Totalling A Win Loss Column

Sep 27, 2009

I have two columns for a Home and an Away win-loss records for a team over a few seasons. The win-loss stats in each column are in the form 24-13 (2-two digit numbers with a hyphen in between). How can I get a total at the bottom of the column for all the win-losses?

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Calculating The Average Gain & Loss For Numbers In One Column?

Mar 27, 2009

I wanted to know how I can calculate the average gain and average loss for data that is inputted into one column? For example;

Column A

Average Gain ??
Average Loss ??

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Totalling Hours From One Day To The Next

Oct 15, 2008

My company works 24/7 and with that some people on nights starting prior to midnight and then finishing after. Of course the "regular" formula works well in calculating between 00:00 onwards but I am getting an error when for instance the person starts at 20:00 and finishes at 04:00. I have tried numerous ways but still the error persists.

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Totalling With VLOOKUP

Apr 8, 2009

The problem I am having is that I would like to total using the VLOOKUP (or any other command, which i do not know off). Here is the scenario

I have two sheets.

In sheet 1 have:
Column A with the weeks (date).
Column B with numbers.
Column C with numbers.

In sheet 2 I have:
Cell A1 with the date (which I type in)
Cell A2 displays the number (according to the date that I have typed in Cell A1)

In Cell A5 I would like to display the total. If in Cell A1. I type 13/04/09 it would total 30 (06/04/09 & 13/04/09). I have attached a spreadsheet for reference.

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Totalling Hours Per Day

Oct 19, 2006

On my spreadsheet I'm after a formula for cells E2 and F2 that I can drag down and it automatically populates the cells relevent to the day with the total hours for the Sessions (E2) and the total hours per day (F2). Hope this makes sense, but I'm sure you'll gather want I mean from the spreadsheet.

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Totalling VLOOKUP Data With #N/A's

Jan 6, 2009

I am currently building a data sheet using VLOOKUP. When there is no data to lookup it returns #N/A, which is fine. The problem is when I go to total these columns because of the NA it returns NA in the total box. Having tried the if isna formula I am now returning #VALUE!. I may be doing the IF ISNA formula wrong.

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Totalling Data With Autofilter On

Apr 8, 2009

I have 3 columns of data and am using an autofilter to sort it. At the bottom I have a formula =subtotal(9,cells requested) which magically shows me the sum of the data showing only (excludes all the figures which are hidden - it's fabulous). However I was wondering if it is possible to have the same formula but to count the number of things shown instead of sum and another to average.

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Totalling Columns When Both Are Populated

Dec 4, 2006

I want to total column A & total column C but only if there is an amount in both cells on the same row

Can I do this with an array?

Do the columns have to be adjacent? I could make them if necessary.

11 12
21 0
0 17
15 15
11 9

in this example we exclude rows 2 & 3 from the total because one cell contains zero or is blank.

Total Column A = 37 (11+15+11)
Total Column C = 36 (12+15+9)

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Totalling Cells With References To Another Sheet

Apr 22, 2009

I'm currently working on a summary page for the defects in the building we are working on.

I've done up a summary page which reference's cells in other sheets which contain a TEXT(COUNT formula. When I goto SUM these referenced cells in my summary page I keep getting it returning '0'.

Example of what I'm doing:-

Defects Column in Summary Page

411 --> referenced from =Basements!L1 --> L1 contains =TEXT(COUNT($C$8:$C$100),"0") formula

56 --> referenced from =Level1!L1 --> L1 contains =TEXT(COUNT($C$8:$C$100),"0") formula

33 --> referenced from =Level2!L1 --> L1 contains =TEXT(COUNT($C$8:$C$100),"0") formula

When I go to do a simple SUM of 411,56,33 via =SUM(D3:D5) it returns a zero?

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Assgning Cells A Number And Totalling

Jun 2, 2006

I've included a spreadsheet that show what Im trying end up with. Im looking to have a sheet that has a item indentification number along with a title and value. I would like to come up with a macro or formula that organizes the items by that identification number and totals them.

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Totalling From Multiple Pieces Of Information!

Jul 1, 2006

I work in HR MI and am compiling an equality spreadsheet. Out of everyone who is on the list I want to see how many men and women we have which I have figured out using = SUMIF(GENDER,"MALE",NUMBER) but from that I want to say theres 50 male in total and out of that 30 are White and 20 are Indian. Is there anything I can add to this formula so it looks at more than two defined sets of information??

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Totalling Random Amounts Of Rows

Aug 9, 2006

I have a 1500 row spreadsheet that will change every month. It's set up in three columns Name, Amount, Total. The Total column is supposed to hold the total of all the rows with the same name field. I.e.

4445-8889 12
4445-8889 8 20
5598-7785 10
5598-7785 10
5598-7785 20 40

The problem is that the number of identical named rows is different for each name and changes each month. I want to build a macro that will out the correct total in the last column of the last entry with the same name.

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Calculate The Profit And Loss

Jul 20, 2007

I have a trading system spreadsheet that I am at a loss as to how to calculate the profit and loss.

I was unable to attach a sample of the spreadsheet. I hope this explanation works. If not, I could email it.

Market position is either 1 or -1
Entry price is the price where the position is reversed.

For example:
H3=1 and I3=100.56, then
H4=-1 and I4=100.88, then
H5=1 and I5=100.53

I need to calculate the profit as follows:
I4 - I3 (because market position of 1 expects the price to go up) and then,
I4 - I5 (because market position of -1 expects the price to go down)

I want to calculate this as a running total to the bottom of the column.

This is the formula I was working with, but it doesn't work:

=IF(OR($J4="",ISERROR(MATCH(-$J4,$J4:$J$55,0)),),"",$J4*(OFFSET($K4,MATCH (-$J4,$J4:$J$55,0)-1,)-$K4))

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Inventory And Profit/Loss

Feb 11, 2007

I have a workbook that contains several worksheets. The 2 important sheets are Imports and Sales.

In reading the MS KB, the help screens and this forum, I found a way to create a pivot table from 2 sheets using Data>Pivot Table>Multiple Consolidation Ranges. While that PT will provide a basic inventory and profit picture, it only allows 4 selects.

When these products are imported there are several SKU's. What gums up the works is there are several vendors for the same SKU's. Each vendor has a different price. The selling price is constant so the profit made on each particular item varies.

I would like to be able to keep track of inventory by vendor as well as profit by vendor.

Using the Consolidation PT does not seem to work.

I also tried making one sheet to hold all the data. i.e. data showing imports and sales. However, each entry is driven by the date. So while item A was received on 1/1/07, it was not sold until 1/2/07. The necessary columns for imports are filled in while the columns for sales remain blank until it is their row entry indicating a particular sale. At which point all the columns regarding Imports are blank. I swear, looking at the data sheet with all those blanks (actually0's) is like looking at a mouth full of broken teeth. The resulting PT is also not attractive.

I can not imagine I am the first person to have this problem. How do others handle figuring inventory and profits when you have two sheets. Are Pivot Tables the wrong solution? What would be better?

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Tracking Weight Loss In Excel

Aug 2, 2008

How do I track my total weight loss in excel? Here is an example of what I am trying to do.

8/1/2008 228lbs
8/2/2008 225lbs
8/3/2008 223lbs

Total 5lbs

I would like use a formula that would subtract my absolute weight loss total day by day in August. Basically, I want the total "cell" to equate to my total weight loss in August. For Example after 8/3/08 the "total cell" should equate to 5 lbs. What formula do I use to do this?

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Pivot: Gain/loss Over Time

Feb 12, 2009

I have a excel 2000 spreadsheet that has beginning and ending dates for certain services. I'm trying to tease out what our customer base has been doing over time in aggregate- i.e. how many customers subscribing to X in a given month/year.

The only way I've been able to do this in the past has been generating pivot charts of start dates (with 'start mo' and 'start year' busted out) as a positive count (+1), stop dates (with 'stop mo' and 'stop year' busted out) with a negative count (-1), then copying these tables into yet another page where I mash them together to get the 'flow' of our customer base over time and generating charts from there. Needless to say, it seems a whole lot more clunky than it should be, and I'm having a hard time searching the innarwebs for similar examples (even though I'm sure it's been done before). Example:

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Adding Icon Of Gain Or Loss

Dec 4, 2012

I have the data in

A1=30 and B1=40
A2=60 and B2=20

And I also 2 small Pictures ie picture1 and picture 2 which i insert in same excel sheet. I wanted to lookup C1 cell , if A1 is greater than B1 then Picture1 or vice versa.

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Formatting Dates To Won-loss Values

Jan 12, 2010

I currently copy/paste sports data from the web into MS Excel. One of the columns pasted contains "Won-Loss", which appears as '1-0' on the web. However, once the data is pasted, Excel identifies this field as a date and changes the value of '1-0' to 'Jan-'00. I would like to insert a new column and convert the field back to text (i.e. Jan-00 to 1-0). I have attempted several formulas, however no luck as of yet.

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Formula For Calculating Win/loss Streaks....

Jul 6, 2004

I have data from a tems current win/loss record. I want to calculate what the longest win streak is and the longest losing streak as well. What formula do I use?

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VBA To Calculate Profit & Loss Of Each Race Bet

Feb 1, 2009

I had a member make the MACRO in the attached spreadsheet some time ago, when i run it on the spreadsheet a runtime mismatch error occurs. I cant find the mismatch.

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Find In The Win, Loss, Draw Columns When There Is No Entry

Oct 16, 2009

I m trying it out I find in the Win, Loss, Draw columns when there is no entry the formula leaves a 1 when there should be a 0 in the Draw column.

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Unable To Create Simple Win / Loss Chart

Dec 4, 2012

I have a # of games played column (Column A), a # of games won column (Column B), and a number of games lost column (Column C).

I'm trying to make it so Column C automatically enters the number when I put in the number in Column B.


Games Played........Win........Loss

For the fifth game played, if I won it, how do i make the 2 to automatically enter into the loss column when I put in the number 3 in the win column?

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Profit / Loss Payroll And Cost Of Supplies

Mar 6, 2013

I have multiple departments I need to keep track of multiple numbers with. For example, I need to see the cost of payroll for last fiscal year, vs this fiscal year and have excel show that as a gain (bad) or shrink (good).

I need to track sales this FY vs last FY, obviously, a gain is good and shrink is bad.

Finally, I need to track d&d goods this FY vs last FY.

Where I'm getting held up is, for example last year's payroll was 12000 and this year's is 12500 but next months is 11000 this FY vs 13000. How do I get excel to figure out that payroll decreasing is good and not just do simple subtraction or negative addition thereby allowing me to just plug the numbers in and excel figure out if what I'm throwing at the cell is bad or good comparing to last year?

Also, if I could figure out the if/then to show positive numbers green and negative numbers red that would be quite awesome too.

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Saving Then Closing Causes The Loss Of Buttons For Macros?

May 15, 2014

Whenever I save and close the attached, after selecting the NO on line 23, I lose all the buttons associated with my macros. If I save with everything expanded, no rows hidden, my buttons stay put.

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Friction Loss Calculator For Fire Hose

Apr 17, 2008

I am attempting to create a friction loss calculator for fire hose, I am using a known formula that calculates the loss based on volume and diameter for pipe. the difference that I have with fire hose in lieu of pipe is that the hose diameter changes with the pressure drop.

I have 3 variables that i input, pressure, beginning diameter and length. however
as the water flows through the line the pressure changes in turn the diameter changes, I would like to set up my spreadsheet so that the initial variables inputed yield the correct diameter, and then reference back to the initial equation and recalculate based on the yeilded diameter, and recalculates,

I can determine the friction loss at 1 foot, in turn determine the diameter at 2 foot, but I wish the spreadsheet to work the calculation over the entire length.

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How To Create Formula For Stop-loss Logic

May 21, 2014

I'm trying to create an excel spreadsheet that keeps track of the highest value from a dynamic series. First a bit of background:

A manufacturer produces widgets made from gold. Therefore in order to quote manufacturing prices, they typically get a live gold price using Excel's web services and if the live price is higher that the last gold price they used, then they update their base price list for gold components. If the live price is lower than the last gold price they used, the last gold price does not change.

I'm trying to produce the above logic in Excel using:

Cell A1: [Excel data connection to pull live Gold price] - no problem here

Cell A2: dynamic 'price' that only updates if cell A1 is higher than cell A2

Cell A2 is where I'm getting stuck. I can't think of how to create a formula that updates cell A2 if cell A1 is higher.

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Find The Loss/gain Difference Between An Initial Value

Aug 27, 2007

I am looking for a simple loss/gain formula for my students. They are trying to find the loss/gain difference between an initial value, and the current value. They are using a monetary value, not date/time.

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Prevent Loss Of Copied Data On Clipboard

Sep 26, 2007

Using a macro I want to paste from the clip board.
I can manually do this by opening the clipboard, selecting the data, which pastes to my specified location.

The macro copies to the clipboard okay, but loses the data that I want to paste because just before pasting I have to clear data which was previously been filtered - I have to do this at this point. The macro bogs down. If I end the macro there, I can manually open the clip board and choose the data I copied from there and paste it that way. I'd like the macro to do this for me.

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Running Total Of Weight Loss & Percentage

Mar 15, 2008

I was wanting to put it on a spreadsheet. Probably a pretty easy deal, but I don't know the formula to use. this is what I want: Joes start weight 200 minus week ones weight, then the original 200 minus week 2's weight and so on till week 8. I want to keep a running total of weight lost in pounds as well as percentage.

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To Calculate That Loss Or Gain As A Percentage Of Their Original Weight

May 1, 2009

I run a slimming club and would like to use Excel to keep records of members weights, losses, gains etc. What I would like to do is enter their starting weight into a cell then each week when they are weighed enter a loss or gain in an adjacent cell. I would then like Excel to calculate that loss or gain as a percentage of their original weight. Is this possible?

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