A2:A5)), a false result of 0 is returned.
How can we add text values correctly?

Use the SUM and TIMEVALUE functions as shown in the following Array formula:

To apply Array formula:
Select the cell, press

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Converting All CURRENCY Symbols To ONLY Currency Selected

Mar 11, 2012

How to make EXCEL 2007 Automatically convert all my CURRENCY symbols in all cells formatted for CURRENCY in THE SAME SHEET to the one and ONLY currency selected in JUST ONE cell ? (i mean, after conversion, all of them are Not just display currency symbols, but Calculable monetary values like regular Excel's built-in currency format)

I am a dummy in VBA so I really am not familiar at all if the solution is really one of VBA. I don't even know how to start programming VBA at all in Excel.

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Currency Additions (show The Total Of Each Currency Separtely)

Apr 23, 2009

I have several rows which lists different currencies - USD, GBP, EURO, JPY etc.,

A1 usd 5000
A2 GBP 7000
A3 USD 3400
A4 EUR 12000
A5 JPY 89000
A6 EUR 1000

At the bottom I want to show the total of each currency separtely.

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HTML Exporting As Text, Needs To Be Currency

Apr 26, 2007

I'm using Microsoft Office 2003 and have tried everything I can think of to strip the formatting from data I exported into Excel from the internet. I've tried DATA / TEXT TO COLUMNS, Formatting, LEFT, RIGHT, exporting to NotePad and back again... nothing works?

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Formatted Currency Text In Formula

Mar 18, 2008

I am in need of a formula.
I am subtracting one number from the other and if the result is negative, “Short” otherwise “Add”, I want to use subtracting result in the formula. So for example A1 has 50,000 and A2 has 40000 so the formula in cell A3, should say add $10,000.

Or something like this, =IF(A1-A2>0,”ADD”,”SUBTRACT”,”&TEXT(A1-A2,”$#,##0.00”)

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Display Currency Format With Text Boxes

Jan 25, 2007

What I am trying to do is display my output in currency format. The catch is that the values I am using are not from cells, they are from text boxes that are locked on a user form. The first text box is a base rate with a value of "$2000.00". Second comes a quantity text box with an integer value of let's say "3". Last comes a markup rate which is a text box with a rate of ".10". The calculation is fine, it although it returns "$6600" when it is critical that I display the two decimal places at the end. Here is my code for the calculation:

Me.txtAirfare.Text = "$" & frmAirfare.txtBaseRate.Value * frmAirfare.txtQuantity.Value * (1 + frmAirfare.txtMarkup.Value)

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Representing Value From A Column In Desired Cell

Feb 21, 2013

I am working in excel. I have a column with about 30 rows. After computation only a particular row will have an alpha-numeric value, this will be any one row never more than one, all the remaining rows will be completely blank.

My question is, how do I represent this alphanumeric value which can come in any row to a particular cell.

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Graphically Representing Activity Data

Apr 26, 2007

I have Activity data from my production line that details when a job is running "RUN" and when its on stop "SETUP". It looks like this:

Run 0.45 hrs (decimal hours)
Setup 0.1 hrs
Run 1.2 hrs
Setup 0.2 hrs

I want to be able to graphically present this against a fixed timeline, I have the timeline in a column, (not a row). I have cumulatively summed my times so I have this...

Run 0.45 hrs
Setup 0.55 hrs
Run 1.75 hrs
Setup 1.95 hrs

However I want to be able to establish whether the job was ON RUN or SETUP at each interval of my timeline. For example: if my time line was in 0.01 decimal minute intervals, my chart would look like this:.................

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Loop To Select Range Of Cells Representing A Month....

Jan 30, 2008

I've never worked with Excel macros prior to today. I'm working on this for a friend.

I've got this sheet that's going to a web address, importing a table from the page, and making a line graph of the data. I got all that to work fine (after a lot of trial and error). Now I've got the data, and I want to make a scatter plot of it...

Here's the thing. I want each month of the data represented as a line on the plot.

This is hard to explain. It looks like this:

So from there, I want a loop to scroll through the dates and select a range that represents January, a range that represents February, etc, so I can save those ranges as variables and make a scatter plot with 12 curves on it.

Here is the code I have so far, in case you want to see it, not sure why you might need to though.

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Extract Information From Closed Workbook Representing Data From A Country

May 22, 2013

I'm having a problem with getting a result from another workbook. The purpose is to extract information from a closed workbook representing data from a country (ie US.xlsm, UK.xlsm) into the open one (summary). I want to count the number of results in a column which are above a certain amount (in this case 100).

So this is my coding for getting this result

=SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))

Which works no problem for getting the number of results in the E column above 100. my issue is that I want to be able to change the name of the country in a cell, and then get the results automatically from the relevant workbook. I've been using CONCATENATE for these purposes and EVAL (from MOREFUNC)... and I get #REF!

So if I split up the above coding into two cells "=" and "SUMPRODUCT(--(('C:address[US.xlsm]Worksheet name'!$E$2:$E$30000)>100))" (just to keep it simple) and then use CONCATENATE to combine them in a cell. Using EVAL on that cell gives me #REF!

I've tested SUMPRODUCT with EVAL and CONCATENATE on formulae like the one above which do not link to other workbooks, and they seem fine. and SUMPRODUCT and linking to a workbook also works fine in the first example.

So the problem is somehow coming from the combination of SUMPRODUCT, EVAL and accessing an external sheet.

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Inputting Number Representing Time Spent On Task Under Drop Menu

Dec 8, 2013

Is it possible to create a drop down menu where additional information can be added then tallied up in a separate table?

I would like to create a menu representing "tasks" where an amount of "time" can be designated per menu for my employees to select and fill. I would like this information to then be tallied elsewhere so I can keep track of our efficiency.

I've attached the excel file to give a better idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.

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Convert Numbers, Representing Dates To Actual Dates

Oct 15, 2009

I get a spreadsheet every day that has a column of numbers that contains dates that are not in a date format. Is there a way to convert these numbers to a date format? The numbers come from an outside source so I can't modify on the front end. look at the attached spreadsheet with representative data of what I'm trying to ccomplish.

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Convert Number Representing Date To Real Date

Oct 4, 2007

I have an 8 character number that I am trying to segment and change into a date.

The current format is: YYYYMMDD, for example 20071003 (today's date)

I am would like to change it to read 10/03/2007 or another easily identifiable date format.

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Convert Numbers Representing Dates To True Dates

Jun 29, 2008

I import data from my works server and dates are represented in text. example text format is yyyymmdd/19790310. What I'm trying to do is add and subtract from this date. I was trying to utilize formula and havent got close. I have a couple of parameters:

In column L I would like to represent the following

if column "B" is "A" add 38 years to column "J" dates are represented as TEXT
if column "B" is "B" add 35 years to column "J" "
if column "B" is "C" add 30 years to column "J" "
if column "B" is "d" add 30 years to column "J" "

Column "M" I would like to find the difference in column "L" and "C" I know days will be difficult it can be represented in years and months only.

I have no preference on whether I use VBA or a formula but have failed on on formula and was attempting to use VBA Case method but no success. I have 10000 rows of information and am open to any ideas attached an example of my data.

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SUM According To Currency

Jun 19, 2006

shown in the attached picture.

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Converting Value To A Currency?

Oct 10, 2013

How to produce invoices in excel as opposed to Sage because it works better for them, with this in mind I will have to use excel for everything......

My invoice layout is basically like this.

Travel Hours Site Hours Rate Additional Material Total

2.00 2.00 1 £180.00
1.00 1.00 1.5 £135.00

I have different rates for different customers......then I have 3 rates for each of those customer. So If I charge £45p/h to one customer (normal rate) it then becomes 67.50p/h (1.5) and £90.00p/h (2).....depending on the time of call out. You will see above that one call out could incorperate two different rates, depending on arrival and departure time etc.

1) How do I get a value (travel and site hours) converted into £
2) How do I set a specific value for each rate customer, and rate? Can I have a rate saved so i can then select that rate relevant to that customer when inputting?

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There Must Be More Currency Symbols

Mar 14, 2007

I need to display the currency symbols for all European & Asia Pacific countries. The only ones available that I could find in excel help are €, ¥, £. Does anyone know if there are more available? This seems limiting.

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Currency Conversion

Jun 23, 2008

I am working on a sheet that logs sales enquiries and quotations. The quotations may be made in either Dollars, Euros or Pounds. However, I want the 'reporting' column to be Pounds. I would appreciate any advice on the simplest way of achieving this.

Imagine column A is dollars, column B is Euros and column C is pounds. Most of the time the quotations are done in pounds and the other two columns will be blank. Also, there will only ever be one figure quoted per row. Would it be easier to create a fourth column (D) to consolidate the three separate figures together? We are using fixed exchange rates for the year, so to convert to pounds we will multiply any dollar quotations by 0.5 and any euro quotations will be multiplied by 0.69.

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Currency Sign

Sep 15, 2008

I have a very frustrating problem with my business plan i am writing in Excel. every so often it crashes and when I open it again all the £ signs have turned to $ signs and i have to go through and painstakingly change them all. This also happens even if I just close the file carefully and open it up again. I have tried looking in preferences to see if there is a default setting but can't seem to work it out. can anyone help me with this tiresome issue?

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Currency Conversion: Convert In GBP

Apr 10, 2009

i have an order book which lists the value of each order against the currency it was ordered in. So in column A i have a list of currencies (THB, GBP, AUD, USD, the user clicks the appropriate one) and in column B i have the figure (23.50). I want a formula that can convert all these in GBP so that i can report the order totals in one currency in column C. =(IF A1="THB", B1/50, "") can i adapt this to include all variables? I will add a table with the currency conversion rates.

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Format Textbox As Currency?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that has a default value of 0.00. When the user enters a number I want it to format it to currency with two decimal places. I've tried form.textbox1.text = formatcurrency(textbox1.text,"0.00") but it won't format it to two decimal places.

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Currency Symbol Before Numbers?

Sep 3, 2012

how to add Indian currency symbol before all numbers in my excel worksheet?

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Format Currency In IF Statement

Mar 25, 2008

I am having a problem defining a currency format based on an IF statement. My statement looks like this......... =IF(E22=1,"USD",IF(E22=2,"CAD",IF(E22=3,"EURO","USD")))

What I want is to show $ when USD or CAD is returned and € when EURO is returned.

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Spell A Number (not Currency)

Jul 28, 2008

I am using Excel 2003 and have a column within my spreadsheet that, through a formula, inserts a decimal that has formatting to show as a percent. I would like to know who to convert that number to words. I saw spellnumber (and love it!) but don't know how to edit it so that it converts properly.

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Identifying Currency Format

Jun 20, 2006

When using the formula '= CELL("format",G3)' the result is ',2' for Euros, US and Canadian Dollars. As you can see in my spreadsheet this does not enable me to calculate sums (ie. Total Canadian Dollars) using the currency format. Is there something other than "format" that would get a more precise result that would differentiate between currencies?

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AutoFilter Currency Values

Jul 11, 2006

I am trying to filter data using VB. I have a bunch of data that has currency. Some of the currency contains cents such as "32.50". I would like a user to be able to enter "32" and have everthing that is 32 dollars pop up even though there is a decimil point with cents in it. In the code below I tried using different variations of the "*" I tried putting it before, after, and both and it still dosen't work. I also tried using Range("Search!D17") as a Value and a Text. My code works filtering when I put the exact amount in for the currency but for some reason I can't get it to work when I only put in a partial amount

If Range("Search!D17").Value = "" Then Goto 14 Else: Goto 13
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=13, Criteria1:= "*" & Range("Search!D17").Value "*", Operator:=xlAnd

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Automatic Currency Conversion

Aug 16, 2006

I'm using excel 2000

Is there anyway to format cells such that I can enter values as Euros and they automatically convert to £

eg If I enter 14.60 (Euros) it automatically displays as £10.00, my conversion rate of 1.46 is constant throughout

I know I can do the copy paste special divide thing but the above would be a much nicer solution

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Live Currency Rates

Dec 7, 2006

I know that Excel has a function to import currnecy rates from the MSN Money web site. But MSN Money doesn't support all currencies. I would like to build an excel sheet where a user can maintain the currency codes and the currency rate is being fetched from the internet. Does anybody have a suggestion from where I could get currency rates into Excel?

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Vba Currency Formatting With Range().value

Feb 28, 2007

I've got an Excel VBA Macro that takes data from a UserForm and TextBox and inputs a value into a cell on a spreadsheet.

I'm having issues when this value is input into a cell that's formatted for "Accounting". I've tried all the tricks I can think of to get the value to display correctly, but the correct currency formatting is only displayed when I manually select the cell and hit the ENTER button.

The value of PriceBox is derived from a TextBox input by the user (9000 for example).

Range("D16").Value = PriceBox

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