Transfer Duplicates Based On Matches In X Columns

Mar 13, 2008

I am working on a list of agents and I want to get rid of the duplicates. I know I could use conditional formating to highlight the duplicate names but it conditional formating won't allow me to find duplicates based on three cells in a row. My code below works to an extent but it misses some of the duplicates in the list and I don't know why. I have check the cells of the duplicates and they are an exact match.

Sub SearchDups1()
Dim rFnd1 As Excel.Range
Dim rFnd2 As Excel.Range
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim iEnd As Integer
Dim sAdr1 As String
iCount = 2
iEnd = WorksheetFunction.Match("zzzzzzzzzz", Sheet2.Range("D:D")) + 1
Set rFnd1 = Sheet2.Cells(iCount, "D")
Set rFnd2 = Sheet2.Columns("D:D").Find( _
What:=rFnd1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True)..............

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Removing Duplicates Based On Several Columns

Aug 13, 2013

I have a list of about 85,000 addresses and I know that there are about 35,000 duplicates in it.

If I do 'Remove duplicates' it deletes them but takes the first one of each it finds and what I want to do is remove the duplicate with no UPRN in it (Column B)

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Highlight Duplicates Based On 2 Columns

Oct 28, 2006

I have a column of information, and I want to find out of there are duplicates in it without alphabetizing it. Where there is a duplicate (say E2=E5), I want to check the adjoining column to see if the value of those fields are duplicates as well (does F2=F5). So, what formula would I put in D2 to see if the value of E2 has an equal anywhere in column E, and if any duplicates are found (say E10,E33, and E43), to check if F10,F33 and F43 equal F2 (the value adjoining the cell that was searched for).

to find duplicate entries in a database by using people's last names (in column E) and birthdays (in column F). Odds are if they have the same DOB and the same last name, we've found a duplicate.

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Highlight Duplicates Based On X Columns

Aug 28, 2007

I need to find a way to highlight duplicate records within a list. The records would first need to be compared by (1) the month (found in column A), (2) the account number (found in column B) and then (3) the commission type (found in column D).

I do not need the duplicates deleted just highlighted or better yet maybe have them identified as "Duplicates" in an empty column (such as column H).

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Delete Rows Based On Duplicates In X Columns

May 14, 2006

I've been looking through various forums looking for a macro for a particular task, but I have not found something that works yet. Maybe someone could help me out? It's pretty straightforward situation.

I need a macro that removes an entire row when: information in column B and column C are both found in other rows ( duplicates).

I'm dealing with a worksheet with store record information ... Store Name (column B), Street Name (column C), State/Province, etc. I import new store records all the time and many are invalid because they share the same name and street address and therefore need to be removed. The ones that I’ve played with unfortunately end up deleting the cells only and not the entire row.

It's a tedious process to do manually remove entire rows (for duplicate column B&C) when dealing with thousands of rows and I would very much appreciate any assistance or insight into how simplify the process with a macro. I've attached a sample of what I'm working with.

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Delete Duplicates Rows Based On 2 Columns

Dec 6, 2006

I want to delete the current row if the data on row A and Row B match. Its hard to explain so I posted an example.

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Indentify Duplicates In Table Based On X Columns

Nov 19, 2007

I have a worksheet that contains thousands of patient appointment entries, there are more than one entry with the same patient details contained in the worksheet. For example; sometimes a patient will reschedule a appointment, this causes another entry to added for the new appointment. When the patient attends this appointment, the appointment status changes to Seen. But the original entry still stays Rescheduled. This there a way that we can look for identical infomation in some selected columns that match the original entry but have different infomation in some other columns:

E.G. The cells in columns A,B,C,H have identical infomation than the original entry but the cell text in column D equals to "Checked" or "Cancelled" and the cell date in column G is higher than the original entry date. If the result is true then tag the original entry as Invalid

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How To Highlight Duplicates Based On Multiple Columns And Remove Them

Oct 8, 2011

I am trying to tell the spreadsheet that if column G *and* column V are both identical to another row's column G and V, then the entire row is a duplicate and to highlight and delete it. I also want to record a macro of this process to apply to all spreadsheets.

Here are the tutorials I am looking at, but whatever I am doing is not working the way it is working for them.

Conditional Formatting, find duplicates with multiple columns [URL]...

I am highlighting cell A2, and under Conditional Formatting, I select "Formula Is" =SUM(COUNTIF($G:$G,G2),COUNTIF($V:$V,G2))>1

Then I select the format as light orange text, but it is only highlighting A2....

That is as far as I have gotten, and I still do not know how to go about deleting the duplicate entries. I have also read there are issues with recording a macro when trying to find duplicates using more than one column in the formula, but I have not gotten that far so I can't test it.

As is likely evident in my formula and process, I am not very experienced with Excel.

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Excel 2007 :: Automatically Transfer Columns From One Worksheet To Another In Multiple Columns?

May 4, 2013

I would like to take the data from worksheet1 and put into worksheet2 but limit the length of a list (the real spread sheet has over 100 rows and i would like them in 4 sets of 25 versus the example I provided). Is there an array or macro that would make this work (keeping the formatting)..

Excel 2007


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If 1 Row X 5 Columns Matches With Another 1R X 5C

Nov 14, 2009

If a row starts with T3:X3 matches up with the rows in range T6:X8605 then goto that matching row... perhaps could be done with a macro?

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Find Matches In Columns

Oct 27, 2008

I have two lists of email addresses in columns and I need to find the matches between columns and have those addresses returned to perhaps a third column.

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Flag Matches Across Several Columns

Jan 8, 2007

I have many small spreadsheets of data organised into 4 columns and anything upto 250 rows. I want to be able to test if all the cells along each row have the same data in each of the 4 cells, so 4 occurences of the same thing. Each row of data will be different. (I'm not intertested in matching the data going down the column).

However, I won't know with each spreadsheet what is the exact data I will be looking for - if all 4 cells don't have the same data, that is fine as this will then require my manual attention which is the purpose of my project.
I just want to avoid having to check through lots of rows of data where all the data does already match.

The data will usually be text but it can be IP addresses and numbers too. I need a formula or set of operators to use for is exercise.

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Display Matches From 2 Columns

Nov 30, 2007

i have one work sheet. Column A contains 800 names bolumn B contains 15,000 names.
I need to compare column A to column B then if the name exists displat the names in a seperate column.

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Macro To Compare Columns A & B And Dispaly Any Duplicates In Columns C & D

Feb 21, 2009

what I'm after is a macro to check the contents of Column 'A' against column 'B' and display any duplicates in Columns 'C' & 'D'.

N.B. The headings of Columns C & D are :-

C = Value Found in Column A

D = Value Found in Column B

Any duplicate entries logged in columns C & D should be listed in C2,C3,C4....C20 and D2,D3,D4......D20 etc (in effect creating two new lists)

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Transfer Data To Different Columns?

May 13, 2013

I have a sheet with 1250 data. All are in Column "A" I want to print them out and therefore would like the data also in Column "B" and "D" in order to save printing paper and make it easier to search. Since the data is alphabetical sorted, doing it manually is a big job.

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Find Sub String Matches Between Two Columns?

May 30, 2014

I am trying to match words in two separate columns that are not exact matches. any formulas or codes I can write to do this.Below is an example.

Column A
3m Corporation
Apple Inc
Allstate Corp
State Farm

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Comparing Columns And Matches Display

Jan 27, 2009

I have two columns of card numbers (16 digits) in text format, as column A and column B. In column C, I'm trying to figure out how to compare column A and B for matches, and display the match in column C, if there is a hit.

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Moving Columns So That The Data Matches

Jul 21, 2009

I need to line XYZ to XYZ as well as the information attached to XY&Z
i dont really know how else to explain it but i was hoping there was a macro or something out there that i could use to do this would make it a lot easier

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Compare Columns; Remove Matches

Aug 13, 2009

I've been searching for a method to compare two large columns of numbers and remove replicates from the "main" column. Column A has all the numbers that are in column B and many more. I want to remove all the numbers from column A that are in column B. The result being two columns with no matching numbers. (or a third column that has only the numbers from 'A' that are not in 'B').

My search results on this forum have found results that compare rows for matches & can make deletions; and also one method that could mark all the entries that were duplicates in both columns, but nothing to remove them. The datasets I am using have over 400k entries in some columns, so manual removal of marked ones is not feasible. I need an automatic deletion method.

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Macro That Matches Up Two Different Columns Of Data

Jun 23, 2014

I have a macro that I am working on which I have gotten stuck on. It compares Column A and Column C and any numbers which match are pasted into Column D.

What I am getting stuck with is I need to copy and paste the data for column B to Column E as well. So in other words.

If column A and B match then the number from Column A that matches B will be pasted in column D along with the value that is right next to it in Column B.

Attached File : MatchingMacro.xlsm‎

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Compare 2 Columns For Close Matches

Jul 3, 2007

I want to compare two columns (from two different files, but copied into a new sheet) for duplicates or identical entries. But here's the trick, each entry contains atleast a number of digits. I'm not quite sure how to find items that may be 80% identical (in the right order, but might be messing a digit, or there is a dash or a 'o' instead of a '0'). I know how to do it in C++ or Java, but not quite sure how to do it in VBA/macro. Here's an example of what I meant. Let's say column one has the following:


and second column has

If I was comparing second column to first column, it can pick up the 9393-O0 one because it's close enough to 939300.

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Compare 2 Columns On 2 Worksheets For Matches

Oct 24, 2007

I know there is a forumla to compare a small database to a list, but can't find it (I used to use French Excel).

Here is an example :

In a sheet, my small database :

(in two different cells)

Value1 and ValueA
Value2 and ValueB
Value3 and ValueC


In another sheet, my list :

I have a list where there's a lot of Value1, Value2... in one column, and in the next column, a lot of ValueA, ValueB....

I want to check in my list : if I have Value1, then, on the same row (next column) I have ValueA, if I have Value2, then, I should have in the same row (next column) ValueB....

And if I have Value1 and in the same row (next colum) ValueB, I want some kind of "Error" text.

Can't find this function nor (of course) the criteria to use it correctly.

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Compare 2 Columns And Return Matches

Aug 12, 2008

I have two columns, one with the target text (D:D) and one with text I want to compare it too (A:A). If the text in column (D:D) matches the one in (A:A), I want to return the value in (B:B). I attached a sample of the problem i'm dealing with.

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Transfer Data From One Column To Other Columns?

Aug 4, 2014

I have some numbers arround 1 lac nos in column 'A'and I want to make a group 200 numbers and transfer it in to next next column .i.e 1-200 numbers in column 'B', 201-400 numbers in column 'C' etc.

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Total Number Of Unique Matches In Two Columns

Nov 11, 2008

Column A = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison

Column B = numerical IDs, multiple entries, may have duplicates that should only be counted once in comparison

Need: 1 cell that compares all of the A range to all of the B range and returns a a percentage of repeats. So, if there are 50 entries in A, and only 40 are unique, and B includes 10 repeats (unique, not multiple), then the returned value would be 25%.

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How To Find Matches Between Two Columns And Copy Cells In Row

Jan 15, 2013

I've just started with VBA and are trying to figure out following:

I'm using a validation list where the user choose one of twelve alternatives. The option she or he made is found in one or more rows in column B. If there is a match between the alternative in the validation list and in column B I want to copy some of the cells in the same row as the match in column B (to be exact, I want to copy the cells in column E, J, N and P) to another sheet.

I've succeeded doing this with one row but I don't know how to do without using that same code over and over again until Excel has made it trough all the rows. And there is over 200 of them.

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Finding Partial Matches Of Text In 2 Different Columns

Mar 18, 2014

how to find partial match of text in 2 different columns.

For example:

Column A:

Los Angeles
New York


I want to be able to create a column that finds all the matching cities from A in B.

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Compare Columns Across 2 Sheets & Copy Matches

Sep 10, 2009

I have two sheets with pretty much the same content but not exactely. I need to compare the data from the first sheet to the data in the second sheet in this way:
data from column b (numbers) in the first sheet needs to be compared to data in column b in the second sheet. if this dosen't match it needs to go to the next line.
if the match is positive it needs to compare the data from column d on the first sheet to the data on the second sheet same column and copy the data from the first sheet's column d to the second sheet's column d. But only if the data in column d on the first sheet isn't blank. If it is it should leave the data on column d second sheet intact.

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Count Data That Matches Criteria In 2 Columns

Feb 20, 2007

I am trying to use a "=COUNT(IF(..." formula to count the number of hourly employees that have start dates older than 3 years. Column A has the start dates and column B has the salary status (S/H). =COUNT(IF(AND(A2:A1000<DATE(2004,1,1),B2:B1000="H"),A2:A1000)) This formula returns 1 no matter what I change the data to.

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Compare Multiple Columns & Copy Matches

Dec 2, 2007

I am trying to compare mutiple columns of data, match them and copy select data. Find matching cells in 2 different columns and copy select info into that row. See file attached

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