Transfer Data From One Column To Other Columns?
Aug 4, 2014
I have some numbers arround 1 lac nos in column 'A'and I want to make a group 200 numbers and transfer it in to next next column .i.e 1-200 numbers in column 'B', 201-400 numbers in column 'C' etc.
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May 13, 2013
I have a sheet with 1250 data. All are in Column "A" I want to print them out and therefore would like the data also in Column "B" and "D" in order to save printing paper and make it easier to search. Since the data is alphabetical sorted, doing it manually is a big job.
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Dec 12, 2013
I need a formula to automatically transfer data in a column into another column, omitting cells in the 1st column that do not have data in them.
So, for example, transfer the data in column "A" below to column "C" below omitting any blanks when the formula automatically copies data over:
Example Spreadsheet.xlsx
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Sep 2, 2007
I have a spreadsheet (XL2003) that calculates some price data based on a specific algorithm. The program then determines which price data meets a certain criteria and if met, will place the value in a column ( Column C in the example WS attached.) If criteria not met the cell is returned empty. Under certain settings, this column could have values in all rows (C9 to C27 in the example) but is usually just a specific consecutive list as in the example.
I have to transfer the calculated values to another spreadsheet so I want just these values to be initially transferred to a separate column (Col. H in the example WS.) from which they can easily be transferred later to the other spreadsheet. I need to figure a way for a macro to check in col. C (ie C9) and if there is a value in the cell, to transfer it to the next available cell in Col H (Starting with H9). The macro would then look at the next cell down in Col C (C10) and do the same routine until the last cell is reached. The transferred data would then end up in consecutive cells in Col. H. I have shown in the example attached how I would want the data to look after the macro is run. I figured this is some type of loop but could not see any examples in the forum that would do what I need.
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Mar 6, 2014
I have a form to fill out and I would like a macro to input the data on the form (column) to another sheet in the next open row.
See attached. DATA_EXAMPLE.xlsm
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May 5, 2014
I've run into an issue working on a small project.
The project:
A workbook in which sheet 1 is a form for people to input into 2 adjacent columns time spent on different tasks at the end of each work week. Sheet 2 is identical to sheet 1, but has the intended purpose of storing the data input into the form in sheet 1.
There is a button at the bottom of the form in sheet 1 with an assigned macro that effectively transfers all the data to sheet 2 and then clears sheet 1 for another entry.
The issue:
I cannot get the data to transfer to the next available set of 2 adjacent columns in sheet 2. It keeps repopulating the first 2 columns.
modifying the macro to transfer data to the next available set of 2 columns on sheet 2
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Jul 25, 2007
I have a lot of data broken up into numeric decimal form in one column. I need all this data to be transferred to different worksheets based on the amount of decimals. Attached is some of the data I need sorted. The first sheet is my main sheet, then the next sheets need to be ascending in numeric order by sorting the data with two decimals under the column Tear number system.
For example I need the next tab to be the data with 0.21 with 2 decimal places, then the next tab would be the data under 0.28 with 2 decimal places, then the data under 0.29 with 2 decimal places. So the 0.21 worksheet would be 0.21 and have all the data for 0.21.1, 0.21.2 all the way through 0.21.6.
I also need this to be compatible with new inserts to the main table. Meaning if a new number is entered in, the number and data would automatically be entered and sorted to the tab that the number pertains to. I have tried a vlookup function but have not had much success. I have also tried recording a macro but am having problems with that as well.
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Feb 25, 2012
I have a few row headings on a fresh worksheet (called "New" like so for A1, B1 and C1 for example):
Date Amount Title
I then have raw data on another worksheet. This data has many column headings (more than on the "New" sheet) and the data for that heading in the column underneath heading. So the Date column will have say 50 rows of dates in the column. What I want to do in VBA is match the headings from the "New" worksheet to the raw data worksheet ("Data") and then copy and paste the data into the column under the row heading in "New" from "Data".
with the code for this? I have tried using MATCH and I can't get it to work. I'm also looking for an efficient way to do this I'm sure I am doing it a very inefficient way.
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Sep 18, 2006
1) I have a Master worksheet that combines/appends data from 5 worksheets. The data in the 5 worksheets is cleared on a daily basis once data has been transferred (using a macro) to the Maser sheet.
2) I use the Match and Index formula for the 5 sheets. Column A "Symbol" being the primary value
I have Matching column headings " Date" in 2 worksheets, I can only use date data from one of the sheets that contain the date column data. Here is the formula I use in the master to accept data from the worksheet
Sheet1 has the column heading "Date" that is linked to Master Worksheet column Heading "Date". Is there a possible way to re-write the formula where It can accept data from either sheets instead of only 1 sheet?
Going back to the fact that I have 2 date columns in 2 worksheets
Lets say for example;
I have Symbol AAA in Sheet1
I have Symbol ZZZ in Sheet2
I have Symbol GGG in both sheets......................
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Apr 4, 2014
im trying to create a two column listbox that will transfer both columns to the listbox on the right and also transfer from the right to left currently right to left works but when I trasnfer from the left to right then the right to left only one column is moved.
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Jan 31, 2013
I have a large spreadsheet converted from pdf whose data still appears in A4 reading format.
I need to move part columns of data from 6 columns to form 1 large column in column A.
For example, move range B8 to B76 beneath range A8 to A76 and range C8 to C76 beneath that etc, page by page working through all 270 pages !
Also need to delete unnecessary 'page headers' throughout as in rows 2-6
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May 4, 2013
I would like to take the data from worksheet1 and put into worksheet2 but limit the length of a list (the real spread sheet has over 100 rows and i would like them in 4 sets of 25 versus the example I provided). Is there an array or macro that would make this work (keeping the formatting)..
Excel 2007
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Mar 13, 2013
Table 1
Table 2
Sr. No
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Jun 30, 2014
I have a excelsheet that looks like this:
Column A | Column B | Column C
Los Angeles | Fire Dept | 3
Los Angeles | Health Services | 12
New York | Fire Dept | 8
New York | Health Services | 22
New York | Internal Services | 100
New York | Public Works | 7
Chicago | Health Services | 15
Chicago | Public Works | 56
Chicago | Social Services | 4
And I am trying to make it look like this:
Fire Dept
Health Services
Internal Services
Public Works
Social Services
Los Angeles
New York
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Apr 20, 2007
On 18 worksheets I intend to use variations of the formula below to read ColsD:G and ColsK:N to ascertain whether the values are less then or equal (
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Mar 13, 2008
I am working on a list of agents and I want to get rid of the duplicates. I know I could use conditional formating to highlight the duplicate names but it conditional formating won't allow me to find duplicates based on three cells in a row. My code below works to an extent but it misses some of the duplicates in the list and I don't know why. I have check the cells of the duplicates and they are an exact match.
Sub SearchDups1()
Dim rFnd1 As Excel.Range
Dim rFnd2 As Excel.Range
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim iEnd As Integer
Dim sAdr1 As String
iCount = 2
iEnd = WorksheetFunction.Match("zzzzzzzzzz", Sheet2.Range("D:D")) + 1
Set rFnd1 = Sheet2.Cells(iCount, "D")
Set rFnd2 = Sheet2.Columns("D:D").Find( _
What:=rFnd1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True)..............
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Jan 18, 2010
I am trying to get information from 1 sheet to another. What i need to do is take the information from sheet 2 column H2:H26 and put it in sheet 1 cell I4. i already have the vlookup information in the other cells that i need but for what i need this for is different than a vlookup. basically i want to be able to type in a name (from sheet 2) in cell I4 (sheet1) and all the information that i need auto populates for me like i already have. I was able to do this with a drop down menu but that wont work as the information will change weekly,
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Mar 3, 2014
Im trying to compare sheet 1 Column A, with sheet 2 Column A, and then move any duplicates (along with the row of data) from sheet 2 over to sheet 3.
For instance, Employee Numbers that match in both sheet 1 and 2, remove that entire row from sheet 2 to and insert it into sheet 3.
VBA that compares sheets and moves duplicates found in column A to sheet 3 but it leaves the rest of the row on sheet 2.
[Code] ......
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Aug 14, 2014
I use excel and would like to know how to copy a large volume of address data but at the same time filtering out irrelevant data placed under each other in a row, in this case, air compressors air conditioning web address etc ( see below for example). I need the first 5 lines only. The rows of unwanted data are irregular i.e some have 10 lines, others 5 , and others 2 or one line which makes using a formula difficult as there is no consistency. The data eventually need to be placed horizontally in columns to be compared to other address lists. To make matters worse, the text data has been merged and wrapped.
3 Telford Place
L*****r QLD 4315
Phone: 07 5777 3622
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Dec 24, 2009
Attached is an example of what I am trying to do.
I am looking to transfer the sums for a calendar month in one column to cells in another location for each month.
I put some notes in the sample attached, I appreicate any help getting this to work.
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Mar 27, 2013
I wanted to separate my cell values with comma into a column
the output will be below table,
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Mar 11, 2008
I have exported a text file from a universe database and need to import it into excel.
Below is an eg of one section. The text file contains approx 257 of these, all one below the other.
Between each set of dotted lines is one user profile (not data all shown in eg) .
Each one (user) is NOT the same amount of lines(rows) deep and only the dotted lines separate each user.
A simple import places all data into one very long column.
I need a way to place each user in there own column.
I have user names as column headings the labels of the values below as row headings. I cannot change this.
Manually entering the data took a very long time and i need to update this workbook regularly.
In the text file, " the variable......: value " (eg UserCode.....: XYZ) sets are all lined up so that using a text editor, with column mode, I can delete all the data headings/labels up to the space after the colon.
This leaves me with 7000 rows of values (eg XYZ) one column wide and various numbers of rows deep per user.
Is there a way to import the data and seperate each user via the dotted lines or other so that each users data is contained in consecutive columns. 1 user profile per column.
The standard import utility allows for column placement (delimted, fixed width). Can this be done on rows, sort of flip it 90 degrees and use the dotted lines as column markers. Just guessing now. Any and all assistance would be most appreciated.
Another issue (not as important but still helpful) is that the "procudures barred" section of user profile can also be one row(line) or serveral. Problem is each Name...:Value set must be on one row(line) for everything to match in the work book.
Using custom macros in my text editor i moved all the 'proc. barred' data to a single row. Alot of manual editting was involved and any ideas on this area would also be muchly appreciated.
One EG user profile (not shown, but all the colons line up) ....
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Sep 14, 2012
I have a workbook that has multiple functions. One of these function is that when the user select a key word from a drop down validation list, a VB code transfer all information from that row from Column A to column W to the next available row on another tab.
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("X:X")) Is Nothing And Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If LCase(Trim(Target.Value)) = "yes" Then
[Code] ....
Is there a possibility to transfer this information into another workbook. Instead of transferring the info to a tab name "Archives" to transfer in another workbook. This workbook will only have one tab called "Archives".
This will minimize the information within my Initial workbook in project.
The path in the new workbook where the information should be transfer should be in:
"C:Documents and Settings"username"My DocumentsMy Data Sources" to an excel workbook that will be named Archives.
I know that the "Archives" workbook need to open then close after the information has been inserted...
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Jan 18, 2013
If I just one number in each each (row 1-100) for example, but in different columns, is there a way I can copy all of these numbers so that they are all in the same column--that is, they would stay in the same row but now they would also be in the same column.
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Jan 3, 2014
I'd like to copy information from a PDF into a worksheet. The information looks like this:
1 PAOZZ 5310-00-918-0482 80205 NAS1291-7 NUT.............................................................................. 1
2 PAOZZ 5305-00-995-2125 80205 NAS603-7P SCREW.......................................................................... 2
3 PAOZZ 5305-00-866-0937 80205 NAS603-8P SCREW.......................................................................... 14
4 PAOZZ 5306-01-106-8238 80205 NAS6603-3 BOLT ............................................................................ 8
When I paste it into excel it all gets entered into one column, I'd like to spread it out over 7 columns. Is there an efficient way to do that?
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Mar 12, 2009
For each cell in column A, I am trying to split the data between two new cells. The data in each cell is separated by a “|”. All information to the left of “|” should go in column B. All information to the right of “|” should go in column C.
Column A
Aa3 |AAA
A3 |AA-
A2 |A
A3 |BBB+
Aa3 |AA
Aa2 |AA+
Desired Results
Column B………….Column C
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Apr 30, 2012
I have data in column C and Blank columns in D to F
I want to find the last row of data in column C then put an"x" in the same row in columns D,E and F
I am using
Range("C" & Cells.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Select
to select the last row in column C but how do I go from there.
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Dec 3, 2008
I want a macro that copies all columns data in coulmn a which starts from row 2 and delete rest of columns data.
see mentioned below example....
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a spread with five tabs. Each tab is a person's job responsibilties for numerous properties. Each person works with a property called Orange Avenue. I want to create a tab for JUST Orange Avenue items but want it to automatically pull any and all info from each tab where that person's Ornage Avenue duties are.
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May 17, 2007
cells(a,b):cells(a+4,b) have 1,9,9,0,5
cells(a,b+3):clells(a+4,b+3) have 1,9,0,emtpy,empty.
how to fill 9,5 to empty cells.
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