Amend VBA Code To Change Mandatory Inputbox To Userform Combobox Entry

Apr 25, 2013

I have 4 columns, If column B (Ref No) is filled in, the adjacent columns, C,D and E become mandatory and an input box pops up on screen one after the other for entry into each column.

My problem is that I require a drop down list and not a input box for the final column (status). So i have created a userform with a combobox dropdown. I am having problems connecting the combobox selection to the final column, and for the selected combobox item to go into the right cell like the input box entry currently does.

Attachment 53209test743.xls

I have attached a sheet and also you can see the code below.

Code in Sheet

Public SaveVal1
Public SaveVal2
Public SaveVal3

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)

[Code] .....

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VBA Code To Change Pivot Table (Report Filter) From Userform Textbox / Combobox

Aug 16, 2013

I've prepared an excel file with a pivot table. Now I would like to change the Pivot "Report filter" by using Textbox on Userform. I've attached an excel file as an example.

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Restrict Entry On Userform Unless Combobox Populated

Apr 6, 2014

I am trying to find out whether you can restrict the rest of the userform from being available, unless a certain field is entered.

I have a tax invoice userform, I want to restrict the user from entering any other data unless they have selected a customer.

There are other fields such as Customer Address, Customer Number, Disc% and Terms that populate through vlookup code once the customer is selected, so still need that to work once the customer is selected. I just don't want them to be able to enter any other data on the userform without the customer being selected.

I wasn't sure whether I needed to enter code into every other textbox or combo box that if cboCustomer = "" then pop up an error message, but that would require a lot of code to be entered. I have 30 comboboxes and 53 Textboxes that I want to restrict to not being available unless a customer is selected from combobox.

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Change Working Code With Choice With Inputbox

Aug 14, 2014

If numbers has been pasted in as text I cant convert them after. It convert the text to numbers and after it make a custom format with 5 zeroes.

I would really like to have the possibility to set the range with a input box and after set the numbers of zeroes/digits I want to have there. But have had problem put it in the code.

Have a look at the code below I have also pasted a test sheet to work with.

[Code] .....

Attached File : Testconvert.xls‎

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Code Before Print Add Inputbox To Change Date

Jun 1, 2007

I was wanting to input the date Before Printing. I want to write some code.

Private Sub Workbook Before_Print (cancel as booleen)
Inputbox = "Enter the date you would like in Mondays cell C4"
Application.Worksheet.Range("C4").Value = InputBox.Value
End Sub

I know I am making a very rough attempt at what I am trying to achieve, I just don't know coding that well.

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UserForm Combobox Wild Search Filter Based On First Letter Entry

Jun 18, 2014

I am looking to modify my combobox from a userform to Filter the list based on the first entry on what the user will add.

I have a code that will search for all entries in my "Control" sheet and passed this on to my combobox:

[Code] ......

I have, within a module, the following function code that the user find the entry by adding the first 3 letters of the search they need:

[Code] .....

I would like to know what to change in the function to filter the list, once the user adds a first letter and then press the dropdown from the combobox, to filter the list based on all entries from the first letter to only show entries with that letter.

If A is entered, then, show only the entries strating with the starting letter A, but at the same time if the user adds more letter to filter to the first then second letter:

If AB is inserted, then, show entries with AB only.

Where do I add this code also, is this another function or this could be inserted within my function?

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Change Userform Label Based On ComboBox Selection

Dec 21, 2009

I have a userform that has a "payment type" combo box

This box consists of:

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VBA Code To Change Positive Value To Negative Upon Entry Into Cell

Jan 16, 2008

I have a worksheet in which the values in cells B8, H37, H42, H48 and H49 must be negative. Occasionally the values get entered as positive numbers.

I would like to use VBA code to automatically change the value from positive to negative.

It appears that the WorkSheet_Change event could be used to do this but I don't know what code to enter into the Sub.

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ComboBox Change Code Looping

Jan 10, 2007

I have a piece of code attached to a combo box. When selected the code loops through 3, even 4 times for no apparent reason. Has anyone come across this before? The loop can start either after the final "end sub" or part way through (.clearcontents mainly) Have included the code just in case it is something obvious.

Private Sub cmbDI_GrowthBasis_Change()
If UCase(Worksheets("Tables"). Range("GrowthNo")) = "NIL" Then
Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRateTitle") = ""
With Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRate")
.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlNone
.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlNone
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Locked = False
End With
Worksheets("Detail Inputs").Range("DI_GrowthRateTitle") = Worksheets("Tables").Range("GrowthNo") & " :"
End If
End Sub

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Set Column With InputBox Entry

May 5, 2014

I want to set the column to search using Find in second code below.

Can't get the code to cooperate even though myCol does properly reflect the column number.

And this little tester fails as well...?

Sub Booger()
Dim myCol As Long

myCol = InputBox("Enter a column number")

With Sheets("Sheet2")
.Range(Cells(1, myCol), Cells(25, myCol)).Select
End With
End Sub

Here is the segment I am trying to make work in the main code

With Sheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(1, myCol), Cells(25, myCol))

Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlWhole, _

[Code] .......

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Validate InputBox Entry

Feb 11, 2008

validation up to the point that the user can click cancel and exit, also when nothing is entered a msgbox appears and for the 3rd inputbox a value greater than 0 must be entered.

Sub Trajectory() 'Trajectory macro
t0 = InputBox("Enter a value for the initial time(t0)")
'If t0 = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for t0!")
'Exit Sub
tf = InputBox("Enter a value for the final time(tf)")
'If tf = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for tf!")
'Exit Sub
Dt = InputBox("Enter a value for the time increment(Dt)")
'If Dt = "" Then MsgBox ("You must enter a value for Dt!")
'Exit Sub
'If Dt = 0 Then MsgBox ("You must have a valid increment")
x0 = Val( Range("F4"))
v0 = Val(Range("F5"))
g = Val(Range("F6"))
y0 = Val(Range("F7"))
q0 = Val(Range(" F8"))
Selection.Formula = FILL_TABLE
End Sub

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Change Pivot Table Report Filter From Userform Textbox / Combobox

Aug 17, 2013

I've prepared an excel file with a pivot table. Now I would like to change the Pivot "Report filter" by using combobox on userform.

Sample Data


Smith, J.

[Code] .....

Sub CreatePivot()
Dim objTable As PivotTable, objField As PivotField
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Employees Data").Select

[Code] .....

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
ComboBox1.Value = objTable.PivotFields("DOH")
End Sub

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Userform Data Amend/Modify Not Working

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to develop some data package for my office and created Userforms to add/input data, and amend/modify data. To input its working fine. But when I want to amend/modify the records its not working. I am new to Userforms, Codes. Can anyone help me by rectify me coding, for which I am attaching the sample sheet.

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Find & Amend/Edit Data Via Userform

Mar 30, 2008

A.) As a user is entering data into a userform two specific values need to be checked in the existing data sheet.

Textbox1 ( date)
Combobox (operation name) {4 tabs on from textbox1)

They relate to the data stored in columns 'A' and 'E' respectivly.

What I'd like is, as the user exits combobox4 to check if the values already exist. If they do; fill the coresponding textboxes with those values and allow the user to make any amendments, then have it SAVE to the SAME row, would a record number be necessary to accomplish this?

B.) For a future development, Im thinking of applying the same principle to a different project, where 3 values need checking.

Textbox9000 (date) Column 'A'
ComboBox1002 (Staff member) Column 'B'
Combobox1003 (operation name) Column 'C'

Possible complications are that below combobox1003 there will be 12 other comboboxes(a value title, from column header) with associated textboxes alongside(value previously entered by user).

There will be 22 possible values for the comboboxes(the values will be the same column headers) The user will only ever have the choice of making 12 entries though.

Does any one have any spare code laying round for this one..

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Adding Loop Code To Userform Combobox List?

Apr 27, 2011

I have 10 comboboxes - all require exactly the same list. Rather than having to copy the list 10 times in the coding - and changing the combobox name from listcode1, listcode2 etc, is there a loop code which I can add to do this for me??

Private Sub Userform_Initialize()
'Empty txtdate
txtdate.Value = ""[code].....

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Mandatory Userform Textbox

May 8, 2007

I'm coding a userform with many textboxes, one of which needs to be mandatory. How do I make it such?

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Mouse Wheel Scroll In A Combobox On Userform (Lots Of Code)

Sep 16, 2007

I have seen some code around that allows scrolling in listboxes using the mousewheel. I have also seen some code here on the forums about scrolling through a combobox embedded in a workbook. I have tried adapting both of these to suit a combobox on a userform but I cannot get either to work.

Here is the code that I used for the embedded combobox; I added it to the base code for the userform

I then added the following code to a standard module as stated in the forum post;

In the first section of the code there is a msgbox that never gets shown so I don't think code is recognizing the mouse wheel at all.

The second set of code that I used was set up to work with a listbox and it works perfectly with a listbox control. The problem is I cannot adapt it to suit a combobox and if I use a breakpoint to see what is happening Excel freezes.
The following code is added to the userforms code;

Then in a standard module I added the following code;

I added this section of the code;

I think this should only work on a Combobox but a Combobox does not appear to support the TopIndex value. Is there a way this can be setup to work with a userform combobox?
Sorry about the huge amount of code.

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Mandatory TextBox Field - UserForm

Sep 2, 2009

I am using Excel 2003. I need to make a mandatory field for TextBox1 on UserForm2. So if the user leaves TextBox1 "blank", then they are forced to enter in data into TextBox1.

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Amend Code To Run Faster

Sep 5, 2008

I have the following code kindly supplied to me by someone else and I'd like to know if anyone can suggest any ways to speed up the running of it. It currently takes about 4 minutes to run (there are about 5000 cells to loop through)

Basically it looks for a value in Col C - works out the number of rows to fill up by searching a range in Col D - then copies value in Col C up by that number of rows.

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Check Mandatory Controls On MultiPage UserForm

Dec 29, 2006

I have successfully created validation code that operates as a command button. The code listed below identifies in a MultiPage UserForm non- null TextBoxes whose pair of associated OptionButtons have not been selected. (The TextBox and OptionButtons all lie within a Frame and their are 60+ sets of these throughout the UserForm.) A MessageBox alerts user to select one of the OptionButtons.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim cFrameT As Control
Dim cCtrlF() As Control
Dim pPage As Page
Dim cCtrl() As Control
Dim Num As Integer
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim vOpt As Boolean
Dim Opt() As String
Dim lPage As Long
Dim vFrame As String
Redim Opt(Num) As String
Redim cCtrl(FNum) As Control
Redim cCtrlF(Num) As Control

Num = 0
FNum = 0
' Loops through all Multipage pages
For lPage = 0 To Me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count - 1..............

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Amend Code To Sort Sheets By Number

May 8, 2008

I tried this macro, written by Leith, to organize a workbook of over 100 worksheets, all named as a 3 digit number. (001, 002, 007, 004, 018, 12, etc.)

For some reason, there was no order to the sorting. Can the macro above be modified to sort my sheets in numeric order?

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Macro Code To Amend The Status Of Cell To Be Date?

Mar 31, 2014

I have a user form we are using to transfer data into an excel spread sheet. When transferring the date from a text field it is formatted as general, I need this to be a date format DDMMYYY. The cell needing formatting is N2

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Excel 2003 :: How To Amend Existing Code In Workbook

Feb 3, 2013

How to amend existing code in a workbook that is used by many different users. I am working in Excel 2003. The existing code copies data from certain cells in the active worksheet (which is password protected) into a new worksheet and saves that new worksheet to a temp folder, sends it to a particular email address using outlook and closes it, returning the user to the first workbook. You will see that it also unhides then rehides columns of the first worksheet during this process so that the user never has to see them. Problem here is that none of the users are using outlook anymore and I would prefer that this new spreadsheet that is created just be saved to the users desktop. I have found bits and pieces of what I needed on the web, but I can't seem to put it all together (I usually end up being sent to the debugger just short of having the newly created spreadsheet saved to desktop). Here is the existing code:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Essentially what I need to do is circumvent the whole email bit and save the spreadsheet that is created to the users desktop instead of a temp folder.

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Adapt Current VBA Code To Make More Than One Cell Mandatory To Fill In Before Saving

Mar 30, 2013

I am currently trying to adapt the following code which is in VBA (Sheet1). It currently ensures mandatory cell entry of cell C2 before saving, and if this is not done then it would not save the item into the relevant directory. I would like to adapt this code so that cells B2 to R2 are all mandatory, and if they are not filled in a message box with the cell title (which would be in B1 to R1) would pop up. If the cells are not filled in then it will not save (the same function it carries out for cell c2 currently). The code is attached to a command button, i have tried to make the additional cells mandatory by playing around with the If Trim(.cells(2, 3).value) part of the code with the AND function etc however i have had not had any luck.

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Created Userform And Command Button But Data Entry Not Allowed In Userform

Jul 16, 2012

I have created a userform and a command button to bring up the user form but when I click on the command button and the user form pops up I am not able to enter any data, the entire page freezes

This is the code

Private Sub CommandButtoncancel_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click()
With Workbooks("RETS results version 2.xlsm")

[Code] ......

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VBA Code For InputBox With Multiple Inputs

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to create a vba using only one macro button (excel). I would like for them to enter their names and have their own password that will then insert their signature(pic.jpg) in a specific cell.

I created a certificate in excel and I don't want 12 (number of people) buttons visible. Id rather have a long code. Im not sure if using If and Then and ElseIf is the way to go.

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Dismiss ComboBox Dropdown While ComboBox Code Is Still Running

Dec 8, 2009

When I make a comboBox selection from the dropdown menu, the menu stays down until the last statement of the comboBox code is finished. How do I make the dropdown disappear immediately after the selection is made?

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Code Excecution Interrupted Error Using InputBox

Jun 15, 2009

I have been using a specific macro for at least 2 years now without incident...

but today for some reason I am get an error: ....

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Collect/Format Time Via InputBox Code

Sep 2, 2006

Is it possible to get a inputbox to validate an entry as time in the format of HH:MM
ie: user must enter a valid time in the above format before the macro will proceed to the next line of code

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ComboBox Entry Being Retained After Update

Aug 23, 2006

I have problems with updating my ComboBox (old entires remain and keep adding up)- I have built my application from posts on this site

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Dim i As Integer


For i = 3 To 18

Sheets("DiagramAnk").ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets("DiagramAnk"). Cells(1, i).Text


Sheets("DiagramAnk").ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0

End Sub

The code works if I remove the lines .Clear and .ListIndex=0

The list opions runs as Case in ComboBox1_Change()

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