Unexplained Entry Change

Aug 6, 2007

If I type the digit "2" in a cell and then type "enter" the digit in the cell shows "4" instead of "2". Is there any explanation for this?

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Change Formula To Permanent Entry?

Nov 21, 2013

I have a cell that has a result which is the average of a few other cells (In this case the result is in cell Y7). I now want to take that total and put it in another cell to represent todays result..I.E. I have a list of this months dates and I want the todays result to be populated in the table. So I have a list of dates and the cell next to each date has the formula:


It populates todays result fine however the next day it blanks the result (since the cell is no longer todays date).

SO the question: How to I have todays result oerwite the formula so the result is permanent in that cell. I guess I am looking for some sort of PUT command to take the result and PUT it in another cell without that cell being a formula itself to GET the date.

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Change Cell Color Upon Entry

Jun 2, 2008

I want the entire row to turn green if a value is added/changet in anya cell in that row. I got the basics, but the macro changes color on the cell that is selected after the input, that is if I change A1 I want A1:J1 to turn green, but what happens is i change A1 and then select B5 than B5 turns grenn, I have tried to modify my macro but can't get it right ...

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SpinButton To Change Time After TextBox Entry?

Nov 3, 2013

Textbox and SpinButtons, there is code for changing the date in a textbox by using a spinbutton. I have tried to use some variation of that for the purpose of changing time but to no avail. What my intention is, is that if someone enters 12:00 into TextBox that SpinButton_Up or SpinButton_Down can change the time to 12:01... or 11:59... respectively, and so on.


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Auto Color Change With Data Entry

Dec 6, 2008

Is there a way to make a cell change its fill color automatically whenever data is entered into that cell?

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VBA To Change Cell Entry Into Time And Date

Feb 17, 2012

I am looking for a formula or VBA that will be in each in cells D5:D300 and will look at the value entered into the cell in column C and change the 4 digits into the date and time in the same format as NOW() returns.


2045 becomes 17/02/2012 20:45

But I would also want it to see if the 4 digits that represent the time are after 14:00 and before 00:00 then the date would be the date in cell A1-1


Cell A1 18/02/12

2045 becomes 17/02/2012 20:45

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Worksheet Selection Change Formula Entry

Jul 22, 2008

I am trying to enter the following formula into cells on a worksheet change event but it errors out.

formula to input is: "=IF(H$10="",($H$8/12*K$8),($H$8/12*K$8)+H$10)"

I have used the following format to do this: ....

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Update Whole Entry, If One Item Change From List

Jul 2, 2007

Suppose I have a department List, and I made a list from that column (Department List), and I enter more staff and selected a department for them during registering, now one of the Department List Item change, How is it possible to change all the entry which has that department?
For more info see the attachment.

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Change Text Colour When Entry Made In Another Cell

Jan 10, 2010

I am using Excel 2003, my problem is that I have cells D4 & E4 with red text, when an entry is made in B4 (say $640, the amount can vary) I want the text in D4 & E4 to turn black. I have attached a section of the document in question.

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VBA Code To Change Positive Value To Negative Upon Entry Into Cell

Jan 16, 2008

I have a worksheet in which the values in cells B8, H37, H42, H48 and H49 must be negative. Occasionally the values get entered as positive numbers.

I would like to use VBA code to automatically change the value from positive to negative.

It appears that the WorkSheet_Change event could be used to do this but I don't know what code to enter into the Sub.

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Change Text To Upper, Lower Or Proper Case On Entry

Sep 6, 2007

I would like to format a row of cells so that when a word is entered into the cell it automatically becomes a capital.

I need the word to be capitalized so that I can use it in a custom function. The function uses the word from this cell and goes through a bunch of cases in determing how to classify the string.

I think more than one solution is possible and I would greatly appreciate some feed back, I've tried looking into turning all the letters of a string in my VBA code to capitals, or a way to format the cells, so that the string is already capitalized when entered into the VBA code, but I'm still a novice at VBA and unsure on how certain commands work.

here is a sample of my vba code.

Function WeightI(Shape As String, sDim As String, dLenFt As Double) As Double
Const pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
Const Ft2In As Double = 12
Const dDen As Double = 0.2835 ' density of steel, pounds per cubic inch

Dim aiStr() As String ' dimensions as strings

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Amend VBA Code To Change Mandatory Inputbox To Userform Combobox Entry

Apr 25, 2013

I have 4 columns, If column B (Ref No) is filled in, the adjacent columns, C,D and E become mandatory and an input box pops up on screen one after the other for entry into each column.

My problem is that I require a drop down list and not a input box for the final column (status). So i have created a userform with a combobox dropdown. I am having problems connecting the combobox selection to the final column, and for the selected combobox item to go into the right cell like the input box entry currently does.

Attachment 53209test743.xls

I have attached a sheet and also you can see the code below.

Code in Sheet

Public SaveVal1
Public SaveVal2
Public SaveVal3

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

[Code] .....

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Wrong Entry Into Data Validated Cell Triggers Debug On Change Event

Dec 14, 2011

I have a Change Event macro that works properly. I also have several cells that contain a drop down list. If a user tries to enter an incorrect entry...the debug is triggered on my even change macro.

Here's the piece of the Change macro that has issues. Specifically, the .undo line highlights.

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.EnableEvents = False

Set SelectedCell = ActiveCell
myTitle = Cells(Range("Titles").Row, Target.Column).Value
myRow = Target.Row
.Undo: myBefore = Target.Value
.Undo: myAfter = Target.Value

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Getting Entry In One Cell To Cause Entry In Another Based On Entry In 3rd

Mar 20, 2014

I have a percentage in R3.

If I make an entry in D13 then I want the R3 to be duplicated into C27 otherwise C27 should be 0.

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Check If Any Entry In List Older Than 7 Days - Delete Second Double Entry?

Sep 11, 2013

I am having a sheet where I keep track of when online surveys have been sent to users. The users enail address (column K) may be on the list for several times, but I need to make sure that there is at least a 7 days pause between sending the first mail and the second, depending on the visit date (column G).If there are less than 7 days between two entries with the same email address, the user is not qualified for taking another survey.

I was thinking to write an IF formula which returns either 1 or 0 and then let conditional formatting highlight and HIDE the row via a VBA loop.

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Formula To Look For A Number Entry On One Worksheet And Return Another Fixed Entry?

Mar 14, 2014

Is there a formula that will allow me to look for the existence of any number value in a row of one worksheet and then return a specific number value in a cell on another worksheet? For example, if the formula finds any number value it will always return the number 15 to a cell on another worksheet.

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Tranferring Variable Entry From Form Entry To Macro

May 1, 2009

I used a form with textboxes for data input for one of my vb macros. Currently I have the private sub from the form transfer those entries to a remote cell on the spreadsheet, (like in column "HZ"), so that the macro that will actually utilize them can retrieve them. Is there a way to pass that data directly from what is entered in the form in the textboxes to the macro that will actually use them?

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Auto Copy Template On Record Entry & Link Set Cells Back New Record Entry Sheet

May 26, 2009

I am looking to create a macro that will create a new sheet when data is added on a summary sheet. Example.

1. Summary sheet called "Variations" contains columns that will contain the information needed for new sheet (Columns A to D)

2. When data is entered on "Variations" sheet: Column B, then macro automatically creates new sheet renamed to e.g. VO1 (Number used on "Variations" tab) and is a copy of "Master" tab.

3. Data entered in Column A to D on "Variations" tab is automatically entered onto new sheet created (e.g VO1). Shown is blue on attached file. Additional data is updated on "VO1" sheet and this then links back to "Variations" tab

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Formula - Find First Entry, Second Entry

May 28, 2008

say sheet 1 has 2 collums A & B

collum A is Names Collum B is Dates

Bob Fenton 05/04/08
Rob Smith 05/06/08
Al Feth 05/08/08
Al Feth 05/18/08
Al Thomas 04/23/08
Rob Smith 05/23/08
Bob Smith 04/22/08
Bob Fenton 05/15/08
Al Feth 05/10/08

sheet 2 has unlimited collums in collum A is the name of the person in collum B to Z (or more) i would like a fomula that will search sheet 1 and return the dates for each entry of that name.

so sheet 2 would be like ....

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Single Cell Entry To Multi Cell Entry

Jul 7, 2009

i have an address that is all in one cell displayed like

101 hampton Court, Hampton heath, Hampton Town, Hamptonshire, HA01 1AS

but i need to have it split in to individual cells so

Cell A1 would be 101 hampton court
B2 Hampton Heath
C2 Hampton Town
D3 Hamptonshire
E5 HA01 1AS

each part of the address is split by a comma, so i have tried to use that as a identifier as to where that part of the address is, but failed on that, i can separate out the first part and the post code with a find and replace but not the middle.

also i need it to work backwards ie

it finds the post code first,

then the county

then the town

as those 3 are always the last 3 parts, but the address could only have 1 line of addres beofre the town or 3, and it would get messed up as all the post codes, county ans town needs to be in their respective columns

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Excel 2007 :: Change All Matching Value Based On Number Change In Column?

Feb 19, 2014

I have a situation that I cannot get my hands on. I have a set of Project Numbers in my Column A. (Will Try to post an example).

I need that everytime I change a number in my Column B that it will change all the numbers, in my column B, based on the matching Text in my Column A.


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Worksheet Change To Function To Add Text To Cell Which Initially Triggered Change

Jan 10, 2014

i have some existing code which is trigerred when anything is input into column c. The code then adds various information in another three columns. One of which pastes a vlookup formulae, and i would like this forumlae pasted into the column c cell which i initialy edited, in order to remove the requirement for one additional column.

The existing code i have is:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim MyText As String
MyText = Environ("username")
If Target.Cells.Column = 3 Then
With Target
If .Value "" Then
.Offset(0, 2).Formula = "=VLOOKUP(D:D,'P:TAOffshoreTAOffshoreTreasuryRecsGeneralCommit ID''s for control Sheet - Do not move or delete[commit ids - DO NOT DELETE OR MOVE.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1:$B$65536,2,0)"


I have tried changing the offset to (0,0) or changing the offset to 'target = ', which does add in the vlookup but then the macro debugs at the 'If .Value "" Then' code?

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Worksheet Change Event :: Change Color As A Result Of Calculation

Jun 17, 2009

an event macro to change the font colour of a cell whose value changes as a result of a calculation.

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How To Change Value Automatically If Change Products From Dropdown List

Jul 11, 2014

I want to change value if i change products from drop down list.....

For more information please find attached file: Book.xlsx‎

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Dragging Formulas; Values Of The Formula To Change And The Other Not To Change

Jan 29, 2010

I want to drag a formula however i want one of the values of the formula to change and the other not to change. for example:

c3= a1+b3
: : :

how can i make it do this when i drag? a1 is not just a constant and it depends on other parameters.

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When Change The Worksheet Selection Change Event Nothing Is Happenning

Jul 21, 2009

Attached is book in which, when a choice is selected from Drop Down list in ColumnF the macro has to do the need.

When the macro was written it was working well. But when I tried to change it as a Worksheet_SelectionChange event nothing is happenning even though a choice is selected from drop down list.

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Worksheet Change Event Triggered By Formula Change?

Dec 6, 2011

Basically the situation I have is Sheet2 has many references to cells in Sheet1. Sheet2 is for all intents and purposes a kind of nicely formatted report form, and Sheet1 is the input form.

My ultimate goal is to automatically resize row heights on Sheet2 when cell contents change on Sheet2.

Using a worksheet_change event isn't working I presume because it doesn't see the formula output change as a worksheet change, the worksheet_change is firing only when the input is changed in Sheet1.

how can I capture these formula output changes on Sheet2 (triggered from input on Sheet1) OR is there a way of making a particular sheets rows always adjust in height to best fit?

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Change Value Of Combobox And Automatically Change Values Of Other Comboboxes

Aug 13, 2012

I'm coding a userform where there are some comboxes which are popolated by values coming from Sheet2. Up to now I work it out (maybe its not elegant but it works).

Now I would like that when the user selects one combobox the values of the other comboboxes are set accordingly to the grid in Sheet2.

Please download the XLS file at: [URL]....

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Event Change To Change The Sheet Name Based On A Cell Value

Jul 21, 2009

Im trying to use an event change to change the sheet name based on a cell value, but my issue is how can I error trap if the sheet name is a duplicate? Here is what I have so far

Sub ChangeName()
On Error GoTo errhandler
Sheets(1).Name = Sheets(1).range("d10")
Exit Sub
MsgBox "sheet name is already exists"
End Sub

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Add Row If Value Value In Column Change And Paste Specific Value Depending On The Change

Mar 5, 2010

I have used the below code to insert a new row when the value in coulmn A change. I now need to evolve it so that the new row will contain a specific value depending on the changing value:

Column A Column B
one test
one test
two test
two test
three test
three test


Column A Column B
one test
one test
Coz two............................

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