Unknown Characters In Compare Files
Aug 18, 2008
I have two access databases which export results to two excel files. I am trying to compair the two excel files (generated by access databases) to find the common data in the two files. I am using Vlookup function.
The data looks like this
File 1
Serial No Fault
40293 A
40294 B
File 2
Serial No Solution
40293 Procedure 1
40294 Procedure 2
The result should be
Serial No Fault Solution
40293 A Procedure 1
But the column serial no in file 1 has some unknown characters like 40293followed by a small square or a vertical line. The datasource for the access file that generates file 1 is actually a lotus notes database. I think thats what causing this. Is there a solution to clear these spurious characters?
The VLookup function works fine if I manually delete those characters.
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Apr 20, 2009
Using web queries i get in a cell ie:
The last part of these "numbers" (3/4, 1/2, 1/4) is text that i want to convert into numbers (0.75, 0.5, 0.25).
If i isolate this text in a cell (with the right() formula) the code() formula gives 63 as result for all the above texts.
I may solve the problen storing these texts (3/4, 1/2, 1/4) in separate cells (pre-fixed in some cells) and then for my new data (from query) do some search/find .
Is there a better way solving this using a different way-macro?
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Oct 4, 2007
Is it possible to display a dialog box or msgbox that doesnt have an OK button ?
i.e I want a message that comes up on the screen that says "Links Updating...Please Wait" which then automatically changes to "Links Sucessfully Updated" on completion...I dont want the macro to be interrupted by the msgbox/dialog...
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Mar 27, 2008
I have a exel file which has been exported from Access to exel. There are many cells which shows the data as in Cell A1 with the Linefeed character in between data in a cell. Is there any way (may be using a macro) where I can remove the character and get it to display as B1 in the same cell(A1). The file is attached herewith.
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm trying to build a macro to open multiple files at one time that will always be saved in a consistent drive. The problem is that sometimes there will only be one file for a month (ie only at month-end) and other times, there may also be additional files for different dates throughout the month. I wont know ahead of time how many files there will be, but they will always be saved in the same file name type that is "FILE DESCRIPTION MM-DD-YYYY". How can I build a loop that looks for a file on each possible day but doesn't error out if the file doesn't exist?
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Oct 26, 2009
I've been working on a spreadsheet and these forums have been a great help. I'm now at the very last section and, surprise surprise, it's also the hardest!
I'm creating a stock trade recording sheet. I have a userform ask the user to enter a date, a time, the number of stock purchased, and the price of the stock. These are then entered in a new row.
Now what I want to do is have summary cells which say how many stocks were purchased and the total profit made for each day. Since each time is given its own row, I can't know in advance which rows to sum over. I also don't know on which days a trade was made. So a summary cell should only exist if a trade was made that day.
Could I do something like.... check if the date matches then sum over all the values for that date? So if column A has the dates, can I say "Search which rows in column A have this date" then "for those rows, sum column C"?
Also, how would I create a a row for each traded date's summary cell and enter the date in it? I've attached a spreadsheets which manually demonstrates what I want to do (no macros) and a spreadsheet with what I have so far (basic macros).
Any and all help much appreciated, I just need to get my head around creating and dealing with variable ranges. Is that a really advanced task? I don't think this is a one line solution so please bear with me while I make mistakes!
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Jan 4, 2007
I have a series of alpha numerics items in Cells A1:A999 (i.e AB0001 to AB0999). I need to be able to perform a search the range (A1:A999), and extract items that do not conform to the standard AB prefix. Example, an item of BC0001 could be present in the range. I would need to have that item, either highlighted or displayed in a different column.
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Nov 30, 2007
i am attempting to recreate a 1 armed bandit in excel and was wonderin the following.
Is it possible for excel to look at a cell and determine how many of a certain character there are within it?
i.e. if a cell contains 112 can excel work out that there are two 1s and one 2.
I am hoping i can get excel to determine whether the random output is a jackpot or not i.e 3 of the same number.
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Nov 27, 2006
I am using (in Column "B") the formula: =IF(A2=A3."",1), copied down as required, to uniquely identify entries in Column "A". In this instance "10", "10A", "10B" and "10C" located in "A5" through "A11" are viewed as the same. Is it possible to have the formula recognize the enties in "A5:A11" as a unique entry and therfore have "1" entered into cell "B11"? The suffix, if used will always be A thorugh Z.
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Apr 8, 2008
I have two columns that have similar information. I want to copy the unique information from one cell to a third, blank cell. In my case cells d2 and cell e2 are almost identical except cell d2 has addition information. I want to copy that information into cell f2. I have a feeling I am making this harder than it needs to be.
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May 2, 2007
I have 2 xls file what I want to do to compare the 2 files see attachment
On sheet 2 is the main xls ... what I want to compare sheet 2 to sheet 1 and if it's on sheet 2 and sheet 1 if will post the result to sheet 3 pulling all the data to those colum ie
Employee IdInstrument IdQuantity Br Account
95086 Dec 300 511 2046
what has to match is sheet 2 Emp# and Qty to sheet 1 Employee Id
and Quantity
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Jul 9, 2009
I have one xls sheet with employee’s information, at column A I have ID number -called Mater. I have second xls sheet with update employee’s information, at column A i have the same ID number - called update file. I need help with VBA code that update the Master file according to the update file (The ID at column A is the key between the files)and mark with color the update. The file contain more the 20,000 records and with 10 columns.
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Feb 6, 2013
I have a worksheet with five columns (A, B, C, D and E)
The cells in Column B contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
The cells in Column C contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
I want to compare all characters in 1st Cell of Column B with all characters in 1st Cell of Column C, and display the matching characters in 1st Cell of Column D, and the character count of 1st Cell in Column D must be displayed in 1st Cell of Column E. note that multiple instances of the same character must not be treated as duplicates. When execution on 1st Row is finished then repeat procedure for Row 2, etc... Stop execution when first empty cell in Column B is located.
B1 = LJLM12
The script/code/formula must output the following:
D1 = LM2
E1 = 3
D2 = CG4G
E2 = 4
E3 = 4
I am using Excel 2003. Y
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Nov 12, 2009
I want to compare the colour column in book1 to the colour column in book 2. If I find a match I want to take the id from book1 and port them over to book2. How do I go about doing this?
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Oct 1, 2013
i need to compare the data in two different excel files and ask if the data in column A that contains a registration number is the same in both and if not to flag up any that are missing
Is there a macro or command I could use that will do this
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Dec 17, 2008
i need a macro to do a comparison b/w the two given files ...(book1 n book2) ...
n want the result to be like result file .. (result.xls)
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Sep 18, 2007
Here's my first file, a txt file. It's just 1 line:
5 10
Here's my second file. It's an excel file:
Bob 4 20
Joe 5 10
Bill 6 8
I need something that compare's the first number (5) in File 1 with the first number for each person in File 2. The first line in File 2 is just a heading. If Bob's CIQ is greater than 4, I need to issue a net send that says "Net Send bob Alert! Check the montor" Or if Bob's ASA limit of 20 is higher than the second number in File 1, I need the same message to go out to Bob. Same for Joe and Bill.
This seems like it should be simple but I've struggled with this for over a week.
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Aug 15, 2008
I am trying to compare 2 excel files (main and monthly) and append the new records in to the main file that will have several more columns than the monthly file. So the Main file will have all the records of previous months, and will be compared against a new monthly file to make sure only new records are added from the monthly file in all the six sheets. The columns are exactly the same in all the sheets. Except for the main file which as mentioned will have several more columns for other details. How can I do this? I have been searching a lot but couldnt find what I exactly was looking for. As an example I have attached 2 files. obviously the real files have much more data. The second part is how to modify the already existing records in the Main file when same record in Monthly file changes. this is later.
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Jun 3, 2013
I am trying to do a comparison of numbers from two excel files (one with data from Google Analytics and one with data from Ad-words).
I would like to compare data in the two files, and when there is a match (of keywords), the data from google analytics excel file should be copied into the correct row in the spreadsheet with data from google ad-words.
Does it make sense? and is it possible?
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Feb 15, 2010
For the past several days I have been attempting to write a macro, which in theory would check the values within a one- sheet workbook (we’ll call it run_list.xls) against the values in two different workbooks (we’ll call these production.xls, development.xls). However after several days I am nowhere closer to solving this problem then I was when I started. I’ve tried different scripts and variations of vlookup, but I have been unsuccessful in tailoring what I have found to meet my needs. So I feel it is time to lie down and scream for a medic.
Here’s some background on the workbooks. The sheets in all three workbooks are set up in the same manner. Cell “A1” contains time/ date, cell “A2” contains a lot#, cells “A3:A99” contain positioning data, and cells “B3:B99” contain serial numbers associated with tubes in the specific positions. The only differences between the workbooks are the sheets in production.xls and development.xls are labeled according to their specific lot number.
What I have been trying to do is to take a value from cell "B3"in run_list.xls and find where that value occurs in column B either of workbooks. When that value was found I wanted to copy cell "A2" from its sheet and paste that value in cell "D3" of run_list.xls. I had also wanted to repeat that those steps for every cell in column B containing a serial #. If a serial number was not found I wanted it to report “Not Found”. There are also times when instead of a serial number a phrase “No Trakmate” is listed. In these cases I had intended to skip these lines.
Also, since production.xls, development.xls are updated frequently their names are also updated with new version numbers ie. Production_v10.xls I had intended to allow the user to choose what files to search in but was unable to figure out how to add a second location.
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Mar 26, 2014
I need to convert some xlsx files into CSV, but they contain the following foreign languages -
When saving these files as CSV many of the unique characters get changed to a ?
I have tried a few things like using Open Office and saving it as a text CSV and then adjusting the formatting to unicode 8 but it hasn't worked. i am using Excel 2013?
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Jul 24, 2014
I'm trying to compare two very large files to find some that are in one AND also in the other. I'm using =VLOOKUP(C2,Parts2!C:D,1,FALSE) and my results are #N/A for all of them. I have formatted both columns as 'General' because there can be letters and numbers in the serial number, I have also tried formatting as text to no avail. I have confirmed no preceding or trailing spaces or other special characters.
I am however, able to locate values in both documents using Ctrl F. I'm totally puzzled because I've always been able to figure out what's causing my Vlookup issues when I have them but this time I'm not able to.
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Apr 25, 2014
Creating a Macro which compare the Customer ID's present in Column H of Sample1 file with Column B of both Sample1 and Sample2 files.
The Count of Sample1 file should come in Column I and the count of Sample2 file should come in Column J of Sample1 file.
After above steps macro should automatically pick the lowest value (value should be greater than 0, if value is 0 than macro should consider it as blank) from Column I and J and paste it to Column K.
In Sample1 file I had also shown that how the data should look after running the Macro.
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Jun 24, 2014
I need creating a macro which compare the values of "Column B" of attached both "Sample1" and "Sample2" excel files and if any unique value found in Column B of "Sample2" file then the entire row should be get copied in "Sample1" file after row count.
For ex. the rows colored as yellow in "Sample2" file are unique and should be get copied in "Sample1" file.
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Nov 23, 2013
I have to compare data in first sheet of two excel files and have to create a log file to display the logs of comparisons.
First workbook is placed in folder C:/Input/ with name as Input.xlsx and second workbook is placed in folder C:/Output/ with name as Output.xlsx.
I have to compare below cells between input.xlsx and output.xlsx.
Cell "B1" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C4" in output.xlsxCell "B2" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C5" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B3" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C6" in output.xlsxCell "B4" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C7" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B5" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C10" in output.xlsxCell "B6" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C9" in output.xlsx.
[Code] .......
After Comparing, I would like to log all the comparision in a log.csv, if cell "B1" in input file is matching "C4" in output file , say matching and color it green. If not matching, provide mismatch values from both cells and color it in red.
How we can compare 100's of excel files placed in Input and output folder and create one log file as stated above.
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Aug 9, 2012
I have 29 excel files with some number of worksheets from 1 to 4. The name of the worksheets are the same in all the spreadsheets. Then I've a got a pivot table. I have to compare some data (3 columns) from the pivot table to the numbers from all these sheets from 29 excel files.
How to do it in a most efficient way?
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Jan 17, 2012
Is there an Excel formula to remove the spacebar + characters in red, as shown below? I need to be left with only the last name, first name and the semicolon.
Mouse, Mickey ;
Microsoft Outlook has changed the way that email addresses from the global addressbook copy and paste (from version 2003 to version 2010).
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Oct 6, 2008
i need the same result as in table bellow (yellow column)
I need tipe "Voice" if it word conteind in text
I used ( =IF(D8="VOICE*","voice","data") )
But it doesn`t work
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May 13, 2009
I'm trying to use conditional formatting to highlight cells in a column that have less than 8 characters.
I know the LAN function, but I don't know how to make it work for the conditional formatting.
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Jun 23, 2014
is there a way to use LINEST in a way in which the x values are unknown and the y values are known? The opposite of how the function usually runs...?
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