Update Workbook Name In Cell After Save As
Jun 6, 2007
I have a cell which uses part of the name of the workbook. This name is updated everytime I activate the sheet with this code (in the worksheet code section):
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Range("Workbook_Name").Value = ""
If Mid( ActiveWorkbook.Name, 34, 1) > "" Then
Range("Workbook_Name").Value = Mid(ActiveWorkbook.Name, 23, 12)
End If
End Sub
Workbook_Name is a named range for the cell in which I want the truncated portion of the file name to appear.
Is there anyway to trigger an update using vba with the SaveAs event?
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Jun 7, 2013
We are currently utilizing a shared workbook (yes, I've read the inherent problems with this). This workbook needs to automatically save any changes and refresh itself every minute. We are seeking an answer to this goal, perhaps utilizing VBA code ?
We have researched the forums and attempted numerous snippets of VBA code and different settings already available in Excel (ver 2010) without success. And, we have tried using the Advanced Settings (Shared Workbook / Advanced Settings (5 mins)) .... however the display of newly added data is not updated on all viewing terminals unless we close the shared workbook on those viewing terminals and then re-open.
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Sep 28, 2012
I have two workbooks open. I need to "Save As" and close workbook 2 with a file name from a cell in Workbook 1. The macro is running from workbook 1.
I'm guessing a change in the last line. I don't know what Dim means either.
Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String
FPath = "G:"
FName = Sheets("sheet 1").Range("A1").Text
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "" & FName
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Dec 18, 2008
How can I ensure that a cell (A1) is defaulted to the current date each time the file (in which the cell resides) is opened.
A1 is a field of a form in which the user can enter a date. I would like it to default to the current date each time the file is opened.
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Sep 17, 2008
I am trying to save a workbook created by another macro using the value or text from cell A6. I get a runtime error of 1004: Method 'SaveAs' of object'_workbook' failed. Here is the code that I have.
Sub SaveAs()
Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String
FName = ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A6").Text
FPath = "c:ISSignup"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "" & FName & ".xls", _
FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False
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Mar 21, 2013
I have got a master workbook and I have written macro to copy and paste data on another workbook. write a macro to save the new workbook to a file path with a file name where both file name and path are stored in master workbook sheet...
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Jan 15, 2009
Have read a few codes that allow you to automatically save a workbook using the value of a cell as the name of the file.
BUT, I can not find the code to save it if the cell is a date.
The 17/01/2009 wont save due to the forward slash.
Is there anyway within code that I can save the workbook by first removing the slashes?
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Nov 1, 2009
Im trying to create a macro that when i click the button a new workbook is created and saved as the value from C5 cell.
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Jun 10, 2006
When saving a file that has 5 sheets that extend to the right of the users screen, sometimes the left part of the report is left somewhat hidden because the last person to save it was using the part to the far right. Is there a way to move all the active cell to A1 and make sure rows A:D or so are showing?
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Sep 15, 2006
I need to be able to save a workbook by running a marco and it save the file automatically by pulling what ever the value of cell A1 is.
Ex: I want to run the macro and it save my excel workbook in C:Documents as (Value of Cell A1) What code would you put into Visual Basic.
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Dec 3, 2006
what code can be used to be place in a Command Button on a worksheet that will use the value in a cell, change it to the directory where it have to be saved and save it to the value of another cell. Example:
On a worksheet called "Customer", at cel A1 will be the customer's name and at cell A2 will be the asset number. Now let's say a directory does not yet exist on the root for this customer, a new directory must be created in the root directory by using the name in A1, and the workbook must then be copied and saved under the value of A2.
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Dec 3, 2012
I have an expense report, which was originally done in Excel 2003. It still prompts users to open as read only however if they select no, they are not prompted for the password, and it has allowed them to save, so when the next person opens it, they have the previous person's report instead of the clean workbook. I have tried everything to put a password onto it. I know this is really basic stuff, but maybe I am missing a step? I want the end user to be able to make all the changes they want in read only mode and then do a save as, but if the select No when prompted "Open as Read-only?" they should have to put a password in.
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Aug 5, 2013
I'm trying to record a macro that calls up the saveas dialogue and uses a filename from a cell (it's the w/c date). I can start recording the macro, open the dialogue box and copy the contents of the cell but i can't get it to paste as the filname.
What I'm trying to achieve is to allow users of a muli-sheet workbook to be able to click on a 'save' button on any sheet and have the workbook save with a filename which includes the current week commencing date. This way all the weeks changes will be in just one file and from the following monday a new file will be started the the old one left alone as an archive.
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Feb 8, 2008
I'm trying to get Mac OS X Excel VBA to understand this code however the ChDir reference and the filepath seem to be causing problems. I would like to specify in the code where the file should be stored but I did try removing the filepath section altogether but to no avail.
Option Explicit
Sub SvMe()
'Saves filename as value of A1 plus the current date
Dim newFile As String, fName As String
' Don't use "/" in date, invalid syntax
fName = Range("A1").Value
'Change the date format to whatever you'd like, but make sure it's in quotes
newFile = fName & " " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
' Change directory to suit your PC, including USER NAME
ChDir _
"C:Documents and Settings USER NAME Desktop"
ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs Filename:=newFile
End Sub
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Mar 31, 2009
i have a workbook that pulls data from 7 other workbooks based off of 3 criteria. In 6 of the 7 workbooks there are 6 sheets and in the last sheet there are 15sheet. All the sheets are used on different computers and currently the member who use these sheets cant remember to save them so the main workbook can pull the information. So I was hoping for a VB code to do the save for them after they enter any data in the range of A1:J50.
Then for the main work book i was hoping for a VB code to auto update after entering the 3 criteria. I have a marco made but it takes awhile to do it. First it saves the sheet, then pulls the information, then refreshes some pivot table, then populates into the proper cells.
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Aug 27, 2012
I need VBA code for the following - I have a worksheet with seven colums of data (A to G) - I need to copy the first column (A) from the active worksheet then open master workbook called 'master' and paste the data in to column D - then save the 'master' as the name in cell Z1 of the 'master' workbook. Once this has been been completed I need to repeat the process but this time copying column (B) and so on.
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Jul 21, 2009
I am very new to vba and trying to figure out an auto save macro that will automatically save my workbook when a certian cell range is changed. Right now I have a macro set that automactially record the time and date of when a change is made to the name cell, I want to set up a macro that will automatically save the file when the time is updated.
This program is used by several users and they have a tendnecy to forget to save the program so that when other people want to check the updated data nothing has changed because the changes have not been saved. I have attached the file that I am working on. When a change is made in column F then Column G automatically updates, now I want column G to trigger autosave. I would also like a msgbox to appear to tell user that file has been saved.
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Mar 26, 2013
have seen macros that create a seperate sheet & save by tab number etc, & wonder if its possible to save each sheet in a workbook as the value defined in each sheets cell A2. is there a vb macro available to do that ? if so where ?
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Oct 27, 2008
Found this macro in a differant thread for a date stamp in A1. I changed it to C38. Also I have it in the workbook module. It is supposed to update the date stamp on save. I think if the data has been changed or not.
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Apr 2, 2012
All I am trying to do, is read an Excel file looking for the next cell to update, then update it and ultimately save it.
I cannot get it to work - all the checking says it should and yet it doesn't. I have included my simple code but not being a programmer, I just need this to work. The whole Excel VBSCRIPT is a mystery to me as to when methods etc can be used.
here comes the code
Set objXL = CreateObject("excel.application")
Set wbDest = objXL.Workbooks.Open(pathName & xlFile)
Set wksDest = wbDest.Worksheets("SpeedLog")
xlFindColCount = 1
Do Until wksDest.Cells(1, xlFindColCount).value = ""
xlFindColCount = xlFindColCount + 1
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Jul 17, 2014
I am working with multiple workbooks with several tabs in each one. I need the forumula to update the "sheet name" from the source workbook even if the destination workbook is closed.
this is a portion of the forumula I am working with:
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Jul 31, 2009
I have figured out how to save the workbook using a variable to saveas but I would like to create a new folder to place the new workbook into. I have tried a few things a am not having any luck. I recorded a macro and the code it produced is as follows.
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Feb 11, 2013
Using the developer tab I inserted an Active X combo box. Under properties I referenced a 'linked cell' that I want the data to appear in. This box works great as long as I keep the sheet open. Once I save and close the workbook and re-open, that reference is lost. It shows #REF! in that field. Why does it lose the reference? I have tried to reference a cell on the same sheet as well as a cell in a different sheet and it keeps the sheet name but not the individual cell.
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Mar 27, 2014
In order to do the tests, I'm using 2 simplified workbooks (test_copy and test_paste).
What I'd like to be able to do, once I click a button UPLOAD (creating the button isn't the problem), is to go to the first cell from workbook test_copy, check if that code is already on test_paste and if not add it to the bottom of the list, repeating the same cycle for each code on the workbook test_copy.
The orders of the codes might change on both workbooks differently depending on the way the columns are sorted. That is why I believe that for each code in test_copy I need to check the entire column in test_paste to check if the code already exists.
At the end of the routine, on the example below, we would have the codes 2670, 2676 and 2626 added to the end of the list on test_paste.
Excel 2012
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May 21, 2008
I have a number of spreadsheets in a folder called country (each sheet is the name of a region). These sheets are linked to another sheet called master which is in another folder.
The regional sheets all have a list of wrap codes and pull details specific to each code from the master sheet. All wrap codes for all sheets are stored in the master, details for wrpas are manually entered here as well as any other associated information.
The link is kept by way of an index match formula used to populate information from the master for all wrap codes in the regional sheet.
Each of the regional sheets act as a report for a specific region and the master is the main source. Every week we need to open the regional sheets (some reside in different folders/subfolders) update the index match formulas in the sheet so that the data is refreshed and then save as a new file with data as values to another folder for reporting.
I am looking for a code that can automatically update all of the excel sheets in a given folder and then save them to a new folder automatically.
I have very very limited knowledge of VB (did make a hello world dialog box once) and am stuck as to any way to automate this process.
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Apr 5, 2007
I have a update/Save button on a spreadsheet. So when clicked it updates another sheet and saves the workbook.
how can i have it run the macro when they don't click the button and do
File -> Save.
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Jun 17, 2014
I have been trying to edit a code which previously saved a copy in a new workbook to a specific folder/path. (Additionally it copies and clears some figures, but this is working as it should.)
However I would like the copy to be saved at the same location as the original workbook, regardless of the path the original workbook is saved.
I.e if I need to move the workbook containing the code to a new folder/location, when using the macro, the new copy should be stored in the same folder/location as the original one.
For now it is only saving the copy into "My Documents"
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 16-02-2009 by ceng
Sheets("Bunker ROB").Select
Sheets("Bunker ROB").Copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Path & Range("D3"), _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False
[Code] ........
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm trying to find a way to save a single sheet of an excel workbook and in the same process delete all vba code and shapes from the new single sheet workbook. I was looking around and found this code which does save only the single sheet to a new one sheet workbook but doesn't delete the vba and shape that I have used to assign macros to in the original.
Sub SaveSheetAsNewBook()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim InitFileName As String
Dim fileSaveName As String
Dim wshape As Shape
InitFileName = ThisWorkbook.Path & Format(Date, "mm.dd.yy")
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Oct 18, 2013
Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15
So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.
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Jul 17, 2013
I have 1150 workbooks with two sheets each. The workbooks are all named with employee names (SNUFFY,JOE.xlsx etc). The sheets in each workbook are for different years. Both sheets in each workbook are set up the same. The only differences are the values in cells. I just made another workbook where column A is a list of all 1150 employee names (SNUFFY,JOE etc). I want column B for each employee to show the values in say sheet 1 cell G1 of that employee's individual workbook, and column C to show the value in sheet 2 cell G1. How do I make that happen?
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